Specify difficulty adjustment.

Signed-off-by: Daira Hopwood <daira@jacaranda.org>
This commit is contained in:
Daira Hopwood 2017-01-20 02:36:58 +00:00
parent b1186b35a3
commit da7c5d9352
1 changed files with 158 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -122,6 +122,12 @@
% We just want one ampersand symbol from boisik.
\DeclareFontFamily{U}{bskma}{\skewchar\font130 }
@ -326,6 +332,18 @@
\newcommand{\caseif}{\squash\text{if }}
\newcommand{\dontcare}{\kern -0.06em\raisebox{0.1ex}{\footnotesize{$\times$}}}
@ -346,11 +364,14 @@
@ -503,7 +524,23 @@
\newcommand{\slowStartPeriod}{\term{slow-start period}}
\newcommand{\halvingInterval}{\term{halving interval}}
\newcommand{\targetThreshold}{\term{target threshold}}
\newcommand{\targetThresholds}{\term{target thresholds}}
@ -845,6 +882,8 @@ The notation $\typeexp{T}{\ell}$, where $T$ is a type and $\ell$ is an integer,
means the type of sequences of length $\ell$ with elements in $T$. For example,
$\bitseq{\ell}$ means the set of sequences of $\ell$ bits.
The notation $\length(S)$ means the length of (number of elements in) $S$.
The notation $T \subseteq U$ indicates that $T$ is an inclusive subset or subtype of $U$.
$\byteseqs$ means the set of bit sequences constrained to be of length
@ -882,6 +921,9 @@ concatenating the elements of $S$ viewed as bit sequences. If the
elements of $S$ are byte sequences, they are converted to bit sequences
with the \emph{most significant} bit of each byte first.
The notation $\sorted(S)$ means the sequence formed by sorting the elements
of $S$.
The notation $\GF{n}$ means the finite field with $n$ elements, and
$\GFstar{n}$ means its group under multiplication.
$\GF{n}[z]$ means the ring of polynomials over $z$ with coefficients
@ -897,7 +939,8 @@ $b$ an integer, means the result of raising $a$ to the exponent $b$.
The notation $a \bmod q$, for $a \typecolon \Nat$ and $q \typecolon \PosInt$,
means the remainder on dividing $a$ by $q$.
The notation $a \xor b$ means the bitwise exclusive-or of $a$ and $b$,
The notation $a \xor b$ means the bitwise-exclusive-or of $a$ and $b$,
and $a \band b$ means the bitwise-and of $a$ and $b$. These are
defined either on integers or bit sequences according to context.
The notation $\vsum{i=1}{\mathrm{N}} a_i$ means the sum of $a_{\allN{}}$.\;
@ -910,16 +953,20 @@ sequences of integers.
The notation $\floor{x}$ means the largest integer $\leq x$.
$\ceiling{x}$ means the smallest integer $\geq x$.
The notation $\bitlength(x)$, for $x \typecolon \Nat$, means the smallest integer
$\ell$ such that $2^\ell > x$.
The symbol $\bot$ is used to indicate unavailable information or a failed decryption.
The following integer constants will be instantiated in \crossref{constants}:
$\MerkleDepth$, $\NOld$, $\NNew$, $\MerkleHashLength$, $\hSigLength$,
$\PRFOutputLength$, $\NoteCommitRandLength$, $\RandomSeedLength$, $\AuthPrivateLength$,
$\NoteAddressPreRandLength$, $\MAXMONEY$, $\SlowStartInterval$, $\HalvingInterval$,
$\MaxBlockSubsidy$, $\NumFounderAddresses$.
$\MaxBlockSubsidy$, $\NumFounderAddresses$, $\PoWLimit$, $\PoWAveragingWindow$,
$\PoWMedianBlockSpan$, $\PoWDampingFactor$, $\PoWTargetSpacing$.
The bit sequence constant $\Uncommitted \typecolon \bitseq{\MerkleHashLength}$
and the rational constant $\FoundersFraction \typecolon \Rat$ will also be defined
in that section.
and the rational constants $\FoundersFraction$, $\PoWMaxAdjustDown$, and
$\PoWMaxAdjustUp$ will also be defined in that section.
@ -2031,6 +2078,16 @@ Define:
\item $\MaxBlockSubsidy \typecolon \Nat := 1.25 \mult 10^9$ (\zatoshi)
\item $\NumFounderAddresses \typecolon \Nat := 48$
\item $\FoundersFraction \typecolon \Rat := \frac{1}{5}$
\item $\PoWLimit \typecolon \Nat := \begin{cases}
2^{243} - 1,&\squash\text{for the production network} \\
2^{251} - 1,&\squash\text{for the test network}
\item $\PoWAveragingWindow \typecolon \Nat := 17$
\item $\PoWMedianBlockSpan \typecolon \Nat := 11$
\item $\PoWMaxAdjustDown \typecolon \Rat := \frac{32}{100}$
\item $\PoWMaxAdjustUp \typecolon \Rat := \frac{16}{100}$
\item $\PoWDampingFactor \typecolon \Nat := 4$
\item $\PoWTargetSpacing \typecolon \Nat := 150$ (seconds).
@ -3043,8 +3100,13 @@ started hashing the \header (according to the miner). \\ \hline
Let $\ThresholdBits$ be as defined in \crossref{diffadjustment}, and let $\PoWMedianBlockSpan$
be the constant defined in \crossref{constants}.
\item The \blockVersionNumber{} \MUST be 4.
\item For a \block at \blockHeight $\BlockHeight$, \nBitsField{} \MUST be equal to
\item The \block{} \MUST pass the difficulty filter defined in \crossref{difficulty}.
\item \solution{} \MUST represent a valid Equihash solution as defined in \crossref{equihash}.
\item \nTimeField{} \MUST be strictly greater than the median time of the previous
@ -3221,8 +3283,17 @@ ordering of bits in the solution encoding would require bit-reversal
\nsubsubsection{Difficulty filter} \label{difficulty}
Let $\ToTarget$ be as defined in \crossref{nbits}.
Difficulty is defined in terms of a \targetThreshold, which is adjusted for each
\block according to the algorithm defined in \crossref{diffadjustment}.
The difficulty filter is unchanged from \Bitcoin, and is calculated using
\SHAd on the whole \blockHeader (including $\solutionSize$ and $\solution$).
The result is interpreted as a 256-bit integer represented in little-endian
byte order, which \MUST be less than or equal to the \targetThreshold given by
\nsubsubsection{Difficulty adjustment} \label{diffadjustment}
@ -3231,9 +3302,89 @@ with simplifications and altered parameters, to adjust difficulty to target
the desired 2.5-minute block time.
Unlike \Bitcoin, the difficulty adjustment occurs after every block.
\todo{Describe the algorithm.}
The constants $\PoWLimit$, $\PoWAveragingWindow$, $\PoWMaxAdjustDown$, $\PoWMaxAdjustUp$,
$\PoWDampingFactor$, and $\PoWTargetSpacing$ are instantiated in \crossref{constants}.
Let $\ToCompact$ and $\ToTarget$ be as defined in \crossref{nbits}.
Let $\nTime(\BlockHeight)$ be the value of the $\nTimeField$ field in the \header of the
\block at \blockHeight $\BlockHeight$.
Let $\nBits(\BlockHeight)$ be the value of the $\nBitsField$ field in the \header of the
\block at \blockHeight $\BlockHeight$.
\Blockheader fields are specified in \crossref{blockheader}.
\item $\mean(S) := \left( \vsum{i=1}{\length(S)} S_i \right) \raisebox{-0.4ex}{\scalebox{1.4}{/\,}} \length(S)$.
\item $\median(S) := \sorted(S)_{\ceiling{\length(S) / 2}}$
\item $\clamp{\Lower}{\Upper}(x) := \maximum(\Lower, \minimum(\Upper, x)))$
\item $\trunc{x} := \begin{cases}
\floor{x},&\caseif x \geq 0 \\
\item $\AveragingWindowTimespan := \PoWAveragingWindow \mult \PoWTargetSpacing$
\item $\MinActualTimespan := \floor{\AveragingWindowTimespan \mult (1 - \PoWMaxAdjustUp)}$
\item $\MaxActualTimespan := \floor{\AveragingWindowTimespan \mult (1 + \PoWMaxAdjustDown)}$
\item $\MedianTime(\BlockHeight) := \median(\listcomp{\nTime(i) \for i \from
\maximum(0, \BlockHeight - \PoWMedianBlockSpan) \upto \BlockHeight - 1})$
\item $\ActualTimespan(\BlockHeight) := \MedianTime(\BlockHeight) - \MedianTime(\BlockHeight - \PoWAveragingWindow)$
\item $\ActualTimespanDamped(\BlockHeight) := \AveragingWindowTimespan + \trunc{\scalebox{0.98}{\hfrac{\ActualTimespan(\BlockHeight) - \AveragingWindowTimespan}{\PoWDampingFactor}}}$
\item $\ActualTimespanClamped(\BlockHeight) := \clamp{\MinActualTimespan}{\MaxActualTimespan}(\ActualTimespanDamped(\BlockHeight))$
\item $\MeanTarget(\BlockHeight) := \begin{cases}
\PoWLimit, \hspace{16em}\text{if } \BlockHeight \leq \PoWAveragingWindow \\
\mean(\listcomp{\ToTarget(\nBits(i)) \for i \from \BlockHeight - \PoWAveragingWindow \upto \BlockHeight - 1}),\\
The \targetThreshold for a given \blockHeight $\BlockHeight$ is then calculated as:
\item $\Threshold(\BlockHeight) \hspace{0.43em} := \hspace{0.43em} \begin{cases}
\PoWLimit, \hspace{16em}\text{if } \BlockHeight = 0 \\
\minimum(\PoWLimit, \floor{\hfrac{\MeanTarget(\BlockHeight)}{\AveragingWindowTimespan}}
\mult \ActualTimespanClamped(\BlockHeight)),\\
\item $\ThresholdBits(\BlockHeight) := \ToCompact(\Threshold(\BlockHeight))$.
The convention used for the height parameters to $\MedianTime$, $\ActualTimespan$,
$\ActualTimespanDamped$, $\ActualTimespanClamped$, $\MeanTarget$, $\Threshold$, and
$\ThresholdBits$ is that these functions use only information from \blocks \emph{preceding}
the given \blockHeight.
\nsubsubsection{nBits conversion} \label{nbits}
Deterministic conversions between a \targetThreshold and a ``compact" nBits value are not
fully defined in the Bitcoin documentation \cite{Bitcoin-nBits}, and so we define them here:
\item $\size(x) := \ceiling{\hfrac{\bitlength(x)}{8}}$
\item $\mantissa(x) := \floor{x \mult 256^{3 - \size(x)}}$
\item $\ToCompact(x) := \begin{cases}
\mantissa(x) + 2^{24} \mult \size(x),&\caseif \mantissa(x) < 2^{23} \\
\floor{\hfrac{\mantissa(x)}{256}} + 2^{24} \mult (\size(x)+1),&\caseotherwise
\item $\ToTarget(x) := \begin{cases}
0,&\caseif x \band 2^{23} = 2^{23} \\
(x \band (2^{23}-1)) \mult 256^{\floor{x / 2^{24}} - 3},&\caseotherwise.
\nsubsection{Calculation of Block Subsidy and Founders' Reward} \label{subsidies}
\crossref{subsidyconcepts} defines the \blockSubsidy, \minerSubsidy, and \foundersReward.
@ -3860,6 +4011,7 @@ The errors in the proof of Ledger Indistinguishability mentioned in
\item Specify the difficulty adjustment algorithm.
\item Clarify some definitions of fields in a \blockHeader.
\item Define $\PRFaddr{}$ in \crossref{keycomponents}.