More Orchard WIP.

Signed-off-by: Daira Hopwood <>
This commit is contained in:
Daira Hopwood 2021-03-15 16:16:40 +00:00
parent e62d57959e
commit dae8852187
2 changed files with 344 additions and 278 deletions

View File

@ -454,6 +454,12 @@
% We just want one fivedots symbol from MnSymbol.
% $v$ is too close to $u$.
% <>
@ -1253,6 +1259,7 @@ electronic commerce and payment, financial privacy, proof of work, zero knowledg
@ -1862,6 +1869,7 @@ electronic commerce and payment, financial privacy, proof of work, zero knowledg
@ -8029,6 +8037,7 @@ Let $k := 10$.
Let $c$ be the largest integer such that $2^n \leq \hfrac{\ParamP{r}-1}{2}$,
i.e.\ $c := 253$.
Define $\SinsemillaGenInit \typecolon \byteseqs \rightarrow \GroupPstar$ and
$\SinsemillaGenBase \typecolon \binaryrange{k} \rightarrow \GroupPstar$ by:
@ -8037,6 +8046,21 @@ $\SinsemillaGenBase \typecolon \binaryrange{k} \rightarrow \GroupPstar$ by:
$\SinsemillaGenBase(j)$ &$:= \GroupPHash\!\big(\ascii{}, \LEBStoOSPOf{32}{\ItoLEBSPOf{32}{j}}\kern-0.25em\big)$.
Define $\incompleteadd \typecolon \GroupP \times \GroupP \rightarrow \maybe{\GroupP}$ as incomplete addition on the \Pallas curve:
\begin{tabular}{@{\hskip 1.5em}r@{\;}l@{\;}l@{\;}l}
$\ZeroP$ &$\incompleteadd$ &$\ZeroP$ &$= \bot$ \\
$\ZeroP$ &$\incompleteadd$ &$(x', y')$ &$= \bot$ \\
$(x, y)$ &$\incompleteadd$ &$\ZeroP$ &$= \bot$ \\
$(x, y)$ &$\incompleteadd$ &$(x', y')$ &$= \begin{cases}
\bot, &\caseif x = x' \\
(x, y) + (x', y'), &\caseotherwise\text{.}
Define $\SinsemillaHashToPoint(D \typecolon \byteseqs, M \typecolon \bitseq{\range{0}{k \mult c}}) \rightarrow \GroupP$ as follows:
@ -8046,7 +8070,8 @@ Define $\SinsemillaHashToPoint(D \typecolon \byteseqs, M \typecolon \bitseq{\ran
each of length $k$ bits, so that $M' = \concatbits(M_\barerange{1}{n})$.
\item let mutable $\Acc := \SinsemillaGenInit(D)$
\item for $i$ from $1$ up to $n$:
\item \tab set $\Acc := \scalarmult{2}{\Acc} + \SinsemillaGenBase(\LEBStoIP{k}(M_i))$
\item \tab set $\Acc := \Big(\Acc \incompleteadd \SinsemillaGenBase\big(\LEBStoIP{k}(M_i)\kern-0.1em\big)\kern-0.15em\Big) \incompleteadd \Acc$
\item \blank
\item return $\Acc$.
@ -8059,7 +8084,7 @@ Finally, define $\SinsemillaHash \typecolon \byteseqs \times \bitseq{\range{0}{k
\item $\SinsemillaHash(D, M) := \ExtractP\big(\SinsemillaHashToPoint\Of{D, M}\kern-0.1em\big)$.
See \todo{...} for rationale and efficient circuit implementation of these functions.
See \cite[section TODO ``Sinsemilla'']{Zcash-Orchard} for rationale and efficient circuit implementation of these functions.
$\SinsemillaHash$ and $\SinsemillaHashToPoint$ are required to be \collisionResistant
@ -8100,7 +8125,7 @@ $\SinsemillaHashToPoint$ could return $\ZeroP$.}
} %orchard
\lsubsubsubsection{\PoseidonHashText{} Function}{poseidonhash}
@ -8165,7 +8190,7 @@ is specified as:
on the \Pallas curve, even if the $\Poseidon$-based PRF were distinguishable from
an ideal PRF.
%} %orchard
} %orchard
@ -9300,7 +9325,7 @@ instantiated as follows using $\SinsemillaCommitAlg$:
\item $\CommitIvk{\CommitIvkRand}(\AuthSignPublicX, \NullifierKey) :=
\ItoLEBSP{\ScalarLength{Orchard}}(\AuthSignPublicRepr) \bconcat \ItoLEBSP{\ScalarLength{Orchard}}\NullifierKeyRepr\right)$
\ItoLEBSP{\ScalarLength{Orchard}}(\AuthSignPublicRepr) \bconcat \ItoLEBSP{\ScalarLength{Orchard}}\NullifierKeyRepr\right) \mod{\ParamP{r}}$
\item $\CommitIvkGenTrapdoor()$ generates the uniform distribution on $\GF{\ParamP{r}}$.
@ -10492,7 +10517,9 @@ for example), and requirements specific to Bitcoin's Segwit addresses.}
\lsubsubsection{Transparent Addresses}{transparentaddrencoding}
\lsubsubsection{Transparent Encodings}{transparentencodings}
\lsubsubsubsection{Transparent Addresses}{transparentaddrencoding}
\defining{\xTransparentAddresses} are either P2SH (Pay to Script Hash) addresses \cite{BIP-13}
or P2PKH (Pay to Public Key Hash) addresses \cite{Bitcoin-P2PKH}.
@ -10553,13 +10580,15 @@ The \rawEncoding of a P2PKH address consists of:
\lsubsubsection{Transparent Private Keys}{transparentkeyencoding}
\lsubsubsubsection{Transparent Private Keys}{transparentkeyencoding}
These are encoded in the same way as in \Bitcoin \cite{Bitcoin-Base58},
for both \Mainnet and \Testnet.
\lsubsubsection{\SproutText{} Payment Addresses}{sproutpaymentaddrencoding}
\lsubsubsection{\SproutText{} Encodings}{sproutencodings}
\lsubsubsubsection{\SproutText{} Payment Addresses}{sproutpaymentaddrencoding}
Let $\KA{Sprout}$ be as defined in \crossref{concretesproutkeyagreement}.
@ -10602,91 +10631,10 @@ For addresses on \Mainnet, the lead bytes and encoded length
cause the first two characters of the Base58Check encoding to be fixed as
\ascii{zc}. For \Testnet, the first two characters are fixed as
} %pnote
\lsubsubsection{\SaplingText{} Payment Addresses}{saplingpaymentaddrencoding}
Let $\KA{Sapling}$ be as defined in \crossref{concretesaplingkeyagreement}.
A \Sapling{} \defining{\paymentAddress} consists of $\Diversifier \typecolon \DiversifierType$
and $\DiversifiedTransmitPublic \typecolon \KAPublicPrimeSubgroup{Sapling}$.
$\DiversifiedTransmitPublic$ is an encoding of a $\KA{Sapling}$ \publicKey of type
$\KAPublicPrimeSubgroup{Sapling}$, for use with the encryption scheme defined in
\crossref{saplinginband}. $\Diversifier$~is a sequence of $11$ bytes.
These components are derived as described in \crossref{saplingkeycomponents}.
The \rawEncoding of a \Sapling \paymentAddress consists of:
\sbitbox{256}{$\LEBStoOSPOf{256}{\reprJ\Of{\DiversifiedTransmitPublic}\kern 0.05em}$}
\item $11$ bytes specifying $\Diversifier$.
\item $32$ bytes specifying the \ctEdwardsCompressedEncoding of
$\DiversifiedTransmitPublic$ (see \crossref{jubjub}).
When decoding the representation of $\DiversifiedTransmitPublic$, the address \MUST be
considered invalid if $\abstJ$ returns $\bot$ or if the resulting $\DiversifiedTransmitPublic$
is not in the prime-order subgroup $\SubgroupJ$.
\nnote{\zcashd currently (as of version 3.1.0) does not fully conform to this requirement on
address validation when importing \paymentAddresses.}
For addresses on \Mainnet, the \defining{\humanReadablePart} (as defined in \cite{ZIP-173}) is \ascii{zs}.
For addresses on \Testnet, the \humanReadablePart is \ascii{ztestsapling}.
} %sapling
\lsubsubsection{\OrchardText{} Payment Addresses}{orchardpaymentaddrencoding}
Let $\KA{Orchard}$ be as defined in \crossref{concreteorchardkeyagreement}.
An \Orchard{} \defining{\paymentAddress} consists of $\Diversifier \typecolon \DiversifierType$
and $\DiversifiedTransmitPublic \typecolon \KAPublic{Orchard}$.
$\DiversifiedTransmitPublic$ is an encoding of a $\KA{Orchard}$ \publicKey of type
$\KAPublic{Orchard}$, for use with the encryption scheme defined in \crossref{saplingandorchardinband}.
$\Diversifier$~is a sequence of $11$ bytes. These components are derived as described in
The \rawEncoding of an \Orchard \paymentAddress consists of:
\sbitbox{256}{$\LEBStoOSPOf{256}{\reprP\Of{\DiversifiedTransmitPublic}\kern 0.05em}$}
\item $11$ bytes specifying $\Diversifier$.
\item $32$ bytes specifying the \swCompressedEncoding of
$\DiversifiedTransmitPublic$ (see \crossref{pallasandvesta}).
When decoding the representation of $\DiversifiedTransmitPublic$, the address \MUST be
considered invalid if $\abstP$ returns $\bot$.
For addresses on \Mainnet, the \defining{\humanReadablePart} (as defined in \cite{ZIP-173}) is \ascii{zo}.
For addresses on \Testnet, the \humanReadablePart is \ascii{ztestorchard}.
} %orchard
\lsubsubsection{\SproutText{} Incoming Viewing Keys}{sproutinviewingkeyencoding}
\lsubsubsubsection{\SproutText{} Incoming Viewing Keys}{sproutinviewingkeyencoding}
Let $\KA{Sprout}$ be as defined in \crossref{concretesproutkeyagreement}.
@ -10741,158 +10689,7 @@ cause the first four characters of the Base58Check encoding to be fixed as
\ascii{ZiVt}.}} %changed
\lsubsubsection{\SaplingText{} Incoming Viewing Keys}{saplinginviewingkeyencoding}
Let $\KA{Sapling}$ be as defined in \crossref{concretesaplingkeyagreement}.
Let $\InViewingKeyLength{Sapling}$ be as defined in \crossref{constants}.
A \Sapling{} \defining{\incomingViewingKey} consists of $\InViewingKey \typecolon \InViewingKeyTypeSapling$.
$\InViewingKey$ is a $\KAPrivate{Sapling}$ key (restricted to $\InViewingKeyLength{Sapling}$ bits),
derived as described in \crossref{saplingkeycomponents}.
It is used with the encryption scheme defined in \crossref{saplinginband}.
The \rawEncoding of a \Sapling \incomingViewingKey consists of:
\sbitbox{256}{$256$-bit $\InViewingKey$}
\item $32$ bytes (little-endian) specifying $\InViewingKey$, padded with zeros in the most
significant bits.
$\InViewingKey$ \MUST be in the range $\InViewingKeyTypeSapling$ as specified
in \crossref{saplingkeycomponents}. That is, a decoded \incomingViewingKey \MUST be
considered invalid if $\InViewingKey$ is not in this range.
For \incomingViewingKeys on \Mainnet, the \humanReadablePart is \ascii{zivks}.
For \incomingViewingKeys on \Testnet, the \humanReadablePart is \ascii{zivktestsapling}.
} %sapling
\lsubsubsection{\OrchardText{} Incoming Viewing Keys}{orchardinviewingkeyencoding}
Let $\KA{Orchard}$ be as defined in \crossref{concreteorchardkeyagreement}.
An \Orchard{} \defining{\incomingViewingKey} consists of $\InViewingKey \typecolon \InViewingKeyTypeOrchard$.
$\InViewingKey$ is a $\KAPrivate{Orchard}$ key (restricted to the range $\range{0}{\ParamP{q}-1}$),
derived as described in \crossref{orchardkeycomponents}.
It is used with the encryption scheme defined in \crossref{saplingandorchardinband}.
The \rawEncoding of an \Orchard \incomingViewingKey consists of:
\sbitbox{256}{$256$-bit $\InViewingKey$}
\item $32$ bytes (little-endian) specifying $\InViewingKey$, padded with zeros in the most
significant bits.
$\InViewingKey$ \MUST be in the range $\InViewingKeyTypeOrchard$ as specified
in \crossref{orchardkeycomponents}. That is, a decoded \incomingViewingKey \MUST be
considered invalid if $\InViewingKey$ is not in this range.
For \incomingViewingKeys on \Mainnet, the \humanReadablePart is \ascii{zivko}.
For \incomingViewingKeys on \Testnet, the \humanReadablePart is \ascii{zivktestorchard}.
} %orchard
\lsubsubsection{\SaplingText{} Full Viewing Keys}{saplingfullviewingkeyencoding}
Let $\KA{Sapling}$ be as defined in \crossref{concretesaplingkeyagreement}.
A \Sapling{} \defining{\fullViewingKey} consists of $\AuthSignPublic \typecolon \SubgroupJstar$,
$\NullifierKey \typecolon \SubgroupJ$, and $\OutViewingKey \typecolon \byteseq{\OutViewingKeyLength/8}$.
$\AuthSignPublic$ and $\NullifierKey$ are points on the \jubjubCurve
(see \crossref{jubjub}). They are derived as described in \crossref{saplingkeycomponents}.
The \rawEncoding of a \Sapling \fullViewingKey consists of:
\sbitbox{256}{$\LEBStoOSPOf{256}{\reprJ\Of{\AuthSignPublic}\kern 0.05em}$}
\sbitbox{256}{$\LEBStoOSPOf{256}{\reprJ\Of{\NullifierKey}\kern 0.05em}$}
\sbitbox{256}{$32$-byte $\OutViewingKey$}
\item $32$ bytes specifying the \ctEdwardsCompressedEncoding of $\AuthSignPublic$
(see \crossref{jubjub}).
\item $32$ bytes specifying the \ctEdwardsCompressedEncoding of $\NullifierKey$.
\item $32$ bytes specifying the \outgoingViewingKey $\OutViewingKey$.
When decoding this representation, the key \MUST be considered invalid if $\abstJ$ returns $\bot$
for either $\AuthSignPublic$ or $\NullifierKey$, or if $\AuthSignPublic \notin \SubgroupJstar$,
or if $\NullifierKey \notin \SubgroupJ$.
For \incomingViewingKeys on \Mainnet, the \humanReadablePart is \ascii{zviews}.
For \incomingViewingKeys on \Testnet, the \humanReadablePart is \ascii{zviewtestsapling}.
\lsubsubsection{\OrchardText{} Full Viewing Keys}{orchardfullviewingkeyencoding}
Let $\KA{Orchard}$ be as defined in \crossref{concreteorchardkeyagreement}.
An \Orchard{} \defining{\fullViewingKey} consists of $\AuthSignPublic \typecolon \GroupPstar$,
$\NullifierKey \typecolon \NullifierKeyTypeOrchard$, and $\OutViewingKey \typecolon \byteseq{\OutViewingKeyLength/8}$.
$\AuthSignPublic$ and $\NullifierKey$ are points on the \jubjubCurve
(see \crossref{jubjub}). They are derived as described in \crossref{saplingkeycomponents}.
The \rawEncoding of a \Sapling \fullViewingKey consists of:
\sbitbox{256}{$\LEBStoOSPOf{256}{\reprJ\Of{\AuthSignPublic}\kern 0.05em}$}
\sbitbox{256}{$\LEBStoOSPOf{256}{\reprJ\Of{\NullifierKey}\kern 0.05em}$}
\sbitbox{256}{$32$-byte $\OutViewingKey$}
\item $32$ bytes specifying the \ctEdwardsCompressedEncoding of $\AuthSignPublic$
(see \crossref{jubjub}).
\item $32$ bytes specifying the \ctEdwardsCompressedEncoding of $\NullifierKey$.
\item $32$ bytes specifying the \outgoingViewingKey $\OutViewingKey$.
When decoding this representation, the key \MUST be considered invalid if $\abstJ$ returns $\bot$
for either $\AuthSignPublic$ or $\NullifierKey$, or if $\AuthSignPublic \notin \SubgroupJstar$,
or if $\NullifierKey \notin \SubgroupJ$.
For \incomingViewingKeys on \Mainnet, the \humanReadablePart is \ascii{zviews}.
For \incomingViewingKeys on \Testnet, the \humanReadablePart is \ascii{zviewtestsapling}.
\lsubsubsection{\SproutText{} Spending Keys}{sproutspendingkeyencoding}
\lsubsubsubsection{\SproutText{} Spending Keys}{sproutspendingkeyencoding}
A \Sprout{} \defining{\spendingKey} consists of $\AuthPrivate$, which is a sequence of
\changed{$252$} bits (see \crossref{sproutkeycomponents}).
@ -10941,7 +10738,128 @@ The zero padding occupies the most significant 4 bits of the third byte.
\lsubsubsection{\SaplingText{} Spending Keys}{saplingspendingkeyencoding}
\lsubsubsection{\SaplingText{} Encodings}{saplingencodings}
\lsubsubsubsection{\SaplingText{} Payment Addresses}{saplingpaymentaddrencoding}
Let $\KA{Sapling}$ be as defined in \crossref{concretesaplingkeyagreement}.
A \Sapling{} \defining{\paymentAddress} consists of $\Diversifier \typecolon \DiversifierType$
and $\DiversifiedTransmitPublic \typecolon \KAPublicPrimeSubgroup{Sapling}$.
$\DiversifiedTransmitPublic$ is an encoding of a $\KA{Sapling}$ \publicKey of type
$\KAPublicPrimeSubgroup{Sapling}$, for use with the encryption scheme defined in
\crossref{saplinginband}. $\Diversifier$~is a sequence of $11$ bytes.
These components are derived as described in \crossref{saplingkeycomponents}.
The \rawEncoding of a \Sapling \paymentAddress consists of:
\sbitbox{256}{$\LEBStoOSPOf{256}{\reprJ\Of{\DiversifiedTransmitPublic}\kern 0.05em}$}
\item $11$ bytes specifying $\Diversifier$.
\item $32$ bytes specifying the \ctEdwardsCompressedEncoding of
$\DiversifiedTransmitPublic$ (see \crossref{jubjub}).
When decoding the representation of $\DiversifiedTransmitPublic$, the address \MUST be
considered invalid if $\abstJ$ returns $\bot$ or if the resulting $\DiversifiedTransmitPublic$
is not in the prime-order subgroup $\SubgroupJ$.
\nnote{\zcashd currently (as of version 3.1.0) does not fully conform to this requirement on
address validation when importing \paymentAddresses.}
For addresses on \Mainnet, the \defining{\humanReadablePart} (as defined in \cite{ZIP-173}) is \ascii{zs}.
For addresses on \Testnet, the \humanReadablePart is \ascii{ztestsapling}.
} %sapling
\lsubsubsubsection{\SaplingText{} Incoming Viewing Keys}{saplinginviewingkeyencoding}
Let $\KA{Sapling}$ be as defined in \crossref{concretesaplingkeyagreement}.
Let $\InViewingKeyLength{Sapling}$ be as defined in \crossref{constants}.
A \Sapling{} \defining{\incomingViewingKey} consists of $\InViewingKey \typecolon \InViewingKeyTypeSapling$.
$\InViewingKey$ is a $\KAPrivate{Sapling}$ key (restricted to $\InViewingKeyLength{Sapling}$ bits),
derived as described in \crossref{saplingkeycomponents}.
It is used with the encryption scheme defined in \crossref{saplinginband}.
The \rawEncoding of a \Sapling \incomingViewingKey consists of:
\sbitbox{256}{$256$-bit $\InViewingKey$}
\item $32$ bytes (little-endian) specifying $\InViewingKey$, padded with zeros in the most
significant bits.
$\InViewingKey$ \MUST be in the range $\InViewingKeyTypeSapling$ as specified
in \crossref{saplingkeycomponents}. That is, a decoded \incomingViewingKey \MUST be
considered invalid if $\InViewingKey$ is not in this range.
For \incomingViewingKeys on \Mainnet, the \humanReadablePart is \ascii{zivks}.
For \incomingViewingKeys on \Testnet, the \humanReadablePart is \ascii{zivktestsapling}.
} %sapling
\lsubsubsubsection{\SaplingText{} Full Viewing Keys}{saplingfullviewingkeyencoding}
Let $\KA{Sapling}$ be as defined in \crossref{concretesaplingkeyagreement}.
A \Sapling{} \defining{\fullViewingKey} consists of $\AuthSignPublic \typecolon \SubgroupJstar$,
$\NullifierKey \typecolon \SubgroupJ$, and $\OutViewingKey \typecolon \byteseq{\OutViewingKeyLength/8}$.
$\AuthSignPublic$ and $\NullifierKey$ are points on the \jubjubCurve
(see \crossref{jubjub}). They are derived as described in \crossref{saplingkeycomponents}.
The \rawEncoding of a \Sapling \fullViewingKey consists of:
\sbitbox{256}{$\LEBStoOSPOf{256}{\reprJ\Of{\AuthSignPublic}\kern 0.05em}$}
\sbitbox{256}{$\LEBStoOSPOf{256}{\reprJ\Of{\NullifierKey}\kern 0.05em}$}
\sbitbox{256}{$32$-byte $\OutViewingKey$}
\item $32$ bytes specifying the \ctEdwardsCompressedEncoding of $\AuthSignPublic$
(see \crossref{jubjub}).
\item $32$ bytes specifying the \ctEdwardsCompressedEncoding of $\NullifierKey$.
\item $32$ bytes specifying the \outgoingViewingKey $\OutViewingKey$.
When decoding this representation, the key \MUST be considered invalid if $\abstJ$ returns $\bot$
for either $\AuthSignPublic$ or $\NullifierKey$, or if $\AuthSignPublic \notin \SubgroupJstar$,
or if $\NullifierKey \notin \SubgroupJ$.
For \incomingViewingKeys on \Mainnet, the \humanReadablePart is \ascii{zviews}.
For \incomingViewingKeys on \Testnet, the \humanReadablePart is \ascii{zviewtestsapling}.
} %sapling
\lsubsubsubsection{\SaplingText{} Spending Keys}{saplingspendingkeyencoding}
A \Sapling{} \defining{\spendingKey} consists of $\SpendingKey \typecolon \SpendingKeyType$
(see \crossref{saplingkeycomponents}).
@ -10961,7 +10879,144 @@ The \rawEncoding of a \Sapling \spendingKey consists of:
For \spendingKeys on \Mainnet, the \humanReadablePart is \ascii{secret-spending-key-main}.
For \spendingKeys on \Testnet, the \humanReadablePart is \ascii{secret-spending-key-test}.
} %sapling
\lsubsubsection{\OrchardText{} Encodings}{orchardencodings}
\lsubsubsubsection{\OrchardText{} Payment Addresses}{orchardpaymentaddrencoding}
Let $\KA{Orchard}$ be as defined in \crossref{concreteorchardkeyagreement}.
An \Orchard{} \defining{\paymentAddress} consists of $\Diversifier \typecolon \DiversifierType$
and $\DiversifiedTransmitPublic \typecolon \KAPublic{Orchard}$.
$\DiversifiedTransmitPublic$ is an encoding of a $\KA{Orchard}$ \publicKey of type
$\KAPublic{Orchard}$, for use with the encryption scheme defined in \crossref{saplingandorchardinband}.
$\Diversifier$~is a sequence of $11$ bytes. These components are derived as described in
The \rawEncoding of an \Orchard \paymentAddress consists of:
\sbitbox{256}{$\LEBStoOSPOf{256}{\reprP\Of{\DiversifiedTransmitPublic}\kern 0.05em}$}
\item $11$ bytes specifying $\Diversifier$.
\item $32$ bytes specifying the \swCompressedEncoding of
$\DiversifiedTransmitPublic$ (see \crossref{pallasandvesta}).
When decoding the representation of $\DiversifiedTransmitPublic$, the address \MUST be
considered invalid if $\abstP$ returns $\bot$.
For addresses on \Mainnet, the \defining{\humanReadablePart} (as defined in \cite{ZIP-173}) is \ascii{zo}.
For addresses on \Testnet, the \humanReadablePart is \ascii{ztestorchard}.
} %orchard
\lsubsubsubsection{\OrchardText{} Incoming Viewing Keys}{orchardinviewingkeyencoding}
Let $\KA{Orchard}$ be as defined in \crossref{concreteorchardkeyagreement}.
An \Orchard{} \defining{\incomingViewingKey} consists of $\InViewingKey \typecolon \InViewingKeyTypeOrchard$.
$\InViewingKey$ is a $\KAPrivate{Orchard}$ key (restricted to the range $\range{0}{\ParamP{q}-1}$),
derived as described in \crossref{orchardkeycomponents}.
It is used with the encryption scheme defined in \crossref{saplingandorchardinband}.
The \rawEncoding of an \Orchard \incomingViewingKey consists of:
\sbitbox{256}{$256$-bit $\InViewingKey$}
\item $32$ bytes (little-endian) specifying $\InViewingKey$, padded with zeros in the most
significant bits.
$\InViewingKey$ \MUST be in the range $\InViewingKeyTypeOrchard$ as specified
in \crossref{orchardkeycomponents}. That is, a decoded \incomingViewingKey \MUST be
considered invalid if $\InViewingKey$ is not in this range.
For \incomingViewingKeys on \Mainnet, the \humanReadablePart is \ascii{zivko}.
For \incomingViewingKeys on \Testnet, the \humanReadablePart is \ascii{zivktestorchard}.
} %orchard
\lsubsubsubsection{\OrchardText{} Full Viewing Keys}{orchardfullviewingkeyencoding}
Let $\KA{Orchard}$ be as defined in \crossref{concreteorchardkeyagreement}.
An \Orchard{} \defining{\fullViewingKey} consists of $\AuthSignPublic \typecolon \GroupPstar$
and $\NullifierKey \typecolon \NullifierKeyTypeOrchard$.
$\AuthSignPublic$ and $\NullifierKey$ are points on the \pallasCurve (see
\crossref{pallasandvesta}). $\NullifierKey$ is a field element in $\GF{\ParamP{q}}$.
They are derived as described in \crossref{orchardkeycomponents}.
The \rawEncoding of an \Orchard \fullViewingKey consists of:
\sbitbox{256}{$\LEBStoOSPOf{256}{\reprP\Of{\AuthSignPublic}\kern 0.05em}$}
\sbitbox{256}{$\LEBStoOSPOf{256}{\ItoLEBSPOf{256}{\NullifierKey}\kern 0.05em}$}
\item $32$ bytes specifying the \swCompressedEncoding of $\AuthSignPublic$
(see \crossref{pallasandvesta}).
\item $32$ bytes specifying the $\NullifierKey$.
When decoding this representation, the key \MUST be considered invalid if $\abstP$ returns $\bot$
for $\AuthSignPublic$, or if $\AuthSignPublic = \ZeroP$, or if $\NullifierKey$ is not a canonically
encoded field element.
For \incomingViewingKeys on \Mainnet, the \humanReadablePart is \ascii{zviewo}.
For \incomingViewingKeys on \Testnet, the \humanReadablePart is \ascii{zviewtestorchard}.
} %orchard
\lsubsubsubsection{\OrchardText{} Spending Keys}{orchardspendingkeyencoding}
An \Orchard{} \defining{\spendingKey} consists of $\SpendingKey \typecolon \SpendingKeyType$
(see \crossref{saplingkeycomponents}).
The \rawEncoding of an \Orchard \spendingKey consists of:
\item $32$ bytes specifying $\SpendingKey$.
For \spendingKeys on \Mainnet, the \humanReadablePart is \ascii{secret-orchard-sk-main}.
For \spendingKeys on \Testnet, the \humanReadablePart is \ascii{secret-orchard-sk-test}.
} %orchard
@ -11221,14 +11276,14 @@ Note that the \valueBalance{Sapling} field is always present for these \transact
} %sapling
The \Zcash{} \defining{\transaction} format for \transactionVersion 5 is as follows
(this should be read in the context of consensus rules later in the section):
@ -11289,42 +11344,45 @@ The net value of \Sapling{} spends minus outputs. \\ \hline
$\geq 5\;\mathsection$ & $32$ & $\anchorField{Sapling}$ & \type{byte[32]} &
A \merkleRoot of the \Sapling \noteCommitmentTree at some \blockHeight in the past, $\LEBStoOSP{256}\big(\rt{Sapling}\big)$. \\ \hline
%$\geq 5$ & \Longunderstack{$192 \mult$ \\$\!\nSpendsSapling\!$} & $\vSpendProofsSapling$ & \type{byte[$192 \mult \nSpendsSapling$]} &
%Encodings of the \zkSNARKProofs for each \Sapling \spendDescription. \\ \hline
$\geq 5$ & \Longunderstack{$192 \mult$ \\$\!\nSpendsSapling\!$} & $\vSpendProofsSapling$ & \type{byte[$192 \mult \nSpendsSapling$]} &
Encodings of the \zkSNARKProofs for each \Sapling \spendDescription. \\ \hline
%$\geq 5$ & \Longunderstack{$64 \mult$ \\$\!\nSpendsSapling\!$} & $\vSpendAuthSigsSapling$ & \type{byte[$64 \mult \nSpendsSapling$]} &
%Authorizing signatures for each \Sapling \outputDescription. \\ \hline
$\geq 5$ & \Longunderstack{$64 \mult$ \\$\!\nSpendsSapling\!$} & $\vSpendAuthSigsSapling$ & \type{byte[$64 \mult \nSpendsSapling$]} &
Authorizing signatures for each \Sapling \outputDescription. \\ \hline
%$\geq 5$ & \Longunderstack{$192 \mult$ \\$\!\nOutputsSapling\!$} & $\vOutputProofsSapling$ & \type{byte[$192 \mult \nOutputsSapling$]} &
%Encodings of the \zkSNARKProofs for each \Sapling \outputDescription. \\ \hline
$\geq 5$ & \Longunderstack{$192 \mult$ \\$\!\nOutputsSapling\!$} & $\vOutputProofsSapling$ & \type{byte[$192 \mult \nOutputsSapling$]} &
Encodings of the \zkSNARKProofs for each \Sapling \outputDescription. \\ \hline
%$\geq 5\;\mathsection$ & $64$ & $\bindingSig{Sapling}$ & \type{byte[64]} &
%A \saplingBindingSignature on the \sighashTxHash, to be verified as specified in \crossref{concretebindingsig}. \\ \hline
$\geq 5\;\mathsection$ & $64$ & $\bindingSig{Sapling}$ & \type{byte[64]} &
A \saplingBindingSignature on the \sighashTxHash, to be verified as specified in \crossref{concretebindingsig}. \\ \hline
%$\geq 5$ & \Varies &\setorchard $\nActionsOrchard\!$ & \type{compactSize} &
%The number of \actionDescriptions in $\vActionsOrchard$. \\ \hline
$\geq 5$ & \Varies &\setorchard $\nActionsOrchard\!$ & \type{compactSize} &
The number of \actionDescriptions in $\vActionsOrchard$. \\ \hline
%$\geq 5$ & \Longunderstack{$884 \mult$ \\$\!\nActionsOrchard\!$} & $\vActionsOrchard\!$ & \type{ActionDescription} \type{[$\nActionsOrchard$]} &
%A sequence of \actionDescriptions{}, encoded per \crossref{actionencodingandconsensus}. \\ \hline
$\geq 5$ & \Longunderstack{$884 \mult$ \\$\!\nActionsOrchard\!$} & $\vActionsOrchard$ & \type{ActionDescription} \type{[$\nActionsOrchard$]} &
A sequence of \actionDescriptions{}, encoded per \crossref{actionencodingandconsensus}. \\ \hline
%$\geq 5\;\mathsection$ & $8$ & $\valueBalance{Orchard}\!$ & \type{int64} &
%The net value of \Orchard{} spends minus outputs. \\ \hline
$\geq 5\;\mathsection$ & $8$ & $\flagsOrchard$ & \type{byte} &
\todo{...} \\ \hline
%$\geq 5\;\mathsection$ & $32$ & $\anchorField{Orchard}$ & \type{byte[32]} &
%A \merkleRoot of the \Orchard \noteCommitmentTree at some \blockHeight in the past, $\LEBStoOSP{256}\big(\rt{Orchard}\big)$. \\ \hline
$\geq 5\;\mathsection$ & $8$ & $\valueBalance{Orchard}\!$ & \type{int64} &
The net value of \Orchard{} spends minus outputs. \\ \hline
%$\geq 5\; & \Varies & $\nProofsOrchard$ & \type{compactSize} & The length of the aggregated \zkSNARKProof
%$\ProofAction$ (see \crossref{halo2}). \\ \hline
$\geq 5\;\mathsection$ & $32$ & $\anchorField{Orchard}$ & \type{byte[32]} &
A \merkleRoot of the \Orchard \noteCommitmentTree at some \blockHeight in the past, $\LEBStoOSP{256}\big(\rt{Orchard}\big)$. \\ \hline
%$\geq 5\; & $2208$ & $\vProofsOrchard$ & \type{byte[2208]} & An encoding of the aggregated \zkSNARKProof
%$\ProofAction$ (see \crossref{halo2}). \\ \hline
$\geq 5\;\mathsection$ & \Varies & $\sizeProofsOrchard$ & \type{compactSize} & The length of the aggregated \zkSNARKProof
$\ProofAction$. \\ \hline
%$\geq 5\;\mathsection$ & $64$ & $\bindingSig{Orchard}$ & \type{byte[64]} &
%An \orchardBindingSignature on the \sighashTxHash, to be verified as specified in \crossref{concretebindingsig}. \\ \hline
$\geq 5\;\mathsection$ & $2208$ & $\proofsOrchard$ & \type{byte[2208]} & An encoding of the aggregated \zkSNARKProof
$\ProofAction$ (see \crossref{halo2}). \\ \hline
$\geq 5\;\mathsection$ & $64$ & $\bindingSig{Orchard}$ & \type{byte[64]} &
An \orchardBindingSignature on the \sighashTxHash, to be verified as specified in \crossref{concretebindingsig}. \\ \hline
%} %scalebox
} %scalebox
@ -11342,7 +11400,7 @@ If \valueBalance{Orchard} is not present, then $\vBalance{Orchard}$ is defined t
Note that several fields are reordered relative to prior \transactionVersions.
%} %orchard
} %orchard
\item The \defining{\transactionVersionNumber} \MUST be greater than or equal to $1$.

View File

@ -1770,10 +1770,18 @@ Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Cryptology Conference
author={Electric Coin Company and Zcash Foundation},
title={Zcash {T}rademark {D}onation and {L}icense {A}greement},
author={Electric Coin Company and Zcash Foundation},
title={Zcash {T}rademark {D}onation and {L}icense {A}greement},
author={Daira Hopwood and Sean Bowe and Jack Grigg and Kris Nuttycombe and Ying Tong Lai and Steven Smith},
title={The {O}rchard Book},