Make the public key prefix part of the input to the hash function in RedDSA, not part of the message.

Signed-off-by: Daira Hopwood <>
This commit is contained in:
Daira Hopwood 2018-05-22 21:53:19 +01:00
parent 0517e2dc3a
commit df02fcf9ac
1 changed files with 13 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -1394,6 +1394,7 @@ electronic commerce and payment, financial privacy, proof of work, zero knowledg
@ -3736,9 +3737,9 @@ where
\item The proof $\Proof{\Spend}$ \MUST be valid given a \primaryInput formed
from the other fields except $\spendAuthSig$.
I.e.\ it must be the case that $\SpendVerify{}((\cv, \rt, \nf, \AuthSignRandomizedPublic), \Proof{\Spend}) = 1$.
\item The \spendAuthSignature{} \MUST be a valid $\SpendAuthSig$ signature over $\dataToBeSigned$
\item The \spendAuthSignature{} \MUST be a valid $\SpendAuthSig$ signature over $\SigHash$
using $\AuthSignRandomizedPublic$ as the public key.
I.e.\ it must be the case that $\SpendAuthSigVerify{\AuthSignRandomizedPublic}(\spendAuthSig) = 1$.
I.e.\ it must be the case that $\SpendAuthSigVerify{\AuthSignRandomizedPublic}(\SigHash, \spendAuthSig) = 1$.
} %sapling
@ -4111,15 +4112,6 @@ according to client implementation.
\sbitbox{256}{$\LEBStoOSPOf{256}{\reprJOf{\BindingPublic}\kern 0.05em}$}
\sbitbox{256}{$\LEBStoOSPOf{256}{\SigHash}$} &
\subsection{Balance and \BindingSignature{} (\Sapling)} \label{saplingbalance} \label{bindingsig}
@ -4212,9 +4204,7 @@ In order to check for implementation faults, the signer \SHOULD also check that
Let $\SigHash$ be the \sighashTxHash as defined in \cite{ZIP-243}, using $\SIGHASHALL$.
Let $\dataToBeSigned := \Justthebox{\bindingsigmsgbox}$.
A validator checks balance by verifying that $\BindingSigVerify{\BindingPublic}(\dataToBeSigned) = 1$.
A validator checks balance by verifying that $\BindingSigVerify{\BindingPublic}(\SigHash, \bindingSig) = 1$.
We now explain why this works.
@ -4269,7 +4259,7 @@ Thus checking the \bindingSignature ensures that the \transaction balances, with
the individual values of the \spendDescriptions and \outputDescriptions being revealed.
In addition this proves that the signer, knowing the $\biggrpplus$\kern-0.015em-sum of the \valueCommitment
randomnesses, authorized a \transaction with the given \sighashTxHash by signing $\dataToBeSigned$.
randomnesses, authorized a \transaction with the given \sighashTxHash by signing $\SigHash$.
@ -4287,15 +4277,6 @@ The technique of checking signatures using a public key derived from a sum of
} %sapling
\sbitbox{256}{$\LEBStoOSPOf{256}{\reprJOf{\AuthSignRandomizedPublic}\kern 0.05em}$}
\sbitbox{256}{$\LEBStoOSPOf{256}{\SigHash}$} &
\subsection{\SpendAuthSignature} \label{spendauthsig}
@ -4333,8 +4314,7 @@ For each \spendDescription, the signer uses a fresh \spendAuthRandomizer $\AuthS
\item Generate a proof $\ProofSpend$ of the \spendStatement (\crossref{spendstatement}),
with $\AuthSignRandomizer$ in the \auxiliaryInput and $\AuthSignRandomizedPublic$
in the \primaryInput.
\item Let $\dataToBeSigned = \Justthebox{\spendauthsigmsgbox}$.
\item Let $\spendAuthSig = \SpendAuthSigSign{\AuthSignRandomizedPrivate}(\dataToBeSigned)$.
\item Let $\spendAuthSig = \SpendAuthSigSign{\AuthSignRandomizedPrivate}(\SigHash)$.
The $\spendAuthSig$ and $\ProofSpend$ are included in the \spendDescription.
@ -6124,7 +6104,8 @@ Define $\RedDSASign{} \typecolon (\sk \typecolon \RedDSAPrivate) \times (M \type
\item Let $r = \RedDSAHashToScalar(T \bconcat M)$.
\item Let $\RedDSASigR = \scalarmult{r}{\GenG{}}$.
\item Let $\RedDSAReprR = \LEBStoOSPOf{\ellG{}}{\reprGOf{}{\RedDSASigR}\hairspace}$.
\item Let $\RedDSASigS = (r + \RedDSAHashToScalar(\RedDSAReprR \bconcat M) \mult \sk) \bmod \ParamG{r}$.
\item Let $\vkBytes = \LEBStoOSPOf{\ellG{}}{\reprGOf{}{\RedDSADerivePublic(\sk)}}$.
\item Let $\RedDSASigS = (r + \RedDSAHashToScalar(\RedDSAReprR \bconcat \vkBytes \bconcat M) \mult \sk) \bmod \ParamG{r}$.
\item Let $\RedDSAReprS = \LEBStoOSPOf{\bitlength(\ParamG{r})}{\ItoLEBSPOf{\bitlength(\ParamG{r})}{\RedDSASigS}}$.
\item Return $\RedDSAReprR \bconcat \RedDSAReprS$.
@ -6137,7 +6118,8 @@ Define $\RedDSAVerify{} \typecolon (\vk \typecolon \RedDSAPublic) \times (M \typ
let $\RedDSAReprS$ be the remaining $\ceiling{\bitlength(\ParamG{r})/8}$ bytes.
\item Let $\RedDSASigR = \abstG{}\big(\LEOStoBSPOf{\ellG{}}{\RedDSAReprR}\!\big)$, and
let $\RedDSASigS = \LEOStoIPOf{\bitlength(\ParamG{r})}{\RedDSAReprS}$.
\item Let $\RedDSASigc = \RedDSAHashToScalar(\RedDSAReprR \bconcat M)$.
\item Let $\vkBytes = \LEBStoOSPOf{\ellG{}}{\reprGOf{}{\RedDSADerivePublic(\sk)}}$.
\item Let $\RedDSASigc = \RedDSAHashToScalar(\RedDSAReprR \bconcat \vkBytes \bconcat M)$.
\item Return $1$ if $\RedDSASigR \neq \bot$ and $\RedDSASigS < \ParamG{r}$ and
$\scalarmult{\RedDSASigS}{\GenG{}} = \RedDSASigR + \scalarmult{\RedDSASigc}{\vk}$, otherwise $0$.
@ -6172,7 +6154,7 @@ As required, $\RedDSADerivePublic$ is a group homomorphism:
A $\RedDSA$ public key $\vk$ can be encoded as a bit sequence $\reprGOf{}{\vk}$\, of
length $\ellG{}$ bits (or as a corresponding byte sequence by then applying $\LEBStoOSP{\ellG{}}$).
length $\ellG{}$ bits (or as a corresponding byte sequence $\vkBytes$ by then applying $\LEBStoOSP{\ellG{}}$).
@ -9010,6 +8992,8 @@ found by Brian Warner.
\item Fix the description of the \balancingValue in \crossref{saplingbalance}.
\item Correct a type error in \crossref{concretegrouphashjubjub}.
\item Correct a type error in $\RedDSASign{}$ in \crossref{concreteredjubjub}.
\item Make the public key prefix part of the input to the \hashFunction in $\RedDSA$,
not part of the message.
\item Change terminology describing constraint systems.
} %sapling