Clarify Founders' Reward consensus rule. fixes #63


Signed-off-by: Daira Hopwood <>
This commit is contained in:
Daira Hopwood 2016-10-02 03:56:27 +01:00
parent 795674b954
commit e66abc29e0
1 changed files with 32 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -467,7 +467,7 @@
\newcommand{\FounderAddress}{\mathsf{FounderAddress}} \newcommand{\FounderAddress}{\mathsf{FounderAddress}}
\newcommand{\FounderAddressList}{\mathsf{FounderAddressList}} \newcommand{\FounderAddressList}{\mathsf{FounderAddressList}}
\newcommand{\FounderAddressIndex}{\mathsf{FounderAddressIndex}} \newcommand{\FounderAddressIndex}{\mathsf{FounderAddressIndex}}
\newcommand{\ScriptHash}{\mathsf{ScriptHash}} \newcommand{\RedeemScriptHash}{\mathsf{RedeemScriptHash}}
\newcommand{\blockSubsidy}{\term{block subsidy}} \newcommand{\blockSubsidy}{\term{block subsidy}}
\newcommand{\minerSubsidy}{\term{miner subsidy}} \newcommand{\minerSubsidy}{\term{miner subsidy}}
@ -542,6 +542,7 @@
\newcommand{\sighashTypes}{\term{SIGHASH types}} \newcommand{\sighashTypes}{\term{SIGHASH types}}
\newcommand{\SIGHASHALL}{\mathsf{SIGHASH\_ALL}} \newcommand{\SIGHASHALL}{\mathsf{SIGHASH\_ALL}}
\newcommand{\scriptSig}{\mathtt{scriptSig}} \newcommand{\scriptSig}{\mathtt{scriptSig}}
\newcommand{\ScriptOP}[1]{\texttt{OP\_{#1}}} \newcommand{\ScriptOP}[1]{\texttt{OP\_{#1}}}
% Equihash and block headers % Equihash and block headers
@ -3124,18 +3125,30 @@ Define:
\item[] $\FounderAddressIndex(\BlockHeight) := 1 + \floor{\hfrac{\BlockHeight}{\FounderAddressChangeInterval}}$. \item[] $\FounderAddressIndex(\BlockHeight) := 1 + \floor{\hfrac{\BlockHeight}{\FounderAddressChangeInterval}}$.
\end{itemize} \end{itemize}
Then the \foundersReward for \blockHeight $\BlockHeight$ \MUST be paid to
the address with Base58Check representation given by
$\FounderAddressList_{\,\FounderAddressIndex(\BlockHeight)}$, provided that
$\BlockHeight < \SlowStartShift + \HalvingInterval$. No \foundersReward is required
to be paid for $\BlockHeight \geq \SlowStartShift + \HalvingInterval$ (i.e. after
the first halving).
Each address representation in $\FounderAddressList$ denotes a \transparent Each address representation in $\FounderAddressList$ denotes a \transparent
P2SH multisig address. The payment \MUST be performed using a P2SH script P2SH multisig address.
of the form \ScriptOP{HASH160} \;$\ScriptHash$\; \ScriptOP{EQUAL},
where $\ScriptHash$ is the standard redeem script hash for the given Let $\RedeemScriptHash(\BlockHeight)$ be the standard redeem script hash, as defined in
P2SH multisig address \cite{Bitcoin-Multisig}. \cite{Bitcoin-Multisig}, for the P2SH multisig address with Base58Check representation
given by $\FounderAddressList_{\,\FounderAddressIndex(\BlockHeight)}$
A \coinbaseTransaction for \blockHeight $\BlockHeight \in \range{1}{\SlowStartShift + \HalvingInterval - 1}$
\MUST include at least one output that pays exactly $\FoundersReward(\BlockHeight)$ \zatoshi
with a standard P2SH script of the form \ScriptOP{HASH160} \;$\RedeemScriptHash(\BlockHeight)$\; \ScriptOP{EQUAL}
as its $\scriptPubKey$.
\item No \foundersReward is required to be paid for $\BlockHeight \geq \SlowStartShift + \HalvingInterval$
(i.e.\ after the first halving), or for $\BlockHeight = 0$ (i.e.\ the genesis block).
\item The \foundersReward addresses are not treated specially in any other way, and
there can be other outputs to them, in \coinbaseTransactions or otherwise.
In particular, it is valid for a \coinbaseTransaction with
$\BlockHeight \in \range{1}{\SlowStartShift + \HalvingInterval - 1}$ to have
other outputs, possibly to the same address, that do not meet the criterion
in the above consensus rule, as long as at least one output meets it.
\nsection{Differences from the Zerocash paper} \label{differences} \nsection{Differences from the Zerocash paper} \label{differences}
@ -3561,6 +3574,13 @@ The errors in the proof of Ledger Indistinguishability mentioned in
\nsection{Change history} \nsection{Change history}
\item Clarify the consensus rule for payment of the \foundersReward, in
response to an issue raised by the NCC audit.
\subparagraph{2016.0-beta-1.6} \subparagraph{2016.0-beta-1.6}
\begin{itemize} \begin{itemize}