Fix a type error in the output of PRF^nfSapling; a Sapling nullifier is a sequence of 32 bytes, not a bit sequence.

Signed-off-by: Daira Hopwood <>
This commit is contained in:
Daira Hopwood 2020-08-28 13:44:05 +01:00
parent b3da7a14ee
commit ea59cda07f
1 changed files with 12 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -1472,6 +1472,7 @@ electronic commerce and payment, financial privacy, proof of work, zero knowledg
@ -5311,7 +5312,7 @@ A valid instance of a \defining{\spendStatement}, $\ProofSpend$, assures that gi
\item $\oparen\rt \typecolon \MerkleHashSapling,\\
\hparen\cvOld{} \typecolon \ValueCommitOutput,\\
\hparen\nfOld{} \typecolon \bitseq{\PRFOutputLengthNfSapling},\\
\hparen\nfOld{} \typecolon \PRFOutputNfSapling,\\
\hparen\AuthSignRandomizedPublic \typecolon \SpendAuthSigPublic\cparen$,
@ -9311,8 +9312,7 @@ $\LEBStoOSPOf{256}{\reprJ\Of{\cv}}$. \\ \hline
$32$ & $\anchorField$ & \type{char[32]} & A \merkleRoot of the \Sapling{} \noteCommitmentTree
at some \blockHeight in the past, $\LEBStoOSPOf{256}{\rt}$. \\ \hline
$32$ & $\nullifierField$ & \type{char[32]} & The \nullifier of the input \note,
$\LEBStoOSPOf{256}{\nf}$. \\ \hline
$32$ & $\nullifierField$ & \type{char[32]} & The \nullifier of the input \note, $\nf$. \\ \hline
$32$ & $\rkField$ & \type{char[32]} & The randomized \validatingKey for $\spendAuthSig$,
$\LEBStoOSPOf{256}{\reprJ\Of{\AuthSignRandomizedPublic}\kern 0.05em}$. \\ \hline
@ -10833,6 +10833,8 @@ Peter Newell's illustration of the Jubjub bird, from \cite{Carroll1902}.
\item No changes to \Sprout.
\item Fix a type error in the output of $\PRFnfSapling{}$; a \Sapling \nullifier is a
sequence of $32$ bytes, not a bit sequence.
\item Correct an off-by-one in an expression used in the definition of $c$ in
\crossref{concretepedersencommit} (this does not change the value of $c$).
} %sapling
@ -13487,17 +13489,20 @@ The primary input is
\item $\oparen\rt \typecolon \MerkleHashSapling,\\
\hparen\cvOld{} \typecolon \ValueCommitOutput,\\
\hparen\nfOld{} \typecolon \bitseq{\PRFOutputLengthNfSapling},\\
\hparen\nfOld{} \typecolon \PRFOutputNfSapling,\\
\hparen\AuthSignRandomizedPublic \typecolon \SpendAuthSigPublic\cparen$,
which is encoded as $8$ $\GF{\ParamS{r}}$ elements (starting with the fixed element $1$ required by \Groth):
\item $[1, \Selectu(\AuthSignRandomizedPublic), \Selectv(\AuthSignRandomizedPublic),
\Selectu(\cvOld{}), \Selectv(\cvOld{}), \LEBStoIPOf{\MerkleHashLengthSapling}{\rt},
\LEBStoIP{254}\big(\nfOld{\barerange{0}{253}}\big), \LEBStoIP{2}\big(\nfOld{\barerange{254}{255}}\big)]$
\LEBStoIP{254}\big(\nfOldRepr{\!\barerange{0}{253}}\big), \LEBStoIP{2}\big(\nfOldRepr{\!\barerange{254}{255}}\big)]$
where $\nfOldRepr{} = \LEOStoBSP{\PRFOutputLengthNfSapling}(\nfOld{})$.
The auxiliary input is
@ -13651,7 +13656,8 @@ $\dagger$ This is implemented by taking the output of $\BlakeTwos{256}$ as a bit
significant $5$~bits, not by converting to an integer and back to a bit sequence as literally specified.
\pnote{The implementation represents $\AuthSignRandomizerRepr$, $\AuthProvePrivateRepr$, $\InViewingKeyRepr$,
$\NoteCommitRandRepr$, $\ValueCommitRandRepr$, and $\vOldRepr$ as bit sequences rather than integers.}
$\NoteCommitRandRepr$, $\ValueCommitRandRepr$, and $\vOldRepr$ as bit sequences rather than integers. It
represents $\nf$ as a bit sequence rather than a byte sequence.}