Clarify the encoding of a_sk in a Sprout extended spending key. Also exclude lead bytes, and swap ASK and c for consistency with Sapling formats and BIP 32.

Signed-off-by: Daira Hopwood <>
This commit is contained in:
Daira Hopwood 2018-07-06 02:28:45 +01:00
parent 5881d3c211
commit ebecd8c1ff
1 changed files with 3 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -399,10 +399,10 @@ A Sprout extended spending key (*a*\ :sub:`sk`\ , *c*), at depth *depth*, with
parent address tag *parent_addr_tag* and child number *i*, is represented as a
byte sequence:
I2LEOSP\ :sub:`8`\ (*depth*) || *parent_addr_tag* || I2LEOSP\ :sub:`32`\ (*i*) || *ASK* || *c*
I2LEOSP\ :sub:`8`\ (*depth*) || *parent_addr_tag* || I2LEOSP\ :sub:`32`\ (*i*) || *c* || *ASK*
where *ASK* is the raw encoding of the spending key *a*\ :sub:`sk` as specified in
[#sapling-spec]_ section 5.6.8, including the lead bytes.
where *ASK* is the 32-byte encoding of *a*\ :sub:`sk` in the raw encoding of a Sprout
spending key (excluding lead bytes) as specified in [#sapling-spec]_ section 5.6.8.
For the master extended spending key, *depth* is 0, *parent_addr_tag* is 4 zero bytes,
and *i* is 0.