Fill in Appendix A description of Pedersen hashes.

Signed-off-by: Daira Hopwood <>
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Daira Hopwood 2018-02-12 13:13:12 +00:00
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@ -1199,6 +1199,8 @@ electronic commerce and payment, financial privacy, proof of work, zero knowledg
% Consensus rules
@ -7354,9 +7356,110 @@ justified for \Sapling.
\nsubsubsection{Pedersen hashes} \label{cctpedersenhash}
As described in \crossref{concretepedersenhash}, we use a variation of
\xPedersenHashes that splits the input into segments of up to $183$ bits,
and then splits each segment into windows of $3$ bits.
The specification of the \xPedersenHashes used in \Sapling is given in
\crossref{concretepedersenhash}. It is based on the scheme from \cite{BGG1995},
but tailored to allow several optimizations in the circuit implementation.
\xPedersenHashes are the single most commonly used primitive in the
\Sapling circuits. $\MerkleDepthSapling$ \xPedersenHash instances are used
in the \spendCircuit to check a Merkle path to the \noteCommitment of the
\note being spent. We also reuse the \xPedersenHash implementation to
construct the commitments $\NoteCommitSaplingAlg$ and $\UniqueCommitAlg$.
This motivates considerable attention to optimizing this circuit
implementation of this primitive, even at the cost of complexity.
First, we use a windowed scalar multiplication algorithm with signed digits.
Each $3$-bit message chunk corresponds to a window; the chunk is encoded
as an integer from the set $\Digits = \rangenozero{-4}{4}$.
This allows a more efficient lookup of the window entry for each chunk than
if the set $\range{1}{8}$ had been used, because a point can be conditionally
negated using only a single constraint.
Next, we optimize the cost of point addition by allowing as many additions
as possible to be performed on the Montgomery curve. An incomplete
Montgomery addition costs $3$ constraints, in comparison with an
Edwards addition which costs $6$ constraints.
However, we cannot do all additions on the Montgomery curve because the
Montgomery addition is incomplete. In order to be able to prove that
exceptional cases do not occur, we need to ensure that the \distinctXCriterion
from \crossref{cctmontarithmetic} is met. This requires splitting the
input into segments (each using an independent generator), calculating
an intermediate result for each segment, and then converting to the
Edwards curve and summing the intermediate results using Edwards addition.
If the resulting point is $R$, this calculation can be written as:
\item $R = \vsum{j=1}{N} \scalarmult{\PedersenEncode{M_j}}{\PedersenBase{D}{j}}$.
For simplicity the definition in \crossref{concretepedersenhash} was given
as a sum over the contribution of windows rather than segments. However,
with a suitable definition of $\PedersenEncode{\cdot}$, the above expression
matches the calculation of $R$ given in that section.
Pad the input to a multiple of $3$ bits, then split it into segments $M_{\barerange{1}{N}}$
of length $3 \smult c$ bits for $c = 63$ (the last segment may be shorter).
Split each $M_j$ into $3$-bit chunks $M^{\barerange{1}{L_j}}_j$ where
$L_j = \length(M_j)/3$. Define:
\item $\PedersenEncode{M_j} = \vsum{i=1}{L_j} \enc(M^i_j) \mult 2^{(w+1) \mult (i-1)}$
where $\enc \typecolon \bitseq{3} \rightarrow \Digits$ implements the encoding
of chunks as signed digits:
\item $\enc([s_0, s_1, s_2]) = (1 - 2 \smult s_2) \mult (1 + s_0 + 2 \smult s_1)$.
The encoding function
$\fun{M_j \typecolon \bitseq{3 \mult c}}{\PedersenEncode{M_j} \typecolon
is injective.
We first need to check that the range of
$\vsum{i=1}{L_j} \enc(M^i_j) \mult 2^{(w+1) \mult (i-1)}$ is a subset of
the allowable range $\rangenozero{-\hfrac{\ParamJ{r}-1}{2}}{\hfrac{\ParamJ{r}-1}{2}}}$.
The range of this expression is obviously a subset of
$\rangenozero{-L}{L}$ where $L = 4 \mult \vsum{i=0}{c-1} 2^{4 \mult i} = 4 \mult \hfrac{2^{4 \mult c}}{15}$.
When $c = 63$, we have
\begin{tabular}{@{\hskip 2em}r@{\;}l}
$4 \mult \hfrac{2^{4 \mult c}}{15}$ &$= \hexint{444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444}$ \\
& \\[-2ex]
$\hfrac{\ParamJ{r}-1}{2}$ &$= \hexint{73EDA753299D7D483339D80809A1D8053341049E6640841684B872F6B7B965B}$
so the required condition is met.
Since the security proof from \cite[Appendix A]{BGG1995}
depends only on the encoding being injective and its range not including
zero, the proof can be adapted straightforwardly to this construction.
Now, we need to show that the indices of inputs to addition are
all distinct disregarding sign.
Let $S$ and $S'$ be disjoint subsets of $\range{0}{c-1}$.
Let $\abs_s(x) = \begin{cases}
x, &\caseif x \bmod s < (-x) \bmod s\\
-x, &\caseotherwise.
$\setof{\abs\left(\vsum{i \in S }{} d_i \mult 2^{4 \mult i}\right) \suchthat d \in \typeexp{\Digits}{c}} \intersection
\setof{\abs\left(\vsum{i \in S'}{} d_i \mult 2^{4 \mult i}\right) \suchthat d \in \typeexp{\Digits}{c}}$
The motivation for this approach is to allow the use of Montgomery arithmetic
within each segment: the \distinctXCriterion is met because all of the terms