Updates relating to transactions.

Signed-off-by: Daira Hopwood <daira@jacaranda.org>
This commit is contained in:
Daira Hopwood 2016-09-03 04:01:08 +01:00
parent e403054733
commit fb2bb361ab
2 changed files with 186 additions and 91 deletions

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@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
@ -154,11 +155,12 @@
\newcommand{\noteTraceabilitySets}{\term{note traceability sets}}
\newcommand{\joinSplitDescription}{\term{JoinSplit description}}
\newcommand{\joinSplitDescriptions}{\term{JoinSplit descriptions}}
\newcommand{\JoinSplitDescriptions}{\titleterm{JoinSplit Descriptions}}
\newcommand{\sequenceOfJoinSplitDescriptions}{\changed{sequence of} \joinSplitDescription\changed{\term{s}}\xspace}
\newcommand{\joinSplitTransfer}{\term{JoinSplit operation}}
\newcommand{\joinSplitTransfers}{\term{JoinSplit operations}}
\newcommand{\JoinSplitTransfer}{\titleterm{JoinSplit Operation}}
\newcommand{\JoinSplitTransfers}{\titleterm{JoinSplit Operations}}
\newcommand{\joinSplitTransfer}{\term{JoinSplit transfer}}
\newcommand{\joinSplitTransfers}{\term{JoinSplit transfers}}
\newcommand{\JoinSplitTransfer}{\titleterm{JoinSplit Transfer}}
\newcommand{\JoinSplitTransfers}{\titleterm{JoinSplit Transfers}}
\newcommand{\joinSplitSignature}{\term{JoinSplit signature}}
\newcommand{\joinSplitStatement}{\term{JoinSplit statement}}
\newcommand{\joinSplitStatements}{\term{JoinSplit statements}}
@ -192,7 +194,8 @@
\newcommand{\blockTime}{\term{block time}}
\newcommand{\transactionVersionNumber}{\term{transaction version number}}
\newcommand{\coinbaseTransaction}{\term{coinbase transaction}}
\newcommand{\coinbaseTransactions}{\term{coinbase transactions}}
\newcommand{\transparentValuePool}{\term{transparent value pool}}
@ -424,8 +427,12 @@
% Bitcoin
@ -1220,86 +1227,47 @@ such that bit $b$ has numeric weight $2^b$.
\item $\NoteCommitRand$ is a 32-byte \commitmentTrapdoor.
\nsubsection{\JoinSplitTransfers{} and Descriptions} \label{joinsplitdesc}
\nsubsection{\JoinSplitDescriptions} \label{joinsplitdesc}
A \joinSplitDescription is data included in a \transaction that describes a
\joinSplitTransfer, as described in \crossref{joinsplit}.
A \joinSplitTransfer, as specified in \crossref{joinsplit}, is encoded in
\transactions as a \joinSplitDescription.
\Zcash \transactions have the following additional fields:
Each \transaction includes a sequence of zero or more \joinSplitDescriptions.
When this sequence is non-empty, the \transaction also includes encodings of a
$\JoinSplitSigAlg$ public verification key and signature.
Bytes & \heading{Name} & \heading{Data Type} & \heading{Description} \\
Each \joinSplitDescription consists of $(\vpubOld, \vpubNew, \rt,
\nfOld{\allOld}, \cmNew{\allNew}, \EphemeralPublic, \RandomSeed,
\h{\allOld}, \JoinSplitProof, \TransmitCiphertext{\allNew})$
\Varies & $\nJoinSplit$ & \type{compactSize uint} & The number of \joinSplitDescriptions
in $\vJoinSplit$. \\ \hline
1802 $\times\, \nJoinSplit$ & $\vJoinSplit$ &
\type{JoinSplitDescription} \type{[$\nJoinSplit$]} &
The \sequenceOfJoinSplitDescriptions in this \transaction. \\ \hline
32 $\dagger$ & $\joinSplitPubKey$ & \type{char[32]} & An encoding of a $\JoinSplitSigAlg$
public verification key. \\ \hline
64 $\dagger$ & $\joinSplitSig$ & \type{char[64]} & A signature on a prefix of the \transaction encoding,
to be verified using $\joinSplitPubKey$. \\ \hline
$\dagger$ The $\joinSplitPubKey$ and $\joinSplitSig$ fields are present if and only if
$\nJoinSplit > 0$.
The encoding of $\joinSplitPubKey$ and the data to be signed are specified in
Each \type{JoinSplitDescription} consists of:
Bytes & \heading{Name} & \heading{Data Type} & \heading{Description} \\
\setchanged 8 &\setchanged $\vpubOldField$ &\setchanged \type{int64\_t} &\mbox{}\setchanged
A value $\vpubOld$ that the \joinSplitTransfer removes from the value pool. \\ \hline
8 & $\vpubNewField$ & \type{int64\_t} & A value $\vpubNew$ that the \joinSplitTransfer inserts
into the value pool. \\ \hline
32 & $\anchorField$ & \type{char[32]} & A merkle root $\rt$ of the \noteCommitmentTree at
some block height in the past, or the merkle root produced by a previous \joinSplitTransfer in
this \transaction. \sean{We need to be more specific here.} \\ \hline
64 & $\nullifiersField$ & \type{char[32][$\NOld$]} & A sequence of \nullifiers of the input
\notes $\nfOld{\allOld}$. \\ \hline
64 & $\commitments$ & \type{char[32][$\NNew$]}. & A sequence of \noteCommitments for the
output \notes $\cmNew{\allNew}$. \\ \hline
\setchanged 32 &\setchanged $\ephemeralKey$ &\setchanged \type{char[32]} &\mbox{}\setchanged
A Curve25519 public key $\EphemeralPublic$. \\ \hline
\setchanged 32 &\setchanged $\randomSeed$ &\setchanged \type{char[32]} &\mbox{}\setchanged
A 256-bit seed that must be chosen independently at random for each \joinSplitDescription. \\ \hline
64 & $\vmacs$ & \type{char[32][$\NOld$]} & A sequence of message authentication tags
$\h{\allOld}$ that bind $\hSig$ to each $\AuthPrivate$ of the
$\joinSplitDescription$. \\ \hline
296 & $\zkproof$ & \type{char[296]} & An encoding of the zero-knowledge proof $\JoinSplitProof$
(\crossref{proofencoding}). \\ \hline
1202 & $\encCiphertexts$ & \type{char[601][$\NNew$]} & A sequence of ciphertext
components for the encrypted output \notes, $\TransmitCiphertext{\allNew}$. \\ \hline
\item \changed{$\vpubOld \typecolon \range{0}{\MAXMONEY}$ is
the value that the \joinSplitTransfer removes from the \transparentValuePool};
\item $\vpubNew \typecolon \range{0}{\MAXMONEY}$ is
the value that the \joinSplitTransfer inserts into the \transparentValuePool;
\item $\rt \typecolon \MerkleHash$ is an \anchor, as defined in
\crossref{blockchain}, for the output \treestate of either
a previous \block, or a previous \joinSplitTransfer in this
\item $\nfOld{\allOld} \typecolon (\PRFOutput)^{\NOld}$ is
the sequence of \nullifiers for the input \notes;
\item $\cmNew{\allNew} \typecolon {\CommitOutput}^{\NNew}$ is
the sequence of \noteCommitments for the output \notes;
\item \changed{$\EphemeralPublic \typecolon \KAPublic$ is
a key agreement public key, used to derive the key for encryption
of the \notesCiphertext (\crossref{inband})};
\item \changed{$\RandomSeed \typecolon \RandomSeedType$ is
a seed that must be chosen independently at random for each
\item $\h{\allOld} \typecolon (\PRFOutput)^{\NOld}$ is
a sequence of tags that bind $\hSig$ to each
$\AuthPrivate$ of the input \notes;
\item $\JoinSplitProof \typecolon \ZKProof$ is
the \zeroKnowledgeProof for the \joinSplitStatement;
\item $\TransmitCiphertext{\allNew} \typecolon {\Ciphertext}^{\NNew}$ is
a sequence of ciphertext components for the encrypted output \notes.
The $\ephemeralKey$ and $\encCiphertexts$ fields together form the \notesCiphertext.
@ -2369,6 +2337,122 @@ verifier \MUST check, for the encoding of each element, that:
\nsection{Consensus Changes from \Bitcoin}
\nsubsection{Encoding of \Transactions}
The \Zcash \transaction format is as follows:
Bytes & \heading{Name} & \heading{Data Type} & \heading{Description} \\
4 & $\versionField$ & \type{uint32\_t} & Transaction version number; either 1 or 2. \\ \hline
\Varies & $\txInCount$ & \type{compactSize uint} & Number of transparent inputs in this transaction. \\ \hline
\Varies & $\txIn$ & $\txIn$ & Transparent inputs, encoded as in \Bitcoin. \\ \hline
\Varies & $\txOutCount$ & \type{compactSize uint} & Number of transparent outputs in this transaction. \\ \hline
\Varies & $\txOut$ & $\txOut$ & Transparent outputs, encoded as in \Bitcoin. \\ \hline
4 & $\lockTime$ & \type{uint32\_t} & A Unix epoch time or block number, encoded as in \Bitcoin. \\ \hline
\Varies\;$\dagger$ & $\nJoinSplit$ & \type{compactSize uint} & The number of \joinSplitDescriptions
in $\vJoinSplit$. \\ \hline
\Longunderstack{1802 $\times$ \\ $\nJoinSplit\,\dagger$} & $\vJoinSplit$ & \type{JoinSplitDescription} \type{[$\nJoinSplit$]} &
A \sequenceOfJoinSplitDescriptions, each encoded as described in \crossref{joinsplitencoding}. \\ \hline
32 $\ddagger$ & $\joinSplitPubKey$ & \type{char[32]} & An encoding of a $\JoinSplitSigAlg$
public verification key. \\ \hline
64 $\ddagger$ & $\joinSplitSig$ & \type{char[64]} & A signature on a prefix of the \transaction encoding,
to be verified using $\joinSplitPubKey$. \\ \hline
$\dagger$ The $\nJoinSplit$ and $\vJoinSplit$ fields are present if and only if
$\versionField > 1$.
$\ddagger$ The $\joinSplitPubKey$ and $\joinSplitSig$ fields are present if and only if
$\versionField > 1$ and $\nJoinSplit > 0$.
The encoding of $\joinSplitPubKey$ and the data to be signed are specified in
The changes relative to \Bitcoin version 1 transactions as described in \cite{Bitcoin-Format} are:
\item The \transactionVersionNumber{} can be either 1 or 2. A version 1 \transaction is
equivalent to a version 2 \transaction with $\nJoinSplit = 0$. Software that parses
\blocks{} \MUSTNOT assume, when an encoded \block starts with an $\versionField$
field representing a value other than 1 or 2 (e.g.\ future versions potentially
introduced by hard forks), that it will be parseable according to this format.
\item The $\nJoinSplit$, $\vJoinSplit$, $\joinSplitPubKey$, and $\joinSplitSig$ fields
have been added.
Software that creates \transactions{} \SHOULD use version 1 for \transactions with no
A \transactionVersionNumber of 2 does not have the same meaning as in \Bitcoin, where
it is associated with support for \texttt{OP\_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY} as specified in \cite{BIP-68}.
\Zcash was forked from \Bitcoin v0.11.2 and does not support BIP 68, or the related BIPs
9, 112 and 113.
\nsubsection{Encoding of \JoinSplitDescriptions} \label{joinsplitencoding}
An abstract \joinSplitDescription, as described in \crossref{joinsplit}, is encoded in
a \transaction as an instance of a \type{JoinSplitDescription} type as follows:
Bytes & \heading{Name} & \heading{Data Type} & \heading{Description} \\
\setchanged 8 &\setchanged $\vpubOldField$ &\setchanged \type{int64\_t} &\mbox{}\setchanged
A value $\vpubOld$ that the \joinSplitTransfer removes from the \transparentValuePool. \\ \hline
8 & $\vpubNewField$ & \type{int64\_t} & A value $\vpubNew$ that the \joinSplitTransfer inserts
into the \transparentValuePool. \\ \hline
32 & $\anchorField$ & \type{char[32]} & A merkle root $\rt$ of the \noteCommitmentTree at
some block height in the past, or the merkle root produced by a previous \joinSplitTransfer in
this \transaction. \sean{We need to be more specific here.} \\ \hline
64 & $\nullifiersField$ & \type{char[32][$\NOld$]} & A sequence of \nullifiers of the input
\notes $\nfOld{\allOld}$. \\ \hline
64 & $\commitments$ & \type{char[32][$\NNew$]}. & A sequence of \noteCommitments for the
output \notes $\cmNew{\allNew}$. \\ \hline
\setchanged 32 &\setchanged $\ephemeralKey$ &\setchanged \type{char[32]} &\mbox{}\setchanged
A Curve25519 public key $\EphemeralPublic$. \\ \hline
\setchanged 32 &\setchanged $\randomSeed$ &\setchanged \type{char[32]} &\mbox{}\setchanged
A 256-bit seed that must be chosen independently at random for each \joinSplitDescription. \\ \hline
64 & $\vmacs$ & \type{char[32][$\NOld$]} & A sequence of message authentication tags
$\h{\allOld}$ that bind $\hSig$ to each $\AuthPrivate$ of the
$\joinSplitDescription$. \\ \hline
296 & $\zkproof$ & \type{char[296]} & An encoding of the \zeroKnowledgeProof $\JoinSplitProof$
(see \crossref{proofencoding}). \\ \hline
1202 & $\encCiphertexts$ & \type{char[601][$\NNew$]} & A sequence of ciphertext
components for the encrypted output \notes, $\TransmitCiphertext{\allNew}$. \\ \hline
The $\ephemeralKey$ and $\encCiphertexts$ fields together form the \notesCiphertext.
The \Zcash \blockHeader format is as follows:
@ -2422,6 +2506,9 @@ The changes relative to \Bitcoin version 4 blocks as described in \cite{Bitcoin-
\item The type of the $\nNonce$ field has changed from \type{uint32\_t} to \type{char[32]}.
There is no relation between the values of the $\versionField$ field of a \transaction, and
the $\nVersion$ field of a \blockHeader.
\nsubsection{Proof of Work}
@ -2727,7 +2814,7 @@ adversary.)
The $\NoteAddressRand$ value for each output \note is then derived from
a random private seed $\NoteAddressPreRand$ and $\hSig$ using
$\PRFrho{\NoteAddressPreRand}$. The correct construction of
$\NoteAddressRand$ for each output \note is enforced by the circuit
$\NoteAddressRand$ for each output \note is enforced by the \joinSplitStatement
(see \crossref{uniquerho}).
Now even if the creator of a \joinSplitDescription does not choose
@ -2759,13 +2846,13 @@ such an attacker to break the Balance property by double-spending
\Zcash uses a simpler construction with a single $\FullHashName$ evaluation
for the commitment. The motivation for the nested construction in \Zerocash
was to allow Mint transactions to be publically verified without requiring
a ZK proof (as described under step 3 in
a \zeroKnowledgeProof (as described under step 3 in
\cite[section 1.3]{BCG+2014}). Since \Zcash combines ``Mint'' and ``Pour''
transactions into a generalized \joinSplitTransfer which always uses a ZK proof,
it does not require the nesting. A side benefit is that this reduces the
number of $\SHA$ evaluations needed to compute each \noteCommitment from
three to two, saving a total of four $\SHA$ evaluations in the
transactions into a generalized \joinSplitTransfer which always uses a
\zeroKnowledgeProof, it does not require the nesting. A side benefit is
that this reduces the number of $\SHA$ evaluations needed to compute
each \noteCommitment from three to two, saving a total of four $\SHA$
evaluations in the \joinSplitStatement.
\Zcash \noteCommitments are not statistically hiding,
@ -2774,7 +2861,7 @@ described in \cite[section 8.1]{BCG+2014},
even when used as described in that section. While it is possible to
define a statistically hiding, computationally binding commitment scheme
for this use at a 128-bit security level, the overhead of doing so
within the circuit was not considered to justify the benefits.
within the \joinSplitStatement was not considered to justify the benefits.
\nsubsection{Changes to PRF inputs and truncation}

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@ -227,6 +227,14 @@ L. Hern{\'a}ndez Encinas and C. S{\'a}nchez {\'A}vila},
author={Mark Friedenbach and BtcDrak and Nicolas Dorier and kinoshitajona},
title={Relative lock-time using con\-sensus-enforced sequence numbers},
howpublished={Bitcoin Improvement Proposal 68. Last revised November 21, 2015},
author={IEEE Computer Society},