# Experimental; options are pdflatex, lualatex, or xelatex. # On Debian, LuaLaTeX needs the texlive-luatex package, and XeLaTeX needs the texlive-xetex package. # Make sure to read . ENGINE= LATEXMKOPT_pdflatex= LATEXMKOPT_xelatex=-pdflatex=xelatex -dvi- -ps- LATEXMKOPT_lualatex=-pdflatex=lualatex -dvi- -ps- LATEXMK=latexmk $(LATEXMKOPT_$(ENGINE)) --halt-on-error -bibtex -pdf -logfilewarnings- LATEX=$(ENGINE) --halt-on-error # extractpdfmark is needed to produce optimized PDFs that preserve "named destinations" # (needed for external links into the file to work correctly). # EXTRACTPDFMARK=extractpdfmark # Options are documented at OPTIMIZER=gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/screen -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH \ -r450 -dDownsampleColorImages=false -dDownsampleGrayImages=false -dDownsampleMonoImages=false -dFastWebView=true \ -dSubsetFonts=true -dCompressPages=true sprout.pdf: protocol.tex zcash.bib incremental_merkle.png key_components.png $(MAKE) sprout sapling.pdf: protocol.tex zcash.bib incremental_merkle.png key_components_sapling.png $(MAKE) sapling blossom.pdf: protocol.tex zcash.bib incremental_merkle.png key_components_sapling.png $(MAKE) blossom .PHONY: auxsprout auxsprout: printf '\\renewcommand{\\docversion}{Version %s [\\SproutSpec]}' "$$(git describe --tags --abbrev=6)" |tee protocol.ver mkdir -p aux rm -f aux/sprout.* aux/protocol.* $(LATEXMK) -jobname=sprout -auxdir=aux -outdir=aux protocol .PHONY: sprout sprout: $(MAKE) auxsprout mv -f aux/sprout.pdf . .PHONY: pvcsprout pvcsprout: printf '\\renewcommand{\\docversion}{Version %s [\\SproutSpec]}' "$$(git describe --tags --abbrev=6)" |tee protocol.ver mkdir -p aux rm -f aux/sprout.* aux/protocol.* $(LATEXMK) -jobname=sprout -auxdir=aux -pvc protocol .PHONY: auxsapling auxsapling: printf '\\toggletrue{issapling}\n\\renewcommand{\\docversion}{Version %s [\\SaplingSpec]}' "$$(git describe --tags --abbrev=6)" |tee protocol.ver mkdir -p aux rm -f aux/sapling.* $(LATEXMK) -jobname=sapling -auxdir=aux -outdir=aux protocol .PHONY: sapling sapling: $(MAKE) auxsapling mv -f aux/sapling.pdf . cp -f sapling.pdf protocol.pdf .PHONY: pvcsapling pvcsapling: printf '\\toggletrue{issapling}\n\\renewcommand{\\docversion}{Version %s [\\SaplingSpec]}' "$$(git describe --tags --abbrev=6)" |tee protocol.ver mkdir -p aux rm -f aux/sapling.* $(LATEXMK) -jobname=sapling -auxdir=aux -pvc protocol .PHONY: auxblossom auxblossom: printf '\\toggletrue{isblossom}\n\\renewcommand{\\docversion}{Version %s [\\BlossomSpec]}' "$$(git describe --tags --abbrev=6)" |tee protocol.ver mkdir -p aux rm -f aux/blossom.* $(LATEXMK) -jobname=blossom -auxdir=aux -outdir=aux protocol .PHONY: blossom blossom: $(MAKE) auxblossom mv -f aux/blossom.pdf . .PHONY: pvcblossom pvcblossom: printf '\\toggletrue{isblossom}\n\\renewcommand{\\docversion}{Version %s [\\BlossomSpec]}' "$$(git describe --tags --abbrev=6)" |tee protocol.ver mkdir -p aux rm -f aux/blossom.* $(LATEXMK) -jobname=blossom -auxdir=aux -pvc protocol .PHONY: nolatexmk-sprout nolatexmk-sprout: printf '\\renewcommand{\\docversion}{Version %s [\\SproutSpec]}' "$$(git describe --tags --abbrev=6)" |tee protocol.ver # If $(LATEX) fails, touch an input so that 'make' won't think it is up-to-date next time. rm -f sprout.aux sprout.bbl sprout.blg sprout.brf sprout.bcf $(LATEX) -jobname=sprout protocol.tex || { touch incremental_merkle.png; exit 1; } biber sprout $(LATEX) -jobname=sprout protocol.tex || { touch incremental_merkle.png; exit 1; } $(LATEX) -jobname=sprout protocol.tex || { touch incremental_merkle.png; exit 1; } sh mymakeindex.sh -o sprout.ind sprout.idx $(LATEX) -jobname=sprout protocol.tex || { touch incremental_merkle.png; exit 1; } .PHONY: nolatexmk-sapling nolatexmk-sapling: printf '\\toggletrue{issapling}\n\\renewcommand{\\docversion}{Version %s [\\SaplingSpec]}' "$$(git describe --tags --abbrev=6)" |tee protocol.ver # If $(LATEX) fails, touch an input so that 'make' won't think it is up-to-date next time. rm -f sapling.aux sapling.bbl sapling.blg sapling.brf sapling.bcf $(LATEX) -jobname=sapling protocol.tex || { touch incremental_merkle.png; exit 1; } biber sapling $(LATEX) -jobname=sapling protocol.tex || { touch incremental_merkle.png; exit 1; } $(LATEX) -jobname=sapling protocol.tex || { touch incremental_merkle.png; exit 1; } sh mymakeindex.sh -o sapling.ind sapling.idx $(LATEX) -jobname=sapling protocol.tex || { touch incremental_merkle.png; 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