:: ZIP: Unassigned {numbers are assigned by ZIP editors} Title: Transaction Non-Malleability Owners: Daira Hopwood Kris Nuttycombe Status: Draft Category: {Consensus | Standards Track | Network | RPC | Wallet | Informational | Process} Created: yyyy-mm-dd License: {usually MIT} Pull-Request: <> =========== Terminology =========== The key words "MUST" and "MUST NOT" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119. [#RFC2119]_ The terms "consensus branch", "epoch", and "network upgrade" in this document are to be interpreted as described in ZIP 200. [#zip-0200]_ ======== Abstract ======== This proposal defines a new transaction digest algorithm for the network upgrade onward, in order to introduce non-malleable transaction identifiers that commit to all effecting data of transactions. This proposal also defines a new transaction digest algorithm for signature validation, which shares all available structure produced during the construction of transaction identifiers, in order to minimize redundant data hashing in validation. This proposal als defines new semantics for the ``hashLightClientRoot`` field of the block header, to enable additional commitments to be represented in this hash and to provide a mechanism for future extensibility of the set of commitments represented. ========== Motivation ========== In all cases, but particularly in order to support the use of transactions in higher-level protocols, any modification of the transaction that has not been explicitly permitted (such as via anyone-can-spend inputs) should invalidate attestations to spend authority or to the included outputs. Following the activation of this proposed change, transaction identifiers will be stable irrespective of any possible malleation of witness data. ============ Requirements ============ - Continue to support existing functionality of the protocol (multisig, signing modes for transparent inputs). - Allow the use of transaction ids, and pairs of the form (transaction id, output index) as stable identifiers. - A sender must be able to recognize their own transaction, even given allowed forms of malleability such as changes to witnesses. - In the case of transparent inputs, it should be possible to create a transaction (B) that spends the outputs from a previous transaction (A) even before (A) has been mined. This should also be possible in the case that the creator of (B) does not wait for confirmations of (A); (B) should remain valid so long as any variant of (A) is eventually mined. - It should not be possible for an attacker to malleate a transaction in a fashion that would result in the transaction being interpreted as a double-spend. - It should be possible in the future to upgrade the protocol in such a fashion that only non-malleable transactions are accepted. - It should be possible to use the transaction id unmodified as the value that is used to produce a signature hash in the case that the transaction contains no transparent inputs, or in the case that the ``SIGHASH_ALL`` flag is used. ========= Prior Art ========= - https://zips.z.cash/zip-0143 - https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0062.mediawiki - https://bitcoinclassic.com/devel/Flexible%20Transactions.html - SegWit ================ Non-requirements ================ In order to support backwards-compatibility with parts of the ecosystem that have not yet upgraded to the non-malleable transaction format, it is not an initial requirement that all transactions be non-malleable. ============= Specification ============= ------- Digests ------- All digests are personalized BLAKE2b-256 hashes. In cases where no elements are available for hashing (for example, if there are no TZE inputs) the resulting hash will be over just the personalization string, providing domain separation even for empty data fields. TxId Digest =========== A new transaction digest algorithm is defined that constructs the identifier for a transaction from a tree of hashes. The overall structure of the hash is as follows: txid_digest ├── header_digest ├── transparent_digest │   ├── prevouts_digest │   ├── sequence_digest │   └── outputs_digest ├── tze_digest │   ├── tzein_digest │   └── tzeout_digest ├── sprout_digest └── sapling_digest    ├── sapling_spends_digest │   ├── sapling_spends_compact_digest │   └── sapling_spends_noncompact_digest    ├── sapling_outputs_digest │   ├── sapling_outputs_compact_digest │   ├── sapling_outputs_memos_digest │   └── sapling_outputs_noncompact_digest    └── valueBalanceLE Each node written as ``snake_case`` in this tree is a BLAKE2b-256 hash of its children, initialized with a personalization string specific to that branch of the tree. Nodes that are not themselves digests are written in ``camelCase``. ``txid_digest`` -------------- A BLAKE2b-256 hash of the following values :: * ``header_digest`` (32-byte hash output) * ``transparent_digest`` (32-byte hash output) * ``tze_digest (32-byte hash output) * ``sprout_digest (32-byte hash output) * ``sapling_digest (32-byte hash output) The personalization field of this hash is set to:: "ZcTxIdHeaderHash" 1: ``transparent_digest`` ````````````````````````` A BLAKE2b-256 hash of the following values :: * 1a. ``prevouts_digest`` (32-byte hash) * 1b. ``sequence_digest`` (32-byte hash) * 1c. ``outputs_digest`` (32-byte hash) The personalization field of this hash is set to:: "ZcTxIdTranspHash" 1a: ``prevouts_digest`` ''''''''''''''''''''''' A BLAKE2b-256 hash of the *transaction serialized form* of all ``outpoint`` field values of transparent inputs to the transaction. The personalization field of this hash is set to:: "ZcTxIdPrevoutHsh" 1b: ``sequence_digest`` ''''''''''''''''''''''' A BLAKE2b-256 hash of the *32-bit little-endian representation* of all ``nSequence`` field values of transparent inputs to the transaction. The personalization field of this hash is set to:: "ZcTxIdSequencHsh" 1c: ``outputs_digest`` '''''''''''''''''''''' A BLAKE2b-256 hash of the *transaction serialized form* of all transparent outputs belonging to the transaction. The personalization field of this hash is set to:: "ZcTxIdOutputsHsh" 2: ``tze_digest`` ````````````````` A BLAKE2b-256 hash of the following values :: * 2a. ``tzein_digest`` (32-byte hash) * 2b. ``tzeout_digest`` (32-byte hash) The personalization field of this hash is set to:: "ZcTxIdTZE___Hash" 2a: ``tzein_digest`` ''''''''''''''''''''''' A BLAKE2b-256 hash of all TZE inputs to the transaction, excluding witness data. For each TZE input, the following values are appended to this hash:: * 2a.i. the *transaction serialized form* of the CompactSize representation of the TZE extension id for the input. * 2a.i. the *transaction serialized form* of the CompactSize representation of the TZE mode for the input. The personalization field of this hash is set to:: "ZcTxIdTzeInsHash" 2a: ``tzeout_digest`` ''''''''''''''''''''''' A BLAKE2b-256 hash of the *transaction serialized form* of all TZE outputs belonging to the transaction. The personalization field of this hash is set to:: "ZcTxIdTzeOutHash" 3: ``sprout_digest`` ````````````````````````` A BLAKE2b-256 hash of the *transaction serialized form* of all Sprout ``JoinSplit`` components of the transaction followed by the *transaction_serialized_form* of the ``joinSplitPubKey`` value. This is equivalent to the internal hash that is specified by ZIP-0143 over the Sprout data, with the distinction that the unmodified hash finalized immediately after initialization with the personalization string is used in the case that no ``JoinSplit`` components exist, rather than the ``uint256`` of ``0x0000...0000``. The personalization field of this hash is set to:: "ZTxIdJSplitsHash" 4: ``sapling_digest`` ````````````````````` The digest of Sapling components is composed of two subtrees which are organized to permit easy interoperability with the ``CompactBlock`` representation of Sapling data specified by the ZIP-307 Light Client Protocol. This digest is a BLAKE2b-256 hash of the following values :: * 4a. ``sapling_spends_digest`` (32-byte hash) * 4b. ``sapling_outputs_digest`` (32-byte hash) * 4c. ``valueBalanceLE`` (64-bit signed little-endian) The personalization field of this hash is set to:: "ZTxIdSaplingHash" 4a: ``sapling_spends_digest`` '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' This digest is a BLAKE2b-256 hash of the following values :: * 4a.i. ``sapling_spends_compact_digest`` (32-byte hash) * 4b.ii. ``sapling_spends_noncompact_digest`` (32-byte hash) The personalization field of this hash is set to:: "ZTxIdSSpendsHash" 4a.i: ``sapling_spends_compact_digest`` ........................................ A BLAKE2b-256 hash of the *transaction serialized form* of all nullifier field values of Sapling shielded spends belonging to the transaction. The personalization field of this hash is set to:: "ZTxIdSSpendCHash" 4a.ii: ``sapling_spends_noncompact_digest`` ............................................ A BLAKE2b-256 hash of the non-nullifier information for all Sapling shielded spends belonging to the transaction. For each spend, the following elements are included in the hash:: * 4a.ii.1 ``cv`` (*transaction serialized form* bytes) * 4a.ii.2 ``anchor`` (*transaction serialized form* bytes) * 4a.ii.3 ``rk`` (*transaction serialized form* bytes) * 4a.ii.4 ``zkproof`` (*transaction serialized form* bytes) The personalization field of this hash is set to:: "ZTxIdSSpendNHash" 4b: ``sapling_outputs_digest`` ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' This digest is a BLAKE2b-256 hash of the following values :: * 4a.i. ``sapling_outputs_compact_digest`` (32-byte hash) * 4b.ii. ``sapling_outputs_memos_digest`` (32-byte hash) * 4b.iii. ``sapling_outputs_noncompact_digest`` (32-byte hash) The personalization field of this hash is set to:: "ZTxIdSOutputHash" 4b.i: ``sapling_outputs_compact_digest`` ......................................... A BLAKE2b-256 hash of the subset of Sapling output information included in the ZIP-307 ``CompactBlock`` format for all Sapling shielded outputs belonging to the transaction. For each output, the following elements are included in the hash:: * 4b.i.1 ``cmu`` (*transaction serialized form* bytes) * 4b.i.2 ``ephemeral_key`` (*transaction serialized form* bytes) * 4b.i.3 ``enc_ciphertext[..52] (First 52 bytes of *transaction serialized form* The personalization field of this hash is set to:: "ZTxIdSOutC__Hash" 4a.ii: ``sapling_outputs_memos_digest`` ........................................ A BLAKE2b-256 hash of the subset of Sapling shielded memo field data for all Sapling shielded outputs belonging to the transaction. For each output, the following elements are included in the hash:: * 4b.ii.1 ``enc_ciphertext[52..564] (contents of the encrypted memo field) The personalization field of this hash is set to:: "ZTxIdSOutM__Hash" 4a.iii: ``sapling_outputs_noncompact_digest`` .............................................. A BLAKE2b-256 hash of the remaining subset of Sapling output information **not** included in the ZIP-307 ``CompactBlock`` format, for all Sapling shielded outputs belonging to the transaction. For each output, the following elements are included in the hash:: * 4b.iii.1 ``cv`` (*transaction serialized form* bytes) * 4b.iii.2 ``enc_ciphertext[564..]`` (post-memo suffix of *transaction serialized form*) * 4b.iii.3 ``out_ciphertext`` (*transaction serialized form* bytes) * 4b.iii.4 ``zkproof`` (*transaction serialized form* bytes) The personalization field of this hash is set to:: "ZTxIdSOutN__Hash" Witness Digest ============== A new transaction digest algorithm is defined that constructs a digest which commits to the authorizing data of a transaction from a tree of BLAKE2b-256 hashes. The overall structure of the hash is as follows: auth_digest ├── transparent_scripts_digest ├── tze_witnesses_digest ├── sprout_sigs_digest └── sapling_sigs_digest Each node written as ``snake_case`` in this tree is a BLAKE2b-256 hash of authorizing data of the transaction. ``auth_digest`` -------------- A BLAKE2b-256 hash of the following values :: * ``transparent_scripts_digest`` (32-byte hash output) * ``tze_witnesses_digest (32-byte hash output) * ``sprout_sigs_digest (32-byte hash output) * ``sapling_sigs_digest (32-byte hash output) The personalization field of this hash is set to:: "ZTxAuth_____Hash" 1: ``transparent_scripts_digest`` ````````````````````````````````` A BLAKE2b-256 hash of the *transaction serialized form* of the Bitcoin script associated with each transparent input belonging to the transaction. The personalization field of this hash is set to:: "ZTxAuthTransHash" 2: ``tze_witnesses_digest`` ``````````````````````````` A BLAKE2b-256 hash of the *transaction serialized form* of the witness data associated with each TZE input belonging to the transaction. The personalization field of this hash is set to:: "ZTxAuthTZE__Hash" 3: ``sprout_sigs_digest`` ``````````````````````````` A BLAKE2b-256 hash of the *transaction serialized form* of the joinsplit signature belonging to the transaction. The personalization field of this hash is set to:: "ZTxAuthSprouHash" 3: ``sapling_sigs_digest`` ``````````````````````````` A BLAKE2b-256 hash of the *transaction serialized form* of the sapling signature of each Sapling spend description belonging to the transaction, followed by the *transaction serialized form* of the binding signature. The personalization field of this hash is set to:: "ZTxAuthSapliHash" -------------------- Block Header Changes -------------------- // TODO: Need @str4d's help here. ======================== Reference implementation ======================== - https://github.com/zcash/librustzcash/pull/319/files ========== References ==========