.. Title: Specifications and Zcash Improvement Proposals What are ZIPs? -------------- Zcash Improvement Proposals (ZIPs) are the way to: * propose new features for the the `Zcash cryptocurrency `__ and their rationale, * specify the implementation details of the feature, * collect community input on the proposal, and * document design decisions. Contributing ------------ The authors of a ZIP are responsible for building consensus within the community and documenting / addressing dissenting opinions. Anyone can write a ZIP! We encourage community contributions and decentralization of work on the Zcash protocol. If you’d like to bounce ideas off people before formally writing a ZIP, we encourage it! Visit the `ZcashCommunity Discord chat `__ to talk about your idea. Participation in the Zcash project is subject to a `Code of Conduct `__. The Zcash protocol is documented in its `Protocol Specification `__. To start contributing, first read `ZIP 0 `__ which documents the ZIP process. Then clone `this repo `__ from GitHub, and start adding your draft ZIP, formatted either as reStructuredText or as Markdown. For example, if using reStructuredText, use a filename matching ``draft-*.rst``. Use ``make`` to check that you are using correct `reStructuredText `__ or `Markdown `__ syntax, and double-check the generated ``draft-*.html`` file before filing a Pull Request. Canopy ZIPs ----------- This is the list of ZIPs that were included in `Canopy (Network Upgrade 4) `_, which activated on mainnet on November 18, 2020. - `ZIP 207: Funding Streams `__ - `ZIP 211: Disabling Addition of New Value to the Sprout Value Pool `__ - `ZIP 212: Allow Recipient to Derive Sapling Ephemeral Secret from Note Plaintext `__ - `ZIP 214: Consensus rules for a Zcash Development Fund `__ - `ZIP 215: Explicitly Defining and Modifying Ed25519 Validation Rules `__ - `ZIP 251: Deployment of the Canopy Network Upgrade `__ License ------- Unless otherwise stated in this repository’s individual files, the contents of this repository are released under the terms of the MIT license. See `COPYING `__ for more information or see https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT .