protocol.pdf: protocol.tex zcash.bib incremental_merkle.pdf key_components.pdf $(MAKE) pdf sapling.pdf: protocol.tex zcash.bib incremental_merkle.pdf key_components.pdf $(MAKE) sapling .PHONY: pdf pdf: printf '\\renewcommand{\\docversion}{Version %s}' "$$(git describe --tags --abbrev=6)" |tee protocol.ver # If latexmk fails, touch an input so that 'make' won't think it is up-to-date next time. rm -f protocol.aux protocol.bbl protocol.blg protocol.brf protocol.bcf latexmk -bibtex -pdf protocol || { touch incremental_merkle.pdf; exit 1; } .PHONY: pvcpdf pvcpdf: printf '\\renewcommand{\\docversion}{Version %s}' "$$(git describe --tags --abbrev=6)" |tee protocol.ver # If latexmk fails, touch an input so that 'make' won't think it is up-to-date next time. rm -f protocol.aux protocol.bbl protocol.blg protocol.brf protocol.bcf latexmk -bibtex -pdf -pvc protocol .PHONY: sapling sapling: printf '\\toggletrue{issapling}\n\\renewcommand{\\docversion}{Version %s [Sapling]}' "$$(git describe --tags --abbrev=6)" |tee protocol.ver # If latexmk fails, touch an input so that 'make' won't think it is up-to-date next time. rm -f sapling.aux sapling.bbl sapling.blg sapling.brf sapling.bcf latexmk -bibtex -pdf -jobname=sapling protocol || { touch incremental_merkle.pdf; exit 1; } .PHONY: pvcsapling pvcsapling: printf '\\toggletrue{issapling}\n\\renewcommand{\\docversion}{Version %s [Sapling]}' "$$(git describe --tags --abbrev=6)" |tee protocol.ver # If latexmk fails, touch an input so that 'make' won't think it is up-to-date next time. rm -f sapling.aux sapling.bbl sapling.blg sapling.brf sapling.bcf latexmk -bibtex -pdf -jobname=sapling -pvc protocol .PHONY: clean clean: rm -f protocol.dvi protocol.pdf protocol.bbl protocol.blg protocol.brf protocol.toc \ protocol.aux protocol.out protocol.log protocol.bcf protocol.ver \ sapling.dvi sapling.pdf sapling.bbl sapling.blg sapling.brf sapling.toc \ sapling.aux sapling.out sapling.log sapling.bcf