ZIP: 1009
Title: Five-Entity Strategic Council
Owner: Avichal Garg <>
Status: Obsolete
Category: Process
Created: 2019-08-28
License: MIT
Discussions-To: <>


Key terms

Developer Fund
20% of the mined ZEC in the four-year period from approximately October 2020 to October 2024, during which at most 5,250,000 ZEC will be minted.
Strategic Council
A five-person committee that determines how to allocate the Developer Fund. Held accountable to the community via regular elections.
An individual, group, company, or other organization that receives funding from the Strategic Council. They are responsible for excellent execution and held accountable by the Strategic Council.


This proposal reserves 20% of newly minted coins in each block for a Developer Fund. A five-person Strategic Council would be elected by the community every two years. The Strategic Council would determine the high level strategy, goals, and metrics to evaluate progress for the ecosystem on a six-month cadence. The Strategic Council would be responsible for allocating funding to Executors for the subsequent six months and summarizing the performance of Executors in the prior six months. Executors would submit proposals to the Strategic Council on a six-month cadence, including project plans, funding plans, and how they will measure success on a scale from 1-10. At the end of six months, Executors will grade themselves and the Strategic Council will summarize what was accomplished with a target of 7/10 in every quarter on a roll-up basis (a simple average of all of the outstanding projects for that six months).

Out of Scope for this Proposal

Motivation and Requirements

This is an attempt to put on my startup CEO hat and address the strategic and execution challenges I believe have held back Zcash from realizing its full potential.

Principles & Observations Based on My Experiences (a.k.a. Biases?)

Because layer 1 protocols are network-effect driven, without a quickly growing network-effect in miners, developers, users, and liquidity, a layer 1 protocol will ultimately collapse.

The primary driver of success in a network-effect business is how quickly you grow the network effects.

To grow a network effect, you must have both the correct strategy and excellent execution. If your strategy is not correct, no matter how well you execute, you will fail. If your execution is not excellent, you will not be able to assess whether lack of progress is due to poor execution or poor strategy.

Thus, to build the network effects Zcash needs to succeed, we must answer five questions:

  1. Who determines the strategy?
  2. How do they decide on the strategy?
  3. How are they held accountable to having the correct strategy?
  4. Who executes?
  5. How are Executors held accountable to excellent execution?

1. Who determines the strategy?

2. How do they decide on the strategy?

3. How are they held accountable to having the correct strategy?

4. Who executes?

5. How are Executors held accountable to excellent execution?


1. Who determines strategy?

2. How do they decide?

How are they held accountable for having the correct strategy?

4. Who executes?

5. How are they held accountable to excellent execution?

Issues & Further Discussion

Raised objections, issues, and open questions:

References / Background

these should be made into inline references.

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