:: ZIP: 200 Title: Network Upgrade Mechanism Author: Jack Grigg Category: Consensus Created: 2018-01-08 License: MIT Terminology =========== The key words "MUST", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", and "MAY" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119. [#RFC2119]_ The terms below are to be interpreted as follows: Branch A chain of blocks with common consensus rules, where the first block in the chain is either the genesis block, or the child of a parent block created under an older set of consensus rules (i.e. the parent block is a member of a different branch). By definition, every block belongs to at most one branch. Consensus rule change The creation of a new branch by a change in the consensus rules of the network. Nodes that do not recognize the new rules will continue to follow the old branch. Network upgrade An intentional consensus rule change undertaken by the community in order to improve the network. Abstract ======== This proposal defines a mechanism for coordinating upgrades of the Zcash network, in order to remove ambiguity about when network upgrades will activate, provide defined periods in which users should upgrade their local software, and minimize the risks to both the upgrading network and any users opting out of the changes. Motivation ========== Zcash is a *consensual currency*: nobody is ever going to force someone to use a specific software implementation or a specific branch of Zcash. [#consensual-currency]_ As such, different sub-communities will always have the freedom to choose different variants or branches which offer different design trade-offs. The current Zcash software includes an *auto-senescence* feature, causing nodes running a particular version to automatically shut down approximately 16 weeks after that version was released (specifically, at the block height ``DEPRECATION_HEIGHT`` defined in the source code for that version). This was implemented for several reasons: [#release-lifecycle]_ - It gives the same systemic advantage of removing old software as auto-upgrade behavior. - It requires users to individually choose one of the following options: - Upgrade to a more recent software release from the main network. - Upgrade to an alternative release. - Modify their node in order to keep running the older software. Developers can rely on this cadence for coordinating network upgrades. Once the last pre-upgrade software version has been deprecated, they can reasonably assume that all node operators on the network either support the upgraded rules, or have explicitly chosen not to follow them. However, this behaviour is not sufficient for performing network upgrades. A globally-understood on-chain activation mechanism is necessary so that nodes can unambiguously know at what point the changes from an upgrade come into effect (and can enforce consensus rule changes, for example). Specification ============= The following constants are defined for every network upgrade: BRANCH_ID A globally-unique non-zero 32-bit identifier. Implementations MAY use a value of zero in branch ID fields to indicate the absence of any upgrade (i.e. that the Sprout consensus rules apply). ACTIVATION_HEIGHT The non-zero block height at which the network upgrade rules will come into effect, and be enforced as part of the blockchain consensus. For removal of ambiguity, the block at height ``ACTIVATION_HEIGHT - 1`` is subject to the pre-upgrade consensus rules, and would be the last common block in the event of a persistent pre-upgrade branch. It MUST be greater than the value of ``DEPRECATION_HEIGHT`` in the last software version that will not contain support for the network upgrade. It SHOULD be chosen to be reached approximately three months after the first software version containing support for the network upgrade is released, for the following reason: - As of the time of writing (the 1.0.15 release), the release cycle is six weeks long, and nodes undergo auto-senescence 16 weeks after release. Thus, if version ``X`` contains support for a network upgrade, version ``X-1`` will be deprecated 10 weeks after the release of version ``X``, which is about 2.3 months. A three-month window provides ample time for users to upgrade their nodes after auto-senescence, and re-integrate into the network prior to activation of the network upgrade. The relationship between ``BRANCH_ID`` and ``ACTIVATION_HEIGHT`` is many-to-one: it is possible for many distinct branches to descend from the same parent block (and thus have the same ``ACTIVATION_HEIGHT``), but a specific branch can only have one parent block. Concretely, this means that if the ``ACTIVATION_HEIGHT`` of a network upgrade is changed for any reason (e.g. security vulnerabilities or consensus bugs are discovered), the ``BRANCH_ID`` MUST also be changed. Activation mechanism -------------------- A blockchain is defined as invalid if, within the set of all network upgrades that have activated in the past (or will activate in future) on that chain, an ``ACTIVATION_HEIGHT`` is repeated. Note that this does not require ``ACTIVATION_HEIGHT`` to be globally unique, or even locally unique; multiple network upgrades can occur in parallel, as long as they are non-overlapping (only one will activate on any given chain). Concretely, this means that the Zcash blockchain is broken into "epochs" of block height intervals ``[ACTIVATION_HEIGHT_N, ACTIVATION_HEIGHT_{N+1})`` (i.e. including ``ACTIVATION_HEIGHT_N`` and excluding ``ACTIVATION_HEIGHT_{N+1}``), on which consensus rule sets are defined. Consensus rules themselves (and any network behavior or surrounding code that depends on them) MUST be gated by block height checks. For example: .. code:: cpp if (CurrentEpoch(chainActive.Height(), Params().GetConsensus()) == Consensus::UPGRADE_OVERWINTER) { // Overwinter-specific logic } else { // Non-Overwinter logic } // ... if (NetworkUpgradeActive(pindex->nHeight, Params().GetConsensus(), Consensus::UPGRADE_OVERWINTER)) { // Overwinter consensus rules applied to block } else { // Pre-Overwinter consensus rules applied to block } Block validation ```````````````` Incoming blocks known to have a particular height (due to their parent chain being entirely known) MUST be validated under the consensus rules corresponding to the expected branch ID for that height. Incoming blocks with unknown heights (because at least one block header in their parent chain is unknown) MAY be cached for future consideration after all their parents have been received. Chain reorganization ```````````````````` It is possible for a reorganization to occur that rolls back from after the activation height, to before that height. This can handled in the same way as any regular chain orphaning or reorganization, as long as the new chain is valid. Post-activation upgrading ````````````````````````` If a user does not upgrade their node to a compatible software version before ``ACTIVATION_HEIGHT`` is reached, their node will follow any pre-upgrade branch that persists, and may download blocks that are incompatible with the post-upgrade branch. If the user subsequently upgrades their node to a compatible software version, the node will consider these blocks to be invalid, and MUST take one of the two following actions: - Discard all blocks of height ``ACTIVATION_HEIGHT`` and above, and then synchronize with the network. - Shut down and alert the user of the issue. In this case, the node could offer an option to perform the first action. Memory pool ----------- While the current chain tip height is below ``ACTIVATION_HEIGHT``, nodes SHOULD NOT accept transactions that will only be valid on the post-upgrade branch. When the current chain tip height reaches ``ACTIVATION_HEIGHT``, the node's local transaction memory pool SHOULD be cleared of transactions that will never be valid on the post-upgrade branch. Two-way replay protection ------------------------- Before the Overwinter network upgrade, two-way replay protection is ensured by enforcing post-upgrade that the most significant bit of the transaction version is set to 1. [#zip-tx-format]_ From the perspective of old nodes, the transactions will have a negative version number, which is invalid under the old consensus rules. Enforcing this rule trivially makes old transactions invalid on the Overwinter branch. After the Overwinter network upgrade, two-way replay protection is ensured by transaction signatures committing to a specific ``BRANCH_ID``. [#zip-0143]_ Wipe-out protection ------------------- Nodes running upgrade-aware software versions will enforce the upgraded consensus rules from ``ACTIVATION_HEIGHT``. The chain from that height will not reorganize to a pre-upgrade branch if any block in that branch would violate the new consensus rules. Care must be taken, however, to account for possible edge cases where the old and new consensus rules do not differ. For example, if the non-upgraded chain only contained empty blocks from ``ACTIVATION_HEIGHT``, and the coinbase transactions were valid under both the old and new consensus rules, a wipe-out could occur. The Overwinter network upgrade is not susceptible to this because all previous transaction versions will become invalid, meaning that the coinbase transactions must use the newer transaction version. More generally, this issue could be addressed in a future network upgrade by modifying the block header to include a commitment to the ``BRANCH_ID``. Deployment ========== This proposal will be deployed with the Overwinter network upgrade. Backward compatibility ====================== This proposal intentionally creates what is known as a "bilateral consensus rule change". Use of this mechanism requires that all network participants upgrade their software to a compatible version within the upgrade window. Older software will treat post-upgrade blocks as invalid, and will follow any pre-upgrade branch that persists. Reference Implementation ======================== https://github.com/zcash/zcash/pull/2898 References ========== .. [#RFC2119] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2119 .. [#consensual-currency] https://z.cash/blog/consensual-currency.html .. [#release-lifecycle] - https://z.cash/blog/release-cycle-and-lifetimes.html - https://z.cash/blog/release-cycle-update.html .. [#zip-tx-format] `Overwinter Transaction Format `_ .. [#zip-0143] `Transaction Signature Verification for Overwinter `_