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<title>ZIP 324: URI-Encapsulated Payments</title>
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<pre>ZIP: 324
Title: URI-Encapsulated Payments
Owners: Jack Grigg &lt;;
Daira-Emma Hopwood &lt;;
Kris Nuttycombe &lt;;
Original-Authors: Ian Miers
Eran Tromer
Jack Grigg
Kevin Gorham
Daira-Emma Hopwood
Credits: Sean Bowe
Deirdre Connolly
Linda Naeun Lee
George Tankersley
Henry de Valence
Status: Draft
Category: Standards / Wallet
Created: 2019-07-17
License: MIT</pre>
<section id="terminology"><h2><span class="section-heading">Terminology</span><span class="section-anchor"> <a rel="bookmark" href="#terminology"><img width="24" height="24" class="section-anchor" src="assets/images/section-anchor.png" alt=""></a></span></h2>
<p>The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "SHOULD", and "MAY" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 <a id="footnote-reference-1" class="footnote_reference" href="#bcp14">1</a> when, and only when, they appear in all capitals.</p>
<p>Zcash protocol terms are as defined in the Zcash Protocol Specification. <a id="footnote-reference-2" class="footnote_reference" href="#protocol">3</a></p>
<p id="applink">By “applink” we mean a platform mechanism for triggering local applications using HTTPS links, such as App Links <a id="footnote-reference-3" class="footnote_reference" href="#app-links">5</a> on Android, Universal Links <a id="footnote-reference-4" class="footnote_reference" href="#universal-links">6</a> on iOS, or App URI handlers <a id="footnote-reference-5" class="footnote_reference" href="#app-uri-handlers">7</a> on Windows.</p>
<section id="abstract"><h2><span class="section-heading">Abstract</span><span class="section-anchor"> <a rel="bookmark" href="#abstract"><img width="24" height="24" class="section-anchor" src="assets/images/section-anchor.png" alt=""></a></span></h2>
<p>This proposal specifies a mechanism for sending Zcash payments via any unmodified (secure) messaging service, e.g., Signal or WhatsApp. The sender need not know the recipient's address and the recipient need not have a Zcash wallet already installed. Payments occur via an ordinary text/WhatsApp/Signal message containing a URI. The URI encodes the secret spending key of an ephemeral Zcash “wallet address”, to which the funds have been transferred. Anyone who learns the URI can accept this payment, by a “finalization” process which uses the key given in the URI to transfer the encapsulated funds to their own wallet. After the payment is finalized, via a suitable on-chain transaction by the recipient, it becomes irrevocable.</p>
<p>The proposal specifies the syntax and semantics of URI-Encapsulated Payments, the workflow of generating and handling them, and requisite infrastructure.</p>
<p>At its core, a URI encapsulated payment communicates the existence of a transaction (specifically a note committing to an amount of funds) to a receiving client. The URI encodes the amount of the payment and a key used to derive all necessary randomness for note construction including the address and secret key needed to spend it.</p>
<section id="usage-story"><h3><span class="section-heading">Usage Story</span><span class="section-anchor"> <a rel="bookmark" href="#usage-story"><img width="24" height="24" class="section-anchor" src="assets/images/section-anchor.png" alt=""></a></span></h3>
<p>Alice wants to send a 1.23 ZEC payment to Bob. She doesn't have Bob's Zcash address — and Bob may not even have a wallet or have heard of Zcash! However, she does have some end-to-end encrypted channel to Bob on a secure messaging app, such as Signal or WhatsApp. She instructs her own Zcash wallet to send 1.23 ZEC on that channel. Her wallet then automatically generates a new ephemeral Zcash address and sends 1.23001 ZEC to this address. It then constructs a payment URI containing the secret key corresponding to the ephemeral address, and sends it to Bob via the secure messaging app.</p>
<p>Bob receives the message, which looks as follows:</p>
<p>This message contains a Zcash payment. Click the following link to view it and receive the funds using your Zcash wallet app:</p>
<p><a href=";desc=Payment+for+foo&amp;key=">;desc=Payment+for+foo&amp;key=</a>...</p>
<p>If you do not yet have a Zcash wallet app, see: <a href=""></a></p>
<p>Bob clicks the link. His Zcash mobile wallet app (which is already installed and has configured itself as a handler for URLs of that form) shows up, and tells Bob that a payment of 1.23 ZEC awaits him. The wallet app confirms the existence of the pertinent transactions on the blockchain, and then offers to finalize the payment. Bob clicks the “Finalize” button, and his wallet app generates a transaction moving the money to his own address (using the extra 0.00001 ZEC he has received to pay the transaction fee). When this transaction is confirmed on-chain, Alice's and Bob's wallets both indicate that the payment is finalized, and thus Bob can send the funds to other parties.</p>
<section id="motivation"><h2><span class="section-heading">Motivation</span><span class="section-anchor"> <a rel="bookmark" href="#motivation"><img width="24" height="24" class="section-anchor" src="assets/images/section-anchor.png" alt=""></a></span></h2>
<p>This proposal enables sending of funds without exposing users to the notion of payment addresses and their secure distribution. Instead, funds can be sent using any pre-existing communication channel, by a single message sent unidirectionally from the sender to the recipient. This message conveys all the information needed to obtain control of the funds, compactly expressed as a textual URI.</p>
<p>Consequently, all functionality related to contact discovery and secure-channel establishment can be delegated to the message app(s) with which the user is already familiar, and in which the user has already established communication channels to many of their contacts.</p>
<p>Moreover, funds can be sent to users who have not yet installed wallet software and who do not yet have a payment address. The recipient can collect the funds at any later time by installing suitable software.</p>
<p>Additionally, the proposal greatly improves the scalability of Zcash. If a recipient only receives URI payments, they need not scan the blockchain or delegate their view keys to a third party to do so.</p>
<p>Finally, this avoids the fat-finger problem of sending funds to the wrong address. The user sends funds via a known contact on, e.g., WhatsApp, who they have a relationship with or at least can confirm the recipient's identity. Moreover, even once funds are sent via a URI, they can be recovered if the other party does not claim them.</p>
<p>The proposal is complementary to ZIP 321 <a id="footnote-reference-6" class="footnote_reference" href="#zip-0321">4</a>, which will standardize <em>Payment Request URIs</em> using which the payment <em>recipient</em> can convey their persistent payment address to the <em>sender</em>, for subsequent fund transfers (to be done using the normal on-chain mechanism rather than the encapsulated payments described in the current proposal).</p>
<section id="requirements"><h2><span class="section-heading">Requirements</span><span class="section-anchor"> <a rel="bookmark" href="#requirements"><img width="24" height="24" class="section-anchor" src="assets/images/section-anchor.png" alt=""></a></span></h2>
<p>This proposal's specification of URI-Encapsulated Payments, and the intended protocols for using them, is meant to fulfill the following requirements:</p>
<li>The protocol must not require the sender of a payment to stay online until the recipient receives the URI (let alone finalizes the payment).</li>
<li>For convenient rendering, URIs should be short; this also maximizes compatibility with length-limited messaging platforms.</li>
<li>It must not be feasible for someone who has not seen the URI (or has compromised a party who has) to collect the funds.</li>
<li>The URIs and protocol should minimize the likelihood of inadvertent misuse, and in particular the risks discussed in “Security Considerations” below.</li>
<li>The protocol must not leak any information (sender identity, recipient identity, amount, description) to third parties, other than inevitable metadata about the existence of a transaction, the inevitable network communication around sending/receipt of transactions, whatever leakage is induced by the communication channel used to transmit the URI, and whatever is voluntarily shared by the parties.</li>
<li>The URIs should allow for future modifications and expansion of the format, without risk of ambiguous parsing.</li>
<li>The on-chain footprint of payments that use this mechanism should be indistinguishable from normal fully-shielded transactions (except, possibly, for the statistics of the number of shielded inputs and outputs).</li>
<li>Don't lose funds, even if wallets crash, or everything but the sending wallet master secret is lost.</li>
<section id="non-requirements"><h2><span class="section-heading">Non-requirements</span><span class="section-anchor"> <a rel="bookmark" href="#non-requirements"><img width="24" height="24" class="section-anchor" src="assets/images/section-anchor.png" alt=""></a></span></h2>
<li>It is outside the scope of this proposal to establish a secure communication channel for transmission of URI-Encapsulated Payments, or to protect the parties' devices from security compromise.</li>
<li>Finalizing the payment may involve significant wait times, on the scale of minutes, as the requisite on-chain transactions are generated, mined and confirmed. This proposal does not try to solve this (though it does try to avoid imposing significant additional delays, and it does address how the intermediate state is conveyed to the user).</li>
<section id="specification"><h2><span class="section-heading">Specification</span><span class="section-anchor"> <a rel="bookmark" href="#specification"><img width="24" height="24" class="section-anchor" src="assets/images/section-anchor.png" alt=""></a></span></h2>
<p>A Payment-Encapsulating URI represents the capability to claim the Zcash funds from specific on-chain transactions, as long as they're unspent. See <a href="#usage-story">Usage Story</a> for an example.</p>
<section id="syntax"><h3><span class="section-heading">Syntax</span><span class="section-anchor"> <a rel="bookmark" href="#syntax"><img width="24" height="24" class="section-anchor" src="assets/images/section-anchor.png" alt=""></a></span></h3>
<p>A Payment-Encapsulating URI is a Universal Resource Locator (URL), as defined in RFC 3986 <a id="footnote-reference-7" class="footnote_reference" href="#rfc3986">2</a>, of the following form.</p>
<p>Scheme: <code>https</code></p>
<p>Host: <code></code></p>
<p>Port: <code>65536</code> (this is intentionally not a valid TCP/IP port number)</p>
<p>Path: <code>payment/v1</code></p>
<p>Fragment parameters: these attribute-value pairs, in this order, separated by <code>&amp;</code>, and with all values percent-encoded where necessary:</p>
<li><code>amount=...</code> where the attribute is a decimal number representing the amount of ZEC included in the payment. MUST be present. If a decimal fraction is present then a period (.) MUST be used as the separating character to separate the whole number from the decimal fraction, and both the whole number and the decimal fraction MUST be nonempty. No other separators (such as commas for grouping or thousands) are permitted. Leading zeros in the whole number or trailing zeros in the decimal fraction are ignored. There MUST NOT be more than 8 digits in the decimal fraction.</li>
<li><code>desc=...</code> where the attribute is a human-readable string associated with the payment. MAY be present. If present, it MUST be encoded as “textual data consisting of characters from the Universal Character Set” as specified in RFC 3986 section 2.5.</li>
<li><code>key=</code> is a 256-bit random number encoded with Bech32 as specified in Section 5.6.9 of the Zcash Protocol Specification <a id="footnote-reference-8" class="footnote_reference" href="#protocol">3</a>). MUST be present.</li>
<section id="semantics"><h3><span class="section-heading">Semantics</span><span class="section-anchor"> <a rel="bookmark" href="#semantics"><img width="24" height="24" class="section-anchor" src="assets/images/section-anchor.png" alt=""></a></span></h3>
<p>The values of <code>key</code> and <code>amount</code> deterministically imply a unique <em>payment note</em> corresponding to this URI, which is a Zcash Sapling note that carries the given amount and is spendable by a Sapling spending key derived from <code>key</code>. The derivation of this note is done by the following procedure:</p>
<li>Derive <em>pk_d</em> from <em>key</em> via the process defined in <a id="footnote-reference-9" class="footnote_reference" href="#protocol">3</a> Section 4.2.2 (setting <em>sk = key</em>).</li>
<li>Fix the diversified d = DefaultDiversifier(key).</li>
<li>Derive <em>rseed = PRF^expand(sk_m || [0xFIXME])</em> as specified in <a id="footnote-reference-10" class="footnote_reference" href="#protocol">3</a> Section 5.4.2.</li>
<li>Define the corresponding <em>payment note</em> as <em>n = (d, pk_d, amount, rseed)</em> (see <a id="footnote-reference-11" class="footnote_reference" href="#protocol">3</a> Section 3.2 (<a href=""></a>)).</li>
<p>TODO: Possible alternate way to derive pk_d and rseed from key:</p>
<li>Use PRF^expand on key with to-be-defined domain separation to obtain 64 bytes. Split this into two 32-byte values.
<li>First 32-byte value is sk; derive pk_d from this as in the spec.</li>
<li>Second 32-byte value is rseed.</li>
<li>Could also mix in other parts of the URI (amount, desc) to bind them here, without interfering with the existing key derivation process in the spec.</li>
<p>Construct a shielded zcash transaction containing that note as an output.</p>
<p>The payment note SHOULD be unspent at the time it is intended to be received by the recipient.</p>
<p>Clients MAY generate and send the URI before the transaction is built, sent, or confirmed.</p>
<p>The <code>amount</code> parameter MUST match the total amount of ZEC in the payment note plus the standard transaction fee for fully-shielded transactions (currently 0.00001 ZEC).</p>
<p>There MUST NOT exist any other notes on the blockchain, or broadcast to the node network, beyond the payment note derived from the Payment URI, that are addressed to any payment address derived from <code>key</code> (with any diversifier). Such notes MAY be generated within an implementation (e.g., as speculative pre-generation with various note values) but MUST NOT be broadcast for mining.</p>
<p>Wallet software MUST NOT expose the ephemeral payment address corresponding to a payment URI (which helps to ensure the prior paragraph).</p>
<p>The <code>desc</code> parameter MAY convey a human-readable description of the payment, entered manually by the user or generated by the application in any reasonable manner.</p>
<p>The encrypted memo fields in the output description containing the payment note commitment SHOULD be either empty (all-zero), or identical to the <code>desc</code> parameter (padded with zeros).</p>
<p>The payment associated with an URI is not deemed “received” by the recipient until they execute a “finalization” process (see section <a href="#finalization">Finalization</a>).</p>
<p>When conveying payment to users, the sender's and recipient's wallet software MAY convey the description encoded in the <code>desc</code> parameter.</p>
<p>The recipient's wallet software SHOULD convey to the user that the <code>desc</code> value is merely a claim made by the party who sent the URI, and may be tentative, inaccurate or malicious.</p>
<p>In particular, the recipient's wallet software SHOULD convey to the user that the amount of ZEC they can successfully transfer to their wallet may be different than that given by the <code>amount</code> parameter, and may change (possibly to zero), until the finalization process has been completed.</p>
<section id="centralized-deployment"><h3><span class="section-heading">Centralized Deployment</span><span class="section-anchor"> <a rel="bookmark" href="#centralized-deployment"><img width="24" height="24" class="section-anchor" src="assets/images/section-anchor.png" alt=""></a></span></h3>
<p>The owner of the <code></code> domain name MUST NOT create a DNS record for the <code></code> domain name, nor a TLS certificate for it. All feasible means SHOULD be taken to ensure this, and to prevent unintended transfer of ownership or control over the <code></code> domain name. (See <a href="#rationale-for-uri-format">Rationale for URI Format</a> and <a href="#security-considerations">Security Considerations</a> below for discussion.)</p>
<p><a href="#applink">Applink</a> mechanisms let domain name owners provide a whitelist, specifying which apps are authorized to handle URLs with that domain name. This is implemented by serving suitable files at well-known paths on the web server of that domain or, in the case of a subdomain, its parent domain. Thus, the owner of the <code></code> domain effectively controls the whitelist of apps that may be launched by users' platform to handle URI-Encapsulated Payments (see <a href="#security-considerations">Security Considerations</a>). This whitelist should protect users from installing rogue apps that intercept incoming payments. Thus, the domain owner MUST do the following:</p>
<li>Maintain such a whitelist and serve it as needed for the <a href="#applink">applink</a> mechanisms of major platforms.</li>
<li>Publish a policy for inclusion of apps in this whitelist.</li>
<li>Use all feasible means to whitelist only apps that comply with the published policy.</li>
<li>Publish the whitelist's content in human-readable form.</li>
<li>Provide clear and effective means for rapid removal of apps from the whitelist when required as security response.</li>
<li>Use all feasible means to protect the whitelist's integrity (in particular, this includes protecting the web server that serves the whitelist, the domain's TLS certificate, and the means by which the whitelist is modified).</li>
<li>Use effective means for keeping a precise, irrevocable and public history of the whitelist (e.g., using a timestamped Git repository, or an accountability mechanism akin to Certificate Transparency).</li>
<p>They also SHOULD:</p>
<li>Strive for the whitelist to include all apps that would not place the user at any greater security risk than reputable state-of-the-art wallet apps.</li>
<section id="testing"><h3><span class="section-heading">Testing</span><span class="section-anchor"> <a rel="bookmark" href="#testing"><img width="24" height="24" class="section-anchor" src="assets/images/section-anchor.png" alt=""></a></span></h3>
<p>For testing purposes, all of the above specification is duplicated for the Zcash testnet network, substituting <code>TAZ</code> (Zcash testnet coins) for <code>ZEC</code> and <code></code> for <code></code>.</p>
<p>A separate “testnet whitelist” MUST be maintained by the owner of the <code></code> domain name, with a separate policy that SHOULD allow any legitimate third-party developer to add their work-in-progress wallet for testing purposes. Integrity and availability MAY be looser.</p>
<p>Wallets apps MAY support just one type of payments (ZEC or TAZ), and if they support both then they MUST keep separate accounting and must clearly distinguish the type when payments or balances are conveyed to users.</p>
<section id="lifecycle-specification"><h2><span class="section-heading">Lifecycle Specification</span><span class="section-anchor"> <a rel="bookmark" href="#lifecycle-specification"><img width="24" height="24" class="section-anchor" src="assets/images/section-anchor.png" alt=""></a></span></h2>
<p>The lifecycle of a Payment-Encapsulating URI consists of several stages, which in the usual case culminate in the funds being irrevocably deposited into the recipient's personal wallet irrevocably:</p>
<section id="generating-the-notes-and-uri"><h3><span class="section-heading">Generating the notes and URI</span><span class="section-anchor"> <a rel="bookmark" href="#generating-the-notes-and-uri"><img width="24" height="24" class="section-anchor" src="assets/images/section-anchor.png" alt=""></a></span></h3>
<p>The sender's Zcash wallet app creates an ephemeral spending key, sends ZEC funds to the payment addressed derived from that key, and creates a Payment-Encapsulating URI that contains this ephemeral spending key and the newly-generated note commitments.</p>
<section id="ephemeral-key-derivation"><h4><span class="section-heading">Ephemeral key derivation</span><span class="section-anchor"> <a rel="bookmark" href="#ephemeral-key-derivation"><img width="24" height="24" class="section-anchor" src="assets/images/section-anchor.png" alt=""></a></span></h4>
<p>The ephemeral keys within payment URIs are derived deterministically from the same seed as the main wallet. This ensures that if a wallet is recovered from backup, sent-but-unfinalized payments can be reclaimed.</p>
<p>The derivation mechanism is as follows:</p>
<li>Use a ZIP 32 derivation pathway to obtain a child extended spending key from path <code>m_Sapling/324'/coin_type'/payment_index'</code>
<li>Implementations need to remember which payment_index values they have used (in range 0..2^31), and not reuse them.</li>
<li>Compute <em>key = BLAKE2b-256(extended spending key, personal='Zcash_PaymentURI')</em></li>
<section id="uri-transmission"><h3><span class="section-heading">URI Transmission</span><span class="section-anchor"> <a rel="bookmark" href="#uri-transmission"><img width="24" height="24" class="section-anchor" src="assets/images/section-anchor.png" alt=""></a></span></h3>
<p>The sender conveys the Payment-Encapsulating URI to the intended recipient, over some secure channel (e.g., an end-to-end encrypted messaging platform such as Signal, WhatsApp or Magic Wormhole; or a QR code scanned in person).</p>
<p>If transmitted via a human-readable medium, such as a messaging app, the Payment-Encapsulating URI MAY be accompanied by a contextual explanation that the URI encapsulates a payment, and a suggested action by the recipient to complete the process (see Usage Story above for an example).</p>
<p>When sent via a human-readable medium that consists of discrete messages, the message that contains the URI SHOULD NOT contain any payment-specific or manually-entered information outside the URI itself, since this information may not be visible to the recipient (see “Message Rendering” below).</p>
<p>From this point, and until finalization or cancellation (see below), from the sender's perspective the payment is “in progress”; it SHOULD be conveyed as such to the sender; and MUST NOT be conveyed as “finalized” or other phrasing that conveys successful completion.</p>
<section id="message-rendering"><h3><span class="section-heading">Message Rendering</span><span class="section-anchor"> <a rel="bookmark" href="#message-rendering"><img width="24" height="24" class="section-anchor" src="assets/images/section-anchor.png" alt=""></a></span></h3>
<p>The recipient's device renders the Payment-Encapsulating URI, or an indication of its arrival, along with the aforementioned contextual explanation (if any). The user has the option of “opening” the URI (i.e., by clicking it), which results in the device opening a Zcash wallet app, using the local platforms app link mechanism.</p>
<p>A messaging app MAY recognize URI-Encapsulated Payments, and render them in a way that conveys their nature more clearly than raw URI strings. If the messaging medium consists of discrete messages, and a message contains one or more URI-Encapsulated Payments, then the messaging app MAY assume that all other content in that message is automatically generated and contains no payment-specific or manually-generated information, and thus may be discarded during rendering.</p>
<section id="payment-rendering-and-blockchain-lookup"><h3><span class="section-heading">Payment Rendering and Blockchain Lookup</span><span class="section-anchor"> <a rel="bookmark" href="#payment-rendering-and-blockchain-lookup"><img width="24" height="24" class="section-anchor" src="assets/images/section-anchor.png" alt=""></a></span></h3>
<p>The recipient's Zcash wallet app SHOULD present the payment amount and MAY present the description, as conveyed in the URI, along with an indication of the tentative nature of this information.</p>
<p>In parallel, the wallet app SHOULD retrieve the relevant transactions from the Zcash blockchain, by looking up the transaction given by the <code>cmu</code> parameter (this MAY use an efficient index, perhaps assisted by a server), and check whether:</p>
<li>such transactions are indeed present on the blockchain</li>
<li>the notes are unspent</li>
<li>the notes can be spent using an ephemeral spending keys given by the <code>key</code> parameter.</li>
<p>The wallet conveys to the user one of the following states:</p>
<li><em>Ready-to-finalize</em>: The tests all verify, and the payment is ready to be finalized. The wallet SHOULD present the user with an option to finalize the payment (e.g., a “Finalize” button).</li>
<li><em>Invalid</em>: The tests fail irreversibly (e.g., some of the notes are already spent, or the amounts to not add up). The wallet MAY convey the reason to the user, but in any case MUST convey that the funds cannot be received.</li>
<li><em>Pending</em>: The tests fail in a way that may be remedied in the future, namely, some of the notes are not yet present on the blockchain (and no other tests are violated).</li>
<p>Within the <em>Pending</em> state, the wallet app MAY also consider “0 confirmations” transactions (i.e., transactions that have been broadcast on the node network but are neither mined nor expired), and convey their existence to the user. These do not suffice for entering the <em>Ready-to-finalize</em> state (since unmined notes cannot be immediately spent.)</p>
<p>The aforementioned conditions may change over time (e.g., the transactions may be spent by someone else in the interim), so the status SHOULD be updated periodically.</p>
<section id="finalization"><h3><span class="section-heading">Finalization</span><span class="section-anchor"> <a rel="bookmark" href="#finalization"><img width="24" height="24" class="section-anchor" src="assets/images/section-anchor.png" alt=""></a></span></h3>
<p>When the recipient chooses to finalize the payment, the wallet app generates transactions that spends the aforementioned notes (using the ephemeral spending key) and send these Zcash funds to the user's own persistent payment address. These transactions carry the default expiry time (currently 100 blocks).</p>
<p>The recipient's wallet app SHOULD convey the payment status as “Finalizing…” starting at the time that the uses initiates the finalization process. It MAY in addition convey the specific action done or event waited.</p>
<p>The sender's wallet SHOULD convey the payment status as “Finalizing…” as soon as it detects that relevant transactions have been broadcast on the peer-to-peer network, or mined to the blockchain.</p>
<p>Once these transactions are confirmed (to an extent considered satisfactory by the local wallet app; currently 10 confirmations is common practice), their status SHOULD be conveyed as “Finalized”, by both the sender's wallet app and the recipient's wallet app. Both wallets MUST NOT convey the payment as “finalized”, or other phrasing that conveys irrevocability, until this point.</p>
<p>If these transactions expire unmined, or are otherwise rendered irrevocably invalidated (e.g., by a rollback), then both wallets' status SHOULD convey this, and the recipient's wallet SHOULD revert to the “Payment Rendering and Blockchain Lookup” stage above.</p>
<section id="payment-cancellation"><h3><span class="section-heading">Payment Cancellation</span><span class="section-anchor"> <a rel="bookmark" href="#payment-cancellation"><img width="24" height="24" class="section-anchor" src="assets/images/section-anchor.png" alt=""></a></span></h3>
<p>At any time prior to the payment being finalized, the sender is capable of cancelling the payment, by themselves finalizing the payment into their own wallet (thereby “clawing back” the funds). If the wallet has not yet sent, for inclusion in the blockchain, any of the transactions associated with the ephemeral spending key, then cancellation can also be done by discarding these transactions or aborting their generation. The sender's wallet app SHOULD offer this feature, and in this case, MUST appropriately handle the race condition where the recipient initiated finalization concurrently.</p>
<p>Cancellation requires the sender to know the ephemeral spending key. If the sender has lost this state, it can be recovered deterministically (see <a href="#recovery-from-wallet-crash">Recovery From Wallet Crash</a>, below).</p>
<section id="status-view"><h3><span class="section-heading">Status View</span><span class="section-anchor"> <a rel="bookmark" href="#status-view"><img width="24" height="24" class="section-anchor" src="assets/images/section-anchor.png" alt=""></a></span></h3>
<p>Wallet apps SHOULD let the user view the status of all payments they have generated, as well as all inbound payment (i.e., URI-Encapsulated Payments that have been sent to the app, e.g., by invocation from messaging apps). The status includes the available metadata, and the payment's current state. When pertinent, the wallet app SHOULD offer the ability to finalize any <em>Pending</em> inbound payment, and MAY offer the ability to cancel any outbound payment.</p>
<p>Wallet apps SHOULD actively alert the user (e.g., via status notifications) if a payment that they sent has not been finalized within a reasonable time period (e.g., 1 week), and offer to cancel the payment.</p>
<section id="recovery-from-wallet-crash"><h3><span class="section-heading">Recovery From Wallet Crash</span><span class="section-anchor"> <a rel="bookmark" href="#recovery-from-wallet-crash"><img width="24" height="24" class="section-anchor" src="assets/images/section-anchor.png" alt=""></a></span></h3>
<p>When recovering from a backed-up wallet phrase, wallet implementations already need to scan the entire chain (from the wallet's birthday) to find transactions that were received by or sent from the wallet. Simultaneously with this, the wallet may recover state about previously-created payment URIs, and regain access to non-finalized funds.</p>
<p>We define a “gap limit” <em>N</em>, similar to the “address gap limit” in BIP 44. If a wallet implementation observes <em>N</em> sequentially-derived payment URIs that have no corresponding on-chain note, they may safely expect that no payment URIs beyond that point have ever been derived.</p>
<p>Given that both the derivation of a payment URI and the action of “filling” it with a note are performed by the same entity (and in most cases sequentially), it is unlikely that there would be a significantly large gap in payment URI usage. As a balance between the cost of scanning multiple <code>ivk</code>s, and the likelihood of missing on-chain funds due to out-of-order payment URI generation, we specify a standard gap limit of <code>N = 3</code>.</p>
<p>The process for determining the position of this gap during wallet recovery is as follows:</p>
<li>Derive the first <em>N</em> payment URI keys.</li>
<li>Derive the <em>N</em> <code>ivk</code>s corresponding to these keys via the process defined in <a id="footnote-reference-12" class="footnote_reference" href="#protocol">3</a> Section 4.2.2 (setting <code>sk = key</code>).</li>
<li>Scan the chain for spent nullifiers (for the wallet's own notes, or any payment URI notes it currently knows about). This is part of the normal chain-scanning process for wallets.</li>
<li>When a nullifier is detected as spent, trial-decrypt every output of the corresponding transaction with the current set of payment URI <code>ivk</code>s. If a note is detected:
<li>Store the note details along with the corresponding payment URI (which can be derived from the note).</li>
<li>Add the note's nullifier to the set of wallet nullifiers (to enable discovery of funded payment URIs that the sender has recalled).</li>
<li>Drop the <code>ivk</code> from the set of current payment URI <code>ivk</code>s.</li>
<li>Derive the next <code>ivk</code> in line, and add it to the set.</li>
<p>For this recovery process to succeed, wallet implementations MUST fund payment URIs with a Sapling spending key in the wallet. Alternatively, wallet implementations MAY include the set of payment URI <code>ivk</code>s within the set of <code>ivk</code>s they are using for normal chain scanning, but this will slow down the recovery process by a factor of 4 (for a gap limit of <code>N = 3</code>, and a wallet with one Sapling account).</p>
<section id="security-considerations"><h2><span class="section-heading">Security Considerations</span><span class="section-anchor"> <a rel="bookmark" href="#security-considerations"><img width="24" height="24" class="section-anchor" src="assets/images/section-anchor.png" alt=""></a></span></h2>
<li>Anyone who intercepts the URI-Encapsulated Payments may steal the encapsulated funds. Therefore, URI-Encapsulated Payments should be sent over a secure channel, and should be kept secret from anyone but the intended recipient.
<li>The Payment-Encapsulating URI is like a magic spell that will teleport the money to the first person that clicks it and then does "finalize".</li>
<li>URI-Encapsulated Payments may be captured by malicious local apps on the sender or receiver's platform, e.g., by screen capturing or clipboard eavesdropping. Wallet apps should use the platform's interaction and communication facilities in a way that minimizes these risks (e.g., use the “Share” API rather than a clipboard that is visible to all apps).</li>
<li>Likewise, if the URI is transferred by presenting and optically scanning a QR code, anyone who observes this QR code may be able to finalize the payment and thus take ownership of the funds before the intended recipient. For example, an attacker may use a telephoto lens aimed at a point-of-sale terminal to steal QR-encoded payments sent to that terminal.</li>
<li>Users may have casually-established communication channels (e.g., they have entered the phone number of a new contact without bothering to double-check it), but may later mistakenly consider these to be adequately-authenticated secure channels for the purpose of sending Payment-Encapsulating URI. Wallet apps should mitigate this where feasible, e.g., by indicating that the chosen messaging channel is previously-unused and thus should be more carefully checked.</li>
<li>Users may incorrectly believe that the payment has been irrevocably received even though they have not invoked the finalization procedure, or even though the finalization procedure has failed. Wallet software should correctly convey the status and set expectations, as discussed above.</li>
<li>Payment recipients may not notice the incoming payment notification and act on it (i.e., invoke finalization) in a timely fashion. By the time they see it, the payment may have been cancelled by the sender.</li>
<li>Users may not understand that URI-Encapsulated Payments are for one-time use, and attempt to use the same URI for multiple people or payments, resulting in race conditions on who receives the funds.</li>
<li>Users may confuse URI-Encapsulated Payments (as specified in the current ZIP) with Payment Request URIs of the form <code>zcash:payment-address?amount=...</code> as specified in ZIP 321 <a id="footnote-reference-13" class="footnote_reference" href="#zip-0321">4</a>. Normally these serve different workflows, and work in opposing directions (send vs. receive of funds), and thus ought to not arise in ambiguous context. Wallet apps should take care to not create or send a Payment-Encapsulating URI (which is for <em>sending</em> funds) in a context where the user may be intending to <em>receive</em> funds.</li>
<li>Users may attempt to use a Payment-Encapsulating URI as a “cold wallet”, e.g., by writing the URI on paper and putting it in a safe. This is dangerous. The spending key is known to the sending wallet at the time when the URI is produced, and possibly also at other times (e.g., if there are storage remnants, or if deterministic derivation is used; see “Ephemeral key derivation” below). Thus, an adversary who compromises the sending wallet may drain the cold wallet.</li>
<li>The act and timing of finalizing a payment is visible to the sender, which may be a privacy leak. Likewise, if the on-chain transactions are sent in advance, their timing can be linked to the later payment, which may be a privacy leak.</li>
<li>The payment amount is readily visible to anyone who observes the Payment-Encapsulating URI, even in retrospect after payment has already been finalized (e.g., if their device or chat log backups are later compromised). This may be a privacy concern, and in particular may put recipients of large payments at risk of undesired attention.</li>
<li>Users attempting to follow URI-Encapsulated Payments as a regular HTTPS hyperlink may inadvertently leak the payment information to a remote attacker, if all layers of defense listed in <a href="#rationale-for-uri-format">Rationale for URI Format</a> are somehow breached.</li>
<li>The owner of the <code></code> domain effectively controls the whitelist of apps that may be launched by users' platform to handle URI-Encapsulated Payments using the <a href="#applink">applink</a> mechanism. If the whitelist is too <em>permissive</em> and includes a malicious or vulnerable app, and a user installs that app (which itself may be subject to the platform vendor's app review mechanism), then the user is placed at risk of having their payments intercepted by an attacker. Conversely, if the whitelist is too <em>restrictive</em>, or altogether unavailable, then users would not be able to trigger desirable wallet apps by simply following links, and would need to instead ”share” the message containing the URI into their wallet app (note that, as discussed above, clipboard copy-and-paste is insecure).</li>
<li>Usage of URI-Encapsulated Payments may train users to, generally, click on other types of URI/URL links sent in other messaging contexts. Malicious links sent via unauthenticated messaging channels (e.g., emails and SMS texts) are a common attack vector, used for exploiting vulnerabilities in the apps triggered to handle these links. Even though the fault for vulnerabilities lies with those other apps, and even though this ZIP uses deep link URIs in the way intended, there are none the less these negative externalities to encouraging such use.</li>
<section id="design-decisions-and-rationale"><h2><span class="section-heading">Design Decisions and Rationale</span><span class="section-anchor"> <a rel="bookmark" href="#design-decisions-and-rationale"><img width="24" height="24" class="section-anchor" src="assets/images/section-anchor.png" alt=""></a></span></h2>
<section id="rationale-for-uri-format"><h3><span class="section-heading">Rationale for URI Format</span><span class="section-anchor"> <a rel="bookmark" href="#rationale-for-uri-format"><img width="24" height="24" class="section-anchor" src="assets/images/section-anchor.png" alt=""></a></span></h3>
<p>The URI format <code></code> was chosen to allow automatic triggering of wallet software on mobile devices, using the platform's <a href="#applink">applink</a> mechanism, while minimizing the risk of payment information being intercepted by third parties. The latter is prevented by a defense in depth, where any of the following suffices to prevent the payment information from being exposed over the network:</p>
<li>The <code></code> domain should not resolve.</li>
<li>A valid TLS certificate for <code></code> should not exist..</li>
<li>The port number <code>65536</code> is not valid for the TCPv4, TCPv6 or UDP protocols. Empirically, the common behavior in browsers and messaging apps, when following HTTPS links with port number port number 65536, is to render an empty or <code>about:blank</code> page rather than a DNS error; a network fetch is not triggered. (This may change if a network proxy protocol is used, but SOCKS5 also cannot represent port 65536.)</li>
<li>The contents of the fragment identifier are specified by HTTP as being resolved locally, rather than sent over the network (but see the caveat about active JavaScript attacks below).</li>
<p>The downside is that if the user follows the link prior to installing a suitable wallet app, they get a weird-looking DNS error or a blank page. Also, the URL looks weird due to the port number.</p>
<p>Several alternatives were considered, but found to have inferior usability and/or security ramifications:</p>
<ol type="1">
<li><code></code>: similar to above, but without the port number, and backed by a DNS record, TLS certificate and web server for <code></code> that serves an informative HTML page (e.g., “Please install a wallet to receive this payment”). This still allows handling by wallet apps using an <a href="#applink">applink</a> mechanism, and provides a friendlier fallback in case the user follows the link prior to installing a suitable app. However, it creates a security risk. If the web server serving that web page is compromised, or impersonated using an DNS+TLS attack, then the attacker can capture they payment parameters and steal the funds. (Note that the sensitive information is in the fragment following the <code>#</code>, which is not sent in an HTTP GET request; but the malicious server can serve JavaScript code which retrieves the fragment.)</li>
<li><code>zcash-data:payment/v1?amount=1.23&amp;desc=Payment+for+foo&amp;key=...</code>: a custom URI scheme, such as <code>zcash-data</code>. This still allows for triggering application action (e.g., using Mobile Deep Links). However, on most platorms, <em>any</em> app installed on the device is able to register to handle links from (almost) any custom URI scheme. If the request is received by a rogue party, then the funds could be stolen. Even if received by an honest operator, funds could be stolen if they are compromised. Also, custom URI schemes are not linkified when displayed in some messaging apps.
<p>Note the use of the <code>zcash-data</code> URI scheme, rather than the more elegant <code>zcash</code>, because URIs of the form <code>zcash:address?...</code> are already used to specify Zcash addresses and payment requests in ZIP 321 <a id="footnote-reference-14" class="footnote_reference" href="#zip-0321">4</a>, by analogy to the <code>bitcoin</code> URIs of BIP 21. An alternative is to use <code>zcash:v1/payment?...</code>; legacy software may parse this as a payment request to the address <code>v1</code>, which is invalid. Another alternative is to use <code>zcash-payment:v1?...</code>, which is appealing in terms of length and readability, but may be gratuitous pollution of the URI scheme namespace.</p>
<p>Another option, which can be added to any of the above, is to add a confirmation code outside the URI that needs to be manually entered by the user into the wallet app, so that merely intercepting the URI link would not suffice. This does not seem to significantly reduce risk in the scenarios considered, and so deemed to not justify the reduced usability.</p>
<section id="identifying-notes"><h3><span class="section-heading">Identifying Notes</span><span class="section-anchor"> <a rel="bookmark" href="#identifying-notes"><img width="24" height="24" class="section-anchor" src="assets/images/section-anchor.png" alt=""></a></span></h3>
<p>The recipient's wallet needs to identify the notes related to the payment (and the on-chain transactions that contain them), in order to verify their validity and then (during the finalization process) spend them.</p>
<p><strong>The following is out of date, and reflects an earlier design choice (“0”), while we have transitioned to a different choice (“4”). To be revised.</strong></p>
<p>In the above description, we explicitly list the notes involved in the payment (which are easily mapped to the transactions containing them, using a suitable index). This results in long URIs when multiple notes are involved (e.g., when using the aforementioned “powers-of-2 amounts” technique).</p>
<p>Instead, we can have the nodes be implicitly identified by the spending key (or similar) included in the URI. This can make URI shorter, thus less scary and less likely to run into length limits (consider SMS). The following alternatives are feasible:</p>
<span class="math">\(\hspace{0.9em}\)</span>
0. Explicitly list the note commitments within the URI.</p>
<ol type="1">
<li>Include only the spending key(s) in the URI, and have the recipient scan the blockchain using the existing mechanism (trial decryption of the encrypted memo field). This is very slow, and risks denial-of-service attacks. Would be faster in the nominal case if the scanning is done backwards (newest block first), or if told by the sender when the transactions were mined; but scanning the whole chain for nonexistent transactions (perhaps induced by a DoS) would still take very long.</li>
<li>Derive a tag from a seed included in the URI, and put this tag within the encrypted memo field of the output descriptors in the associated transactions. Put the tag plaintext within the space reserved for the memo field ciphertext (breaking the AEAD abstraction). The recipient's wallet (or the service assisting it) would maintain an index of such tags, and efficiently look up the tags derived from the URI. The tags are publicly-visible and thus may leak information on the payment amount (e.g., when using the powers-of-2 pre-generation technique).</li>
<li>Similarly to the above, but place the tag in an additional zero-value output descriptor added to each pertinent transaction. The recipient can recompute this note commitment and use that as the identifier, to be looked up in an index in order to locate the transaction. Here too, the tags are publicly-visible and thus may leak information on the payment amount (e.g., when using the powers-of-2 pre-generation technique).</li>
<li>Have the URI include a seed and the amount of the (single) output note. Let the seed determine not only the spending key, but also all randomness involved in the generation of the note. Thus, the recipient can deterministically derive the note commitment from the seed and amount, and look it up to find the relevant transaction. This requires the recipient (or the server assisting them) to maintain an index mapping note commitments (of output descriptors that are the first in their transaction) to the transaction that contains them. Additional notes can be included in the same transaction.</li>
<section id="additional-rationale"><h3><span class="section-heading">Additional rationale</span><span class="section-anchor"> <a rel="bookmark" href="#additional-rationale"><img width="24" height="24" class="section-anchor" src="assets/images/section-anchor.png" alt=""></a></span></h3>
<ol type="1">
<li>The metadata (amount and description) is provided within the URI. An alternative would be to encode the description in the encrypted memo fields of the associated shielded transactions, and compute the amount from those transactions. However, in that case the metadata would not be available for presentation to the user until the transactions have been retrieved from the blockchain.</li>
<li>We support multiple spending keys and multiple notes in one URI, because these payments may be speculatively generated and mined before the payment amount is determined (to allow payments with no latency). For example, the sending wallets may pre-generate transactions for powers-of-2 amounts, and then include only a subset of them in the URI, totalling to the desired amount.</li>
<li>We do not include the sender or receiver's identity in the URI, because the sending wallet many not know the name of who it is sending to (or even from). Moreover there is the risk that fraudulent sender/recipient information could be used. If necessitated by circumstances (e.g., the FinCEN "Travel Rule" <a id="footnote-reference-15" class="footnote_reference" href="#fincen-travel-rule">8</a>), claimed sender and recipient identity can be included in <code>desc</code> parameter.</li>
<section id="open-questions"><h2><span class="section-heading">Open Questions</span><span class="section-anchor"> <a rel="bookmark" href="#open-questions"><img width="24" height="24" class="section-anchor" src="assets/images/section-anchor.png" alt=""></a></span></h2>
<section id="uri-usability"><h3><span class="section-heading">URI Usability</span><span class="section-anchor"> <a rel="bookmark" href="#uri-usability"><img width="24" height="24" class="section-anchor" src="assets/images/section-anchor.png" alt=""></a></span></h3>
<p>The URI could be changed in several ways due to usability concerns:</p>
<ol type="1">
<li>It may be desirable to prevent the <code>amount</code> and <code>desc</code> parameters from being human readable. This is to discourage people from just looking at the URI, seeing the numbers and text, and mistakenly thinking this is already a confirmation of successful receipt (without going through the finalization process).</li>
<li>Perhaps the URI should be contain the phrase “password” early on (e.g., <code>zcash-data:/payment/v1/password=</code>, as a cue that this string must be kept secret. (Note that technically nothing here is a password in the usual sense of the term.)</li>
<li>Perhaps we should actually use BIP 39 words as an actual password. So you could memorize it or read it over the phone. The BIP 39 words can be embedded in the URI itself (which is highly unusual):
<p>This provides an additional cue that the URI contains a sensitive password (for users who are accustomed to BIP 39 style word lists; to others the Base 64 encoding may be more evocative of a password). Moreover, users may discover the fact that they can manually send these words to recipients, in writing or verbally, as a way to send money without a textual messaging service. Alternatively, the BIP 39 words can be used as an alternative syntax for the encapsulation, without the confusing-to-humans URI syntax (but generating this alternative syntax this may complicate the UI).</p>
<section id="note-retrieval"><h3><span class="section-heading">Note retrieval</span><span class="section-anchor"> <a rel="bookmark" href="#note-retrieval"><img width="24" height="24" class="section-anchor" src="assets/images/section-anchor.png" alt=""></a></span></h3>
<p>Ideally: a lightweight wallet can receive the funds with the assistance of a more powerful node, with minimal information leakage to that node (e.g., using simple lookups queries that can be implemented via Private Information Retrieval). The open question is how to do this given that most practical PIR are for retrieving an index out of an array, not a key from a key value standpoint.</p>
<section id="other-questions"><h3><span class="section-heading">Other Questions</span><span class="section-anchor"> <a rel="bookmark" href="#other-questions"><img width="24" height="24" class="section-anchor" src="assets/images/section-anchor.png" alt=""></a></span></h3>
<p>Should senders delay admitting a generated transaction by a random amount to prevent traffic analysis (i.e., so the messaging service operator cannot correlate messages with on-chain transactions)?</p>
<p>Consider the behavior in case a chain reorgs invalidates a sent payment. Should we specify a Merkle root or block hash to help detect this reason for payment failure? Or have some servers that maintain a cache of payments that were invalidated by reorgs?</p>
<section id="references"><h2><span class="section-heading">References</span><span class="section-anchor"> <a rel="bookmark" href="#references"><img width="24" height="24" class="section-anchor" src="assets/images/section-anchor.png" alt=""></a></span></h2>
<table id="bcp14" class="footnote">
<td><a href="">Information on BCP 14 — "RFC 2119: Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels" and "RFC 8174: Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words"</a></td>
<table id="rfc3986" class="footnote">
<td><a href="">Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax</a></td>
<table id="protocol" class="footnote">
<td><a href="protocol/protocol.pdf">Zcash Protocol Specification, Version 2023.4.0 or later</a></td>
<table id="zip-0321" class="footnote">
<td><a href="zip-0321">ZIP 321: Payment Request URIs</a></td>
<table id="app-links" class="footnote">
<td><a href="">Android Developer Guides: Handling Android App Links</a></td>
<table id="universal-links" class="footnote">
<td><a href="">Apple Xcode Documentation: Allowing apps and websites to link to your content</a></td>
<table id="app-uri-handlers" class="footnote">
<td><a href="">Microsoft Universal Windows Platform Documentation: Enable apps for websites using app URI handlers</a></td>
<table id="fincen-travel-rule" class="footnote">
<td><a href="">FinCEN Guidance FIN-2019-G001. May 9, 2019. Application of FinCENs Regulations to Certain Business Models Involving Convertible Virtual Currencies</a></td>
<section id="publication-blockers"><h2><span class="section-heading">Publication Blockers</span><span class="section-anchor"> <a rel="bookmark" href="#publication-blockers"><img width="24" height="24" class="section-anchor" src="assets/images/section-anchor.png" alt=""></a></span></h2>
<li>Clean up semantics.</li>
<li>Clean up rationale.</li>