Implementation of Jens Groth's generic group zk-SNARK proving system.

This commit is contained in:
Sean Bowe 2017-04-03 21:42:22 -06:00
parent 9a3743c7c4
commit c9fbf490dc
4 changed files with 1058 additions and 1 deletions

src/groth/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
use curves::{Engine, Field, SnarkField, PrimeField};
pub struct EvaluationDomain<E: Engine> {
pub m: u64,
exp: u64,
omega: E::Fr,
omegainv: E::Fr,
geninv: E::Fr,
minv: E::Fr
impl<E: Engine> EvaluationDomain<E> {
pub fn new(e: &E, needed: u64) -> Self {
if needed > 268435456 {
panic!("circuit depths larger than 2^28 are not supported");
let mut m = 1;
let mut exp = 0;
while m < needed {
m *= 2;
exp += 1;
assert!(exp < E::Fr::s(e));
let mut omega = E::Fr::root_of_unity(e);
for _ in exp..E::Fr::s(e) {
EvaluationDomain {
m: m,
exp: exp,
omega: omega,
omegainv: omega.inverse(e).unwrap(),
geninv: E::Fr::multiplicative_generator(e).inverse(e).unwrap(),
minv: E::Fr::from_u64(e, m).inverse(e).unwrap()
pub fn z(&self, e: &E, tau: &E::Fr) -> E::Fr {
let mut tmp = tau.pow(e, &[self.m]);
tmp.sub_assign(e, &E::Fr::one(e));
pub fn ifft(&self, e: &E, v: &mut [E::Fr])
assert!(v.len() == self.m as usize);
self._fft(e, v, &self.omegainv);
for v in v {
v.mul_assign(e, &self.minv);
fn mul_coset(&self, e: &E, v: &mut [E::Fr], g: &E::Fr)
let mut u = *g;
for v in v.iter_mut().skip(1) {
v.mul_assign(e, &u);
u.mul_assign(e, g);
pub fn coset_fft(&self, e: &E, v: &mut [E::Fr])
self.mul_coset(e, v, &E::Fr::multiplicative_generator(e));
self.fft(e, v);
pub fn icoset_fft(&self, e: &E, v: &mut [E::Fr])
self.ifft(e, v);
self.mul_coset(e, v, &self.geninv);
pub fn divide_by_z_on_coset(&self, e: &E, v: &mut [E::Fr])
let i = self.z(e, &E::Fr::multiplicative_generator(e)).inverse(e).unwrap();
for v in v {
v.mul_assign(e, &i);
pub fn fft(&self, e: &E, a: &mut [E::Fr])
self._fft(e, a, &;
fn _fft(&self, e: &E, a: &mut [E::Fr], omega: &E::Fr)
fn bitreverse(mut n: usize, l: u64) -> usize {
let mut r = 0;
for _ in 0..l {
r = (r << 1) | (n & 1);
n >>= 1;
for k in 0..(self.m as usize) {
let rk = bitreverse(k, self.exp);
if k < rk {
let tmp1 = a[rk];
let tmp2 = a[k];
a[rk] = tmp2;
a[k] = tmp1;
let mut m = 1;
for _ in 0..self.exp {
let w_m = omega.pow(e, &[(self.m / (2*m)) as u64]);
let mut k = 0;
while k < self.m {
let mut w = E::Fr::one(e);
for j in 0..m {
let mut t = w;
t.mul_assign(e, &a[(k+j+m) as usize]);
let mut tmp = a[(k+j) as usize];
tmp.sub_assign(e, &t);
a[(k+j+m) as usize] = tmp;
a[(k+j) as usize].add_assign(e, &t);
w.mul_assign(e, &w_m);
k += 2*m;
m *= 2;
// Test multiplying various (low degree) polynomials together and
// comparing with naive evaluations.
fn polynomial_arith() {
use curves::*;
use curves::bls381::Bls381;
use rand;
fn test_mul<E: Engine, R: rand::Rng>(e: &E, rng: &mut R)
for coeffs_a in 1..70 {
for coeffs_b in 1..70 {
let final_degree = coeffs_a + coeffs_b - 1;
let domain = EvaluationDomain::new(e, final_degree as u64);
let mut a: Vec<_> = (0..coeffs_a).map(|_| E::Fr::random(e, rng)).collect();
let mut b: Vec<_> = (0..coeffs_b).map(|_| E::Fr::random(e, rng)).collect();
// naive evaluation
let mut naive = vec![E::Fr::zero(); domain.m as usize];
for (i1, a) in a.iter().enumerate() {
for (i2, b) in b.iter().enumerate() {
let mut prod = *a;
prod.mul_assign(e, b);
naive[i1 + i2].add_assign(e, &prod);
a.resize(domain.m as usize, E::Fr::zero());
b.resize(domain.m as usize, E::Fr::zero());
let mut c = vec![];
c.resize(domain.m as usize, E::Fr::zero());
domain.fft(e, &mut a);
domain.fft(e, &mut b);
for ((a, b), c) in a.iter().zip(b.iter()).zip(c.iter_mut()) {
*c = *a;
c.mul_assign(e, b);
domain.ifft(e, &mut c);
for (naive, fft) in naive.iter().zip(c.iter()) {
assert_eq!(naive, fft);
let e = &Bls381::new();
let rng = &mut rand::thread_rng();
test_mul(e, rng);

src/groth/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
use curves::*;
use super::*;
mod domain;
pub struct ProvingKey<E: Engine> {
a_inputs: Vec<<E::G1 as Group<E>>::Affine>,
b1_inputs: Vec<<E::G1 as Group<E>>::Affine>,
b2_inputs: Vec<<E::G2 as Group<E>>::Affine>,
a_aux: Vec<<E::G1 as Group<E>>::Affine>,
b1_aux: Vec<<E::G1 as Group<E>>::Affine>,
b2_aux: Vec<<E::G2 as Group<E>>::Affine>,
h: Vec<<E::G1 as Group<E>>::Affine>,
l: Vec<<E::G1 as Group<E>>::Affine>,
alpha_g1: <E::G1 as Group<E>>::Affine,
beta_g1: <E::G1 as Group<E>>::Affine,
beta_g2: <E::G2 as Group<E>>::Affine,
delta_g1: <E::G1 as Group<E>>::Affine,
delta_g2: <E::G2 as Group<E>>::Affine
pub struct VerifyingKey<E: Engine> {
alpha_g1: <E::G1 as Group<E>>::Affine,
beta_g2: <E::G2 as Group<E>>::Affine,
gamma_g2: <E::G2 as Group<E>>::Affine,
delta_g2: <E::G2 as Group<E>>::Affine,
ic: Vec<<E::G1 as Group<E>>::Affine>
pub struct PreparedVerifyingKey<E: Engine> {
alpha_g1_beta_g2: E::Fqk,
neg_gamma_g2: <E::G2 as Group<E>>::Prepared,
neg_delta_g2: <E::G2 as Group<E>>::Prepared,
ic: Vec<<E::G1 as Group<E>>::Affine>
pub struct Proof<E: Engine> {
a: E::G1,
b: E::G2,
c: E::G1
pub fn keypair<E: Engine, C: Circuit<E>>(
e: &E,
circuit: C,
tau: &E::Fr,
alpha: &E::Fr,
beta: &E::Fr,
gamma: &E::Fr,
delta: &E::Fr
) -> (ProvingKey<E>, VerifyingKey<E>)
struct KeypairAssembly<E: Engine> {
num_inputs: usize,
num_aux: usize,
num_constraints: usize,
at_inputs: Vec<Vec<(E::Fr, usize)>>,
bt_inputs: Vec<Vec<(E::Fr, usize)>>,
ct_inputs: Vec<Vec<(E::Fr, usize)>>,
at_aux: Vec<Vec<(E::Fr, usize)>>,
bt_aux: Vec<Vec<(E::Fr, usize)>>,
ct_aux: Vec<Vec<(E::Fr, usize)>>
impl<E: Engine> PublicConstraintSystem<E> for KeypairAssembly<E> {
fn alloc_input(&mut self, _: E::Fr) -> Variable {
let index = self.num_inputs;
self.num_inputs += 1;
impl<E: Engine> ConstraintSystem<E> for KeypairAssembly<E> {
fn alloc(&mut self, _: E::Fr) -> Variable {
let index = self.num_aux;
self.num_aux += 1;
fn enforce(
&mut self,
a: LinearCombination<E>,
b: LinearCombination<E>,
c: LinearCombination<E>
fn qap_eval<E: Engine>(
l: LinearCombination<E>,
inputs: &mut [Vec<(E::Fr, usize)>],
aux: &mut [Vec<(E::Fr, usize)>],
this_constraint: usize
for (index, coeff) in l.0 {
match index {
Index::Input(id) => inputs[id].push((coeff, this_constraint)),
Index::Aux(id) => aux[id].push((coeff, this_constraint))
qap_eval(a, &mut self.at_inputs, &mut self.at_aux, self.num_constraints);
qap_eval(b, &mut self.bt_inputs, &mut self.bt_aux, self.num_constraints);
qap_eval(c, &mut self.ct_inputs, &mut self.ct_aux, self.num_constraints);
self.num_constraints += 1;
let mut assembly = KeypairAssembly {
num_inputs: 0,
num_aux: 0,
num_constraints: 0,
at_inputs: vec![],
bt_inputs: vec![],
ct_inputs: vec![],
at_aux: vec![],
bt_aux: vec![],
ct_aux: vec![]
circuit.synthesize(e, &mut assembly).synthesize(e, &mut assembly);
// Input consistency constraints: x * 0 = 0
for i in 0..assembly.num_inputs {
assembly.enforce(LinearCombination::zero(e).add(E::Fr::one(e), Variable(Index::Input(i))),
let domain = domain::EvaluationDomain::new(e, assembly.num_constraints as u64);
let mut u = Vec::with_capacity(domain.m as usize);
let mut acc = E::Fr::one(e);
for _ in 0..domain.m {
acc.mul_assign(e, tau);
let gamma_inverse = gamma.inverse(e).unwrap();
let delta_inverse = delta.inverse(e).unwrap();
let g1_table;
let h;
let mut powers_of_tau = u.clone();
powers_of_tau.truncate((domain.m - 1) as usize);
let mut coeff = delta_inverse;
coeff.mul_assign(e, &domain.z(e, tau));
for h in &mut powers_of_tau {
h.mul_assign(e, &coeff);
g1_table = E::G1::one(e).optimal_window_batch(e,
(domain.m - 1) as usize + (assembly.num_inputs + assembly.num_aux) * 3
h = e.batch_baseexp(&g1_table, powers_of_tau);
domain.ifft(e, &mut u);
fn eval<E: Engine>(
e: &E,
u: &[E::Fr],
alpha: &E::Fr,
beta: &E::Fr,
inv: &E::Fr,
at_in: Vec<Vec<(E::Fr, usize)>>,
bt_in: Vec<Vec<(E::Fr, usize)>>,
ct_in: Vec<Vec<(E::Fr, usize)>>
) -> (Vec<E::Fr>, Vec<E::Fr>, Vec<E::Fr>)
assert_eq!(at_in.len(), bt_in.len());
assert_eq!(bt_in.len(), ct_in.len());
fn eval_at_tau<E: Engine>(
e: &E,
val: Vec<(E::Fr, usize)>,
u: &[E::Fr]
) -> E::Fr
let mut acc = E::Fr::zero();
for (coeff, index) in val {
let mut n = u[index];
n.mul_assign(e, &coeff);
acc.add_assign(e, &n);
let mut a_out = Vec::with_capacity(at_in.len());
let mut b_out = Vec::with_capacity(at_in.len());
let mut l_out = Vec::with_capacity(at_in.len());
for ((a, b), c) in at_in.into_iter().zip(bt_in.into_iter()).zip(ct_in.into_iter()) {
let a = eval_at_tau(e, a, u);
let b = eval_at_tau(e, b, u);
let mut t0 = a;
t0.mul_assign(e, beta);
let mut t1 = b;
t1.mul_assign(e, alpha);
t0.add_assign(e, &t1);
t0.add_assign(e, &eval_at_tau(e, c, u));
t0.mul_assign(e, inv);
(a_out, b_out, l_out)
let (a_inputs, b_inputs, ic_coeffs) = eval(e, &u, alpha, beta, &gamma_inverse, assembly.at_inputs, assembly.bt_inputs, assembly.ct_inputs);
let a_inputs = e.batch_baseexp(&g1_table, a_inputs);
let b1_inputs = e.batch_baseexp(&g1_table, &b_inputs);
let ic_coeffs = e.batch_baseexp(&g1_table, ic_coeffs);
let (a_aux, b_aux, l_coeffs) = eval(e, &u, alpha, beta, &delta_inverse, assembly.at_aux, assembly.bt_aux, assembly.ct_aux);
let a_aux = e.batch_baseexp(&g1_table, a_aux);
let b1_aux = e.batch_baseexp(&g1_table, &b_aux);
let l_coeffs = e.batch_baseexp(&g1_table, l_coeffs);
let g2_table = E::G2::one(e).optimal_window_batch(e,
(assembly.num_inputs + assembly.num_aux)
let b2_inputs = e.batch_baseexp(&g2_table, b_inputs);
let b2_aux = e.batch_baseexp(&g2_table, b_aux);
let mut alpha_g1 = E::G1::one(e);
alpha_g1.mul_assign(e, alpha);
let mut beta_g1 = E::G1::one(e);
beta_g1.mul_assign(e, beta);
let mut beta_g2 = E::G2::one(e);
beta_g2.mul_assign(e, beta);
let mut gamma_g2 = E::G2::one(e);
gamma_g2.mul_assign(e, gamma);
let mut delta_g1 = E::G1::one(e);
delta_g1.mul_assign(e, delta);
let mut delta_g2 = E::G2::one(e);
delta_g2.mul_assign(e, delta);
ProvingKey {
a_inputs: a_inputs,
b1_inputs: b1_inputs,
b2_inputs: b2_inputs,
a_aux: a_aux,
b1_aux: b1_aux,
b2_aux: b2_aux,
h: h,
l: l_coeffs,
delta_g1: delta_g1.to_affine(e),
delta_g2: delta_g2.to_affine(e),
alpha_g1: alpha_g1.to_affine(e),
beta_g1: beta_g1.to_affine(e),
beta_g2: beta_g2.to_affine(e)
VerifyingKey {
alpha_g1: alpha_g1.to_affine(e),
beta_g2: beta_g2.to_affine(e),
gamma_g2: gamma_g2.to_affine(e),
delta_g2: delta_g2.to_affine(e),
ic: ic_coeffs
pub fn prepare_verifying_key<E: Engine>(
e: &E,
vk: &VerifyingKey<E>
) -> PreparedVerifyingKey<E>
let mut gamma = vk.gamma_g2;
let mut delta = vk.delta_g2;
PreparedVerifyingKey {
alpha_g1_beta_g2: e.pairing(&vk.alpha_g1, &vk.beta_g2),
neg_gamma_g2: gamma.prepare(e),
neg_delta_g2: delta.prepare(e),
ic: vk.ic.clone()
pub fn verify<E: Engine, C: Witness<E>, F: FnOnce(&mut ConstraintSystem<E>) -> C>(
e: &E,
circuit: F,
proof: &Proof<E>,
pvk: &PreparedVerifyingKey<E>
) -> bool
struct VerifierInput<'a, E: Engine + 'a> {
e: &'a E,
acc: E::G1,
ic: &'a [<E::G1 as Group<E>>::Affine],
insufficient_inputs: bool,
num_inputs: usize,
num_aux: usize
impl<'a, E: Engine> PublicConstraintSystem<E> for VerifierInput<'a, E> {
fn alloc_input(&mut self, value: E::Fr) -> Variable {
if self.ic.len() == 0 {
self.insufficient_inputs = true;
} else {
self.acc.add_assign(self.e, &self.ic[0].mul(self.e, &value));
self.ic = &self.ic[1..];
let index = self.num_inputs;
self.num_inputs += 1;
impl<'a, E: Engine> ConstraintSystem<E> for VerifierInput<'a, E> {
fn alloc(&mut self, _: E::Fr) -> Variable {
let index = self.num_aux;
self.num_aux += 1;
fn enforce(
&mut self,
_: LinearCombination<E>,
_: LinearCombination<E>,
_: LinearCombination<E>
// Do nothing; we don't care about the constraint system
// in this context.
let mut witness = VerifierInput {
e: e,
acc: pvk.ic[0].to_jacobian(e),
ic: &pvk.ic[1..],
insufficient_inputs: false,
num_inputs: 1,
num_aux: 0
circuit(&mut witness).synthesize(e, &mut witness);
if witness.ic.len() != 0 || witness.insufficient_inputs {
return false;
(&proof.a.prepare(e), &proof.b.prepare(e)),
(&witness.acc.prepare(e), &pvk.neg_gamma_g2),
(&proof.c.prepare(e), &pvk.neg_delta_g2)
) == pvk.alpha_g1_beta_g2
pub fn prove<E: Engine, C: Circuit<E>>(
e: &E,
circuit: C,
r: &E::Fr,
s: &E::Fr,
pk: &ProvingKey<E>
) -> Result<Proof<E>, ()>
struct ProvingAssignment<'a, E: Engine + 'a> {
e: &'a E,
// Evaluations of A, B, C polynomials
a: Vec<E::Fr>,
b: Vec<E::Fr>,
c: Vec<E::Fr>,
// Assignments of variables
input_assignment: Vec<E::Fr>,
aux_assignment: Vec<E::Fr>
impl<'a, E: Engine> PublicConstraintSystem<E> for ProvingAssignment<'a, E> {
fn alloc_input(&mut self, value: E::Fr) -> Variable {
Variable(Index::Input(self.input_assignment.len() - 1))
impl<'a, E: Engine> ConstraintSystem<E> for ProvingAssignment<'a, E> {
fn alloc(&mut self, value: E::Fr) -> Variable {
Variable(Index::Aux(self.aux_assignment.len() - 1))
fn enforce(
&mut self,
a: LinearCombination<E>,
b: LinearCombination<E>,
c: LinearCombination<E>
self.a.push(a.evaluate(self.e, &self.input_assignment, &self.aux_assignment));
self.b.push(b.evaluate(self.e, &self.input_assignment, &self.aux_assignment));
self.c.push(c.evaluate(self.e, &self.input_assignment, &self.aux_assignment));
let mut prover = ProvingAssignment {
e: e,
a: vec![],
b: vec![],
c: vec![],
input_assignment: vec![],
aux_assignment: vec![]
circuit.synthesize(e, &mut prover).synthesize(e, &mut prover);
// Input consistency constraints: x * 0 = 0
for i in 0..prover.input_assignment.len() {
prover.enforce(LinearCombination::zero(e).add(E::Fr::one(e), Variable(Index::Input(i))),
// Perform FFTs
let h = {
let domain = domain::EvaluationDomain::new(e, prover.a.len() as u64);
prover.a.resize(domain.m as usize, E::Fr::zero());
prover.b.resize(domain.m as usize, E::Fr::zero());
prover.c.resize(domain.m as usize, E::Fr::zero());
domain.ifft(e, &mut prover.a);
domain.coset_fft(e, &mut prover.a);
domain.ifft(e, &mut prover.b);
domain.coset_fft(e, &mut prover.b);
domain.ifft(e, &mut prover.c);
domain.coset_fft(e, &mut prover.c);
let mut h = prover.a;
for (h, b) in h.iter_mut().zip(prover.b.into_iter()) {
h.mul_assign(e, &b);
for (h, c) in h.iter_mut().zip(prover.c.into_iter()) {
h.sub_assign(e, &c);
domain.divide_by_z_on_coset(e, &mut h);
domain.icoset_fft(e, &mut h);
e.multiexp(&pk.h, &h[0..(domain.m-1) as usize])?
// Construct proof
let mut g_a = pk.delta_g1.mul(e, r);
g_a.add_assign(e, &pk.alpha_g1.to_jacobian(e));
let mut g_b = pk.delta_g2.mul(e, s);
g_b.add_assign(e, &pk.beta_g2.to_jacobian(e));
let mut g_c;
let mut rs = *r;
rs.mul_assign(e, s);
g_c = pk.delta_g1.mul(e, &rs);
g_c.add_assign(e, &pk.alpha_g1.mul(e, s));
g_c.add_assign(e, &pk.beta_g1.mul(e, r));
let mut a_answer: E::G1 = e.multiexp(&pk.a_inputs, &prover.input_assignment)?;
a_answer.add_assign(e, &e.multiexp(&pk.a_aux, &prover.aux_assignment)?);
g_a.add_assign(e, &a_answer);
a_answer.mul_assign(e, s);
g_c.add_assign(e, &a_answer);
let mut b1_answer: E::G1 = e.multiexp(&pk.b1_inputs, &prover.input_assignment)?;
b1_answer.add_assign(e, &e.multiexp(&pk.b1_aux, &prover.aux_assignment)?);
let mut b2_answer: E::G2 = e.multiexp(&pk.b2_inputs, &prover.input_assignment)?;
b2_answer.add_assign(e, &e.multiexp(&pk.b2_aux, &prover.aux_assignment)?);
g_b.add_assign(e, &b2_answer);
b1_answer.mul_assign(e, r);
g_c.add_assign(e, &b1_answer);
g_c.add_assign(e, &h);
g_c.add_assign(e, &e.multiexp(&pk.l, &prover.aux_assignment)?);
Ok(Proof {
a: g_a,
b: g_b,
c: g_c
mod tests;

src/groth/tests/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
use super::*;
use rand::{Rng, thread_rng};
struct RootCircuit<E: Engine> {
root: E::Fr
impl<E: Engine> Circuit<E> for RootCircuit<E> {
type WitnessMap = RootWitness<E>;
fn synthesize<CS: ConstraintSystem<E>>(self,
e: &E,
cs: &mut CS)
-> Self::WitnessMap
let root_var = cs.alloc(self.root);
let mut cur = root_var;
let mut cur_val = self.root;
for _ in 0..99 {
cur_val.mul_assign(e, &self.root);
let new = cs.alloc(cur_val);
LinearCombination::zero(e) + (E::Fr::from_str(e, "3").unwrap(), cur),
LinearCombination::zero(e) + (E::Fr::from_str(e, "4").unwrap(), root_var),
LinearCombination::zero(e) + (E::Fr::from_str(e, "12").unwrap(), new),
cur = new;
RootWitness {
num: cur_val,
num_var: cur
struct RootWitness<E: Engine> {
num: E::Fr,
num_var: Variable
impl<E: Engine> Witness<E> for RootWitness<E> {
fn synthesize<CS: PublicConstraintSystem<E>>(
e: &E,
cs: &mut CS
let result_input = cs.alloc_input(self.num);
LinearCombination::zero(e) + result_input,
LinearCombination::zero(e) + self.num_var
fn test_snark_system<E: Engine, R: Rng>(
e: &E,
rng: &mut R
let tau = E::Fr::random(e, rng);
let alpha = E::Fr::random(e, rng);
let beta = E::Fr::random(e, rng);
let gamma = E::Fr::random(e, rng);
let delta = E::Fr::random(e, rng);
// create keypair
let (pk, vk) = {
let c = RootCircuit {
root: E::Fr::zero()
keypair(e, c, &tau, &alpha, &beta, &gamma, &delta)
// construct proof
let proof = {
let r = E::Fr::random(e, rng);
let s = E::Fr::random(e, rng);
let c = RootCircuit {
root: E::Fr::from_str(e, "2").unwrap()
prove(e, c, &r, &s, &pk).unwrap()
// prepare verifying key
let pvk = prepare_verifying_key(e, &vk);
// verify proof
assert!(verify(e, |cs| {
RootWitness {
num: E::Fr::from_str(e, "1267650600228229401496703205376").unwrap(),
num_var: cs.alloc(E::Fr::one(e))
}, &proof, &pvk));
// verify invalid proof
assert!(!verify(e, |cs| {
RootWitness {
num: E::Fr::from_str(e, "1267650600228229401496703205375").unwrap(),
num_var: cs.alloc(E::Fr::one(e))
}, &proof, &pvk));
// simulate a groth proof with trapdoors
// ----------------
// 99: a1 * a0 = l*
// 100: a0 * 0 = 0
// 101: a1 * 0 = 0
// ---
// u_0(tau) = tau^100
// u_1(tau) = tau^99 + tau^101
// v_0(tau) = tau^99
// v_1(tau) = 0
// w_0(tau) = 0
// w_1(tau) = 0
// ---
let mut lagrange_coeffs: Vec<E::Fr> = (0..128).map(|i| tau.pow(e, &[i])).collect();
let d = domain::EvaluationDomain::new(e, 128);
d.ifft(e, &mut lagrange_coeffs);
let a = E::Fr::random(e, rng);
let b = E::Fr::random(e, rng);
let mut c = a;
c.mul_assign(e, &b);
let mut alphabeta = alpha;
alphabeta.mul_assign(e, &beta);
c.sub_assign(e, &alphabeta);
let mut ic = E::Fr::zero();
let mut ic_i_beta = lagrange_coeffs[100];
ic_i_beta.mul_assign(e, &beta);
let mut ic_i_alpha = lagrange_coeffs[99];
ic_i_alpha.mul_assign(e, &alpha);
ic_i_beta.add_assign(e, &ic_i_alpha);
ic.add_assign(e, &ic_i_beta);
let mut ic_i_beta = lagrange_coeffs[99];
ic_i_beta.add_assign(e, &lagrange_coeffs[101]);
ic_i_beta.mul_assign(e, &beta);
ic_i_beta.mul_assign(e, &E::Fr::from_str(e, "100").unwrap());
ic.add_assign(e, &ic_i_beta);
c.sub_assign(e, &ic);
c.mul_assign(e, &delta.inverse(e).unwrap());
let mut a_g = E::G1::one(e);
a_g.mul_assign(e, &a);
let mut b_g = E::G2::one(e);
b_g.mul_assign(e, &b);
let mut c_g = E::G1::one(e);
c_g.mul_assign(e, &c);
let fake_proof = Proof {
a: a_g,
b: b_g,
c: c_g
// verify fake proof
assert!(verify(e, |cs| {
RootWitness {
num: E::Fr::from_str(e, "100").unwrap(),
num_var: cs.alloc(E::Fr::one(e))
}, &fake_proof, &pvk));
// verify fake proof with wrong input
assert!(!verify(e, |cs| {
RootWitness {
num: E::Fr::from_str(e, "101").unwrap(),
num_var: cs.alloc(E::Fr::one(e))
}, &fake_proof, &pvk));
fn groth_with_bls381() {
use curves::bls381::Bls381;
let e = &Bls381::new();
let rng = &mut thread_rng();
test_snark_system(e, rng);

View File

@ -1,8 +1,151 @@
#![feature(i128_type)] #![feature(i128_type)]
extern crate rand; extern crate rand;
extern crate rayon; extern crate num_cpus;
extern crate crossbeam;
extern crate byteorder; extern crate byteorder;
extern crate serde; extern crate serde;
pub mod curves; pub mod curves;
pub mod groth;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::ops;
use curves::{Engine, Field};
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Variable(Index);
impl Variable {
pub fn one() -> Self {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
enum Index {
pub struct LinearCombination<'a, E: Engine + 'a>(HashMap<Index, E::Fr>, &'a E);
impl<'a, E: Engine + 'a> ops::Add<Variable> for LinearCombination<'a, E> {
type Output = LinearCombination<'a, E>;
fn add(self, other: Variable) -> LinearCombination<'a, E> {
let one = E::Fr::one(self.1);
self.add(one, other)
impl<'a, E: Engine + 'a> ops::Add<(E::Fr, Variable)> for LinearCombination<'a, E> {
type Output = LinearCombination<'a, E>;
fn add(self, (coeff, var): (E::Fr, Variable)) -> LinearCombination<'a, E> {
self.add(coeff, var)
impl<'a, E: Engine + 'a> ops::Sub<Variable> for LinearCombination<'a, E> {
type Output = LinearCombination<'a, E>;
fn sub(self, other: Variable) -> LinearCombination<'a, E> {
let one = E::Fr::one(self.1);
self.sub(one, other)
impl<'a, E: Engine + 'a> ops::Sub<(E::Fr, Variable)> for LinearCombination<'a, E> {
type Output = LinearCombination<'a, E>;
fn sub(self, (coeff, var): (E::Fr, Variable)) -> LinearCombination<'a, E> {
self.sub(coeff, var)
impl<'a, E: Engine> LinearCombination<'a, E> {
pub fn zero(e: &'a E) -> LinearCombination<'a, E> {
LinearCombination(HashMap::new(), e)
pub fn one(e: &'a E) -> LinearCombination<'a, E> {
LinearCombination::zero(e).add(E::Fr::one(e), Variable::one())
pub fn add(mut self, coeff: E::Fr, var: Variable) -> Self
.add_assign(self.1, &coeff);
pub fn sub(self, mut coeff: E::Fr, var: Variable) -> Self
self.add(coeff, var)
fn evaluate(
e: &E,
input_assignment: &[E::Fr],
aux_assignment: &[E::Fr]
) -> E::Fr
let mut acc = E::Fr::zero();
for (index, coeff) in self.0.iter() {
let mut n = *coeff;
match index {
&Index::Input(id) => {
n.mul_assign(e, &input_assignment[id]);
&Index::Aux(id) => {
n.mul_assign(e, &aux_assignment[id]);
acc.add_assign(e, &n);
pub trait Circuit<E: Engine> {
type WitnessMap: Witness<E>;
/// Synthesize the circuit into a rank-1 quadratic constraint system
fn synthesize<CS: ConstraintSystem<E>>(self, engine: &E, cs: &mut CS) -> Self::WitnessMap;
pub trait Witness<E: Engine> {
/// Synthesize the circuit, except with additional access to public input
/// variables
fn synthesize<CS: PublicConstraintSystem<E>>(self, engine: &E, cs: &mut CS);
pub trait PublicConstraintSystem<E: Engine>: ConstraintSystem<E> {
/// Allocate a public input that the verifier knows.
fn alloc_input(&mut self, value: E::Fr) -> Variable;
pub trait ConstraintSystem<E: Engine> {
/// Allocate a private variable in the constraint system, setting it to
/// the provided value.
fn alloc(&mut self, value: E::Fr) -> Variable;
/// Enforce that `A` * `B` = `C`.
fn enforce(
&mut self,
a: LinearCombination<E>,
b: LinearCombination<E>,
c: LinearCombination<E>