Remove unused tests and fix documentation.
This commit is contained in:
@ -200,7 +200,8 @@ pub fn generate_parameters<E, C>(
// Synthesize the circuit.
circuit.synthesize(&mut assembly)?;
// Input consistency constraints: x * 0 = 0
// Input constraints to ensure full density of IC query
// x * 0 = 0
for i in 0..assembly.num_inputs {
assembly.enforce(|| "",
|lc| lc + Variable(Index::Input(i)),
@ -119,9 +119,9 @@ pub struct VerifyingKey<E: Engine> {
delta_g2: E::G2Affine,
// Elements of the form (beta * u_i(tau) + alpha v_i(tau) + w_i(tau)) / gamma
// for all public inputs. Because all public inputs have a "soundness
// of input consistency" constraint, this is the same size as the
// number of inputs, and never contains points at infinity.
// for all public inputs. Because all public inputs have a dummy constraint,
// this is the same size as the number of inputs, and never contains points
// at infinity.
ic: Vec<E::G1Affine>
@ -422,222 +422,3 @@ impl<'cs, E: Engine, CS: ConstraintSystem<E>> ConstraintSystem<E> for &'cs mut C
// #[test]
// fn test_cs() {
// use pairing::bls12_381::{Bls12, Fr};
// struct MySillyConstraintSystem<E: Engine> {
// inputs: Vec<(E::Fr, String)>,
// aux: Vec<(E::Fr, String)>,
// constraints: Vec<(LinearCombination<E>, LinearCombination<E>, LinearCombination<E>, String)>,
// current_namespace: Vec<String>
// }
// fn compute_path(ns: &[String], this: String) -> String {
// let mut name = String::new();
// let mut needs_separation = false;
// for ns in ns.iter().chain(Some(&this).into_iter())
// {
// if needs_separation {
// name += "/";
// }
// name += ns;
// needs_separation = true;
// }
// name
// }
// impl<E: Engine> PublicConstraintSystem<E> for MySillyConstraintSystem<E> {
// type PublicRoot = Self;
// fn alloc_input<F, A, AR>(
// &mut self,
// annotation: A,
// f: F
// ) -> Result<Variable, SynthesisError>
// where F: FnOnce() -> Result<E::Fr, SynthesisError>, A: FnOnce() -> AR, AR: Into<String>
// {
// let index = self.inputs.len();
// let path = compute_path(&self.current_namespace, annotation().into());
// self.inputs.push((f()?, path));
// Ok(Var::Input(index))
// }
// fn get_public_root(&mut self) -> &mut Self::PublicRoot
// {
// self
// }
// }
// impl<E: Engine> ConstraintSystem<E> for MySillyConstraintSystem<E> {
// type Variable = Var;
// type Root = Self;
// fn one(&self) -> Variable {
// Var::Input(0)
// }
// fn alloc<F, A, AR>(
// &mut self,
// annotation: A,
// f: F
// ) -> Result<Variable, SynthesisError>
// where F: FnOnce() -> Result<E::Fr, SynthesisError>, A: FnOnce() -> AR, AR: Into<String>
// {
// let index = self.aux.len();
// let path = compute_path(&self.current_namespace, annotation().into());
// self.aux.push((f()?, path));
// Ok(Var::Aux(index))
// }
// fn enforce<A, AR, LA, LB, LC>(
// &mut self,
// annotation: A,
// a: LA,
// b: LB,
// c: LC
// )
// where A: FnOnce() -> AR, AR: Into<String>,
// LA: FnOnce(LinearCombination<E>) -> LinearCombination<E>,
// LB: FnOnce(LinearCombination<E>) -> LinearCombination<E>,
// LC: FnOnce(LinearCombination<E>) -> LinearCombination<E>
// {
// let path = compute_path(&self.current_namespace, annotation().into());
// let a = a(LinearCombination::zero());
// let b = b(LinearCombination::zero());
// let c = c(LinearCombination::zero());
// self.constraints.push((a, b, c, path));
// }
// fn push_namespace<NR, N>(&mut self, name_fn: N)
// where NR: Into<String>, N: FnOnce() -> NR
// {
// self.current_namespace.push(name_fn().into());
// }
// fn pop_namespace(&mut self)
// {
// self.current_namespace.pop();
// }
// fn get_root(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Root
// {
// self
// }
// }
// fn do_stuff_with_pcs<E: Engine, CS: PublicConstraintSystem<E>>(mut cs: CS, one_more: bool)
// {
// cs.alloc_input(|| "something", || Ok(E::Fr::zero())).unwrap();
// if one_more {
// do_stuff_with_pcs(cs.namespace_public(|| "cool namespace"), false);
// }
// }
// let mut cs = MySillyConstraintSystem::<Bls12> {
// inputs: vec![(Fr::one(), "ONE".into())],
// aux: vec![],
// constraints: vec![],
// current_namespace: vec![]
// };
// cs.alloc(|| "something", || Ok(Fr::zero())).unwrap();
// assert_eq!(cs.inputs, vec![(Fr::one(), "ONE".into())]);
// assert_eq!(cs.aux, vec![(Fr::zero(), "something".into())]);
// {
// let mut cs = cs.namespace(|| "woohoo");
// cs.alloc(|| "whatever", || Ok(Fr::one())).unwrap();
// cs.alloc(|| "you", || Ok(Fr::zero())).unwrap();
// cs.alloc(|| "say", || Ok(Fr::one())).unwrap();
// {
// let mut cs = cs.namespace(|| "hehe");
// let v1 = cs.alloc(|| "hehe, indeed", || Ok(Fr::one())).unwrap();
// let v2 = cs.alloc_input(|| "works lol", || Ok(Fr::zero())).unwrap();
// let one =;
// cs.enforce(
// || "great constraint",
// |lc| lc + v1,
// |lc| lc + one,
// |lc| lc + v2
// );
// }
// }
// assert_eq!(cs.aux, vec![
// (Fr::zero(), "something".into()),
// (Fr::one(), "woohoo/whatever".into()),
// (Fr::zero(), "woohoo/you".into()),
// (Fr::one(), "woohoo/say".into()),
// (Fr::one(), "woohoo/hehe/hehe, indeed".into()),
// ]);
// assert_eq!(cs.inputs, vec![
// (Fr::one(), "ONE".into()),
// (Fr::zero(), "woohoo/hehe/works lol".into()),
// ]);
// assert!(cs.constraints.len() == 1);
// assert!((cs.constraints[0].0).0 == vec![(Var::Aux(4), Fr::one())]);
// assert!((cs.constraints[0].1).0 == vec![(Var::Input(0), Fr::one())]);
// assert!((cs.constraints[0].2).0 == vec![(Var::Input(1), Fr::one())]);
// assert!(cs.constraints[0].3 == "woohoo/hehe/great constraint");
// do_stuff_with_pcs(cs.namespace(|| "namey"), true);
// assert_eq!(cs.inputs, vec![
// (Fr::one(), "ONE".into()),
// (Fr::zero(), "woohoo/hehe/works lol".into()),
// (Fr::zero(), "namey/something".into()),
// (Fr::zero(), "namey/cool namespace/something".into()),
// ]);
// }
// #[test]
// fn test_lc() {
// use pairing::bls12_381::{Bls12, Fr};
// use pairing::PrimeField;
// let a = LinearCombination::<Bls12>::zero() + 0usize + 1usize + 2usize - 3usize;
// let mut negone = Fr::one();
// negone.negate();
// assert_eq!(a.0, vec![(0usize, Fr::one()), (1usize, Fr::one()), (2usize, Fr::one()), (3usize, negone)]);
// let x = LinearCombination::<Bls12>::zero() + (Fr::one(), 0usize) - (Fr::one(), 1usize);
// let y = LinearCombination::<Bls12>::zero() + (Fr::one(), 2usize) - (Fr::one(), 3usize);
// let z = x.clone() + &y - &y;
// assert_eq!(z.0, vec![
// (0usize, Fr::one()),
// (1usize, negone),
// (2usize, Fr::one()),
// (3usize, negone),
// (2usize, negone),
// (3usize, Fr::one())
// ]);
// let coeff = Fr::from_str("3").unwrap();
// let mut neg_coeff = coeff;
// neg_coeff.negate();
// let z = x + (coeff, &y) - (coeff, &y);
// assert_eq!(z.0, vec![
// (0usize, Fr::one()),
// (1usize, negone),
// (2usize, Fr::from_str("3").unwrap()),
// (3usize, neg_coeff),
// (2usize, neg_coeff),
// (3usize, Fr::from_str("3").unwrap())
// ]);
// }
Reference in New Issue