use std::cmp::Ordering; use rand::Rng; use rustc_serialize::{Encodable, Encoder, Decodable, Decoder}; use byteorder::{ByteOrder, BigEndian}; /// 256-bit, stack allocated biginteger for use in prime field /// arithmetic. #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] #[repr(C)] pub struct U256(pub [u64; 4]); /// 512-bit, stack allocated biginteger for use in extension /// field serialization and scalar interpretation. #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] #[repr(C)] pub struct U512(pub [u64; 8]); impl U512 { /// Multiplies c1 by modulo, adds c0. pub fn from(c1: &U256, c0: &U256, modulo: &U256) -> U512 { let mut res = [0; 8]; for (i, xi) in c1.0.iter().enumerate() { mac_digit(&mut res[i..], &modulo.0, *xi); } let mut c0_iter = c0.0.iter(); let mut carry = 0; for ai in res.iter_mut() { if let Some(bi) = { *ai = adc(*ai, *bi, &mut carry); } else if carry != 0 { *ai = adc(*ai, 0, &mut carry); } else { break; } } debug_assert!(0 == carry); U512(res) } pub fn get_bit(&self, n: usize) -> Option { if n >= 512 { None } else { let part = n / 64; let bit = n - (64 * part); Some(self.0[part] & (1 << bit) > 0) } } /// Divides self by modulo, returning remainder and, if /// possible, a quotient smaller than the modulus. pub fn divrem(&self, modulo: &U256) -> (Option, U256) { let mut q = Some(U256::zero()); let mut r = U256::zero(); for i in (0..512).rev() { mul2(&mut r.0); assert!(r.set_bit(0, self.get_bit(i).unwrap())); if &r >= modulo { sub_noborrow(&mut r.0, &modulo.0); if q.is_some() && !q.as_mut().unwrap().set_bit(i, true) { q = None } } } if q.is_some() && (q.as_ref().unwrap() >= modulo) { (None, r) } else { (q, r) } } } impl Encodable for U512 { fn encode(&self, s: &mut S) -> Result<(), S::Error> { let mut buf = [0; (8 * 8)]; for (l, i) in (0..8).rev().zip((0..8).map(|i| i * 8)) { BigEndian::write_u64(&mut buf[i..], self.0[l]); } for i in 0..(8 * 8) { try!(s.emit_u8(buf[i])); } Ok(()) } } impl Decodable for U512 { fn decode(s: &mut S) -> Result { let mut buf = [0; (8 * 8)]; for i in 0..(8 * 8) { buf[i] = try!(s.read_u8()); } let mut n = [0; 8]; for (l, i) in (0..8).rev().zip((0..8).map(|i| i * 8)) { n[l] = BigEndian::read_u64(&buf[i..]); } Ok(U512(n)) } } impl Encodable for U256 { fn encode(&self, s: &mut S) -> Result<(), S::Error> { let mut buf = [0; (4 * 8)]; for (l, i) in (0..4).rev().zip((0..4).map(|i| i * 8)) { BigEndian::write_u64(&mut buf[i..], self.0[l]); } for i in 0..(4 * 8) { try!(s.emit_u8(buf[i])); } Ok(()) } } impl Decodable for U256 { fn decode(s: &mut S) -> Result { let mut buf = [0; (4 * 8)]; for i in 0..(4 * 8) { buf[i] = try!(s.read_u8()); } let mut n = [0; 4]; for (l, i) in (0..4).rev().zip((0..4).map(|i| i * 8)) { n[l] = BigEndian::read_u64(&buf[i..]); } Ok(U256(n)) } } impl Ord for U256 { #[inline] fn cmp(&self, other: &U256) -> Ordering { for (a, b) in self.0.iter().zip(other.0.iter()).rev() { if *a < *b { return Ordering::Less; } else if *a > *b { return Ordering::Greater; } } return Ordering::Equal; } } impl PartialOrd for U256 { #[inline] fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &U256) -> Option { Some(self.cmp(other)) } } impl U256 { #[inline] pub fn zero() -> U256 { U256([0, 0, 0, 0]) } #[inline] pub fn one() -> U256 { U256([1, 0, 0, 0]) } /// Produce a random number (mod `modulo`) pub fn random(rng: &mut R, modulo: &U256) -> U256 { let mut res; loop { res = U256(rng.gen()); for (i, x) in modulo.bits().enumerate() { if !x { assert!(res.set_bit(255 - i, false)); } else { break; } } if &res < modulo { break; } } res } pub fn is_zero(&self) -> bool { self.0[0] == 0 && self.0[1] == 0 && self.0[2] == 0 && self.0[3] == 0 } pub fn set_bit(&mut self, n: usize, to: bool) -> bool { if n >= 256 { false } else { let part = n / 64; let bit = n - (64 * part); if to { self.0[part] |= 1 << bit; } else { self.0[part] &= !(1 << bit); } true } } pub fn get_bit(&self, n: usize) -> Option { if n >= 256 { None } else { let part = n / 64; let bit = n - (64 * part); Some(self.0[part] & (1 << bit) > 0) } } /// Add `other` to `self` (mod `modulo`) pub fn add(&mut self, other: &U256, modulo: &U256) { add_nocarry(&mut self.0, &other.0); if *self >= *modulo { sub_noborrow(&mut self.0, &modulo.0); } } /// Subtract `other` from `self` (mod `modulo`) pub fn sub(&mut self, other: &U256, modulo: &U256) { if *self < *other { add_nocarry(&mut self.0, &modulo.0); } sub_noborrow(&mut self.0, &other.0); } /// Multiply `self` by `other` (mod `modulo`) via the Montgomery /// multiplication method. pub fn mul(&mut self, other: &U256, modulo: &U256, inv: u64) { mul_reduce(&mut self.0, &other.0, &modulo.0, inv); if *self >= *modulo { sub_noborrow(&mut self.0, &modulo.0); } } /// Turn `self` into its additive inverse (mod `modulo`) pub fn neg(&mut self, modulo: &U256) { if *self > Self::zero() { let mut tmp = modulo.0; sub_noborrow(&mut tmp, &self.0); self.0 = tmp; } } #[inline] pub fn is_even(&self) -> bool { self.0[0] & 1 == 0 } /// Turn `self` into its multiplicative inverse (mod `modulo`) pub fn invert(&mut self, modulo: &U256) { // Guajardo Kumar Paar Pelzl // Efficient Software-Implementation of Finite Fields with Applications to Cryptography // Algorithm 16 (BEA for Inversion in Fp) let mut u = *self; let mut v = *modulo; let mut b = U256::one(); let mut c = U256::zero(); while u != U256::one() && v != U256::one() { while u.is_even() { div2(&mut u.0); if b.is_even() { div2(&mut b.0); } else { add_nocarry(&mut b.0, &modulo.0); div2(&mut b.0); } } while v.is_even() { div2(&mut v.0); if c.is_even() { div2(&mut c.0); } else { add_nocarry(&mut c.0, &modulo.0); div2(&mut c.0); } } if u >= v { sub_noborrow(&mut u.0, &v.0); b.sub(&c, modulo); } else { sub_noborrow(&mut v.0, &u.0); c.sub(&b, modulo); } } if u == U256::one() { self.0 = b.0; } else { self.0 = c.0; } } /// Return an Iterator over all bits from /// MSB to LSB. pub fn bits(&self) -> BitIterator { BitIterator { int: &self, n: 256 } } } pub struct BitIterator<'a> { int: &'a U256, n: usize } impl<'a> Iterator for BitIterator<'a> { type Item = bool; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { if self.n == 0 { None } else { self.n -= 1; } } } /// Divide by two #[inline] fn div2(a: &mut [u64; 4]) { let mut t = a[3] << 63; a[3] = a[3] >> 1; let b = a[2] << 63; a[2] >>= 1; a[2] |= t; t = a[1] << 63; a[1] >>= 1; a[1] |= b; a[0] >>= 1; a[0] |= t; } /// Multiply by two #[inline] fn mul2(a: &mut [u64; 4]) { let mut last = 0; for i in a { let tmp = *i >> 63; *i <<= 1; *i |= last; last = tmp; } } #[inline(always)] fn split_u64(i: u64) -> (u64, u64) { (i >> 32, i & 0xFFFFFFFF) } #[inline(always)] fn combine_u64(hi: u64, lo: u64) -> u64 { (hi << 32) | lo } #[inline] fn adc(a: u64, b: u64, carry: &mut u64) -> u64 { let (a1, a0) = split_u64(a); let (b1, b0) = split_u64(b); let (c, r0) = split_u64(a0 + b0 + *carry); let (c, r1) = split_u64(a1 + b1 + c); *carry = c; combine_u64(r1, r0) } #[inline] fn add_nocarry(a: &mut [u64; 4], b: &[u64; 4]) { let mut carry = 0; for (a, b) in a.into_iter().zip(b.iter()) { *a = adc(*a, *b, &mut carry); } debug_assert!(0 == carry); } #[inline] fn sub_noborrow(a: &mut [u64; 4], b: &[u64; 4]) { #[inline] fn sbb(a: u64, b: u64, borrow: &mut u64) -> u64 { let (a1, a0) = split_u64(a); let (b1, b0) = split_u64(b); let (b, r0) = split_u64((1 << 32) + a0 - b0 - *borrow); let (b, r1) = split_u64((1 << 32) + a1 - b1 - ((b == 0) as u64)); *borrow = (b == 0) as u64; combine_u64(r1, r0) } let mut borrow = 0; for (a, b) in a.into_iter().zip(b.iter()) { *a = sbb(*a, *b, &mut borrow); } debug_assert!(0 == borrow); } fn mac_digit(acc: &mut [u64], b: &[u64], c: u64) { #[inline] fn mac_with_carry(a: u64, b: u64, c: u64, carry: &mut u64) -> u64 { let (b_hi, b_lo) = split_u64(b); let (c_hi, c_lo) = split_u64(c); let (a_hi, a_lo) = split_u64(a); let (carry_hi, carry_lo) = split_u64(*carry); let (x_hi, x_lo) = split_u64(b_lo * c_lo + a_lo + carry_lo); let (y_hi, y_lo) = split_u64(b_lo * c_hi); let (z_hi, z_lo) = split_u64(b_hi * c_lo); let (r_hi, r_lo) = split_u64(x_hi + y_lo + z_lo + a_hi + carry_hi); *carry = (b_hi * c_hi) + r_hi + y_hi + z_hi; combine_u64(r_lo, x_lo) } if c == 0 { return; } let mut b_iter = b.iter(); let mut carry = 0; for ai in acc.iter_mut() { if let Some(bi) = { *ai = mac_with_carry(*ai, *bi, c, &mut carry); } else if carry != 0 { *ai = mac_with_carry(*ai, 0, c, &mut carry); } else { break; } } debug_assert!(carry == 0); } #[inline] fn mul_reduce( this: &mut [u64; 4], by: &[u64; 4], modulus: &[u64; 4], inv: u64 ) { // The Montgomery reduction here is based on Algorithm 14.32 in // Handbook of Applied Cryptography // . let mut res = [0; 2*4]; for (i, xi) in this.iter().enumerate() { mac_digit(&mut res[i..], by, *xi); } for i in 0..4 { let k = inv.wrapping_mul(res[i]); mac_digit(&mut res[i..], modulus, k); } this.copy_from_slice(&res[4..]); } #[test] fn setting_bits() { let rng = &mut ::rand::thread_rng(); let modulo = U256([0xffffffffffffffff; 4]); let a = U256::random(rng, &modulo); let mut e = U256::zero(); for (i, b) in a.bits().enumerate() { assert!(e.set_bit(255 - i, b)); } assert_eq!(a, e); } #[test] fn testing_divrem() { let rng = &mut ::rand::thread_rng(); let modulo = U256([0x3c208c16d87cfd47, 0x97816a916871ca8d, 0xb85045b68181585d, 0x30644e72e131a029]); for _ in 0..100 { let c0 = U256::random(rng, &modulo); let c1 = U256::random(rng, &modulo); let c1q_plus_c0 = U512::from(&c1, &c0, &modulo); let (new_c1, new_c0) = c1q_plus_c0.divrem(&modulo); assert!(c1 == new_c1.unwrap()); assert!(c0 == new_c0); } { // Modulus should become 1*q + 0 let a = U512([ 0x3c208c16d87cfd47, 0x97816a916871ca8d, 0xb85045b68181585d, 0x30644e72e131a029, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]); let (c1, c0) = a.divrem(&modulo); assert_eq!(c1.unwrap(), U256::one()); assert_eq!(c0, U256::zero()); } { // Modulus squared minus 1 should be (q-1) q + q-1 let a = U512([ 0x3b5458a2275d69b0, 0xa602072d09eac101, 0x4a50189c6d96cadc, 0x04689e957a1242c8, 0x26edfa5c34c6b38d, 0xb00b855116375606, 0x599a6f7c0348d21c, 0x0925c4b8763cbf9c ]); let (c1, c0) = a.divrem(&modulo); assert_eq!(c1.unwrap(), U256([0x3c208c16d87cfd46, 0x97816a916871ca8d, 0xb85045b68181585d, 0x30644e72e131a029])); assert_eq!(c0, U256([0x3c208c16d87cfd46, 0x97816a916871ca8d, 0xb85045b68181585d, 0x30644e72e131a029])); } { // Modulus squared minus 2 should be (q-1) q + q-2 let a = U512([ 0x3b5458a2275d69af, 0xa602072d09eac101, 0x4a50189c6d96cadc, 0x04689e957a1242c8, 0x26edfa5c34c6b38d, 0xb00b855116375606, 0x599a6f7c0348d21c, 0x0925c4b8763cbf9c ]); let (c1, c0) = a.divrem(&modulo); assert_eq!(c1.unwrap(), U256([0x3c208c16d87cfd46, 0x97816a916871ca8d, 0xb85045b68181585d, 0x30644e72e131a029])); assert_eq!(c0, U256([0x3c208c16d87cfd45, 0x97816a916871ca8d, 0xb85045b68181585d, 0x30644e72e131a029])); } { // Ridiculously large number should fail let a = U512([ 0xffffffffffffffff, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0xffffffffffffffff ]); let (c1, c0) = a.divrem(&modulo); assert!(c1.is_none()); assert_eq!(c0, U256([0xf32cfc5b538afa88, 0xb5e71911d44501fb, 0x47ab1eff0a417ff6, 0x06d89f71cab8351f])); } { // Modulus squared should fail let a = U512([ 0x3b5458a2275d69b1, 0xa602072d09eac101, 0x4a50189c6d96cadc, 0x04689e957a1242c8, 0x26edfa5c34c6b38d, 0xb00b855116375606, 0x599a6f7c0348d21c, 0x0925c4b8763cbf9c ]); let (c1, c0) = a.divrem(&modulo); assert!(c1.is_none()); assert_eq!(c0, U256::zero()); } { // Modulus squared plus one should fail let a = U512([ 0x3b5458a2275d69b2, 0xa602072d09eac101, 0x4a50189c6d96cadc, 0x04689e957a1242c8, 0x26edfa5c34c6b38d, 0xb00b855116375606, 0x599a6f7c0348d21c, 0x0925c4b8763cbf9c ]); let (c1, c0) = a.divrem(&modulo); assert!(c1.is_none()); assert_eq!(c0, U256::one()); } { let modulo = U256([0x43e1f593f0000001, 0x2833e84879b97091, 0xb85045b68181585d, 0x30644e72e131a029]); // Fr modulus masked off is valid let a = U512([ 0xffffffffffffffff, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x07ffffffffffffff ]); let (c1, c0) = a.divrem(&modulo); assert!(c1.unwrap() < modulo); assert!(c0 < modulo); } }