/** * Copyright 2024 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ locals { cas = var.cluster_autoscaling cas_apd = try(local.cas.auto_provisioning_defaults, null) cas_apd_us = try(local.cas_apd.upgrade_settings, null) } resource "google_container_cluster" "cluster" { provider = google-beta project = var.project_id name = var.name description = var.description location = var.location node_locations = ( length(var.node_locations) == 0 ? null : var.node_locations ) min_master_version = var.min_master_version network = var.vpc_config.network subnetwork = var.vpc_config.subnetwork resource_labels = var.labels default_max_pods_per_node = var.max_pods_per_node enable_intranode_visibility = var.enable_features.intranode_visibility enable_l4_ilb_subsetting = var.enable_features.l4_ilb_subsetting enable_shielded_nodes = var.enable_features.shielded_nodes enable_fqdn_network_policy = var.enable_features.fqdn_network_policy enable_tpu = var.enable_features.tpu initial_node_count = var.default_nodepool.initial_node_count remove_default_node_pool = var.default_nodepool.remove_pool deletion_protection = var.deletion_protection enable_cilium_clusterwide_network_policy = var.enable_features.cilium_clusterwide_network_policy datapath_provider = ( var.enable_features.dataplane_v2 ? "ADVANCED_DATAPATH" : "DATAPATH_PROVIDER_UNSPECIFIED" ) # the default node pool is deleted here, use the gke-nodepool module instead. # shielded nodes are controlled by the cluster-level enable_features variable node_config { boot_disk_kms_key = var.node_config.boot_disk_kms_key service_account = var.node_config.service_account tags = var.node_config.tags labels = var.node_config.k8s_labels resource_labels = var.node_config.labels dynamic "shielded_instance_config" { for_each = var.enable_features.shielded_nodes ? [""] : [] content { enable_secure_boot = true enable_integrity_monitoring = true } } } # gcfs_config deactivation need the block to be defined so it can't be dynamic node_pool_defaults { node_config_defaults { gcfs_config { enabled = var.enable_features.image_streaming } } } addons_config { cloudrun_config { disabled = !var.enable_addons.cloudrun } config_connector_config { enabled = var.enable_addons.config_connector } dns_cache_config { enabled = var.enable_addons.dns_cache } gce_persistent_disk_csi_driver_config { enabled = var.enable_addons.gce_persistent_disk_csi_driver } gcp_filestore_csi_driver_config { enabled = var.enable_addons.gcp_filestore_csi_driver } gcs_fuse_csi_driver_config { enabled = var.enable_addons.gcs_fuse_csi_driver } gke_backup_agent_config { enabled = var.backup_configs.enable_backup_agent } horizontal_pod_autoscaling { disabled = !var.enable_addons.horizontal_pod_autoscaling } http_load_balancing { disabled = !var.enable_addons.http_load_balancing } istio_config { disabled = var.enable_addons.istio == null auth = ( try(var.enable_addons.istio.enable_tls, false) ? "AUTH_MUTUAL_TLS" : "AUTH_NONE" ) } kalm_config { enabled = var.enable_addons.kalm } network_policy_config { disabled = !var.enable_addons.network_policy } stateful_ha_config { enabled = var.enable_addons.stateful_ha } } dynamic "authenticator_groups_config" { for_each = var.enable_features.groups_for_rbac != null ? [""] : [] content { security_group = var.enable_features.groups_for_rbac } } dynamic "binary_authorization" { for_each = var.enable_features.binary_authorization ? [""] : [] content { evaluation_mode = "PROJECT_SINGLETON_POLICY_ENFORCE" } } dynamic "cost_management_config" { for_each = var.enable_features.cost_management == true ? [""] : [] content { enabled = true } } dynamic "cluster_autoscaling" { for_each = local.cas == null ? [] : [""] content { enabled = var.cluster_autoscaling.enabled autoscaling_profile = var.cluster_autoscaling.autoscaling_profile dynamic "auto_provisioning_defaults" { for_each = local.cas_apd != null ? [""] : [] content { boot_disk_kms_key = local.cas_apd.boot_disk_kms_key disk_size = local.cas_apd.disk_size disk_type = local.cas_apd.disk_type image_type = local.cas_apd.image_type oauth_scopes = local.cas_apd.oauth_scopes service_account = local.cas_apd.service_account dynamic "management" { for_each = local.cas_apd.management != null ? [""] : [] content { auto_repair = local.cas_apd.management.auto_repair auto_upgrade = local.cas_apd.management.auto_upgrade } } dynamic "shielded_instance_config" { for_each = local.cas_apd.shielded_instance_config != null ? [""] : [] content { enable_integrity_monitoring = ( local.cas_apd.shielded_instance_config.integrity_monitoring ) enable_secure_boot = ( local.cas_apd.shielded_instance_config.secure_boot ) } } dynamic "upgrade_settings" { for_each = local.cas_apd_us != null ? [""] : [] content { strategy = ( local.cas_apd_us.blue_green != null ? "BLUE_GREEN" : "SURGE" ) max_surge = try(local.cas_apd_us.surge.max, null) max_unavailable = try(local.cas_apd_us.surge.unavailable, null) dynamic "blue_green_settings" { for_each = local.cas_apd_us.blue_green != null ? [""] : [] content { node_pool_soak_duration = ( local.cas_apd_us.blue_green.node_pool_soak_duration ) dynamic "standard_rollout_policy" { for_each = ( local.cas_apd_us.blue_green.standard_rollout_policy != null ? [""] : [] ) content { batch_node_count = ( local.cas_apd_us.blue_green.standard_rollout_policy.batch_node_count ) batch_percentage = ( local.cas_apd_us.blue_green.standard_rollout_policy.batch_percentage ) batch_soak_duration = ( local.cas_apd_us.blue_green.standard_rollout_policy.batch_soak_duration ) } } } } } } } } dynamic "resource_limits" { for_each = local.cas.cpu_limits != null ? [""] : [] content { resource_type = "cpu" minimum = local.cas.cpu_limits.min maximum = local.cas.cpu_limits.max } } dynamic "resource_limits" { for_each = local.cas.mem_limits != null ? [""] : [] content { resource_type = "memory" minimum = local.cas.mem_limits.min maximum = local.cas.mem_limits.max } } dynamic "resource_limits" { for_each = ( try(local.cas.gpu_resources, null) == null ? [] : local.cas.gpu_resources ) iterator = gpu_resources content { resource_type = gpu_resources.value.resource_type minimum = gpu_resources.value.min maximum = gpu_resources.value.max } } } } dynamic "database_encryption" { for_each = var.enable_features.database_encryption != null ? [""] : [] content { state = var.enable_features.database_encryption.state key_name = var.enable_features.database_encryption.key_name } } dynamic "dns_config" { for_each = var.enable_features.dns != null ? [""] : [] content { cluster_dns = var.enable_features.dns.provider cluster_dns_scope = var.enable_features.dns.scope cluster_dns_domain = var.enable_features.dns.domain } } dynamic "enable_k8s_beta_apis" { for_each = var.enable_features.beta_apis != null ? [""] : [] content { enabled_apis = var.enable_features.beta_apis } } dynamic "gateway_api_config" { for_each = var.enable_features.gateway_api ? [""] : [] content { channel = "CHANNEL_STANDARD" } } dynamic "ip_allocation_policy" { for_each = var.vpc_config.secondary_range_blocks != null ? [""] : [] content { cluster_ipv4_cidr_block = ( var.vpc_config.secondary_range_blocks.pods ) services_ipv4_cidr_block = ( var.vpc_config.secondary_range_blocks.services ) stack_type = var.vpc_config.stack_type dynamic "additional_pod_ranges_config" { for_each = var.vpc_config.additional_ranges != null ? [""] : [] content { pod_range_names = var.vpc_config.additional_ranges } } } } dynamic "ip_allocation_policy" { for_each = var.vpc_config.secondary_range_names != null ? [""] : [] content { cluster_secondary_range_name = ( var.vpc_config.secondary_range_names.pods ) services_secondary_range_name = ( var.vpc_config.secondary_range_names.services ) stack_type = var.vpc_config.stack_type dynamic "additional_pod_ranges_config" { for_each = var.vpc_config.additional_ranges != null ? [""] : [] content { pod_range_names = var.vpc_config.additional_ranges } } } } # Send GKE cluster logs from chosen sources to Cloud Logging. # System logs must be enabled if any other source is enabled. # This is validated by input variable validation rules. dynamic "logging_config" { for_each = var.logging_config.enable_system_logs ? [""] : [] content { enable_components = toset(compact([ var.logging_config.enable_api_server_logs ? "APISERVER" : null, var.logging_config.enable_controller_manager_logs ? "CONTROLLER_MANAGER" : null, var.logging_config.enable_scheduler_logs ? "SCHEDULER" : null, "SYSTEM_COMPONENTS", var.logging_config.enable_workloads_logs ? "WORKLOADS" : null, ])) } } # Don't send any GKE cluster logs to Cloud Logging. Input variable validation # makes sure every other log source is false when enable_system_logs is false. dynamic "logging_config" { for_each = var.logging_config.enable_system_logs == false ? [""] : [] content { enable_components = [] } } maintenance_policy { dynamic "daily_maintenance_window" { for_each = ( try(var.maintenance_config.daily_window_start_time, null) != null ? [""] : [] ) content { start_time = var.maintenance_config.daily_window_start_time } } dynamic "recurring_window" { for_each = ( try(var.maintenance_config.recurring_window, null) != null ? [""] : [] ) content { start_time = var.maintenance_config.recurring_window.start_time end_time = var.maintenance_config.recurring_window.end_time recurrence = var.maintenance_config.recurring_window.recurrence } } dynamic "maintenance_exclusion" { for_each = ( try(var.maintenance_config.maintenance_exclusions, null) == null ? [] : var.maintenance_config.maintenance_exclusions ) iterator = exclusion content { exclusion_name = exclusion.value.name start_time = exclusion.value.start_time end_time = exclusion.value.end_time dynamic "exclusion_options" { for_each = exclusion.value.scope != null ? [""] : [] content { scope = exclusion.value.scope } } } } } master_auth { client_certificate_config { issue_client_certificate = var.issue_client_certificate } } dynamic "master_authorized_networks_config" { for_each = var.vpc_config.master_authorized_ranges != null ? [""] : [] content { dynamic "cidr_blocks" { for_each = var.vpc_config.master_authorized_ranges iterator = range content { cidr_block = range.value display_name = range.key } } } } dynamic "mesh_certificates" { for_each = var.enable_features.mesh_certificates != null ? [""] : [] content { enable_certificates = var.enable_features.mesh_certificates } } monitoring_config { enable_components = toset(compact([ # System metrics is the minimum requirement if any other metrics are enabled. # This is checked by input var validation. var.monitoring_config.enable_system_metrics ? "SYSTEM_COMPONENTS" : null, # Control plane metrics var.monitoring_config.enable_api_server_metrics ? "APISERVER" : null, var.monitoring_config.enable_controller_manager_metrics ? "CONTROLLER_MANAGER" : null, var.monitoring_config.enable_scheduler_metrics ? "SCHEDULER" : null, # Kube state metrics var.monitoring_config.enable_daemonset_metrics ? "DAEMONSET" : null, var.monitoring_config.enable_deployment_metrics ? "DEPLOYMENT" : null, var.monitoring_config.enable_hpa_metrics ? "HPA" : null, var.monitoring_config.enable_pod_metrics ? "POD" : null, var.monitoring_config.enable_statefulset_metrics ? "STATEFULSET" : null, var.monitoring_config.enable_storage_metrics ? "STORAGE" : null, ])) managed_prometheus { enabled = var.monitoring_config.enable_managed_prometheus } dynamic "advanced_datapath_observability_config" { for_each = ( var.monitoring_config.advanced_datapath_observability == null ? [] : [""] ) content { enable_metrics = ( var.monitoring_config.advanced_datapath_observability.enable_metrics ) enable_relay = ( var.monitoring_config.advanced_datapath_observability.enable_relay ) } } } # Dataplane V2 has built-in network policies dynamic "network_policy" { for_each = ( var.enable_addons.network_policy && !var.enable_features.dataplane_v2 ? [""] : [] ) content { enabled = true provider = "CALICO" } } dynamic "notification_config" { for_each = var.enable_features.upgrade_notifications != null ? [""] : [] content { pubsub { enabled = true topic = ( try(var.enable_features.upgrade_notifications.topic_id, null) != null ? var.enable_features.upgrade_notifications.topic_id : google_pubsub_topic.notifications[0].id ) } } } dynamic "private_cluster_config" { for_each = ( var.private_cluster_config != null ? [""] : [] ) content { enable_private_nodes = true enable_private_endpoint = var.private_cluster_config.enable_private_endpoint private_endpoint_subnetwork = try(var.vpc_config.master_endpoint_subnetwork, null) master_ipv4_cidr_block = try(var.vpc_config.master_ipv4_cidr_block, null) master_global_access_config { enabled = var.private_cluster_config.master_global_access } } } dynamic "pod_security_policy_config" { for_each = var.enable_features.pod_security_policy ? [""] : [] content { enabled = var.enable_features.pod_security_policy } } dynamic "release_channel" { for_each = var.release_channel != null ? [""] : [] content { channel = var.release_channel } } dynamic "resource_usage_export_config" { for_each = ( try(var.enable_features.resource_usage_export.dataset, null) != null ? [""] : [] ) content { enable_network_egress_metering = ( var.enable_features.resource_usage_export.enable_network_egress_metering ) enable_resource_consumption_metering = ( var.enable_features.resource_usage_export.enable_resource_consumption_metering ) bigquery_destination { dataset_id = var.enable_features.resource_usage_export.dataset } } } dynamic "service_external_ips_config" { for_each = !var.enable_features.service_external_ips ? [""] : [] content { enabled = var.enable_features.service_external_ips } } dynamic "vertical_pod_autoscaling" { for_each = var.enable_features.vertical_pod_autoscaling ? [""] : [] content { enabled = var.enable_features.vertical_pod_autoscaling } } dynamic "workload_identity_config" { for_each = var.enable_features.workload_identity ? [""] : [] content { workload_pool = "${var.project_id}.svc.id.goog" } } lifecycle { ignore_changes = [node_config] } } resource "google_gke_backup_backup_plan" "backup_plan" { for_each = ( var.backup_configs.enable_backup_agent ? var.backup_configs.backup_plans : {} ) name = each.key cluster = google_container_cluster.cluster.id location = each.value.region project = var.project_id labels = each.value.labels retention_policy { backup_delete_lock_days = try(each.value.retention_policy_delete_lock_days) backup_retain_days = try(each.value.retention_policy_days) locked = try(each.value.retention_policy_lock) } backup_schedule { cron_schedule = each.value.schedule } backup_config { include_volume_data = each.value.include_volume_data include_secrets = each.value.include_secrets dynamic "encryption_key" { for_each = each.value.encryption_key != null ? [""] : [] content { gcp_kms_encryption_key = each.value.encryption_key } } all_namespaces = ( lookup(each.value, "namespaces", null) != null || lookup(each.value, "applications", null) != null ? null : true ) dynamic "selected_namespaces" { for_each = each.value.namespaces != null ? [""] : [] content { namespaces = each.value.namespaces } } dynamic "selected_applications" { for_each = each.value.applications != null ? [""] : [] content { dynamic "namespaced_names" { for_each = flatten([for k, vs in each.value.applications : [ for v in vs : { namespace = k, name = v } ]]) content { namespace = namespaced_names.value.namespace name = namespaced_names.value.name } } } } } } resource "google_compute_network_peering_routes_config" "gke_master" { count = ( try(var.private_cluster_config.peering_config, null) != null ? 1 : 0 ) project = coalesce(var.private_cluster_config.peering_config.project_id, var.project_id) peering = try( google_container_cluster.cluster.private_cluster_config[0].peering_name, null ) network = element(reverse(split("/", var.vpc_config.network)), 0) import_custom_routes = var.private_cluster_config.peering_config.import_routes export_custom_routes = var.private_cluster_config.peering_config.export_routes } resource "google_pubsub_topic" "notifications" { count = ( try(var.enable_features.upgrade_notifications, null) != null && try(var.enable_features.upgrade_notifications.topic_id, null) == null ? 1 : 0 ) project = var.project_id name = "gke-pubsub-notifications" labels = { content = "gke-notifications" } }