# Copyright 2022 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Common fixtures.""" import collections import contextlib import itertools import os import shutil import tempfile from pathlib import Path import pytest import tftest import yaml PlanSummary = collections.namedtuple('PlanSummary', 'values counts outputs') @contextlib.contextmanager def _prepare_root_module(path): """Context manager to prepare a terraform module to be tested. If the TFTEST_COPY environment variable is set, `path` is copied to a temporary directory and a few terraform files (e.g. terraform.tfvars) are delete to ensure a clean test environment. Otherwise, `path` is simply returned untouched. """ if os.environ.get('TFTEST_COPY'): # if the TFTEST_COPY is set, create temp dir and copy the root # module there with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=path.parent) as tmp_path: tmp_path = Path(tmp_path) # if we're copying the module, we might as well ignore files and # directories that are automatically read by terraform. Useful # to avoid surprises if, for example, you have an active fast # deployment with links to configs) ignore_patterns = shutil.ignore_patterns('*.auto.tfvars', '*.auto.tfvars.json', 'terraform.tfstate*', 'terraform.tfvars', '.terraform') shutil.copytree(path, tmp_path, dirs_exist_ok=True, ignore=ignore_patterns) yield tmp_path else: # if TFTEST_COPY is not set, just return the same path yield path def plan_summary(module_path, basedir, tf_var_files=None, **tf_vars): """ Run a Terraform plan on the module located at `module_path`. - module_path: terraform root module to run. Can be an absolute path or relative to the root of the repository - basedir: directory root to use for relative paths in tf_var_files. - tf_var_files: set of terraform variable files (tfvars) to pass in to terraform Returns a PlanSummary object containing 3 attributes: - values: dictionary where the keys are terraform plan addresses and values are the JSON representation (converted to python types) of the attribute values of the resource. - counts: dictionary where the keys are the terraform resource types and the values are the number of times that type appears in the plan - outputs: dictionary of the modules outputs that can be determined at plan type. Consult [1] for mode details on the structure of values and outputs [1] https://developer.hashicorp.com/terraform/internals/json-format """ # make the module_path relative to the root of the repo while still # supporting absolute paths module_path = Path(__file__).parents[1] / module_path with _prepare_root_module(module_path) as test_path: binary = os.environ.get('TERRAFORM', 'terraform') tf = tftest.TerraformTest(test_path, binary=binary) tf.setup(upgrade=True) tf_var_files = [(basedir / x).resolve() for x in tf_var_files or []] plan = tf.plan(output=True, tf_var_file=tf_var_files, tf_vars=tf_vars) # compute resource type counts and address->values map values = {} counts = collections.defaultdict(int) counts['modules'] = counts['resources'] = 0 q = collections.deque([plan.root_module]) while q: e = q.popleft() if 'type' in e: counts[e['type']] += 1 if 'values' in e: values[e['address']] = e['values'] for x in e.get('resources', []): counts['resources'] += 1 q.append(x) for x in e.get('child_modules', []): counts['modules'] += 1 q.append(x) # extract planned outputs outputs = plan.get('planned_values', {}).get('outputs', {}) return PlanSummary(values, dict(counts), outputs) @pytest.fixture(name='plan_summary') def plan_summary_fixture(request): """Return a function to generate a PlanSummary. In the returned function `basedir` becomes optional and it defaults to the directory of the calling test """ def inner(module_path, basedir=None, tf_var_files=None, **tf_vars): if basedir is None: basedir = Path(request.fspath).parent return plan_summary(module_path=module_path, basedir=basedir, tf_var_files=tf_var_files, **tf_vars) return inner def plan_validator(module_path, inventory_paths, basedir, tf_var_files=None, **tf_vars): summary = plan_summary(module_path=module_path, tf_var_files=tf_var_files, basedir=basedir, **tf_vars) # allow single single string for inventory_paths if not isinstance(inventory_paths, list): inventory_paths = [inventory_paths] for path in inventory_paths: # allow tfvars and inventory to be relative to the caller path = basedir / path try: inventory = yaml.safe_load(path.read_text()) except (IOError, OSError, yaml.YAMLError) as e: raise Exception(f'cannot read test inventory {path}: {e}') # don't fail if the inventory is empty inventory = inventory or {} # If you add additional asserts to this function: # - put the values coming from the plan on the left side of # any comparison operators # - put the values coming from user's inventory the right # side of any comparison operators. # - include a descriptive error message to the assert # for values: # - verify each address in the user's inventory exists in the plan # - for those address that exist on both the user's inventory and # the plan output, ensure the set of keys on the inventory are a # subset of the keys in the plan, and compare their values by # equality if 'values' in inventory: expected_values = inventory['values'] for address, expected_value in expected_values.items(): assert address in summary.values, \ f'{address} is not a valid address in the plan' for k, v in expected_value.items(): assert k in summary.values[address], \ f'{k} not found at {address}' plan_value = summary.values[address][k] assert plan_value == v, \ f'{k} at {address} failed. Got `{plan_value}`, expected `{v}`' if 'counts' in inventory: expected_counts = inventory['counts'] for type_, expected_count in expected_counts.items(): assert type_ in summary.counts, \ f'module does not create any resources of type `{type_}`' plan_count = summary.counts[type_] assert plan_count == expected_count, \ f'count of {type_} resources failed. Got {plan_count}, expected {expected_count}' if 'outputs' in inventory: expected_outputs = inventory['outputs'] for output_name, expected_output in expected_outputs.items(): assert output_name in summary.outputs, \ f'module does not output `{output_name}`' output = summary.outputs[output_name] # assert 'value' in output, \ # f'output `{output_name}` does not have a value (is it sensitive or dynamic?)' plan_output = output.get('value', '__missing__') assert plan_output == expected_output, \ f'output {output_name} failed. Got `{plan_output}`, expected `{expected_output}`' return summary @pytest.fixture(name='plan_validator') def plan_validator_fixture(request): """Return a function to build a PlanSummary and compare it to a YAML inventory. In the returned function `basedir` becomes optional and it defaults to the directory of the calling test' """ def inner(module_path, inventory_paths, basedir=None, tf_var_files=None, **tf_vars): if basedir is None: basedir = Path(request.fspath).parent return plan_validator(module_path=module_path, inventory_paths=inventory_paths, basedir=basedir, tf_var_files=tf_var_files, **tf_vars) return inner # @pytest.fixture # def repo_root(): # 'Return a pathlib.Path to the root of the repository' # return Path(__file__).parents[1]