Ludovico Magnocavallo 819894d2ba
IAM interface refactor (#1595)
* IAM modules refactor proposal

* policy

* subheading

* Update

* log Julio's +1

* data-catalog-policy-tag

* dataproc

* dataproc

* folder

* folder

* folder

* folder

* project

* better filtering in test examples

* project

* folder

* folder

* organization

* fix variable descriptions

* kms

* net-vpc

* dataplex-datascan

* modules/iam-service-account

* modules/source-repository/

* blueprints/cloud-operations/vm-migration/

* blueprints/third-party-solutions/wordpress

* dataplex-datascan

* blueprints/cloud-operations/workload-identity-federation

* blueprints/data-solutions/cloudsql-multiregion/

* blueprints/data-solutions/composer-2

* Update

* Update

* capture discussion in architectural doc

* update variable names and refactor proposal

* project

* blueprints first round

* folder

* organization

* data-catalog-policy-tag

* re-enable folder inventory

* project module style fix

* dataproc

* source-repository

* source-repository tests

* dataplex-datascan

* dataplex-datascan tests

* net-vpc

* net-vpc test examples

* iam-service-account

* iam-service-account test examples

* kms

* boilerplate

* tfdoc

* fix module tests

* more blueprint fixes

* fix typo in data blueprints

* incomplete refactor of data platform foundations

* tfdoc

* data platform foundation

* refactor data platform foundation iam locals

* remove redundant example test

* shielded folder fix

* fix typo

* project factory

* project factory outputs

* tfdoc

* test workflow: less verbose tests, fix tf version

* re-enable -vv, shorter traceback, fix action version

* ignore github extension warning, re-enable action version

* fast bootstrap IAM, untested

* bootstrap stage IAM fixes

* stage 0 tests

* fast stage 1

* tenant stage 1

* minor changes to fast stage 0 and 1

* fast security stage

* fast mt stage 0

* fast mt stage 0

* fast pf
2023-08-20 09:44:20 +02:00
.. IAM interface refactor (#1595) 2023-08-20 09:44:20 +02:00 IAM interface refactor (#1595) 2023-08-20 09:44:20 +02:00 prefix variable consistency across modules 2022-11-10 15:05:53 +00:00 Ensure all modules have an `id` output (#1410) 2023-06-02 16:07:22 +02:00 IAM interface refactor (#1595) 2023-08-20 09:44:20 +02:00 Moved allow_net_admin to enable_features flag. Bumped provider version to 4.76 2023-08-07 14:27:20 +01:00

Google Service Account Module

This module allows simplified creation and management of one a service account and its IAM bindings.

A key can optionally be generated and will be stored in Terraform state. To use it create a sensitive output in your root modules referencing the key output, then extract the private key from the JSON formatted outputs.

Alternatively, the key can be generated with openssl library and only the public part uploaded to the Service Account, for more refer to the Onprem SA Key Management example.

Note that outputs have no dependencies on IAM bindings to prevent resource cycles.


module "myproject-default-service-accounts" {
  source     = "./fabric/modules/iam-service-account"
  project_id = "myproject"
  name       = "vm-default"
  # authoritative roles granted *on* the service accounts to other identities
  iam = {
    "roles/iam.serviceAccountUser" = [""]
  # non-authoritative roles granted *to* the service accounts on other resources
  iam_project_roles = {
    "myproject" = [
# tftest modules=1 resources=4 inventory=basic.yaml


name description resources IAM bindings. google_billing_account_iam_member · google_folder_iam_member · google_organization_iam_member · google_project_iam_member · google_service_account_iam_binding · google_service_account_iam_member · google_storage_bucket_iam_member Module-level locals and resources. google_service_account · google_service_account_key Module outputs. Module variables. Version pins.


name description type required default
name Name of the service account to create. string
project_id Project id where service account will be created. string
description Optional description. string null
display_name Display name of the service account to create. string "Terraform-managed."
generate_key Generate a key for service account. bool false
iam IAM bindings on the service account in {ROLE => [MEMBERS]} format. map(list(string)) {}
iam_billing_roles Billing account roles granted to this service account, by billing account id. Non-authoritative. map(list(string)) {}
iam_bindings Authoritative IAM bindings on the service account in {ROLE => {members = [], condition = {}}}. map(object({…})) {}
iam_bindings_additive Individual additive IAM bindings on the service account. Keys are arbitrary. map(object({…})) {}
iam_folder_roles Folder roles granted to this service account, by folder id. Non-authoritative. map(list(string)) {}
iam_organization_roles Organization roles granted to this service account, by organization id. Non-authoritative. map(list(string)) {}
iam_project_roles Project roles granted to this service account, by project id. map(list(string)) {}
iam_sa_roles Service account roles granted to this service account, by service account name. map(list(string)) {}
iam_storage_roles Storage roles granted to this service account, by bucket name. map(list(string)) {}
prefix Prefix applied to service account names. string null
public_keys_directory Path to public keys data files to upload to the service account (should have .pem extension). string ""
service_account_create Create service account. When set to false, uses a data source to reference an existing service account. bool true


name description sensitive
email Service account email.
iam_email IAM-format service account email.
id Fully qualified service account id.
key Service account key.
name Service account name.
service_account Service account resource.
service_account_credentials Service account json credential templates for uploaded public keys data.