Ludovico Magnocavallo 819894d2ba
IAM interface refactor (#1595)
* IAM modules refactor proposal

* policy

* subheading

* Update

* log Julio's +1

* data-catalog-policy-tag

* dataproc

* dataproc

* folder

* folder

* folder

* folder

* project

* better filtering in test examples

* project

* folder

* folder

* organization

* fix variable descriptions

* kms

* net-vpc

* dataplex-datascan

* modules/iam-service-account

* modules/source-repository/

* blueprints/cloud-operations/vm-migration/

* blueprints/third-party-solutions/wordpress

* dataplex-datascan

* blueprints/cloud-operations/workload-identity-federation

* blueprints/data-solutions/cloudsql-multiregion/

* blueprints/data-solutions/composer-2

* Update

* Update

* capture discussion in architectural doc

* update variable names and refactor proposal

* project

* blueprints first round

* folder

* organization

* data-catalog-policy-tag

* re-enable folder inventory

* project module style fix

* dataproc

* source-repository

* source-repository tests

* dataplex-datascan

* dataplex-datascan tests

* net-vpc

* net-vpc test examples

* iam-service-account

* iam-service-account test examples

* kms

* boilerplate

* tfdoc

* fix module tests

* more blueprint fixes

* fix typo in data blueprints

* incomplete refactor of data platform foundations

* tfdoc

* data platform foundation

* refactor data platform foundation iam locals

* remove redundant example test

* shielded folder fix

* fix typo

* project factory

* project factory outputs

* tfdoc

* test workflow: less verbose tests, fix tf version

* re-enable -vv, shorter traceback, fix action version

* ignore github extension warning, re-enable action version

* fast bootstrap IAM, untested

* bootstrap stage IAM fixes

* stage 0 tests

* fast stage 1

* tenant stage 1

* minor changes to fast stage 0 and 1

* fast security stage

* fast mt stage 0

* fast mt stage 0

* fast pf
2023-08-20 09:44:20 +02:00
.. IAM interface refactor (#1595) 2023-08-20 09:44:20 +02:00 IAM interface refactor (#1595) 2023-08-20 09:44:20 +02:00 Add new `iam_members` variable to IAM additive module interfaces (#1589) 2023-08-14 09:54:50 +00:00 IAM interface refactor (#1595) 2023-08-20 09:44:20 +02:00 Add support for resource management tags and tag bindings (#552) 2022-02-20 11:14:18 +01:00 IAM interface refactor (#1595) 2023-08-20 09:44:20 +02:00 Moved allow_net_admin to enable_features flag. Bumped provider version to 4.76 2023-08-07 14:27:20 +01:00

Google KMS Module

This module allows creating and managing KMS crypto keys and IAM bindings at both the keyring and crypto key level. An existing keyring can be used, or a new one can be created and managed by the module if needed.

When using an existing keyring be mindful about applying IAM bindings, as all bindings used by this module are authoritative, and you might inadvertently override bindings managed by the keyring creator.

Protecting against destroy

In this module no lifecycle blocks are set on resources to prevent destroy, in order to allow for experimentation and testing where rapid apply/destroy cycles are needed. If you plan on using this module to manage non-development resources, clone it and uncomment the lifecycle blocks found in


Using an existing keyring

module "kms" {
  source     = "./fabric/modules/kms"
  project_id = "my-project"
  iam = {
    "roles/cloudkms.admin" = [""]
  keyring        = { location = "europe-west1", name = "test" }
  keyring_create = false
  keys           = { key-a = null, key-b = null, key-c = null }
# tftest skip (uses data sources)

Keyring creation and crypto key rotation and IAM roles

module "kms" {
  source     = "./fabric/modules/kms"
  project_id = "my-project"
  key_iam = {
    key-a = {
      "roles/cloudkms.admin" = [""]
  key_iam_bindings_additive = {
    key-b-am1 = {
      key    = "key-b"
      member = ""
      role   = "roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter"
  keyring = { location = "europe-west1", name = "test" }
  keys = {
    key-a = null
    key-b = { rotation_period = "604800s", labels = null }
    key-c = { rotation_period = null, labels = { env = "test" } }
# tftest modules=1 resources=6

Crypto key purpose

module "kms" {
  source     = "./fabric/modules/kms"
  project_id = "my-project"
  key_purpose = {
    key-c = {
      purpose = "ASYMMETRIC_SIGN"
      version_template = {
        algorithm        = "EC_SIGN_P384_SHA384"
        protection_level = null
  keyring = { location = "europe-west1", name = "test" }
  keys    = { key-a = null, key-b = null, key-c = null }
# tftest modules=1 resources=4


name description type required default
keyring Keyring attributes. object({…})
project_id Project id where the keyring will be created. string
iam Keyring IAM bindings in {ROLE => [MEMBERS]} format. map(list(string)) {}
iam_bindings Keyring authoritative IAM bindings in {ROLE => {members = [], condition = {}}}. map(object({…})) {}
iam_bindings_additive Keyring individual additive IAM bindings. Keys are arbitrary. map(object({…})) {}
key_iam Key IAM bindings in {KEY => {ROLE => [MEMBERS]}} format. map(map(list(string))) {}
key_iam_bindings Key authoritative IAM bindings in {KEY => {ROLE => {members = [], condition = {}}}}. map(object({…})) {}
key_iam_bindings_additive Key individual additive IAM bindings. Keys are arbitrary. map(object({…})) {}
key_purpose Per-key purpose, if not set defaults will be used. If purpose is not ENCRYPT_DECRYPT (the default), version_template.algorithm is required. map(object({…})) {}
key_purpose_defaults Defaults used for key purpose when not defined at the key level. If purpose is not ENCRYPT_DECRYPT (the default), version_template.algorithm is required. object({…}) {…}
keyring_create Set to false to manage keys and IAM bindings in an existing keyring. bool true
keys Key names and base attributes. Set attributes to null if not needed. map(object({…})) {}
tag_bindings Tag bindings for this keyring, in key => tag value id format. map(string) null


name description sensitive
id Fully qualified keyring id.
key_ids Fully qualified key ids.
keyring Keyring resource.
keys Key resources.
location Keyring location.
name Keyring name.