
284 lines
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* Copyright 2024 Google LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
variable "activation_policy" {
description = "This variable specifies when the instance should be active. Can be either ALWAYS, NEVER or ON_DEMAND. Default is ALWAYS."
type = string
default = "ALWAYS"
validation {
condition = var.activation_policy == "NEVER" || var.activation_policy == "ON_DEMAND" || var.activation_policy == "ALWAYS"
error_message = "The variable activation_policy must be ALWAYS, NEVER or ON_DEMAND."
nullable = false
variable "availability_type" {
description = "Availability type for the primary replica. Either `ZONAL` or `REGIONAL`."
type = string
default = "ZONAL"
variable "backup_configuration" {
description = "Backup settings for primary instance. Will be automatically enabled if using MySQL with one or more replicas."
nullable = false
type = object({
enabled = optional(bool, false)
binary_log_enabled = optional(bool, false)
start_time = optional(string, "23:00")
location = optional(string)
log_retention_days = optional(number, 7)
point_in_time_recovery_enabled = optional(bool)
retention_count = optional(number, 7)
default = {
enabled = false
binary_log_enabled = false
start_time = "23:00"
location = null
log_retention_days = 7
point_in_time_recovery_enabled = null
retention_count = 7
variable "collation" {
description = "The name of server instance collation."
type = string
default = null
variable "connector_enforcement" {
description = "Specifies if connections must use Cloud SQL connectors."
type = string
default = null
variable "data_cache" {
description = "Enable data cache. Only used for Enterprise MYSQL and PostgreSQL."
type = bool
nullable = false
default = false
variable "database_version" {
description = "Database type and version to create."
type = string
variable "databases" {
description = "Databases to create once the primary instance is created."
type = list(string)
default = null
variable "disk_autoresize_limit" {
description = "The maximum size to which storage capacity can be automatically increased. The default value is 0, which specifies that there is no limit."
type = number
default = 0
variable "disk_size" {
description = "Disk size in GB. Set to null to enable autoresize."
type = number
default = null
variable "disk_type" {
description = "The type of data disk: `PD_SSD` or `PD_HDD`."
type = string
default = "PD_SSD"
variable "edition" {
description = "The edition of the instance, can be ENTERPRISE or ENTERPRISE_PLUS."
type = string
default = "ENTERPRISE"
variable "encryption_key_name" {
description = "The full path to the encryption key used for the CMEK disk encryption of the primary instance."
type = string
default = null
variable "flags" {
description = "Map FLAG_NAME=>VALUE for database-specific tuning."
type = map(string)
default = null
variable "gcp_deletion_protection" {
description = "Set Google's deletion protection attribute which applies across all surfaces (UI, API, & Terraform)."
type = bool
default = true
nullable = false
variable "insights_config" {
description = "Query Insights configuration. Defaults to null which disables Query Insights."
type = object({
query_string_length = optional(number, 1024)
record_application_tags = optional(bool, false)
record_client_address = optional(bool, false)
query_plans_per_minute = optional(number, 5)
default = null
variable "labels" {
description = "Labels to be attached to all instances."
type = map(string)
default = null
variable "maintenance_config" {
description = "Set maintenance window configuration and maintenance deny period (up to 90 days). Date format: 'yyyy-mm-dd'."
type = object({
maintenance_window = optional(object({
day = number
hour = number
update_track = optional(string, null)
}), null)
deny_maintenance_period = optional(object({
start_date = string
end_date = string
start_time = optional(string, "00:00:00")
}), null)
default = {}
validation {
condition = (
try(var.maintenance_config.maintenance_window, null) == null ? true : (
# Maintenance window day validation below >= 1 && <= 7 &&
# Maintenance window hour validation below
var.maintenance_config.maintenance_window.hour >= 0 &&
var.maintenance_config.maintenance_window.hour <= 23 &&
# Maintenance window update_track validation below
try(var.maintenance_config.maintenance_window.update_track, null) == null ? true :
contains(["canary", "stable"], var.maintenance_config.maintenance_window.update_track)
error_message = "Maintenance window day must be between 1 and 7, maintenance window hour must be between 0 and 23 and maintenance window update_track must be 'stable' or 'canary'."
variable "name" {
description = "Name of primary instance."
type = string
variable "network_config" {
description = "Network configuration for the instance. Only one between private_network and psc_config can be used."
type = object({
authorized_networks = optional(map(string))
connectivity = object({
public_ipv4 = optional(bool, false)
psa_config = optional(object({
private_network = string
allocated_ip_ranges = optional(object({
primary = optional(string)
replica = optional(string)
psc_allowed_consumer_projects = optional(list(string))
validation {
condition = (var.network_config.connectivity.psa_config != null ? 1 : 0) + (var.network_config.connectivity.psc_allowed_consumer_projects != null ? 1 : 0) < 2
error_message = "Only one between private network and psc can be specified."
variable "prefix" {
description = "Optional prefix used to generate instance names."
type = string
default = null
validation {
condition = var.prefix != ""
error_message = "Prefix cannot be empty, please use null instead."
variable "project_id" {
description = "The ID of the project where this instances will be created."
type = string
variable "region" {
description = "Region of the primary instance."
type = string
variable "replicas" {
description = "Map of NAME=> {REGION, KMS_KEY} for additional read replicas. Set to null to disable replica creation."
type = map(object({
region = string
encryption_key_name = optional(string)
default = {}
variable "root_password" {
description = "Root password of the Cloud SQL instance. Required for MS SQL Server."
type = string
default = null
variable "ssl" {
description = "Setting to enable SSL, set config and certificates."
type = object({
client_certificates = optional(list(string))
require_ssl = optional(bool)
# More details @
ssl_mode = optional(string)
default = {}
nullable = false
validation {
condition = var.ssl.ssl_mode == null || var.ssl.ssl_mode == "ALLOW_UNENCRYPTED_AND_ENCRYPTED" || var.ssl.ssl_mode == "ENCRYPTED_ONLY" || var.ssl.ssl_mode == "TRUSTED_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_REQUIRED"
error_message = "The variable ssl_mode can be ALLOW_UNENCRYPTED_AND_ENCRYPTED, ENCRYPTED_ONLY for all, or TRUSTED_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_REQUIRED for PostgreSQL or MySQL."
variable "terraform_deletion_protection" {
description = "Prevent terraform from deleting instances."
type = bool
default = true
nullable = false
variable "tier" {
description = "The machine type to use for the instances."
type = string
variable "time_zone" {
description = "The time_zone to be used by the database engine (supported only for SQL Server), in SQL Server timezone format."
type = string
default = null
variable "users" {
description = "Map of users to create in the primary instance (and replicated to other replicas). For MySQL, anything after the first `@` (if present) will be used as the user's host. Set PASSWORD to null if you want to get an autogenerated password. The user types available are: 'BUILT_IN', 'CLOUD_IAM_USER' or 'CLOUD_IAM_SERVICE_ACCOUNT'."
type = map(object({
password = optional(string)
type = optional(string)
default = null