apichick 73e286c0ab
Added spanner-instance module (#2372)
2024-06-23 17:25:22 +00:00
.. Projects data source e2e tests (#2154) 2024-03-15 23:58:11 +01:00 TF formatting 2023-02-18 21:48:05 +01:00 feat: new version of projects-data-source based on AssetInventory ds 2023-02-18 21:36:51 +01:00 Update 2023-08-18 10:07:23 +02:00 Added spanner-instance module (#2372) 2024-06-23 17:25:22 +00:00

Projects Data Source Module

This module extends functionality of google_projects data source by retrieving all the projects under a specific parent recursively with only one API call against Cloud Asset Inventory service.

A good usage pattern would be when we want all the projects under a specific folder (including nested subfolders) to be included into VPC Service Controls. Instead of manually maintaining the list of project numbers as an input to the vpc-sc module we can use that module to retrieve all the project numbers dynamically.

IAM Permissions required

  • roles/cloudasset.viewer on the parent level or above


All projects in my org

module "my-org" {
  source = "./fabric/modules/projects-data-source"
  parent = var.organization_id

output "project_numbers" {
  value =

# tftest skip (uses data sources) e2e

My dev projects based on parent and label

module "my-dev" {
  source = "./fabric/modules/projects-data-source"
  parent = var.folder_id
  query  = "labels.env:DEV state:ACTIVE"

output "dev-projects" {
  value =

# tftest skip (uses data sources) e2e

Projects under org with folder/project exclusions

module "my-filtered" {
  source = "./fabric/modules/projects-data-source"
  parent = var.organization_id
  ignore_projects = [
    "sandbox-*",       # wildcard ignore
    "project-full-id", # specific project id
    "0123456789"       # specific project number

  include_projects = [
    "sandbox-114", # include specific project which was excluded by wildcard
    "415216609246" # include specific project which was excluded by wildcard (by project number)

  ignore_folders = [ # subfolders are ingoner as well
  query = "state:ACTIVE"

output "filtered-projects" {
  value =

# tftest skip (uses data sources) e2e


name description type required default
parent Parent folder or organization in 'folders/folder_id' or 'organizations/org_id' format. string
ignore_folders A list of folder IDs or numbers to be excluded from the output, all the subfolders and projects are excluded from the output regardless of the include_projects variable. list(string) []
ignore_projects A list of project IDs, numbers or prefixes to exclude matching projects from the module output. list(string) []
include_projects A list of project IDs/numbers to include to the output if some of them are excluded by ignore_projects wildcard entries. list(string) []
query A string query as defined in the Query Syntax. string "state:ACTIVE"


name description sensitive
project_numbers List of project numbers.
projects List of projects in StandardResourceMetadata format.