Julio Castillo cf423998f0 Align tftest syntax with tdoc
This commit changes the token separator for inline examples from a
semicolon to a space
2022-01-28 21:34:15 +01:00
.. Align tftest syntax with tdoc 2022-01-28 21:34:15 +01:00 Copyright bump (#410) 2022-01-01 15:52:31 +01:00 Copyright bump (#410) 2022-01-01 15:52:31 +01:00 Copyright bump (#410) 2022-01-01 15:52:31 +01:00 Copyright bump (#410) 2022-01-01 15:52:31 +01:00

Google Cloud VPC Firewall

This module allows creation and management of different types of firewall rules for a single VPC network:

  • blanket ingress rules based on IP ranges that allow all traffic via the admin_ranges variable
  • simplified tag-based ingress rules for the HTTP, HTTPS and SSH protocols via the xxx_source_ranges variables; HTTP and HTTPS tags match those set by the console via the "Allow HTTP(S) traffic" instance flags
  • custom rules via the custom_rules variables

The simplified tag-based rules are enabled by default, set to the ranges of the GCP health checkers for HTTP/HTTPS, and the IAP forwarders for SSH. To disable them set the corresponding variables to empty lists.


Minimal open firewall

This is often useful for prototyping or testing infrastructure, allowing open ingress from the private range, enabling SSH to private addresses from IAP, and HTTP/HTTPS from the health checkers.

module "firewall" {
  source               = "./modules/net-vpc-firewall"
  project_id           = "my-project"
  network              = "my-network"
  admin_ranges         = [""]
# tftest modules=1 resources=4

Custom rules

This is an example of how to define custom rules, with a sample rule allowing open ingress for the NTP protocol to instances with the ntp-svc tag.

module "firewall" {
  source       = "./modules/net-vpc-firewall"
  project_id   = "my-project"
  network      = "my-network"
  admin_ranges = [""]
  custom_rules = {
    ntp-svc = {
      description          = "NTP service."
      direction            = "INGRESS"
      action               = "allow"
      sources              = []
      ranges               = [""]
      targets              = ["ntp-svc"]
      use_service_accounts = false
      rules                = [{ protocol = "udp", ports = [123] }]
      extra_attributes     = {}
# tftest modules=1 resources=5

No predefined rules

If you don't want any predefined rules set admin_ranges, http_source_ranges, https_source_ranges and ssh_source_ranges to an empty list.

module "firewall" {
  source              = "./modules/net-vpc-firewall"
  project_id          = "my-project"
  network             = "my-network"
  admin_ranges        = []
  http_source_ranges  = []
  https_source_ranges = []
  ssh_source_ranges   = []
  custom_rules = {
    allow-https = {
      description          = "Allow HTTPS from internal networks."
      direction            = "INGRESS"
      action               = "allow"
      sources              = []
      ranges               = ["rfc1918"]
      targets              = []
      use_service_accounts = false
      rules                = [{ protocol = "tcp", ports = [443] }]
      extra_attributes     = {}
# tftest modules=1 resources=1

Rules Factory

The module includes a rules factory (see Resource Factories) for the massive creation of rules leveraging YaML configuration files. Each configuration file can optionally contain more than one rule which a structure that reflects the custom_rules variable.

module "firewall" {
  source             = "./modules/net-vpc-firewall"
  project_id         = "my-project"
  network            = "my-network"
  data_folder        = "config/firewall"
  cidr_template_file = "config/cidr_template.yaml"
# tftest skip
# ./config/firewall/load_balancers.yaml
  description: Allow ingress from healthchecks.
  direction: INGRESS
  action: allow
  sources: []
    - $healthchecks
  targets: ["lb-backends"]
  use_service_accounts: false
    - protocol: tcp
        - 80
        - 443
# ./config/cidr_template.yaml


name description type required default
network Name of the network this set of firewall rules applies to. string
project_id Project id of the project that holds the network. string
admin_ranges IP CIDR ranges that have complete access to all subnets. list(string) []
cidr_template_file Path for optional file containing name->cidr_list map to be used by the rules factory. string null
custom_rules List of custom rule definitions (refer to variables file for syntax). map(object({…})) {}
data_folder Path for optional folder containing firewall rules defined as YaML objects used by the rules factory. string null
http_source_ranges List of IP CIDR ranges for tag-based HTTP rule, defaults to the health checkers ranges. list(string) ["", "", "", ""]
https_source_ranges List of IP CIDR ranges for tag-based HTTPS rule, defaults to the health checkers ranges. list(string) ["", "", "", ""]
named_ranges Names that can be used of valid values for the ranges field of custom_rules map(list(string)) {…}
ssh_source_ranges List of IP CIDR ranges for tag-based SSH rule, defaults to the IAP forwarders range. list(string) [""]


name description sensitive
admin_ranges Admin ranges data.
value = { enabled = length(var.admin_ranges) > 0 ranges = join(",", var.admin_ranges) }
custom_egress_allow_rules Custom egress rules with allow blocks.
custom_egress_deny_rules Custom egress rules with allow blocks.
custom_ingress_allow_rules Custom ingress rules with allow blocks.
custom_ingress_deny_rules Custom ingress rules with deny blocks.
rules All google_compute_firewall resources created.