#!/usr/bin/env python3 # ZenHub issue dependency graph generator for the ECC core team. # Author: jack@electriccoin.co # Last updated: 2021-05-07 import drest import networkx as nx import mimetypes from textwrap import wrap from urllib.parse import urlparse from sgqlc.endpoint.http import HTTPEndpoint from sgqlc.operation import Operation from github_schema import github_schema as schema GITHUB_TOKEN = None ZENHUB_TOKEN = None REPOS = { 26987049: ('zcash', 'zcash'), 47279130: ('zcash', 'zips'), 85334928: ('zcash', 'librustzcash'), 133857578: ('zcash-hackworks', 'zcash-test-vectors'), 290019239: ('zcash', 'halo2'), 305835578: ('zcash', 'orchard'), } # Whether to include subgraphs where all issues and PRs are closed. INCLUDE_FINISHED = False # Whether to group issues and PRs by milestone. SHOW_MILESTONES = False class GitHubIssue: def __init__(self, repo_id, issue_number, data): self.repo_id = repo_id self.issue_number = issue_number self.milestone = None if data is not None: self.title = data['title'] self.is_pr = 'merged' in data self.url = data['url'] self.state = 'closed' if data['state'] in ['CLOSED', 'MERGED'] else 'open' if 'milestone' in data and data['milestone']: self.milestone = data['milestone']['title'] else: # If we can't fetch issue data, assume we don't care. self.title = '' self.url = None self.is_pr = False self.state = 'closed' def __repr__(self): if self.repo_id in REPOS: repo = '/'.join(REPOS[self.repo_id]) else: repo = self.repo_id return '%s#%d' % (repo, self.issue_number) def __eq__(self, other): return (self.repo_id, self.issue_number) == (other.repo_id, other.issue_number) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.repo_id, self.issue_number)) def fetch_issues(op, issues): repos = set([repo for (repo, _) in issues]) repos = {repo: [issue for (r, issue) in issues if r == repo] for repo in repos} for (repo, issues) in repos.items(): conn = op.repository( owner=REPOS[repo][0], name=REPOS[repo][1], __alias__='repo%d' % repo, ) for issue in issues: res = conn.issue_or_pull_request(number=issue, __alias__='issue%d' % issue) for typ in [schema.Issue, schema.PullRequest]: node = res.__as__(typ) node.state() node.milestone().title() node.title() node.url() if typ == schema.PullRequest: node.merged() def download_issues(endpoint, nodes): issues = [(repo, issue) for (repo, issue) in nodes if repo in REPOS] ret = {} for (repo, issue) in [(repo, issue) for (repo, issue) in nodes if repo not in REPOS]: ret[(repo, issue)] = GitHubIssue(repo, issue, None) def chunks(lst, n): for i in range(0, len(lst), n): yield lst[i:i + n] for issues in chunks(issues, 50): op = Operation(schema.Query) fetch_issues(op, issues) d = endpoint(op) data = (op + d) for (repo, issue) in issues: ret[(repo, issue)] = GitHubIssue(repo, issue, data['repo%d' % repo]['issue%d' % issue]) return ret class ZHDepsResourceHandler(drest.resource.ResourceHandler): def get(self, repo_id): path = '/repositories/%d/dependencies' % repo_id try: response = self.api.make_request('GET', path, {}) except drest.exc.dRestRequestError as e: msg = "%s (repo_id: %s)" % (e.msg, repo_id) raise drest.exc.dRestRequestError(msg, e.response) def issue(json): return (int(json['repo_id']), int(json['issue_number'])) return nx.DiGraph([ (issue(edge['blocking']), issue(edge['blocked'])) for edge in response.data['dependencies'] ]) class ZenHubAPI(drest.api.API): class Meta: baseurl = 'https://api.zenhub.com/p1' extra_headers = { 'X-Authentication-Token': ZENHUB_TOKEN, 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(ZenHubAPI, self).__init__(*args, **kw) self.add_resource('dependencies', ZHDepsResourceHandler) def auth(self, *args, **kw): pass def main(): gapi = HTTPEndpoint( 'https://api.github.com/graphql', {'Authorization': 'bearer %s' % GITHUB_TOKEN}, ) zapi = ZenHubAPI() # Build the full dependency graph from ZenHub's per-repo APIs. dg = nx.compose_all([zapi.dependencies.get(x) for x in REPOS]) # Fetch the issues within the graph. mapping = download_issues(gapi, dg.nodes) # Relable the graph dg = nx.relabel_nodes(dg, mapping) # Apply property annotations for (source, sink) in dg.edges: attrs = dg.edges[source, sink] attrs['is_open'] = 0 if source.state == 'closed' else 1 if not INCLUDE_FINISHED: # Identify the disconnected subgraphs. subgraphs = [dg.subgraph(c) for c in nx.connected_components(dg.to_undirected())] # Identify subgraphs comprised entirely of closed issues. ignore = [g for g in subgraphs if all([n.state == 'closed' for n in g])] # Remove fully-closed subgraphs. if len(ignore) > 0: dg.remove_nodes_from(nx.compose_all(ignore)) # TODO: # - Automatically prune edges between closed nodes, not just fully-closed subgraphs. do_next = [n for (n, degree) in dg.in_degree(weight='is_open') if degree == 0 and n.state != 'closed'] # Apply style annotations. for n in dg: attrs = dg.nodes[n] if n.title: attrs['label'] = '\n'.join(['%s' % n] + wrap(n.title, 25)) attrs['fillcolor'] = '#fad8c7' if n.state == 'closed' else '#c2e0c6' attrs['penwidth'] = 2 if n in do_next else 1 attrs['shape'] = 'component' if n.is_pr else 'box' attrs['style'] = 'filled' if n.url: attrs['URL'] = n.url attrs['target'] = '_blank' ag = nx.nx_agraph.to_agraph(dg) if SHOW_MILESTONES: # Identify milestone nbunches milestones = {n.milestone: [] for n in dg} for m in milestones: milestones[m] = [n for n in dg if n.milestone == m] del milestones[None] for (i, (milestone, nodes)) in enumerate(milestones.items()): ag.add_subgraph(nodes, 'cluster_%d' % i, label=milestone, color='blue') # Draw the result! ag.graph_attr['rankdir'] = 'LR' ag.layout(prog='dot') ag.draw('zcash-core-dag.svg') if __name__ == '__main__': if GITHUB_TOKEN and ZENHUB_TOKEN: main() else: print('Please edit the script to add GitHub and ZenHub API tokens.')