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2019-10-09 15:32:15 -07:00
package zcash
import (
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2019-10-09 15:32:15 -07:00
2019-10-09 15:32:15 -07:00
var (
ErrRepeatConnection = errors.New("attempted repeat connection to existing peer")
ErrNoSuchPeer = errors.New("no record of requested peer")
ErrAddressTimeout = errors.New("wait for addresses timed out")
ErrBlacklistedPeer = errors.New("peer is blacklisted")
2019-10-09 15:32:15 -07:00
var defaultPeerConfig = &peer.Config{
UserAgentName: "zfnd-seeder",
UserAgentVersion: "0.1.0",
2019-10-09 15:32:15 -07:00
ChainParams: nil,
Services: 0,
TrickleInterval: time.Second * 10,
ProtocolVersion: 170011, // Heartwood
2019-10-09 15:32:15 -07:00
var (
// The minimum number of addresses we need to know about to begin serving introductions
minimumReadyAddresses = 10
// The maximum amount of time we will wait for a peer to complete the initial handshake
maximumHandshakeWait = 5 * time.Second
// The timeout for the underlying dial to a peer
connectionDialTimeout = 5 * time.Second
// The amount of time crawler goroutines will wait after the last new incoming address
crawlerThreadTimeout = 30 * time.Second
// The number of goroutines to spawn for a crawl request
crawlerGoroutineCount = runtime.NumCPU() * 32
// The amount of space we allocate to keep things moving smoothly.
incomingAddressBufferSize = 4096
// The amount of time a peer can spend on the blacklist before we forget about it entirely.
blacklistDropTime = 3 * 24 * time.Hour
// Seeder contains all of the state and configuration needed to request addresses from Zcash peers and present them to a DNS provider.
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type Seeder struct {
peer *peer.Peer
config *peer.Config
logger *log.Logger
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2019-10-16 19:18:30 -07:00
// Peer list handling
peerState sync.RWMutex
handshakeSignals *sync.Map
pendingPeers *PeerMap
livePeers *PeerMap
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// The set of known addresses
addrBook *AddressBook
// The queue of incoming potential addresses
addrQueue chan *wire.NetAddress
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func NewSeeder(network network.Network) (*Seeder, error) {
config, err := newSeederPeerConfig(network, defaultPeerConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "could not construct seeder")
sink, _ := os.OpenFile(os.DevNull, os.O_WRONLY, 0666)
logger := log.New(sink, "zcash_seeder: ", log.Ldate|log.Ltime|log.Lshortfile|log.LUTC)
// logger := log.New(os.Stdout, "zcash_seeder: ", log.Ldate|log.Ltime|log.Lshortfile|log.LUTC)
newSeeder := Seeder{
config: config,
logger: logger,
handshakeSignals: new(sync.Map),
pendingPeers: NewPeerMap(),
livePeers: NewPeerMap(),
addrBook: NewAddressBook(),
addrQueue: make(chan *wire.NetAddress, incomingAddressBufferSize),
newSeeder.config.Listeners.OnVerAck = newSeeder.onVerAck
newSeeder.config.Listeners.OnAddr = newSeeder.onAddr
return &newSeeder, nil
func newTestSeeder(network network.Network) (*Seeder, error) {
config, err := newSeederPeerConfig(network, defaultPeerConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "could not construct seeder")
// sink, _ := os.OpenFile(os.DevNull, os.O_WRONLY, 0666)
// logger := log.New(sink, "zcash_seeder: ", log.Ldate|log.Ltime|log.Lshortfile|log.LUTC)
logger := log.New(os.Stdout, "zcash_seeder: ", log.Ldate|log.Ltime|log.Lshortfile|log.LUTC)
// Allows connections to self for easy mocking
config.AllowSelfConns = true
newSeeder := Seeder{
config: config,
logger: logger,
handshakeSignals: new(sync.Map),
pendingPeers: NewPeerMap(),
livePeers: NewPeerMap(),
addrBook: NewAddressBook(),
addrQueue: make(chan *wire.NetAddress, incomingAddressBufferSize),
newSeeder.config.Listeners.OnVerAck = newSeeder.onVerAck
newSeeder.config.Listeners.OnAddr = newSeeder.onAddr
return &newSeeder, nil
2019-10-09 15:32:15 -07:00
func newSeederPeerConfig(magic network.Network, template *peer.Config) (*peer.Config, error) {
var newPeerConfig peer.Config
// Load the default values
if template != nil {
newPeerConfig = *template
params, err := network.GetNetworkParams(magic)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "couldn't construct peer config")
newPeerConfig.ChainParams = params
return &newPeerConfig, nil
// GetNetworkDefaultPort returns the default port of the network this seeder is configured for.
func (s *Seeder) GetNetworkDefaultPort() string {
return s.config.ChainParams.DefaultPort
// ConnectOnDefaultPort attempts to connect to a peer on the default port at the
// specified address. It returns an error if it can't complete handshake with
// the peer. Otherwise it returns nil and adds the peer to the list of live
// connections and known-good addresses.
func (s *Seeder) ConnectOnDefaultPort(addr string) error {
_, err := s.Connect(addr, s.config.ChainParams.DefaultPort)
return err
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// Connect attempts to connect to a peer at the given address and port. It will
// not connect to addresses known to be unusable. It returns a handle to the peer
// connection if the connection is successful or nil and an error if it fails.
func (s *Seeder) Connect(addr, port string) (*peer.Peer, error) {
host := net.JoinHostPort(addr, port)
p, err := peer.NewOutboundPeer(s.config, host)
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if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "constructing outbound peer")
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pk := peerKeyFromPeer(p)
if s.addrBook.IsBlacklisted(pk) {
return nil, ErrBlacklistedPeer
return s.connect(p)
// connect attempts to connect to a peer at the given address and port. It
// returns a handle to the peer connection if the connection is successful
// or nil and an error if it fails.
func (s *Seeder) connect(p *peer.Peer) (*peer.Peer, error) {
// PeerKeys are used in our internal maps to keep signals and responses from specific peers straight.
pk := peerKeyFromPeer(p)
_, alreadyPending := s.pendingPeers.Load(pk)
_, alreadyHandshaking := s.handshakeSignals.Load(pk)
_, alreadyLive := s.livePeers.Load(pk)
2019-10-16 19:18:30 -07:00
if alreadyPending {
s.logger.Printf("Peer is already pending: %s", p.Addr())
return nil, ErrRepeatConnection
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s.pendingPeers.Store(pk, p)
defer s.pendingPeers.Delete(pk)
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if alreadyHandshaking {
s.logger.Printf("Peer is already handshaking: %s", p.Addr())
return nil, ErrRepeatConnection
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s.handshakeSignals.Store(pk, make(chan struct{}, 1))
defer s.handshakeSignals.Delete(pk)
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if alreadyLive {
s.logger.Printf("Peer is already live: %s", p.Addr())
return nil, ErrRepeatConnection
conn, err := net.DialTimeout("tcp", p.Addr(), connectionDialTimeout)
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if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "dialing peer address")
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// Begin connection negotiation.
s.logger.Printf("Handshake initated with peer %s", p.Addr())
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// Wait for it
if handshakeChan, ok := s.handshakeSignals.Load(pk); ok {
select {
case <-handshakeChan.(chan struct{}):
s.logger.Printf("Handshake completed with peer %s", p.Addr())
return p, nil
case <-time.After(maximumHandshakeWait):
return nil, errors.New("peer handshake started but timed out")
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return nil, errors.New("peer was not in handshake channel")
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// GetPeer returns a live peer identified by "host:port" string, or an error if
// we aren't connected to that peer.
func (s *Seeder) GetPeer(addr PeerKey) (*peer.Peer, error) {
p, ok := s.livePeers.Load(addr)
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if ok {
return p, nil
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return nil, ErrNoSuchPeer
// DisconnectPeer disconnects from a live peer identified by "host:port"
// string. It returns an error if we aren't connected to that peer.
func (s *Seeder) DisconnectPeer(addr PeerKey) error {
p, ok := s.livePeers.Load(addr)
if !ok {
return ErrNoSuchPeer
s.logger.Printf("Disconnecting from peer %s", p.Addr())
return nil
// DisconnectAndBlacklist disconnects from a live peer identified by
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// "host:port" string. It returns an error if we aren't connected to that peer.
// It furthermore removes this peer from the list of known good
// addresses and adds them to a blacklist. to prevent future connections.
func (s *Seeder) DisconnectAndBlacklist(addr PeerKey) error {
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p, ok := s.livePeers.Load(addr)
if !ok {
return ErrNoSuchPeer
s.logger.Printf("Disconnecting from peer %s", addr)
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// Remove from live peer set
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// Never connect to them again
s.logger.Printf("Blacklisting peer %s", addr)
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return nil
// DisconnectAllPeers terminates the connections to all live and pending peers.
func (s *Seeder) DisconnectAllPeers() {
s.pendingPeers.Range(func(key PeerKey, p *peer.Peer) bool {
return true
s.livePeers.Range(func(key PeerKey, p *peer.Peer) bool {
return true
// RequestAddresses sends a request for more addresses to every peer we're connected to,
// then checks to make sure the addresses that come back are usable before adding them to
// the address book. The call attempts to block until all addresses have been processed,
// but since we can't know how many that will be it eventually times out. Therefore,
// while calling RequestAddresses synchronously is possible, it risks a major delay; most
// users will be better served by giving this its own goroutine and using WaitForAddresses
// with a timeout to pause only until a sufficient number of addresses are ready.
func (s *Seeder) RequestAddresses() int {
s.livePeers.Range(func(key PeerKey, p *peer.Peer) bool {
s.logger.Printf("Requesting addresses from peer %s", p.Addr())
p.QueueMessage(wire.NewMsgGetAddr(), nil)
return true
// There's a sync concern: if this is called repeatedly you could end up broadcasting
// GetAddr messages to briefly live trial connections without meaning to. It's
// meant to be run on a timer that takes longer to fire than it takes to check addresses.
var peerCount int32
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := 0; i < crawlerGoroutineCount; i++ {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
var na *wire.NetAddress
for {
select {
case next := <-s.addrQueue:
// Pull the next address off the queue
na = next
case <-time.After(crawlerThreadTimeout):
// Or die if there wasn't one
// Note that AllowSelfConns is only exposed in a fork of btcd
// pending https://github.com/btcsuite/btcd/pull/1481, which
// is why the module `replace`s btcd.
if !addrmgr.IsRoutable(na) && !s.config.AllowSelfConns {
s.logger.Printf("Got bad addr %s:%d from peer %s", na.IP, na.Port, "<placeholder>")
// TODO blacklist peers who give us crap addresses
potentialPeer := peerKeyFromNA(na)
if s.addrBook.IsKnown(potentialPeer) {
s.logger.Printf("Already knew about %s:%d", na.IP, na.Port)
portString := strconv.Itoa(int(na.Port))
newPeer, err := s.Connect(na.IP.String(), portString)
if err != nil {
if err == ErrRepeatConnection {
//s.logger.Printf("Got duplicate peer %s:%d.", na.IP, na.Port)
// Blacklist the potential peer. We might try to connect again later,
// since we assume IsRoutable filtered out the truly wrong ones.
s.logger.Printf("Got unusable peer %s:%d. Error: %s", na.IP, na.Port, err)
// Ask the newly discovered peer if they know anyone we haven't met yet.
newPeer.QueueMessage(wire.NewMsgGetAddr(), nil)
s.logger.Printf("Successfully learned about %s:%d.", na.IP, na.Port)
atomic.AddInt32(&peerCount, 1)
s.logger.Printf("RequestAddresses() finished.")
return int(peerCount)
// RefreshAddresses checks to make sure the addresses we think we know are
// still usable and removes them from the address book if they aren't.
// The call blocks until all addresses have been processed. If disconnect is
// true, we immediately disconnect from the peers after verifying them.
func (s *Seeder) RefreshAddresses(disconnect bool) {
s.logger.Printf("Refreshing address book")
defer s.logger.Printf("RefreshAddresses() finished.")
var refreshQueue chan *Address
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// XXX lil awkward to allocate a channel whose size we can't determine without a lock here
s.logger.Printf("Address book contains %d addresses", len(refreshQueue))
if len(refreshQueue) == 0 {
for i := 0; i < crawlerGoroutineCount; i++ {
go func() {
for len(refreshQueue) > 0 {
// Pull the next address off the queue
next := <-refreshQueue
na := next.netaddr
ipString := na.IP.String()
portString := strconv.Itoa(int(na.Port))
// Don't care about the peer individually, just that we can connect.
_, err := s.Connect(ipString, portString)
if err != nil {
if err != ErrRepeatConnection {
s.logger.Printf("Peer %s:%d unusable on refresh. Error: %s", na.IP, na.Port, err)
// Blacklist the peer. We might try to connect again later.
// This would deadlock if enqueueAddrs still holds the RLock,
// hence the awkward channel allocation above.
if disconnect {
s.logger.Printf("Validated %s", na.IP)
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// RetryBlacklist checks if the addresses in our blacklist are usable again.
// If the trial connection succeeds, they're removed from the blacklist.
func (s *Seeder) RetryBlacklist() {
s.logger.Printf("Giving the blacklist another chance")
defer s.logger.Printf("RetryBlacklist() finished.")
var blacklistQueue chan *Address
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// XXX lil awkward to allocate a channel whose size we can't determine without a lock here
s.logger.Printf("Blacklist contains %d addresses", len(blacklistQueue))
if len(blacklistQueue) == 0 {
var peerCount int32
for i := 0; i < crawlerGoroutineCount; i++ {
go func() {
for len(blacklistQueue) > 0 {
// Pull the next address off the queue
next := <-blacklistQueue
na := next.netaddr
ip := na.IP.String()
port := strconv.Itoa(int(na.Port))
// Call internal connect directly to avoid being blocked
host := net.JoinHostPort(ip, port)
p, err := peer.NewOutboundPeer(s.config, host)
if err != nil {
_, err = s.connect(p)
if err != nil {
// Connection failed. Peer remains blacklisted.
if time.Since(next.lastUpdate) > blacklistDropTime {
// If we've been retrying for a while, forget about this peer entirely.
// This would deadlock if enqueueBlacklist still held the RLock.
s.logger.Printf("Dropping %s from blacklist", next.asPeerKey())
// Remove the peer from the blacklist and add it back to the address book.
// This would deadlock if enqueueBlacklist still held the RLock.
atomic.AddInt32(&peerCount, 1)
s.logger.Printf("Added %d on retry", peerCount)
// WaitForAddresses waits for n addresses to be confirmed and available in the address book.
func (s *Seeder) WaitForAddresses(n int, timeout time.Duration) error {
done := make(chan struct{})
go s.addrBook.waitForAddresses(n, done)
select {
case <-done:
return nil
case <-time.After(timeout):
return ErrAddressTimeout
// Ready reports if the seeder is ready to provide addresses.
func (s *Seeder) Ready() bool {
return s.WaitForAddresses(minimumReadyAddresses, 1*time.Millisecond) == nil
// Addresses returns a slice of n IPv4 addresses or as many as we have if it's less than that.
func (s *Seeder) Addresses(n int) []net.IP {
return s.addrBook.shuffleAddressList(n, false)
// AddressesV6 returns a slice of n IPv6 addresses or as many as we have if it's less than that.
func (s *Seeder) AddressesV6(n int) []net.IP {
return s.addrBook.shuffleAddressList(n, true)
// GetPeerCount returns how many valid peers we know about.
func (s *Seeder) GetPeerCount() int {
return s.addrBook.Count()
// testBlacklist adds a peer to the blacklist directly, for testing.
func (s *Seeder) testBlacklist(pk PeerKey) {
// testRedeen adds a peer to the blacklist directly, for testing.
func (s *Seeder) testRedeem(pk PeerKey) {