# Zcash DNS seeder This is a CoreDNS plugin that scrapes addresses of peers from a Zcash network. It's intended as a safer, more configurable, and more scalable replacement for the [zcash-seeder](https://github.com/zcash/zcash-seeder) project. It's written in Go and uses [btcsuite](https://github.com/btcsuite) for low-level networking. ## Build instructions This code cannot be used independently of CoreDNS. See [coredns-zcash](https://github.com/ZcashFoundation/coredns-zcash) for instructions. ## CoreDNS configuration A sample Corefile that configures seeders on a domain for each network, using two local Zcash nodes for bootstrap: ``` mainnet.seeder.example.com { dnsseed { network mainnet bootstrap_peers crawl_interval 30m record_ttl 600 } } testnet.seeder.example.com { dnsseed { network testnet bootstrap_peers crawl_interval 15m record_ttl 300 } } # Returns 200 OK on .:8080/health . { health :8080 } ``` ## License The seeder is dual-licensed under the terms of both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0). See LICENSE-APACHE and LICENSE-MIT.