# FROST Server This is a JSON-HTTPS server that allow FROST clients (Coordinator and Participants) to run FROST without needing to directly connect to one another. ## Status ⚠ This project has not being audited. ## Usage NOTE: This is for demo purposes only and should not be used in production. You will need to have [Rust and Cargo](https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/getting-started/installation.html) installed. To compile and run: 1. Clone the repo. Run `git clone https://github.com/ZcashFoundation/frost-zcash-demo.git` 2. Run `cargo build --release --bin frostd` 3. Run `./target/release/frostd -h` to learn about the command line arguments. You will need to specify a TLS certificate and key with the `--tls-cert` and `--tls-key` arguments. For more details on using and deploying, refer to the [ZF FROST Book](https://frost.zfnd.org/).