use core::str; use std::{collections::BTreeMap, error::Error, time::Duration}; use axum_test::TestServer; use coordinator::comms::http::SessionState; use frostd::{ args::Args, router, AppState, SendCommitmentsArgs, SendSignatureSharesArgs, SendSigningPackageArgs, }; use rand::thread_rng; use reqwest::Certificate; use frost_core as frost; use uuid::Uuid; use xeddsa::{xed25519, Sign, Verify}; #[tokio::test] async fn test_main_router_ed25519() -> Result<(), Box> { test_main_router::(false).await } #[tokio::test] async fn test_main_router_redpallas() -> Result<(), Box> { test_main_router::(true).await } /// Test the entire FROST signing flow using axum_test. /// This is a good example of the overall flow but it's not a good example /// of the client code, see the next test for that. /// /// Also note that this simulates multiple clients using loops. In practice, /// each client will run independently. async fn test_main_router< C: frost_core::Ciphersuite + frost_rerandomized::RandomizedCiphersuite + 'static, >( rerandomized: bool, ) -> Result<(), Box> { // Create key shares let mut rng = thread_rng(); let (shares, pubkeys) = frost::keys::generate_with_dealer( 3, 2, frost::keys::IdentifierList::::Default, &mut rng, ) .unwrap(); let key_packages: BTreeMap<_, _> = shares .iter() .map(|(identifier, secret_share)| { ( *identifier, frost::keys::KeyPackage::try_from(secret_share.clone()).unwrap(), ) }) .collect(); // Instantiate test server using axum_test let shared_state = AppState::new().await?; let router = router(shared_state); let server = TestServer::new(router)?; // Create a dummy user. We make all requests with the same user since // it currently it doesn't really matter who the user is, users are only // used to share session IDs. This will likely change soon. let builder = snow::Builder::new("Noise_K_25519_ChaChaPoly_BLAKE2s".parse().unwrap()); let alice_keypair = builder.generate_keypair().unwrap(); let bob_keypair = builder.generate_keypair().unwrap(); let res = server .post("/challenge") .json(&frostd::ChallengeArgs {}) .await; res.assert_status_ok(); let r: frostd::ChallengeOutput = res.json(); let alice_challenge = r.challenge; let res = server .post("/challenge") .json(&frostd::ChallengeArgs {}) .await; res.assert_status_ok(); let r: frostd::ChallengeOutput = res.json(); let bob_challenge = r.challenge; let alice_private = xed25519::PrivateKey::from(&TryInto::<[u8; 32]>::try_into(alice_keypair.private).unwrap()); let alice_signature: [u8; 64] = alice_private.sign(alice_challenge.as_bytes(), &mut rng); let res = server .post("/login") .json(&frostd::KeyLoginArgs { challenge: alice_challenge, pubkey: alice_keypair.public.clone(), signature: alice_signature.to_vec(), }) .await; res.assert_status_ok(); let r: frostd::LoginOutput = res.json(); let alice_token = r.access_token; let bob_private = xed25519::PrivateKey::from(&TryInto::<[u8; 32]>::try_into(bob_keypair.private).unwrap()); let bob_signature: [u8; 64] = bob_private.sign(bob_challenge.as_bytes(), &mut rng); let res = server .post("/login") .json(&frostd::KeyLoginArgs { challenge: bob_challenge, pubkey: bob_keypair.public.clone(), signature: bob_signature.to_vec(), }) .await; res.assert_status_ok(); let r: frostd::LoginOutput = res.json(); let bob_token = r.access_token; let tokens = [alice_token, bob_token]; // As the coordinator, create a new signing session with all participants, // for 2 messages let res = server .post("/create_new_session") .authorization_bearer(alice_token) .json(&frostd::CreateNewSessionArgs { pubkeys: vec![ frostd::PublicKey(alice_keypair.public.clone()), frostd::PublicKey(bob_keypair.public.clone()), ], message_count: 2, }) .await; res.assert_status_ok(); let r: frostd::CreateNewSessionOutput = res.json(); let session_id = r.session_id; // Generate commitments (one SigningCommitments for each message) // and send them to the server; for each participant // Map to store the SigningNonces (for each message, for each participant) let mut nonces_map = BTreeMap::<_, _>::new(); for ((identifier, key_package), token) in key_packages.iter().take(2).zip(tokens.iter()) { // As participant `identifier` // Get the number of messages (the participants wouldn't know without // asking the server). let res = server .post("/get_session_info") .authorization_bearer(token) .json(&frostd::GetSessionInfoArgs { session_id }) .await; res.assert_status_ok(); let r: frostd::GetSessionInfoOutput = res.json(); // Generate SigningCommitments and SigningNonces for each message let mut nonces_vec = Vec::new(); let mut commitments_vec = Vec::new(); for _ in 0..r.message_count { let (nonces, commitments) = frost::round1::commit(key_package.signing_share(), &mut rng); nonces_vec.push(nonces); commitments_vec.push(commitments); } // Store nonces for later use nonces_map.insert(*identifier, nonces_vec); // Send commitments to server let send_commitments_args = SendCommitmentsArgs { identifier: *identifier, commitments: commitments_vec, }; let res = server .post("/send") .authorization_bearer(token) .json(&frostd::SendArgs { session_id, // Empty recipients: Coordinator recipients: vec![], msg: serde_json::to_vec(&send_commitments_args)?, }) .await; if res.status_code() != 200 { panic!("status code: {}; error: {}", res.status_code(), res.text()); } } // As the coordinator, get the commitments let mut coordinator_state = SessionState::::new(2, 2); loop { let res = server .post("/receive") .authorization_bearer(alice_token) .json(&frostd::ReceiveArgs { session_id, as_coordinator: true, }) .await; res.assert_status_ok(); let r: frostd::ReceiveOutput = res.json(); for msg in r.msgs { coordinator_state.recv(msg)?; } tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(2)).await; if coordinator_state.has_commitments() { break; } } let (commitments, usernames) = coordinator_state.commitments()?; // As the coordinator, choose messages and create one SigningPackage // and one RandomizedParams for each. let message1 = "Hello, world!".as_bytes(); let message2 = "Ola mundo!".as_bytes(); let aux_msg = "Aux msg".as_bytes(); let messages = [message1, message2]; let signing_packages = messages .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(i, msg)| frost::SigningPackage::new(commitments[i].clone(), msg)) .collect::>(); // Will not be used if rerandomized == false but we generate anyway for simplicity let randomized_params = signing_packages .iter() .map(|p| frost_rerandomized::RandomizedParams::new(pubkeys.verifying_key(), p, &mut rng)) .collect::, _>>()?; // As the coordinator, send the SigningPackages to the server let send_signing_package_args = SendSigningPackageArgs { signing_package: signing_packages.clone(), aux_msg: aux_msg.to_vec(), randomizer: if rerandomized { randomized_params .iter() .map(|p| (*p.randomizer())) .collect() } else { Vec::new() }, }; let res = server .post("/send") .authorization_bearer(alice_token) .json(&frostd::SendArgs { session_id, recipients: usernames.keys().cloned().map(frostd::PublicKey).collect(), msg: serde_json::to_vec(&send_signing_package_args)?, }) .await; res.assert_status_ok(); // As each participant, get SigningPackages and generate the SignatureShares // for each. for ((identifier, key_package), token) in key_packages.iter().take(2).zip(tokens.iter()) { // As participant `identifier` // Get SigningPackages let r: SendSigningPackageArgs = loop { let r = server .post("/receive") .authorization_bearer(token) .json(&frostd::ReceiveArgs { session_id, as_coordinator: false, }) .await .json::(); if r.msgs.is_empty() { tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(2)).await; } else { break serde_json::from_slice(&r.msgs[0].msg)?; } }; // Generate SignatureShares for each SigningPackage let signature_shares = if rerandomized { r.signing_package .iter() .zip(r.randomizer.iter()) .enumerate() .map(|(i, (signing_package, randomizer))| { frost_rerandomized::sign( signing_package, &nonces_map[identifier][i], key_package, *randomizer, ) }) .collect::, _>>()? } else { r.signing_package .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(i, signing_package)| { frost::round2::sign(signing_package, &nonces_map[identifier][i], key_package) }) .collect::, _>>()? }; // Send SignatureShares to the server let send_signature_shares_args = SendSignatureSharesArgs { identifier: *identifier, signature_share: signature_shares, }; let res = server .post("/send") .authorization_bearer(token) .json(&frostd::SendArgs { session_id, // Empty recipients: Coordinator recipients: vec![], msg: serde_json::to_vec(&send_signature_shares_args)?, }) .await; res.assert_status_ok(); } // As the coordinator, get SignatureShares loop { let r = server .post("/receive") .authorization_bearer(alice_token) .json(&frostd::ReceiveArgs { session_id, as_coordinator: true, }) .await .json::(); for msg in r.msgs { coordinator_state.recv(msg)?; } tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(2)).await; if coordinator_state.has_signature_shares() { break; } } let signature_shares = coordinator_state.signature_shares()?; // Generate the final Signature for each message let signatures = if rerandomized { signing_packages .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(i, p)| { frost_rerandomized::aggregate( p, &signature_shares[i], &pubkeys, &randomized_params[i], ) }) .collect::, _>>()? } else { signing_packages .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(i, p)| frost::aggregate(p, &signature_shares[i], &pubkeys)) .collect::, _>>()? }; // Close the session let res = server .post("/close_session") .authorization_bearer(alice_token) .json(&frostd::CloseSessionArgs { session_id }) .await; res.assert_status_ok(); // Verify signatures to test if they were generated correctly if rerandomized { for (i, p) in randomized_params.iter().enumerate() { p.randomized_verifying_key() .verify(messages[i], &signatures[i])?; } } else { for (i, m) in messages.iter().enumerate() { pubkeys.verifying_key().verify(m, &signatures[i])?; } } Ok(()) } /// Actually spawn the HTTP server and connect to it using reqwest. /// A better example on how to write client code. #[tokio::test] async fn test_http() -> Result<(), Box> { tracing_subscriber::fmt::init(); let mut rng = thread_rng(); // For this test, we generate a self-signed certificate. // If you're deploying a real server, generate a proper certificate; // refer to the documentation. use rcgen::{generate_simple_self_signed, CertifiedKey}; let subject_alt_names = vec!["".to_string(), "localhost".to_string()]; let CertifiedKey { cert, key_pair } = generate_simple_self_signed(subject_alt_names).unwrap(); let temp_dir = tempfile::tempdir()?; std::fs::write(temp_dir.path().join("cert.pem"), cert.pem())?; std::fs::write( temp_dir.path().join("cert.key.pem"), key_pair.serialize_pem(), )?; // Spawn server for testing tokio::spawn(async move { frostd::run(&Args { ip: "".to_string(), port: 2744, tls_cert: Some( temp_dir .path() .join("cert.pem") .to_str() .unwrap() .to_string(), ), tls_key: Some( temp_dir .path() .join("cert.key.pem") .to_str() .unwrap() .to_string(), ), no_tls_very_insecure: false, }) .await .unwrap(); }); // Wait for server to start listening // TODO: this could possibly be not enough, use some retry logic instead tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(2)).await; // Create a client to make requests. To make HTTPS work in the test, we add // the self-signed certificate as the root certificate. For regular use, you // should just use `reqwest::Client::new()`, if the server has a proper web // certificate. let client = reqwest::Client::builder() .add_root_certificate(Certificate::from_pem(cert.pem().as_bytes())?) .build()?; let builder = snow::Builder::new("Noise_K_25519_ChaChaPoly_BLAKE2s".parse().unwrap()); let alice_keypair = builder.generate_keypair().unwrap(); let bob_keypair = builder.generate_keypair().unwrap(); // Get challenges for login let r = client .post("") .json(&frostd::ChallengeArgs {}) .send() .await?; if r.status() != reqwest::StatusCode::OK { panic!("{:?}", r.json::().await?) } let r = r.json::().await?; let alice_challenge = r.challenge; // Call key_login to authenticate let alice_private = xed25519::PrivateKey::from(&TryInto::<[u8; 32]>::try_into(alice_keypair.private).unwrap()); let alice_signature: [u8; 64] = alice_private.sign(alice_challenge.as_bytes(), &mut rng); let r = client .post("") .json(&frostd::KeyLoginArgs { challenge: alice_challenge, pubkey: alice_keypair.public.clone(), signature: alice_signature.to_vec(), }) .send() .await?; if r.status() != reqwest::StatusCode::OK { panic!("{:?}", r.json::().await?) } let r = r.json::().await?; let access_token = r.access_token; // Call create_new_session let r = client .post("") .bearer_auth(access_token) .json(&frostd::CreateNewSessionArgs { pubkeys: vec![ frostd::PublicKey(alice_keypair.public.clone()), frostd::PublicKey(bob_keypair.public.clone()), ], message_count: 1, }) .send() .await?; if r.status() != reqwest::StatusCode::OK { panic!("{:?}", r.json::().await?) } let r = r.json::().await?; let session_id = r.session_id; println!("Session ID: {}", session_id); // Error tests // Test if passing the wrong session ID returns an error let wrong_session_id = Uuid::new_v4(); let r = client .post("") .bearer_auth(access_token) .json(&frostd::GetSessionInfoArgs { session_id: wrong_session_id, }) .send() .await?; assert_eq!(r.status(), reqwest::StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); let r = r.json::().await?; assert_eq!(r.code, frostd::SESSION_NOT_FOUND); // Test if trying to close the session as a participant fails // Attempt to close the session as a participant (Bob) // Log in as Bob let r = client .post("") .json(&frostd::ChallengeArgs {}) .send() .await?; let r = r.json::().await?; let bob_challenge = r.challenge; let bob_private = xed25519::PrivateKey::from(&TryInto::<[u8; 32]>::try_into(bob_keypair.private).unwrap()); let bob_signature: [u8; 64] = bob_private.sign(bob_challenge.as_bytes(), &mut rng); let r = client .post("") .json(&frostd::KeyLoginArgs { challenge: bob_challenge, pubkey: bob_keypair.public.clone(), signature: bob_signature.to_vec(), }) .send() .await?; let r = r.json::().await?; let bob_access_token = r.access_token; // Try to close the session let r = client .post("") .bearer_auth(bob_access_token) .json(&frostd::CloseSessionArgs { session_id }) .send() .await?; assert_eq!(r.status(), reqwest::StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); let r = r.json::().await?; assert_eq!(r.code, frostd::NOT_COORDINATOR); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_snow() -> Result<(), Box> { let builder = snow::Builder::new("Noise_K_25519_ChaChaPoly_BLAKE2s".parse().unwrap()); let keypair_alice = builder.generate_keypair().unwrap(); let keypair_bob = builder.generate_keypair().unwrap(); let mut anoise = builder .local_private_key(&keypair_alice.private) .remote_public_key(&keypair_bob.public) .build_initiator() .unwrap(); println!("{}", anoise.is_handshake_finished()); let mut encrypted = [0u8; 65535]; let len = anoise .write_message("hello world".as_bytes(), &mut encrypted) .unwrap(); let encrypted = &encrypted[0..len]; let builder = snow::Builder::new("Noise_K_25519_ChaChaPoly_BLAKE2s".parse().unwrap()); let mut bnoise = builder .local_private_key(&keypair_bob.private) .remote_public_key(&keypair_alice.public) .build_responder() .unwrap(); let mut decrypted = [0u8; 65535]; let len = bnoise.read_message(encrypted, &mut decrypted).unwrap(); let decrypted = &decrypted[0..len]; let mut anoise = anoise.into_transport_mode()?; let mut bnoise = bnoise.into_transport_mode()?; println!("{}", str::from_utf8(decrypted).unwrap()); let mut encrypted = [0u8; 65535]; let len = anoise .write_message("hello world".as_bytes(), &mut encrypted) .unwrap(); let encrypted = &encrypted[0..len]; let mut decrypted = [0u8; 65535]; let len = bnoise.read_message(encrypted, &mut decrypted).unwrap(); let decrypted = &decrypted[0..len]; println!("{}", str::from_utf8(decrypted).unwrap()); Ok(()) } /// Test if signing with a snow keypair works. #[test] fn test_snow_keypair() -> Result<(), Box> { let builder = snow::Builder::new("Noise_K_25519_ChaChaPoly_BLAKE2s".parse().unwrap()); let keypair = builder.generate_keypair().unwrap(); let private = xed25519::PrivateKey::from(&TryInto::<[u8; 32]>::try_into(keypair.private).unwrap()); let public = xed25519::PublicKey(TryInto::<[u8; 32]>::try_into(keypair.public).unwrap()); let msg: &[u8] = b"hello"; let rng = thread_rng(); let signature: [u8; 64] = private.sign(msg, rng); public.verify(msg, &signature).unwrap(); Ok(()) }