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Generate the graphs for the FROST perfomance blog post.
Install cargo-criterion:
cargo install cargo-criterion
Run the benchmarks with:
(check out old code)
cargo criterion --message-format=json 'FROST' | tee > benchmark-verify-all-shares.txt
(check out new code)
cargo criterion --message-format=json 'FROST' | tee > benchmark-verify-aggregate.txt
And then run:
It will generate the figures (names are partially hardcoded in each functions)
and will insert/update the tables inside ``
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import json
def load_data(filename):
ciphersuite_lst = []
fn_lst = []
size_lst = []
data = {}
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
line_data = json.loads(line)
if line_data['reason'] == 'benchmark-complete':
ciphersuite, fn, size = line_data['id'].split('/')
ciphersuite = ciphersuite.replace('FROST Signing ', '')
size = int(size)
unit = line_data['typical']['unit']
time = line_data['typical']['estimate']
assert unit == 'ns'
if unit == 'ns':
time = time / 1e6
if ciphersuite not in ciphersuite_lst:
if fn not in fn_lst:
if size in (2, 7, 67, 667):
size = {2: 3, 7: 10, 67: 100, 667: 1000}[size]
if size not in size_lst:
data.setdefault(ciphersuite, {}).setdefault(fn, {})[size] = time
return ciphersuite_lst, fn_lst, size_lst, data
def plot(title, filename, get_group_value, group_lst, series_lst, fmt, figsize):
x = np.arange(len(group_lst)) # the label locations
total_width = 0.8
bar_width = total_width / len(series_lst) # the width of the bars
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)
offsets = [-total_width / 2 + bar_width / 2 + (bar_width * i) for i in range(len(series_lst))]
rect_lst = []
for series_idx, series in enumerate(series_lst):
values = [get_group_value(series_idx, series, group_idx, group) for group_idx, group in enumerate(group_lst)]
rect = + offsets[series_idx], values, bar_width, label=series)
# Add some text for labels, title and custom x-axis tick labels, etc.
ax.set_ylabel('Time (ms)')
ax.set_xticks(x, group_lst)
for rect in rect_lst:
ax.bar_label(rect, padding=3, fmt=fmt)
def times_by_size_and_function(data, ciphersuite, fn_lst, size_lst, fmt, suffix):
group_lst = [str(int((size * 2 + 2) / 3)) + "-of-" + str(size) for size in size_lst]
series_lst = fn_lst
title = f'Times by number of signers and functions; {ciphersuite} ciphersuite'
filename = f'times-by-size-and-function-{ciphersuite}-{suffix}.png'
def get_group_value(series_idx, series, group_idx, group):
return data[ciphersuite][series][size_lst[group_idx]]
plot(title, filename, get_group_value, group_lst, series_lst, fmt, (8, 6))
def times_by_ciphersuite_and_function(data, ciphersuite_lst, fn_lst, size, fmt):
ciphersuite_lst = ciphersuite_lst.copy()
ciphersuite_lst.sort(key=lambda cs: data[cs]['Aggregate'][size])
group_lst = fn_lst
series_lst = ciphersuite_lst
min_signers = int((size * 2 + 2) / 3)
title = f'Times by ciphersuite and function; {min_signers}-of-{size}'
filename = f'times-by-ciphersuite-and-function-{size}.png'
def get_group_value(series_idx, series, group_idx, group):
return data[series][group][size]
plot(title, filename, get_group_value, group_lst, series_lst, fmt, (12, 6))
def verify_aggregated_vs_all_shares(data_aggregated, data_all_shares, ciphersuite_lst, size, fmt):
ciphersuite_lst = ciphersuite_lst.copy()
ciphersuite_lst.sort(key=lambda cs: data_aggregated[cs]['Aggregate'][size])
group_lst = ciphersuite_lst
series_lst = ['Verify all shares', 'Verify aggregated']
min_signers = int((size * 2 + 2) / 3)
title = f'Time comparison for Aggregate function; {min_signers}-of-{size}'
filename = f'verify-aggregated-vs-all-shares-{size}.png'
def get_group_value(series_idx, series, group_idx, group):
data = [data_all_shares, data_aggregated][series_idx]
return data[group]['Aggregate'][size]
plot(title, filename, get_group_value, group_lst, series_lst, fmt, (8, 6))
def generate_table(f, data, ciphersuite_lst, fn_lst, size_lst):
for ciphersuite in ciphersuite_lst:
print(f'### {ciphersuite}\n', file=f)
print('|' + '|'.join([''] + fn_lst) + '|', file=f)
print('|' + '|'.join([':---'] + ['---:'] * len(fn_lst)) + '|', file=f)
for size in size_lst:
min_signers = int((size * 2 + 2) / 3)
print('|' + '|'.join([f'{min_signers}-of-{size}'] + ['{:.2f}'.format(data[ciphersuite][fn][size]) for fn in fn_lst]) + '|', file=f)
print('', file=f)
print('', file=f)
if __name__ == '__main__':
ciphersuite_lst, fn_lst, size_lst, data_aggregated = load_data('benchmark-verify-aggregate.txt')
_, _, _, data_all_shares = load_data('benchmark-verify-all-shares.txt')
import io
import re
with io.StringIO() as f:
generate_table(f, data_aggregated, ciphersuite_lst, fn_lst, size_lst)
table =
with open('') as f:
md =
md = re.sub('<!-- Benchmarks -->[^<]*<!-- Benchmarks -->', '<!-- Benchmarks -->\n' + table + '<!-- Benchmarks -->', md, count=1, flags=re.DOTALL)
with open('', 'w') as f:
size_lst = [10, 100, 1000]
times_by_size_and_function(data_all_shares, 'ristretto255', fn_lst, size_lst, '%.2f', 'all-shares')
times_by_size_and_function(data_aggregated, 'ristretto255', fn_lst, size_lst, '%.2f', 'aggregated')
times_by_ciphersuite_and_function(data_aggregated, ciphersuite_lst, fn_lst, 10, '%.2f')
times_by_ciphersuite_and_function(data_aggregated, ciphersuite_lst, fn_lst, 100, '%.1f')
times_by_ciphersuite_and_function(data_aggregated, ciphersuite_lst, fn_lst, 1000, '%.0f')
verify_aggregated_vs_all_shares(data_aggregated, data_all_shares, ciphersuite_lst, 10, '%.2f')
verify_aggregated_vs_all_shares(data_aggregated, data_all_shares, ciphersuite_lst, 100, '%.1f')
verify_aggregated_vs_all_shares(data_aggregated, data_all_shares, ciphersuite_lst, 1000, '%.0f')