Refactor test folders (#366)

* move test functions that differ from other ciphersuites to make gencode simpler to use (#364)

* Refactored folder structure for ristretto255 (#364)

* Add batch and signing tests folders to ristretto255 (#364)

* Refactor test folders for ed25519 (#364)

* Refactor test folders for ed448 (#364)

* Refactor test folders for ed448 (#364)

* Refactor test folders for secp256k1 (#364)

* Refactor test folders for frost-core (#364)

Update ciphersuites due to refactoring in core

* Update coverage tool to exclude new test files (#364)

* Rename signing_tests to ciphersuite_generic_tests to match frost-core (#364)

* Set default branch as main in codecov (#364)

* Fix incorrect file name in gencode (#364)

* Remove test file targets in gencode and replace with only md files (#364)

* Rename helper_functions to helpers (#364)

Remove unecessary test traits

* Rename ciphersuite tests (#364)

* Rename test_helpers to helpers (#364)

* move tests to integration_tests (#364)

* Re-add and to gendoc (#364)

* Refactored rest of ciphersuite integration tests (#364)

* Fix fmt in gencode (#364)
This commit is contained in:
natalie 2023-05-31 22:23:29 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent c7751339cc
commit 2668555f38
No known key found for this signature in database
80 changed files with 1680 additions and 1389 deletions

View File

@ -38,10 +38,10 @@ jobs:
run: cargo install cargo-llvm-cov
- name: Run tests
run: cargo llvm-cov --lcov --no-report --ignore-filename-regex '||gencode'
run: cargo llvm-cov --lcov --no-report --ignore-filename-regex '.*(tests).*||gencode|'
- name: Generate coverage report
run: cargo llvm-cov report --lcov --ignore-filename-regex '||gencode' --output-path
run: cargo llvm-cov report --lcov --ignore-filename-regex '.*(tests).*||gencode|' --output-path
- name: Upload coverage report to Codecov
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3.1.4

View File

@ -43,4 +43,4 @@ dependency.
Test coverage checks are performed in the pipeline. This is cofigured here: `.github/workflows/coverage.yaml`
To run these locally:
1. Install coverage tool by running `cargo install cargo-llvm-cov`
2. Run `cargo llvm-cov --ignore-filename-regex '||gencode'` (you may be asked if you want to install `llvm-tools-preview`, if so type `Y`)
2. Run `cargo llvm-cov --ignore-filename-regex '.*(tests).*||gencode|` (you may be asked if you want to install `llvm-tools-preview`, if so type `Y`)

View File

@ -27,3 +27,6 @@ parsers:
annotations: false
branch: main

View File

@ -1,492 +1,10 @@
//! Ciphersuite-generic test functions.
use std::{collections::HashMap, convert::TryFrom};
use crate::{
keys::{CoefficientCommitment, VerifiableSecretSharingCommitment},
Error, Field, Group, Signature, VerifyingKey,
use debugless_unwrap::DebuglessUnwrap;
use debugless_unwrap::DebuglessUnwrapErr;
use rand_core::{CryptoRng, RngCore};
use serde_json::Value;
use crate::Ciphersuite;
//! Test modules
pub mod batch;
pub mod ciphersuite_generic;
pub mod coefficient_commitment;
pub mod helpers;
pub mod proptests;
pub mod repairable;
pub mod vectors;
/// Test share generation with a Ciphersuite
pub fn check_share_generation<C: Ciphersuite, R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(mut rng: R) {
let secret = crate::SigningKey::<C>::new(&mut rng);
let max_signers = 5;
let min_signers = 3;
let coefficients =
frost::keys::generate_coefficients::<C, _>(min_signers as usize - 1, &mut rng);
let secret_shares =
frost::keys::generate_secret_shares(&secret, max_signers, min_signers, coefficients)
for secret_share in secret_shares.iter() {
// Test error cases
let mut secret_shares = secret_shares;
secret_shares[0] = secret_shares[1].clone();
/// Test FROST signing with trusted dealer with a Ciphersuite.
pub fn check_sign_with_dealer<C: Ciphersuite, R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
mut rng: R,
) -> (Vec<u8>, Signature<C>, VerifyingKey<C>) {
// Key generation
let max_signers = 5;
let min_signers = 3;
let (shares, pubkeys) =
frost::keys::generate_with_dealer(max_signers, min_signers, &mut rng).unwrap();
// Verifies the secret shares from the dealer
let mut key_packages: HashMap<frost::Identifier<C>, frost::keys::KeyPackage<C>> =
for (k, v) in shares {
let key_package = frost::keys::KeyPackage::try_from(v).unwrap();
key_packages.insert(k, key_package);
check_sign(min_signers, key_packages, rng, pubkeys)
fn check_sign<C: Ciphersuite + PartialEq, R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
min_signers: u16,
key_packages: HashMap<frost::Identifier<C>, frost::keys::KeyPackage<C>>,
mut rng: R,
pubkeys: frost::keys::PublicKeyPackage<C>,
) -> (Vec<u8>, Signature<C>, VerifyingKey<C>) {
let mut nonces: HashMap<frost::Identifier<C>, frost::round1::SigningNonces<C>> = HashMap::new();
let mut commitments: HashMap<frost::Identifier<C>, frost::round1::SigningCommitments<C>> =
// Round 1: generating nonces and signing commitments for each participant
for participant_index in 1..(min_signers + 1) {
let participant_identifier = participant_index.try_into().expect("should be nonzero");
// Generate one (1) nonce and one SigningCommitments instance for each
// participant, up to _min_signers_.
let (nonce, commitment) = frost::round1::commit(
&mut rng,
nonces.insert(participant_identifier, nonce);
commitments.insert(participant_identifier, commitment);
// This is what the signature aggregator / coordinator needs to do:
// - decide what message to sign
// - take one (unused) commitment per signing participant
let mut signature_shares = Vec::new();
let message = "message to sign".as_bytes();
let comms = commitments.clone().into_values().collect();
let signing_package = frost::SigningPackage::new(comms, message.to_vec());
// Round 2: each participant generates their signature share
for participant_identifier in nonces.keys() {
let key_package = key_packages.get(participant_identifier).unwrap();
let nonces_to_use = &nonces.get(participant_identifier).unwrap();
// Each participant generates their signature share.
let signature_share =
frost::round2::sign(&signing_package, nonces_to_use, key_package).unwrap();
// Aggregation: collects the signing shares from all participants,
// generates the final signature.
// Aggregate (also verifies the signature shares)
let group_signature_res = frost::aggregate(&signing_package, &signature_shares[..], &pubkeys);
let group_signature = group_signature_res.unwrap();
// Check that the threshold signature can be verified by the group public
// key (the verification key).
.verify(message, &group_signature)
// Check that the threshold signature can be verified by the group public
// key (the verification key) from KeyPackage.group_public
for (participant_identifier, _) in nonces.clone() {
let key_package = key_packages.get(&participant_identifier).unwrap();
.verify(message, &group_signature)
(message.to_owned(), group_signature, pubkeys.group_public)
/// Test FROST signing with trusted dealer with a Ciphersuite.
pub fn check_sign_with_dkg<C: Ciphersuite + PartialEq, R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
mut rng: R,
) -> (Vec<u8>, Signature<C>, VerifyingKey<C>)
C::Group: std::cmp::PartialEq,
// Key generation, Round 1
let max_signers = 5;
let min_signers = 3;
// Keep track of each participant's round 1 secret package.
// In practice each participant will keep its copy; no one
// will have all the participant's packages.
let mut round1_secret_packages: HashMap<
> = HashMap::new();
// Keep track of all round 1 packages sent to the given participant.
// This is used to simulate the broadcast; in practice the packages
// will be sent through some communication channel.
let mut received_round1_packages: HashMap<
> = HashMap::new();
// For each participant, perform the first part of the DKG protocol.
// In practice, each participant will perform this on their own environments.
for participant_index in 1..=max_signers {
let participant_identifier = participant_index.try_into().expect("should be nonzero");
let (secret_package, round1_package) =
frost::keys::dkg::part1(participant_identifier, max_signers, min_signers, &mut rng)
// Store the participant's secret package for later use.
// In practice each participant will store it in their own environment.
round1_secret_packages.insert(participant_identifier, secret_package);
// "Send" the round 1 package to all other participants. In this
// test this is simulated using a HashMap; in practice this will be
// sent through some communication channel.
for receiver_participant_index in 1..=max_signers {
if receiver_participant_index == participant_index {
let receiver_participant_identifier = receiver_participant_index
.expect("should be nonzero");
// Key generation, Round 2
// Keep track of each participant's round 2 secret package.
// In practice each participant will keep its copy; no one
// will have all the participant's packages.
let mut round2_secret_packages = HashMap::new();
// Keep track of all round 2 packages sent to the given participant.
// This is used to simulate the broadcast; in practice the packages
// will be sent through some communication channel.
let mut received_round2_packages = HashMap::new();
// For each participant, perform the second part of the DKG protocol.
// In practice, each participant will perform this on their own environments.
for participant_index in 1..=max_signers {
let participant_identifier = participant_index.try_into().expect("should be nonzero");
let (round2_secret_package, round2_packages) = frost::keys::dkg::part2(
.expect("should work");
// Store the participant's secret package for later use.
// In practice each participant will store it in their own environment.
round2_secret_packages.insert(participant_identifier, round2_secret_package);
// "Send" the round 2 package to all other participants. In this
// test this is simulated using a HashMap; in practice this will be
// sent through some communication channel.
// Note that, in contrast to the previous part, here each other participant
// gets its own specific package.
for round2_package in round2_packages {
// Key generation, final computation
// Keep track of each participant's long-lived key package.
// In practice each participant will keep its copy; no one
// will have all the participant's packages.
let mut key_packages = HashMap::new();
// Map of the verifying key of each participant.
// Used by the signing test that follows.
let mut verifying_keys = HashMap::new();
// The group public key, used by the signing test that follows.
let mut group_public = None;
// For each participant, store the set of verifying keys they have computed.
// This is used to check if the set is correct (the same) for all participants.
// In practice, if there is a Coordinator, only they need to store the set.
// If there is not, then all candidates must store their own sets.
// The verifying keys are used to verify the signature shares produced
// for each signature before being aggregated.
let mut pubkey_packages_by_participant = HashMap::new();
// For each participant, perform the third part of the DKG protocol.
// In practice, each participant will perform this on their own environments.
for participant_index in 1..=max_signers {
let participant_identifier = participant_index.try_into().expect("should be nonzero");
let (key_package, pubkey_package_for_participant) = frost::keys::dkg::part3(
verifying_keys.insert(participant_identifier, key_package.public);
// Test if all group_public are equal
if let Some(previous_group_public) = group_public {
assert_eq!(previous_group_public, key_package.group_public)
group_public = Some(key_package.group_public);
key_packages.insert(participant_identifier, key_package);
.insert(participant_identifier, pubkey_package_for_participant);
// Test if the set of verifying keys is correct for all participants.
for verifying_keys_for_participant in pubkey_packages_by_participant.values() {
assert!(verifying_keys_for_participant.signer_pubkeys == verifying_keys);
let pubkeys = frost::keys::PublicKeyPackage {
signer_pubkeys: verifying_keys,
group_public: group_public.unwrap(),
// Proceed with the signing test.
check_sign(min_signers, key_packages, rng, pubkeys)
fn generate_element<C: Ciphersuite, R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
rng: &mut R,
) -> <<C as Ciphersuite>::Group as Group>::Element {
let scalar = <<C::Group as Group>::Field>::random(rng);
<C::Group>::generator() * scalar
/// Test retrieving Element from CoefficientCommitment
pub fn check_serialization_of_coefficient_commitment<C: Ciphersuite, R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
mut rng: R,
) {
let element = generate_element::<C, R>(&mut rng);
let expected = <C::Group>::serialize(&element);
let data = frost::keys::CoefficientCommitment::<C>(element).serialize();
assert!(expected.as_ref() == data.as_ref());
/// Test create a CoefficientCommitment.
pub fn check_create_coefficient_commitment<C: Ciphersuite, R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(mut rng: R) {
let element = generate_element::<C, R>(&mut rng);
let expected = CoefficientCommitment::<C>(element);
let serialized_element = <C::Group>::serialize(&element);
let coeff_commitment =
assert!(expected == coeff_commitment);
/// Test error handling for creation of a coefficient commitment
pub fn check_create_coefficient_commitment_error<C: Ciphersuite + PartialEq>(
commitment_helper_functions: &Value,
) {
let values = &commitment_helper_functions["elements"];
let serialized: <C::Group as Group>::Serialization =
<C::Group as Group>::Serialization::try_from(
let coeff_commitment = frost::keys::CoefficientCommitment::<C>::deserialize(serialized);
/// Test retrieve Element from CoefficientCommitment
pub fn check_get_value_of_coefficient_commitment<C: Ciphersuite, R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
mut rng: R,
) {
let element = generate_element::<C, R>(&mut rng);
let coeff_commitment = frost::keys::CoefficientCommitment::<C>(element);
let value = coeff_commitment.value();
assert!(value == element)
/// Test serialize VerifiableSecretSharingCommitment
pub fn check_serialize_vss_commitment<C: Ciphersuite, R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(mut rng: R) {
// Generate test CoefficientCommitments
// ---
let input_1 = generate_element::<C, R>(&mut rng);
let input_2 = generate_element::<C, R>(&mut rng);
let input_3 = generate_element::<C, R>(&mut rng);
let coeff_comms = vec![
// ---
let expected = vec![
let vss_commitment = VerifiableSecretSharingCommitment(coeff_comms).serialize();
assert!(expected.len() == vss_commitment.len());
.all(|(e, c)| e.as_ref() == c.as_ref()));
/// Test deserialize VerifiableSecretSharingCommitment
pub fn check_deserialize_vss_commitment<C: Ciphersuite, R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(mut rng: R) {
// Generate test CoefficientCommitments
// ---
let input_1 = generate_element::<C, R>(&mut rng);
let input_2 = generate_element::<C, R>(&mut rng);
let input_3 = generate_element::<C, R>(&mut rng);
let coeff_comms = vec![
// ---
let expected = VerifiableSecretSharingCommitment(coeff_comms);
let data = vec![
let vss_value = VerifiableSecretSharingCommitment::deserialize(data);
assert!(expected == vss_value.unwrap());
/// Test deserialize VerifiableSecretSharingCommitment error
pub fn check_deserialize_vss_commitment_error<C: Ciphersuite, R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
mut rng: R,
commitment_helper_functions: &Value,
) {
// Generate test CoefficientCommitments
// ---
let values = &commitment_helper_functions["elements"];
let input_1 = generate_element::<C, R>(&mut rng);
let input_2 = generate_element::<C, R>(&mut rng);
let input_3 = generate_element::<C, R>(&mut rng);
let serialized: <C::Group as Group>::Serialization =
<C::Group as Group>::Serialization::try_from(
// ---
let data = vec![
let vss_value = VerifiableSecretSharingCommitment::<C>::deserialize(data);
pub mod vss_commitment;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
//! Ciphersuite-generic test functions.
use std::{collections::HashMap, convert::TryFrom};
use crate::{
Error, Signature, VerifyingKey,
use debugless_unwrap::DebuglessUnwrapErr;
use rand_core::{CryptoRng, RngCore};
use crate::Ciphersuite;
/// Test share generation with a Ciphersuite
pub fn check_share_generation<C: Ciphersuite, R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(mut rng: R) {
let secret = crate::SigningKey::<C>::new(&mut rng);
let max_signers = 5;
let min_signers = 3;
let coefficients =
frost::keys::generate_coefficients::<C, _>(min_signers as usize - 1, &mut rng);
let secret_shares =
frost::keys::generate_secret_shares(&secret, max_signers, min_signers, coefficients)
for secret_share in secret_shares.iter() {
// Test error cases
let mut secret_shares = secret_shares;
secret_shares[0] = secret_shares[1].clone();
/// Test FROST signing with trusted dealer with a Ciphersuite.
pub fn check_sign_with_dealer<C: Ciphersuite, R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
mut rng: R,
) -> (Vec<u8>, Signature<C>, VerifyingKey<C>) {
// Key generation
let max_signers = 5;
let min_signers = 3;
let (shares, pubkeys) =
frost::keys::generate_with_dealer(max_signers, min_signers, &mut rng).unwrap();
// Verifies the secret shares from the dealer
let mut key_packages: HashMap<frost::Identifier<C>, frost::keys::KeyPackage<C>> =
for (k, v) in shares {
let key_package = frost::keys::KeyPackage::try_from(v).unwrap();
key_packages.insert(k, key_package);
check_sign(min_signers, key_packages, rng, pubkeys)
fn check_sign<C: Ciphersuite + PartialEq, R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
min_signers: u16,
key_packages: HashMap<frost::Identifier<C>, frost::keys::KeyPackage<C>>,
mut rng: R,
pubkeys: frost::keys::PublicKeyPackage<C>,
) -> (Vec<u8>, Signature<C>, VerifyingKey<C>) {
let mut nonces: HashMap<frost::Identifier<C>, frost::round1::SigningNonces<C>> = HashMap::new();
let mut commitments: HashMap<frost::Identifier<C>, frost::round1::SigningCommitments<C>> =
// Round 1: generating nonces and signing commitments for each participant
for participant_index in 1..(min_signers + 1) {
let participant_identifier = participant_index.try_into().expect("should be nonzero");
// Generate one (1) nonce and one SigningCommitments instance for each
// participant, up to _min_signers_.
let (nonce, commitment) = frost::round1::commit(
&mut rng,
nonces.insert(participant_identifier, nonce);
commitments.insert(participant_identifier, commitment);
// This is what the signature aggregator / coordinator needs to do:
// - decide what message to sign
// - take one (unused) commitment per signing participant
let mut signature_shares = Vec::new();
let message = "message to sign".as_bytes();
let comms = commitments.clone().into_values().collect();
let signing_package = frost::SigningPackage::new(comms, message.to_vec());
// Round 2: each participant generates their signature share
for participant_identifier in nonces.keys() {
let key_package = key_packages.get(participant_identifier).unwrap();
let nonces_to_use = &nonces.get(participant_identifier).unwrap();
// Each participant generates their signature share.
let signature_share =
frost::round2::sign(&signing_package, nonces_to_use, key_package).unwrap();
// Aggregation: collects the signing shares from all participants,
// generates the final signature.
// Aggregate (also verifies the signature shares)
let group_signature_res = frost::aggregate(&signing_package, &signature_shares[..], &pubkeys);
let group_signature = group_signature_res.unwrap();
// Check that the threshold signature can be verified by the group public
// key (the verification key).
.verify(message, &group_signature)
// Check that the threshold signature can be verified by the group public
// key (the verification key) from KeyPackage.group_public
for (participant_identifier, _) in nonces.clone() {
let key_package = key_packages.get(&participant_identifier).unwrap();
.verify(message, &group_signature)
(message.to_owned(), group_signature, pubkeys.group_public)
/// Test FROST signing with trusted dealer with a Ciphersuite.
pub fn check_sign_with_dkg<C: Ciphersuite + PartialEq, R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
mut rng: R,
) -> (Vec<u8>, Signature<C>, VerifyingKey<C>)
C::Group: std::cmp::PartialEq,
// Key generation, Round 1
let max_signers = 5;
let min_signers = 3;
// Keep track of each participant's round 1 secret package.
// In practice each participant will keep its copy; no one
// will have all the participant's packages.
let mut round1_secret_packages: HashMap<
> = HashMap::new();
// Keep track of all round 1 packages sent to the given participant.
// This is used to simulate the broadcast; in practice the packages
// will be sent through some communication channel.
let mut received_round1_packages: HashMap<
> = HashMap::new();
// For each participant, perform the first part of the DKG protocol.
// In practice, each participant will perform this on their own environments.
for participant_index in 1..=max_signers {
let participant_identifier = participant_index.try_into().expect("should be nonzero");
let (secret_package, round1_package) =
frost::keys::dkg::part1(participant_identifier, max_signers, min_signers, &mut rng)
// Store the participant's secret package for later use.
// In practice each participant will store it in their own environment.
round1_secret_packages.insert(participant_identifier, secret_package);
// "Send" the round 1 package to all other participants. In this
// test this is simulated using a HashMap; in practice this will be
// sent through some communication channel.
for receiver_participant_index in 1..=max_signers {
if receiver_participant_index == participant_index {
let receiver_participant_identifier = receiver_participant_index
.expect("should be nonzero");
// Key generation, Round 2
// Keep track of each participant's round 2 secret package.
// In practice each participant will keep its copy; no one
// will have all the participant's packages.
let mut round2_secret_packages = HashMap::new();
// Keep track of all round 2 packages sent to the given participant.
// This is used to simulate the broadcast; in practice the packages
// will be sent through some communication channel.
let mut received_round2_packages = HashMap::new();
// For each participant, perform the second part of the DKG protocol.
// In practice, each participant will perform this on their own environments.
for participant_index in 1..=max_signers {
let participant_identifier = participant_index.try_into().expect("should be nonzero");
let (round2_secret_package, round2_packages) = frost::keys::dkg::part2(
.expect("should work");
// Store the participant's secret package for later use.
// In practice each participant will store it in their own environment.
round2_secret_packages.insert(participant_identifier, round2_secret_package);
// "Send" the round 2 package to all other participants. In this
// test this is simulated using a HashMap; in practice this will be
// sent through some communication channel.
// Note that, in contrast to the previous part, here each other participant
// gets its own specific package.
for round2_package in round2_packages {
// Key generation, final computation
// Keep track of each participant's long-lived key package.
// In practice each participant will keep its copy; no one
// will have all the participant's packages.
let mut key_packages = HashMap::new();
// Map of the verifying key of each participant.
// Used by the signing test that follows.
let mut verifying_keys = HashMap::new();
// The group public key, used by the signing test that follows.
let mut group_public = None;
// For each participant, store the set of verifying keys they have computed.
// This is used to check if the set is correct (the same) for all participants.
// In practice, if there is a Coordinator, only they need to store the set.
// If there is not, then all candidates must store their own sets.
// The verifying keys are used to verify the signature shares produced
// for each signature before being aggregated.
let mut pubkey_packages_by_participant = HashMap::new();
// For each participant, perform the third part of the DKG protocol.
// In practice, each participant will perform this on their own environments.
for participant_index in 1..=max_signers {
let participant_identifier = participant_index.try_into().expect("should be nonzero");
let (key_package, pubkey_package_for_participant) = frost::keys::dkg::part3(
verifying_keys.insert(participant_identifier, key_package.public);
// Test if all group_public are equal
if let Some(previous_group_public) = group_public {
assert_eq!(previous_group_public, key_package.group_public)
group_public = Some(key_package.group_public);
key_packages.insert(participant_identifier, key_package);
.insert(participant_identifier, pubkey_package_for_participant);
// Test if the set of verifying keys is correct for all participants.
for verifying_keys_for_participant in pubkey_packages_by_participant.values() {
assert!(verifying_keys_for_participant.signer_pubkeys == verifying_keys);
let pubkeys = frost::keys::PublicKeyPackage {
signer_pubkeys: verifying_keys,
group_public: group_public.unwrap(),
// Proceed with the signing test.
check_sign(min_signers, key_packages, rng, pubkeys)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
//! CoefficientCommitment functions
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use crate::{
frost::{self, keys::CoefficientCommitment},
use debugless_unwrap::DebuglessUnwrap;
use rand_core::{CryptoRng, RngCore};
use serde_json::Value;
use crate::Ciphersuite;
/// Test retrieving Element from CoefficientCommitment
pub fn check_serialization_of_coefficient_commitment<C: Ciphersuite, R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
mut rng: R,
) {
let element = generate_element::<C, R>(&mut rng);
let expected = <C::Group>::serialize(&element);
let data = frost::keys::CoefficientCommitment::<C>(element).serialize();
assert!(expected.as_ref() == data.as_ref());
/// Test create a CoefficientCommitment.
pub fn check_create_coefficient_commitment<C: Ciphersuite, R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(mut rng: R) {
let element = generate_element::<C, R>(&mut rng);
let expected = CoefficientCommitment::<C>(element);
let serialized_element = <C::Group>::serialize(&element);
let coeff_commitment =
assert!(expected == coeff_commitment);
/// Test error handling for creation of a coefficient commitment
pub fn check_create_coefficient_commitment_error<C: Ciphersuite + PartialEq>(
commitment_helpers: &Value,
) {
let values = &commitment_helpers["elements"];
let serialized: <C::Group as Group>::Serialization =
<C::Group as Group>::Serialization::try_from(
let coeff_commitment = frost::keys::CoefficientCommitment::<C>::deserialize(serialized);
/// Test retrieve Element from CoefficientCommitment
pub fn check_get_value_of_coefficient_commitment<C: Ciphersuite, R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
mut rng: R,
) {
let element = generate_element::<C, R>(&mut rng);
let coeff_commitment = frost::keys::CoefficientCommitment::<C>(element);
let value = coeff_commitment.value();
assert!(value == element)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
//! Helper function for testing
use crate::{Ciphersuite, Field, Group};
use rand_core::{CryptoRng, RngCore};
/// Helper function for randomly generating an element
pub fn generate_element<C: Ciphersuite, R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
rng: &mut R,
) -> <<C as Ciphersuite>::Group as Group>::Element {
let scalar = <<C::Group as Group>::Field>::random(rng);
<C::Group>::generator() * scalar

View File

@ -134,8 +134,8 @@ pub fn check_repair_share_step_1<C: Ciphersuite, R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(mut rng
/// Test repair_share_step_2
pub fn check_repair_share_step_2<C: Ciphersuite>(repair_share_helper_functions: &Value) {
let values = &repair_share_helper_functions["scalar_generation"];
pub fn check_repair_share_step_2<C: Ciphersuite>(repair_share_helpers: &Value) {
let values = &repair_share_helpers["scalar_generation"];
let value_1 =
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ pub fn check_repair_share_step_2<C: Ciphersuite>(repair_share_helper_functions:
/// Test repair_share
pub fn check_repair_share_step_3<C: Ciphersuite, R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
mut rng: R,
repair_share_helper_functions: &Value,
repair_share_helpers: &Value,
) {
// Generate shares
let max_signers = 5;
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ pub fn check_repair_share_step_3<C: Ciphersuite, R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
let (shares, _pubkeys): (HashMap<Identifier<C>, SecretShare<C>>, PublicKeyPackage<C>) =
frost::keys::generate_with_dealer(max_signers, min_signers, &mut rng).unwrap();
let sigmas: &Value = &repair_share_helper_functions["sigma_generation"];
let sigmas: &Value = &repair_share_helpers["sigma_generation"];
let sigma_1 = generate_scalar_from_byte_string::<C>(sigmas["sigma_1"].as_str().unwrap());
let sigma_2 = generate_scalar_from_byte_string::<C>(sigmas["sigma_2"].as_str().unwrap());

View File

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
//! VerifiableSecretSharingCommitment functions
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use crate::{
frost::keys::{CoefficientCommitment, VerifiableSecretSharingCommitment},
use debugless_unwrap::DebuglessUnwrap;
use rand_core::{CryptoRng, RngCore};
use serde_json::Value;
use crate::Ciphersuite;
/// Test serialize VerifiableSecretSharingCommitment
pub fn check_serialize_vss_commitment<C: Ciphersuite, R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(mut rng: R) {
// Generate test CoefficientCommitments
// ---
let input_1 = generate_element::<C, R>(&mut rng);
let input_2 = generate_element::<C, R>(&mut rng);
let input_3 = generate_element::<C, R>(&mut rng);
let coeff_comms = vec![
// ---
let expected = vec![
let vss_commitment = VerifiableSecretSharingCommitment(coeff_comms).serialize();
assert!(expected.len() == vss_commitment.len());
.all(|(e, c)| e.as_ref() == c.as_ref()));
/// Test deserialize VerifiableSecretSharingCommitment
pub fn check_deserialize_vss_commitment<C: Ciphersuite, R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(mut rng: R) {
// Generate test CoefficientCommitments
// ---
let input_1 = generate_element::<C, R>(&mut rng);
let input_2 = generate_element::<C, R>(&mut rng);
let input_3 = generate_element::<C, R>(&mut rng);
let coeff_comms = vec![
// ---
let expected = VerifiableSecretSharingCommitment(coeff_comms);
let data = vec![
let vss_value = VerifiableSecretSharingCommitment::deserialize(data);
assert!(expected == vss_value.unwrap());
/// Test deserialize VerifiableSecretSharingCommitment error
pub fn check_deserialize_vss_commitment_error<C: Ciphersuite, R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
mut rng: R,
commitment_helpers: &Value,
) {
// Generate test CoefficientCommitments
// ---
let values = &commitment_helpers["elements"];
let input_1 = generate_element::<C, R>(&mut rng);
let input_2 = generate_element::<C, R>(&mut rng);
let input_3 = generate_element::<C, R>(&mut rng);
let serialized: <C::Group as Group>::Serialization =
<C::Group as Group>::Serialization::try_from(
// ---
let data = vec![
let vss_value = VerifiableSecretSharingCommitment::<C>::deserialize(data);

View File

@ -53,3 +53,40 @@ pub fn repair_share_step_3(
) -> SecretShare {
frost::keys::repairable::repair_share_step_3(sigmas, identifier, commitment)
mod tests {
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use rand::thread_rng;
use serde_json::Value;
use crate::Ed25519Sha512;
lazy_static! {
pub static ref REPAIR_SHARE: Value =
fn check_repair_share_step_1() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::repairable::check_repair_share_step_1::<Ed25519Sha512, _>(rng);
fn check_repair_share_step_2() {
fn check_repair_share_step_3() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::repairable::check_repair_share_step_3::<Ed25519Sha512, _>(

View File

@ -1,29 +1,5 @@
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use rand::thread_rng;
use serde_json::Value;
use crate::*;
lazy_static! {
pub static ref VECTORS: Value = serde_json::from_str(include_str!("tests/vectors.json").trim())
.expect("Test vector is valid JSON");
pub static ref VECTORS_BIG_IDENTIFIER: Value =
.expect("Test vector is valid JSON");
/// This is testing that Shamir's secret sharing to compute and arbitrary
/// value is working.
fn check_share_generation_ed25519_sha512() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::check_share_generation::<Ed25519Sha512, _>(rng);
fn check_sign_with_test_vectors() {
mod batch;
mod coefficient_commitment;
mod deserialize;
mod proptests;
mod vss_commitment;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
use rand::thread_rng;
use crate::*;
fn check_batch_verify() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::batch::batch_verify::<Ed25519Sha512, _>(rng);
fn check_bad_batch_verify() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::batch::bad_batch_verify::<Ed25519Sha512, _>(rng);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use rand::thread_rng;
use serde_json::Value;
use crate::*;
// Tests for serialization and deserialization of CoefficientCommitment
lazy_static! {
pub static ref ELEMENTS: Value =
fn check_serialization_of_coefficient_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
fn check_create_coefficient_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
fn check_create_coefficient_commitment_error() {
fn check_get_value_of_coefficient_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
use crate::*;
use curve25519_dalek::{edwards::EdwardsPoint, traits::Identity};
fn check_deserialize_non_prime_order() {
let encoded_point =
let r = <Ed25519Sha512 as Ciphersuite>::Group::deserialize(&encoded_point);
assert_eq!(r, Err(GroupError::InvalidNonPrimeOrderElement));
fn check_deserialize_identity() {
let encoded_identity = EdwardsPoint::identity().compress().to_bytes();
let r = <Ed25519Sha512 as Ciphersuite>::Group::deserialize(&encoded_identity);
assert_eq!(r, Err(GroupError::InvalidIdentityElement));

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
use crate::*;
use frost_core::tests::proptests::{tweak_strategy, SignatureCase};
use frost_ed25519::*;
use proptest::prelude::*;
use rand_chacha::ChaChaRng;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use rand::thread_rng;
use serde_json::Value;
use crate::*;
// Tests for serialization and deserialization VerifiableSecretSharingCommitment
lazy_static! {
pub static ref ELEMENTS: Value =
fn check_serialize_vss_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::vss_commitment::check_serialize_vss_commitment::<Ed25519Sha512, _>(rng);
fn check_deserialize_vss_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::vss_commitment::check_deserialize_vss_commitment::<Ed25519Sha512, _>(rng);
fn check_deserialize_vss_commitment_error() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::vss_commitment::check_deserialize_vss_commitment_error::<Ed25519Sha512, _>(

frost-ed25519/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
mod integration_tests;
mod helpers;

View File

@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
use frost_ed25519::*;
use curve25519_dalek::{edwards::EdwardsPoint, traits::Identity};
use ed25519_dalek::Verifier;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use rand::thread_rng;
use serde_json::Value;
fn verify_signature(
msg: &[u8],
group_signature: frost_core::Signature<Ed25519Sha512>,
group_pubkey: frost_core::VerifyingKey<Ed25519Sha512>,
) {
let sig = {
let bytes: [u8; 64] = group_signature.to_bytes();
let pub_key = {
let bytes = group_pubkey.to_bytes();
// Check that signature validation has the expected result.
assert!(pub_key.verify(msg, &sig).is_ok());
fn check_sign_with_dealer() {
let rng = thread_rng();
// Test with multiple keys/signatures to better exercise the key generation
// and the interoperability check.
for _ in 0..256 {
let (msg, group_signature, group_pubkey) =
frost_core::tests::check_sign_with_dealer::<Ed25519Sha512, _>(rng.clone());
// Check that the threshold signature can be verified by the `ed25519_dalek` crate
// public key (interoperability test)
verify_signature(&msg, group_signature, group_pubkey);
fn check_sign_with_dkg() {
let rng = thread_rng();
// Test with multiple keys/signatures to better exercise the key generation
// and the interoperability check. A smaller number of iterations is used
// because DKG takes longer and otherwise the test would be too slow.
for _ in 0..32 {
let (msg, group_signature, group_pubkey) =
frost_core::tests::check_sign_with_dkg::<Ed25519Sha512, _>(rng.clone());
verify_signature(&msg, group_signature, group_pubkey);
fn check_batch_verify() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::batch::batch_verify::<Ed25519Sha512, _>(rng);
fn check_bad_batch_verify() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::batch::bad_batch_verify::<Ed25519Sha512, _>(rng);
fn check_deserialize_identity() {
let encoded_identity = EdwardsPoint::identity().compress().to_bytes();
let r = <Ed25519Sha512 as Ciphersuite>::Group::deserialize(&encoded_identity);
assert_eq!(r, Err(GroupError::InvalidIdentityElement));
fn check_deserialize_non_prime_order() {
let encoded_point =
let r = <Ed25519Sha512 as Ciphersuite>::Group::deserialize(&encoded_point);
assert_eq!(r, Err(GroupError::InvalidNonPrimeOrderElement));
fn check_repair_share_step_1() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::repairable::check_repair_share_step_1::<Ed25519Sha512, _>(rng);
lazy_static! {
pub static ref REPAIR_SHARE: Value =
fn check_repair_share_step_2() {
fn check_repair_share() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::repairable::check_repair_share_step_3::<Ed25519Sha512, _>(
fn check_rts() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::repairable::check_rts::<Ed25519Sha512, _>(rng);
/// Tests for serialization and deserialization of CoefficientCommitment and VerifiableSecretSharingCommitment
fn check_serialization_of_coefficient_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::check_serialization_of_coefficient_commitment::<Ed25519Sha512, _>(rng);
fn check_create_coefficient_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::check_create_coefficient_commitment::<Ed25519Sha512, _>(rng);
fn check_create_coefficient_commitment_error() {
fn check_get_value_of_coefficient_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::check_get_value_of_coefficient_commitment::<Ed25519Sha512, _>(rng);
lazy_static! {
pub static ref ELEMENTS: Value =
fn check_serialize_vss_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::check_serialize_vss_commitment::<Ed25519Sha512, _>(rng);
fn check_deserialize_vss_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::check_deserialize_vss_commitment::<Ed25519Sha512, _>(rng);
fn check_deserialize_vss_commitment_error() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::check_deserialize_vss_commitment_error::<Ed25519Sha512, _>(rng, &ELEMENTS);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
use ed25519_dalek::Verifier;
use frost_ed25519::*;
// #[cfg(test)]
pub fn verify_signature(
msg: &[u8],
group_signature: frost_core::Signature<Ed25519Sha512>,
group_pubkey: frost_core::VerifyingKey<Ed25519Sha512>,
) {
let sig = {
let bytes: [u8; 64] = group_signature.to_bytes();
let pub_key = {
let bytes = group_pubkey.to_bytes();
// Check that signature validation has the expected result.
assert!(pub_key.verify(msg, &sig).is_ok());

View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
use crate::Ed25519Sha512;
use frost_ed25519::*;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use rand::thread_rng;
use serde_json::Value;
mod helpers;
fn check_sign_with_dkg() {
let rng = thread_rng();
// Test with multiple keys/signatures to better exercise the key generation
// and the interoperability check. A smaller number of iterations is used
// because DKG takes longer and otherwise the test would be too slow.
for _ in 0..32 {
let (msg, group_signature, group_pubkey) =
frost_core::tests::ciphersuite_generic::check_sign_with_dkg::<Ed25519Sha512, _>(
helpers::verify_signature(&msg, group_signature, group_pubkey);
fn check_rts() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::repairable::check_rts::<Ed25519Sha512, _>(rng);
fn check_sign_with_dealer() {
let rng = thread_rng();
// Test with multiple keys/signatures to better exercise the key generation
// and the interoperability check.
for _ in 0..256 {
let (msg, group_signature, group_pubkey) =
frost_core::tests::ciphersuite_generic::check_sign_with_dealer::<Ed25519Sha512, _>(
// Check that the threshold signature can be verified by the `ed25519_dalek` crate
// public key (interoperability test)
helpers::verify_signature(&msg, group_signature, group_pubkey);
/// This is testing that Shamir's secret sharing to compute and arbitrary
/// value is working.
fn check_share_generation_ed25519_sha512() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::ciphersuite_generic::check_share_generation::<Ed25519Sha512, _>(rng);
lazy_static! {
pub static ref VECTORS: Value =
.expect("Test vector is valid JSON");
pub static ref VECTORS_BIG_IDENTIFIER: Value =
.expect("Test vector is valid JSON");
fn check_sign_with_test_vectors() {

View File

@ -53,3 +53,40 @@ pub fn repair_share_step_3(
) -> SecretShare {
frost::keys::repairable::repair_share_step_3(sigmas, identifier, commitment)
mod tests {
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use rand::thread_rng;
use serde_json::Value;
use crate::Ed448Shake256;
lazy_static! {
pub static ref REPAIR_SHARE: Value =
fn check_repair_share_step_1() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::repairable::check_repair_share_step_1::<Ed448Shake256, _>(rng);
fn check_repair_share_step_2() {
fn check_repair_share_step_3() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::repairable::check_repair_share_step_3::<Ed448Shake256, _>(

View File

@ -1,29 +1,5 @@
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use rand::thread_rng;
use serde_json::Value;
use crate::*;
lazy_static! {
pub static ref VECTORS: Value = serde_json::from_str(include_str!("tests/vectors.json").trim())
.expect("Test vector is valid JSON");
pub static ref VECTORS_BIG_IDENTIFIER: Value =
.expect("Test vector is valid JSON");
/// This is testing that Shamir's secret sharing to compute and arbitrary
/// value is working.
fn check_share_generation_ed448_shake256() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::check_share_generation::<Ed448Shake256, _>(rng);
fn check_sign_with_test_vectors() {
mod batch;
mod coefficient_commitment;
mod deserialize;
mod proptests;
mod vss_commitment;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
use rand::thread_rng;
use crate::*;
// TODO: make batching work for larger scalars
// #[test]
fn check_batch_verify() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::batch::batch_verify::<Ed448Shake256, _>(rng);
// TODO: make batching work for larger scalars
// #[test]
fn check_bad_batch_verify() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::batch::bad_batch_verify::<Ed448Shake256, _>(rng);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use rand::thread_rng;
use serde_json::Value;
use crate::*;
// Tests for serialization and deserialization of CoefficientCommitment
lazy_static! {
pub static ref ELEMENTS: Value =
fn check_serialization_of_coefficient_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
fn check_create_coefficient_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
fn check_create_coefficient_commitment_error() {
fn check_get_value_of_coefficient_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
use crate::*;
use ed448_goldilocks::curve::ExtendedPoint;
use frost_core::Ciphersuite;
fn check_deserialize_non_canonical() {
let mut encoded_generator = ExtendedPoint::generator().compress().0;
let r = <Ed448Shake256 as Ciphersuite>::Group::deserialize(&encoded_generator);
// The last byte only should have the sign bit. Set all other bits to
// create a non-canonical encoding.
encoded_generator[56] |= 0x7f;
let r = <Ed448Shake256 as Ciphersuite>::Group::deserialize(&encoded_generator);
assert_eq!(r, Err(GroupError::MalformedElement));
// Besides the last byte, it is still possible to get non-canonical encodings.
// This is y = p + 19 which is non-canonical and maps to a valid prime-order point.
let encoded_point = hex::decode("12000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00").unwrap().try_into().unwrap();
let r = <Ed448Shake256 as Ciphersuite>::Group::deserialize(&encoded_point);
assert_eq!(r, Err(GroupError::MalformedElement));
fn check_deserialize_non_prime_order() {
let encoded_point =
let r = <Ed448Shake256 as Ciphersuite>::Group::deserialize(&encoded_point);
assert_eq!(r, Err(GroupError::InvalidNonPrimeOrderElement));
fn check_deserialize_identity() {
let encoded_identity = ExtendedPoint::identity().compress().0;
let r = <Ed448Shake256 as Ciphersuite>::Group::deserialize(&encoded_identity);
assert_eq!(r, Err(GroupError::InvalidIdentityElement));

View File

@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
use frost_core::tests::proptests::{tweak_strategy, SignatureCase};
use frost_ed448::*;
use proptest::prelude::*;
use rand_chacha::ChaChaRng;
use rand_core::SeedableRng;
use crate::*;
proptest! {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use rand::thread_rng;
use serde_json::Value;
use crate::*;
// Tests for serialization and deserialization VerifiableSecretSharingCommitment
lazy_static! {
pub static ref ELEMENTS: Value =
fn check_serialize_vss_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::vss_commitment::check_serialize_vss_commitment::<Ed448Shake256, _>(rng);
fn check_deserialize_vss_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::vss_commitment::check_deserialize_vss_commitment::<Ed448Shake256, _>(rng);
fn check_deserialize_vss_commitment_error() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::vss_commitment::check_deserialize_vss_commitment_error::<Ed448Shake256, _>(

View File

@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
use ed448_goldilocks::curve::ExtendedPoint;
use frost_ed448::*;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use rand::thread_rng;
use serde_json::Value;
fn check_sign_with_dealer() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::check_sign_with_dealer::<Ed448Shake256, _>(rng);
fn check_sign_with_dkg() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::check_sign_with_dkg::<Ed448Shake256, _>(rng);
// TODO: make batching work for larger scalars
// #[test]
fn check_batch_verify() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::batch::batch_verify::<Ed448Shake256, _>(rng);
// TODO: make batching work for larger scalars
// #[test]
fn check_bad_batch_verify() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::batch::bad_batch_verify::<Ed448Shake256, _>(rng);
fn check_deserialize_identity() {
let encoded_identity = ExtendedPoint::identity().compress().0;
let r = <Ed448Shake256 as Ciphersuite>::Group::deserialize(&encoded_identity);
assert_eq!(r, Err(GroupError::InvalidIdentityElement));
fn check_deserialize_non_canonical() {
let mut encoded_generator = ExtendedPoint::generator().compress().0;
let r = <Ed448Shake256 as Ciphersuite>::Group::deserialize(&encoded_generator);
// The last byte only should have the sign bit. Set all other bits to
// create a non-canonical encoding.
encoded_generator[56] |= 0x7f;
let r = <Ed448Shake256 as Ciphersuite>::Group::deserialize(&encoded_generator);
assert_eq!(r, Err(GroupError::MalformedElement));
// Besides the last byte, it is still possible to get non-canonical encodings.
// This is y = p + 19 which is non-canonical and maps to a valid prime-order point.
let encoded_point = hex::decode("12000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00").unwrap().try_into().unwrap();
let r = <Ed448Shake256 as Ciphersuite>::Group::deserialize(&encoded_point);
assert_eq!(r, Err(GroupError::MalformedElement));
fn check_deserialize_non_prime_order() {
let encoded_point =
let r = <Ed448Shake256 as Ciphersuite>::Group::deserialize(&encoded_point);
assert_eq!(r, Err(GroupError::InvalidNonPrimeOrderElement));
fn check_repair_share_step_1() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::repairable::check_repair_share_step_1::<Ed448Shake256, _>(rng);
lazy_static! {
pub static ref REPAIR_SHARE: Value =
fn check_repair_share_step_2() {
fn check_repair_share() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::repairable::check_repair_share_step_3::<Ed448Shake256, _>(
fn check_rts() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::repairable::check_rts::<Ed448Shake256, _>(rng);
/// Tests for serialization and deserialization of CoefficientCommitment and VerifiableSecretSharingCommitment
fn check_serialization_of_coefficient_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::check_serialization_of_coefficient_commitment::<Ed448Shake256, _>(rng);
fn check_create_coefficient_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::check_create_coefficient_commitment::<Ed448Shake256, _>(rng);
fn check_create_coefficient_commitment_error() {
fn check_get_value_of_coefficient_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::check_get_value_of_coefficient_commitment::<Ed448Shake256, _>(rng);
lazy_static! {
pub static ref ELEMENTS: Value =
fn check_serialize_vss_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::check_serialize_vss_commitment::<Ed448Shake256, _>(rng);
fn check_deserialize_vss_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::check_deserialize_vss_commitment::<Ed448Shake256, _>(rng);
fn check_deserialize_vss_commitment_error() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::check_deserialize_vss_commitment_error::<Ed448Shake256, _>(rng, &ELEMENTS);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
use frost_ed448::*;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use rand::thread_rng;
use serde_json::Value;
fn check_sign_with_dkg() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::ciphersuite_generic::check_sign_with_dkg::<Ed448Shake256, _>(rng);
fn check_rts() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::repairable::check_rts::<Ed448Shake256, _>(rng);
fn check_sign_with_dealer() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::ciphersuite_generic::check_sign_with_dealer::<Ed448Shake256, _>(rng);
/// This is testing that Shamir's secret sharing to compute and arbitrary
/// value is working.
fn check_share_generation_ed448_shake256() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::ciphersuite_generic::check_share_generation::<Ed448Shake256, _>(rng);
lazy_static! {
pub static ref VECTORS: Value =
.expect("Test vector is valid JSON");
pub static ref VECTORS_BIG_IDENTIFIER: Value =
.expect("Test vector is valid JSON");
fn check_sign_with_test_vectors() {

View File

@ -53,3 +53,40 @@ pub fn repair_share_step_3(
) -> SecretShare {
frost::keys::repairable::repair_share_step_3(sigmas, identifier, commitment)
mod tests {
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use rand::thread_rng;
use serde_json::Value;
use crate::P256Sha256;
lazy_static! {
pub static ref REPAIR_SHARE: Value =
fn check_repair_share_step_1() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::repairable::check_repair_share_step_1::<P256Sha256, _>(rng);
fn check_repair_share_step_2() {
fn check_repair_share_step_3() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::repairable::check_repair_share_step_3::<P256Sha256, _>(

View File

@ -1,27 +1,5 @@
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use rand::thread_rng;
use serde_json::Value;
use crate::*;
lazy_static! {
pub static ref VECTORS: Value = serde_json::from_str(include_str!("tests/vectors.json").trim())
.expect("Test vector is valid JSON");
pub static ref VECTORS_BIG_IDENTIFIER: Value =
.expect("Test vector is valid JSON");
/// This is testing that Shamir's secret sharing to compute and arbitrary
/// value is working.
fn check_share_generation_p256_sha256() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::check_share_generation::<P256Sha256, _>(rng);
fn check_sign_with_test_vectors() {
mod batch;
mod coefficient_commitment;
mod deserialize;
mod proptests;
mod vss_commitment;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
use rand::thread_rng;
use crate::*;
fn check_batch_verify() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::batch::batch_verify::<P256Sha256, _>(rng);
fn check_bad_batch_verify() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::batch::bad_batch_verify::<P256Sha256, _>(rng);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use rand::thread_rng;
use serde_json::Value;
use crate::*;
// Tests for serialization and deserialization of CoefficientCommitment
lazy_static! {
pub static ref ELEMENTS: Value =
fn check_serialization_of_coefficient_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
fn check_create_coefficient_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::coefficient_commitment::check_create_coefficient_commitment::<P256Sha256, _>(
fn check_create_coefficient_commitment_error() {
fn check_get_value_of_coefficient_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
use crate::*;
fn check_deserialize_non_canonical() {
let mut encoded_generator = <P256Sha256 as Ciphersuite>::Group::serialize(
&<P256Sha256 as Ciphersuite>::Group::generator(),
let r = <P256Sha256 as Ciphersuite>::Group::deserialize(&encoded_generator);
// The first byte should be 0x02 or 0x03. Set other value to
// create a non-canonical encoding.
encoded_generator[0] = 0xFF;
let r = <P256Sha256 as Ciphersuite>::Group::deserialize(&encoded_generator);
assert_eq!(r, Err(GroupError::MalformedElement));
// Besides the first byte, it is still possible to get non-canonical encodings.
// This is x = p + 5 which is non-canonical and maps to a valid prime-order point.
let encoded_point =
let r = <P256Sha256 as Ciphersuite>::Group::deserialize(&encoded_point);
assert_eq!(r, Err(GroupError::MalformedElement));
fn check_deserialize_identity() {
// The identity is actually encoded as a single byte; but the API does not
// allow us to change that. Try to send something similar.
let encoded_identity = [0u8; 33];
let r = <P256Sha256 as Ciphersuite>::Group::deserialize(&encoded_identity);
assert_eq!(r, Err(GroupError::MalformedElement));

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
use crate::*;
use frost_core::tests::proptests::{tweak_strategy, SignatureCase};
use frost_p256::*;
use proptest::prelude::*;
use rand_chacha::ChaChaRng;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use rand::thread_rng;
use serde_json::Value;
use crate::*;
// Tests for serialization and deserialization VerifiableSecretSharingCommitment
lazy_static! {
pub static ref ELEMENTS: Value =
fn check_serialize_vss_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::vss_commitment::check_serialize_vss_commitment::<P256Sha256, _>(rng);
fn check_deserialize_vss_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::vss_commitment::check_deserialize_vss_commitment::<P256Sha256, _>(rng);
fn check_deserialize_vss_commitment_error() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::vss_commitment::check_deserialize_vss_commitment_error::<P256Sha256, _>(

View File

@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
use frost_p256::*;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use rand::thread_rng;
use serde_json::Value;
fn check_sign_with_dealer() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::check_sign_with_dealer::<P256Sha256, _>(rng);
fn check_sign_with_dkg() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::check_sign_with_dkg::<P256Sha256, _>(rng);
fn check_batch_verify() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::batch::batch_verify::<P256Sha256, _>(rng);
fn check_bad_batch_verify() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::batch::bad_batch_verify::<P256Sha256, _>(rng);
fn check_deserialize_identity() {
// The identity is actually encoded as a single byte; but the API does not
// allow us to change that. Try to send something similar.
let encoded_identity = [0u8; 33];
let r = <P256Sha256 as Ciphersuite>::Group::deserialize(&encoded_identity);
assert_eq!(r, Err(GroupError::MalformedElement));
fn check_deserialize_non_canonical() {
let mut encoded_generator = <P256Sha256 as Ciphersuite>::Group::serialize(
&<P256Sha256 as Ciphersuite>::Group::generator(),
let r = <P256Sha256 as Ciphersuite>::Group::deserialize(&encoded_generator);
// The first byte should be 0x02 or 0x03. Set other value to
// create a non-canonical encoding.
encoded_generator[0] = 0xFF;
let r = <P256Sha256 as Ciphersuite>::Group::deserialize(&encoded_generator);
assert_eq!(r, Err(GroupError::MalformedElement));
// Besides the first byte, it is still possible to get non-canonical encodings.
// This is x = p + 5 which is non-canonical and maps to a valid prime-order point.
let encoded_point =
let r = <P256Sha256 as Ciphersuite>::Group::deserialize(&encoded_point);
assert_eq!(r, Err(GroupError::MalformedElement));
fn check_repair_share_step_1() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::repairable::check_repair_share_step_1::<P256Sha256, _>(rng);
lazy_static! {
pub static ref REPAIR_SHARE: Value =
fn check_repair_share_step_2() {
fn check_repair_share() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::repairable::check_repair_share_step_3::<P256Sha256, _>(rng, &REPAIR_SHARE);
fn check_rts() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::repairable::check_rts::<P256Sha256, _>(rng);
/// Tests for serialization and deserialization of CoefficientCommitment and VerifiableSecretSharingCommitment
fn check_serialization_of_coefficient_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::check_serialization_of_coefficient_commitment::<P256Sha256, _>(rng);
fn check_create_coefficient_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::check_create_coefficient_commitment::<P256Sha256, _>(rng);
fn check_create_coefficient_commitment_error() {
fn check_get_value_of_coefficient_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::check_get_value_of_coefficient_commitment::<P256Sha256, _>(rng);
lazy_static! {
pub static ref ELEMENTS: Value =
fn check_serialize_vss_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::check_serialize_vss_commitment::<P256Sha256, _>(rng);
fn check_deserialize_vss_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::check_deserialize_vss_commitment::<P256Sha256, _>(rng);
fn check_deserialize_vss_commitment_error() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::check_deserialize_vss_commitment_error::<P256Sha256, _>(rng, &ELEMENTS);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
use frost_p256::*;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use rand::thread_rng;
use serde_json::Value;
fn check_sign_with_dkg() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::ciphersuite_generic::check_sign_with_dkg::<P256Sha256, _>(rng);
fn check_rts() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::repairable::check_rts::<P256Sha256, _>(rng);
fn check_sign_with_dealer() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::ciphersuite_generic::check_sign_with_dealer::<P256Sha256, _>(rng);
/// This is testing that Shamir's secret sharing to compute and arbitrary
/// value is working.
fn check_share_generation_p256_sha256() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::ciphersuite_generic::check_share_generation::<P256Sha256, _>(rng);
lazy_static! {
pub static ref VECTORS: Value =
.expect("Test vector is valid JSON");
pub static ref VECTORS_BIG_IDENTIFIER: Value =
.expect("Test vector is valid JSON");
fn check_sign_with_test_vectors() {

View File

@ -53,3 +53,42 @@ pub fn repair_share_step_3(
) -> SecretShare {
frost::keys::repairable::repair_share_step_3(sigmas, identifier, commitment)
mod tests {
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use rand::thread_rng;
use serde_json::Value;
use crate::Ristretto255Sha512;
lazy_static! {
pub static ref REPAIR_SHARE: Value =
fn check_repair_share_step_1() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::repairable::check_repair_share_step_1::<Ristretto255Sha512, _>(rng);
fn check_repair_share_step_2() {
fn check_repair_share_step_3() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::repairable::check_repair_share_step_3::<Ristretto255Sha512, _>(

View File

@ -1,29 +1,5 @@
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use rand::thread_rng;
use serde_json::Value;
use crate::*;
lazy_static! {
pub static ref VECTORS: Value = serde_json::from_str(include_str!("tests/vectors.json").trim())
.expect("Test vector is valid JSON");
pub static ref VECTORS_BIG_IDENTIFIER: Value =
.expect("Test vector is valid JSON");
/// This is testing that Shamir's secret sharing to compute and arbitrary
/// value is working.
fn check_share_generation_ristretto255_sha512() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::check_share_generation::<Ristretto255Sha512, _>(rng);
fn check_sign_with_test_vectors() {
mod batch;
mod coefficient_commitment;
mod deserialize;
mod proptests;
mod vss_commitment;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
use rand::thread_rng;
use crate::*;
fn check_batch_verify() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::batch::batch_verify::<Ristretto255Sha512, _>(rng);
fn check_bad_batch_verify() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::batch::bad_batch_verify::<Ristretto255Sha512, _>(rng);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use rand::thread_rng;
use serde_json::Value;
use crate::*;
// Tests for serialization and deserialization of CoefficientCommitment
lazy_static! {
pub static ref ELEMENTS: Value =
fn check_serialization_of_coefficient_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
fn check_create_coefficient_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
fn check_create_coefficient_commitment_error() {
fn check_get_value_of_coefficient_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
use crate::*;
use curve25519_dalek::{ristretto::RistrettoPoint, traits::Identity};
use frost_core::{Ciphersuite, Group, GroupError};
fn check_deserialize_identity() {
let encoded_identity = RistrettoPoint::identity().compress().to_bytes();
let r = <Ristretto255Sha512 as Ciphersuite>::Group::deserialize(&encoded_identity);
assert_eq!(r, Err(GroupError::InvalidIdentityElement));

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
use crate::*;
use frost_core::tests::proptests::{tweak_strategy, SignatureCase};
use frost_ristretto255::*;
use proptest::prelude::*;
use rand_chacha::ChaChaRng;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use rand::thread_rng;
use serde_json::Value;
use crate::*;
// Tests for serialization and deserialization VerifiableSecretSharingCommitment
lazy_static! {
pub static ref ELEMENTS: Value =
fn check_serialize_vss_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::vss_commitment::check_serialize_vss_commitment::<Ristretto255Sha512, _>(rng);
fn check_deserialize_vss_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::vss_commitment::check_deserialize_vss_commitment::<Ristretto255Sha512, _>(
fn check_deserialize_vss_commitment_error() {
let rng = thread_rng();
>(rng, &ELEMENTS);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
mod integration_tests;

View File

@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
use curve25519_dalek::{ristretto::RistrettoPoint, traits::Identity};
use frost_core::{Ciphersuite, Group, GroupError};
use frost_ristretto255::*;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use rand::thread_rng;
use serde_json::Value;
fn check_sign_with_dealer() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::check_sign_with_dealer::<Ristretto255Sha512, _>(rng);
fn check_sign_with_dkg() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::check_sign_with_dkg::<Ristretto255Sha512, _>(rng);
fn check_batch_verify() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::batch::batch_verify::<Ristretto255Sha512, _>(rng);
fn check_bad_batch_verify() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::batch::bad_batch_verify::<Ristretto255Sha512, _>(rng);
fn check_deserialize_identity() {
let encoded_identity = RistrettoPoint::identity().compress().to_bytes();
let r = <Ristretto255Sha512 as Ciphersuite>::Group::deserialize(&encoded_identity);
assert_eq!(r, Err(GroupError::InvalidIdentityElement));
lazy_static! {
pub static ref REPAIR_SHARE: Value =
fn check_repair_share_step_1() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::repairable::check_repair_share_step_1::<Ristretto255Sha512, _>(rng);
fn check_repair_share_step_2() {
fn check_repair_share_step_3() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::repairable::check_repair_share_step_3::<Ristretto255Sha512, _>(
fn check_rts() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::repairable::check_rts::<Ristretto255Sha512, _>(rng);
/// Tests for serialization and deserialization of CoefficientCommitment and VerifiableSecretSharingCommitment
fn check_serialization_of_coefficient_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::check_serialization_of_coefficient_commitment::<Ristretto255Sha512, _>(rng);
fn check_create_coefficient_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::check_create_coefficient_commitment::<Ristretto255Sha512, _>(rng);
fn check_create_coefficient_commitment_error() {
fn check_get_value_of_coefficient_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::check_get_value_of_coefficient_commitment::<Ristretto255Sha512, _>(rng);
lazy_static! {
pub static ref ELEMENTS: Value =
fn check_serialize_vss_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::check_serialize_vss_commitment::<Ristretto255Sha512, _>(rng);
fn check_deserialize_vss_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::check_deserialize_vss_commitment::<Ristretto255Sha512, _>(rng);
fn check_deserialize_vss_commitment_error() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::check_deserialize_vss_commitment_error::<Ristretto255Sha512, _>(

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
use frost_ristretto255::*;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use rand::thread_rng;
use serde_json::Value;
fn check_sign_with_dkg() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::ciphersuite_generic::check_sign_with_dkg::<Ristretto255Sha512, _>(rng);
fn check_rts() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::repairable::check_rts::<Ristretto255Sha512, _>(rng);
fn check_sign_with_dealer() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::ciphersuite_generic::check_sign_with_dealer::<Ristretto255Sha512, _>(rng);
/// This is testing that Shamir's secret sharing to compute and arbitrary
/// value is working.
fn check_share_generation_ristretto255_sha512() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::ciphersuite_generic::check_share_generation::<Ristretto255Sha512, _>(rng);
lazy_static! {
pub static ref VECTORS: Value =
.expect("Test vector is valid JSON");
pub static ref VECTORS_BIG_IDENTIFIER: Value =
.expect("Test vector is valid JSON");
fn check_sign_with_test_vectors() {

View File

@ -53,3 +53,40 @@ pub fn repair_share_step_3(
) -> SecretShare {
frost::keys::repairable::repair_share_step_3(sigmas, identifier, commitment)
mod tests {
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use rand::thread_rng;
use serde_json::Value;
use crate::Secp256K1Sha256;
lazy_static! {
pub static ref REPAIR_SHARE: Value =
fn check_repair_share_step_1() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::repairable::check_repair_share_step_1::<Secp256K1Sha256, _>(rng);
fn check_repair_share_step_2() {
fn check_repair_share_step_3() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::repairable::check_repair_share_step_3::<Secp256K1Sha256, _>(

View File

@ -1,29 +1,5 @@
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use rand::thread_rng;
use serde_json::Value;
use crate::*;
lazy_static! {
pub static ref VECTORS: Value = serde_json::from_str(include_str!("tests/vectors.json").trim())
.expect("Test vector is valid JSON");
pub static ref VECTORS_BIG_IDENTIFIER: Value =
.expect("Test vector is valid JSON");
/// This is testing that Shamir's secret sharing to compute and arbitrary
/// value is working.
fn check_share_generation_secp256k1_sha256() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::check_share_generation::<Secp256K1Sha256, _>(rng);
fn check_sign_with_test_vectors() {
mod batch;
mod coefficient_commitment;
mod deserialize;
mod proptests;
mod vss_commitment;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
use rand::thread_rng;
use crate::*;
fn check_batch_verify() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::batch::batch_verify::<Secp256K1Sha256, _>(rng);
fn check_bad_batch_verify() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::batch::bad_batch_verify::<Secp256K1Sha256, _>(rng);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use rand::thread_rng;
use serde_json::Value;
use crate::*;
// Tests for serialization and deserialization of CoefficientCommitment
lazy_static! {
pub static ref ELEMENTS: Value =
fn check_serialization_of_coefficient_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
fn check_create_coefficient_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
fn check_create_coefficient_commitment_error() {
fn check_get_value_of_coefficient_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
use crate::*;
fn check_deserialize_non_canonical() {
let mut encoded_generator = <Secp256K1Sha256 as Ciphersuite>::Group::serialize(
&<Secp256K1Sha256 as Ciphersuite>::Group::generator(),
let r = <Secp256K1Sha256 as Ciphersuite>::Group::deserialize(&encoded_generator);
// The first byte should be 0x02 or 0x03. Set other value to
// create a non-canonical encoding.
encoded_generator[0] = 0xFF;
let r = <Secp256K1Sha256 as Ciphersuite>::Group::deserialize(&encoded_generator);
assert_eq!(r, Err(GroupError::MalformedElement));
// Besides the first byte, it is still possible to get non-canonical encodings.
// This is x = p + 2 which is non-canonical and maps to a valid prime-order point.
let encoded_point =
let r = <Secp256K1Sha256 as Ciphersuite>::Group::deserialize(&encoded_point);
assert_eq!(r, Err(GroupError::MalformedElement));
fn check_deserialize_identity() {
// The identity is actually encoded as a single byte; but the API does not
// allow us to change that. Try to send something similar.
let encoded_identity = [0u8; 33];
let r = <Secp256K1Sha256 as Ciphersuite>::Group::deserialize(&encoded_identity);
assert_eq!(r, Err(GroupError::MalformedElement));

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
use crate::*;
use frost_core::tests::proptests::{tweak_strategy, SignatureCase};
use frost_secp256k1::*;
use proptest::prelude::*;
use rand_chacha::ChaChaRng;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use rand::thread_rng;
use serde_json::Value;
use crate::*;
// Tests for serialization and deserialization VerifiableSecretSharingCommitment
lazy_static! {
pub static ref ELEMENTS: Value =
fn check_serialize_vss_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::vss_commitment::check_serialize_vss_commitment::<Secp256K1Sha256, _>(rng);
fn check_deserialize_vss_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::vss_commitment::check_deserialize_vss_commitment::<Secp256K1Sha256, _>(rng);
fn check_deserialize_vss_commitment_error() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::vss_commitment::check_deserialize_vss_commitment_error::<Secp256K1Sha256, _>(

View File

@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
use frost_secp256k1::*;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use rand::thread_rng;
use serde_json::Value;
fn check_sign_with_dealer() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::check_sign_with_dealer::<Secp256K1Sha256, _>(rng);
fn check_sign_with_dkg() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::check_sign_with_dkg::<Secp256K1Sha256, _>(rng);
fn check_batch_verify() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::batch::batch_verify::<Secp256K1Sha256, _>(rng);
fn check_bad_batch_verify() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::batch::bad_batch_verify::<Secp256K1Sha256, _>(rng);
fn check_deserialize_identity() {
// The identity is actually encoded as a single byte; but the API does not
// allow us to change that. Try to send something similar.
let encoded_identity = [0u8; 33];
let r = <Secp256K1Sha256 as Ciphersuite>::Group::deserialize(&encoded_identity);
assert_eq!(r, Err(GroupError::MalformedElement));
fn check_deserialize_non_canonical() {
let mut encoded_generator = <Secp256K1Sha256 as Ciphersuite>::Group::serialize(
&<Secp256K1Sha256 as Ciphersuite>::Group::generator(),
let r = <Secp256K1Sha256 as Ciphersuite>::Group::deserialize(&encoded_generator);
// The first byte should be 0x02 or 0x03. Set other value to
// create a non-canonical encoding.
encoded_generator[0] = 0xFF;
let r = <Secp256K1Sha256 as Ciphersuite>::Group::deserialize(&encoded_generator);
assert_eq!(r, Err(GroupError::MalformedElement));
// Besides the first byte, it is still possible to get non-canonical encodings.
// This is x = p + 2 which is non-canonical and maps to a valid prime-order point.
let encoded_point =
let r = <Secp256K1Sha256 as Ciphersuite>::Group::deserialize(&encoded_point);
assert_eq!(r, Err(GroupError::MalformedElement));
fn check_repair_share_step_1() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::repairable::check_repair_share_step_1::<Secp256K1Sha256, _>(rng);
lazy_static! {
pub static ref REPAIR_SHARE: Value =
fn check_repair_share_step_2() {
fn check_repair_share() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::repairable::check_repair_share_step_3::<Secp256K1Sha256, _>(
fn check_rts() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::repairable::check_rts::<Secp256K1Sha256, _>(rng);
/// Tests for serialization and deserialization of CoefficientCommitment and VerifiableSecretSharingCommitment
fn check_serialization_of_coefficient_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::check_serialization_of_coefficient_commitment::<Secp256K1Sha256, _>(rng);
fn check_create_coefficient_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::check_create_coefficient_commitment::<Secp256K1Sha256, _>(rng);
fn check_create_coefficient_commitment_error() {
fn check_get_value_of_coefficient_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::check_get_value_of_coefficient_commitment::<Secp256K1Sha256, _>(rng);
lazy_static! {
pub static ref ELEMENTS: Value =
fn check_serialize_vss_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::check_serialize_vss_commitment::<Secp256K1Sha256, _>(rng);
fn check_deserialize_vss_commitment() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::check_deserialize_vss_commitment::<Secp256K1Sha256, _>(rng);
fn check_deserialize_vss_commitment_error() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::check_deserialize_vss_commitment_error::<Secp256K1Sha256, _>(rng, &ELEMENTS);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
use frost_secp256k1::*;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use rand::thread_rng;
use serde_json::Value;
fn check_sign_with_dkg() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::ciphersuite_generic::check_sign_with_dkg::<Secp256K1Sha256, _>(rng);
fn check_rts() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::repairable::check_rts::<Secp256K1Sha256, _>(rng);
fn check_sign_with_dealer() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::ciphersuite_generic::check_sign_with_dealer::<Secp256K1Sha256, _>(rng);
/// This is testing that Shamir's secret sharing to compute and arbitrary
/// value is working.
fn check_share_generation_secp256k1_sha256() {
let rng = thread_rng();
frost_core::tests::ciphersuite_generic::check_share_generation::<Secp256K1Sha256, _>(rng);
lazy_static! {
pub static ref VECTORS: Value =
.expect("Test vector is valid JSON");
pub static ref VECTORS_BIG_IDENTIFIER: Value =
.expect("Test vector is valid JSON");
fn check_sign_with_test_vectors() {

View File

@ -211,6 +211,7 @@ fn main() -> ExitCode {
"Ristretto group",
"FROST(ristretto255, SHA-512)",
@ -228,6 +229,7 @@ fn main() -> ExitCode {
"P-256 curve",
"FROST(P-256, SHA-256)",
@ -239,6 +241,7 @@ fn main() -> ExitCode {
"Ed25519 curve",
"FROST(Ed25519, SHA-512)",
@ -250,6 +253,7 @@ fn main() -> ExitCode {
"Ed448 curve",
"FROST(Ed448, SHAKE256)",
@ -261,6 +265,7 @@ fn main() -> ExitCode {
"secp256k1 curve",
"FROST(secp256k1, SHA-256)",