docs: update demo section to match current code (#632)

* update demo docs

* update mdbook-admonish
This commit is contained in:
Conrado Gouvea 2024-04-10 12:02:49 -03:00 committed by GitHub
parent 3a72a9dfa3
commit a47177da4c
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
3 changed files with 61 additions and 51 deletions

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@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ title = "The ZF FROST Book"
command = "mdbook-admonish"
assets_version = "3.0.0" # do not edit: managed by `mdbook-admonish install`
assets_version = "3.0.2" # do not edit: managed by `mdbook-admonish install`
additional-css = ["./mdbook-admonish.css"]
additional-css = ["./mdbook-admonish.css", "book/mdbook-admonish.css"]

View File

@ -1,20 +1,4 @@
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View File

@ -3,15 +3,6 @@
This tutorial explaing how to run the FROST demo using Ywallet that was
[presented during Zcon4](
## Information
1. The Trusted Dealer journey
2. RedPallas
3. YWallet
4. Sprout
5. [Sapling](
6. [frost-ed25519 crate](
Ywallet supports [offline
signing](, which allows having a
view-only account that can generate a transaction plan, which can be signed by
@ -58,11 +49,11 @@ cd frost-zcash-demo/
cargo run --bin trusted-dealer --features redpallas
Answer the prompts with `2` (minimum number of signers), `3`
(maximum) and empty, pressing enter to submit each.
A bunch of information will be printed. Copy and paste them somewhere to use
them later, or leave the terminal open.
This will by default generate a 2-of-3 key shares. The public key package
will be written to `public-key-package.json`, while key packages will be
written to `key-package-1.json` through `-3`. You can change the threhsold,
number of shares and file names using the command line; append `-- -h`
to the commend above for the command line help.
```admonish info
If you want to use DKG instead of Trusted Dealer, instead of the command above,
@ -104,12 +95,11 @@ take a bit to compile. It will show a bunch of warnings which is normal.
cargo run --release --bin sign --features dotenv -- -g
When prompted for the `ak`, paste the `verifying_key` value that was printed in
the previous part, inside the Public Key Package. For example, in the following
When prompted for the `ak`, paste the `verifying_key` value that is listed
inside the Public Key Package in `public-key-package.json`. For example, in the
following package
Public key package:
{"verifying_shares": ...snip... ,"verifying_key":"d2bf40ca860fb97e9d6d15d7d25e4f17d2e8ba5dd7069188cbf30b023910a71b","ciphersuite":"FROST(Pallas, BLAKE2b-512)"}
@ -177,42 +167,55 @@ In the first one, the Coordinator, run (in the same folder where key
generation was run):
cargo run --bin coordinator --features redpallas
cargo run --bin coordinator --features redpallas -- --cli
And then:
- Paste the JSON public key package generate during key generation (it's a single
line with a JSON object).
- It should read the public key package from `public-key-package.json`.
- Type `2` for the number of participants.
- Paste the identifier of the first participant, you can see it in the Secret
Share printed during key generation. If you used trusted dealer key
generation, it will be
- Paste the identifier of the first participant, you can see it in
`key-package-1.json`. If you used trusted dealer key generation, it will be
- Paste the second identifier, e.g.
- When prompted for the message to be signed, paste the SIGHASH printed by the
signer above (just the hex value, e.g.
Create a new terminal, for participant 1, and run:
cargo run --bin participant --features redpallas
cargo run --bin participant --features redpallas -- --cli --key-package key-package-1.json
And then:
- Paste the Secret Share printed during key generation (or Key Package if you
used DKG).
- Copy the SigningCommitments line and paste into the Coordinator CLI.
Do the same for participant 2.
Go back to the coordinator and:
- Paste the second identifier, e.g.
Create a new terminal, for participant 2, and run:
cargo run --bin participant --features redpallas -- --cli --key-package key-package-2.json
And then:
- Copy the SigningCommitments line and paste into the Coordinator CLI.
- When prompted for the message to be signed, paste the SIGHASH printed by the
signer above (just the hex value, e.g.
You should be at the Coordinator CLI. Paste the Randomizer generated by the
signer before and copy the Signing Package line that it was printed by the
Coordinator CLI before the Randomizer prompt.
```admonish warning
If you prefer to pass the randomizer as a file by using the `--randomizer`
argument, you will need to convert it to binary format.
Switch to participant 1 and:
- Paste the Signing Package