A minimal [RedJubjub][redjubjub] implementation for use in [Zebra][zebra]. Two parameterizations of RedJubjub are used in Zcash, one for `BindingSig` and one for `SpendAuthSig`. This library distinguishes these in the type system, using the [sealed] `SigType` trait as a type-level enum. In addition to the usual `Signature`, `SecretKey`, `PublicKey` types, the library also provides `PublicKeyBytes`, a [refinement] of a `[u8; 32]` indicating that bytes represent an encoding of a RedJubjub public key. This allows the `PublicKey` type to cache verification checks related to the public key encoding. ## Examples Creating a `BindingSig`, serializing and deserializing it, and verifying the signature: ``` # use std::convert::TryFrom; use rand::thread_rng; use redjubjub_zebra::*; let msg = b"Hello!"; // Generate a secret key and sign the message let sk = SecretKey::::new(thread_rng()); let sig = sk.sign(thread_rng(), msg); // Types can be converted to raw byte arrays using From/Into let sig_bytes: [u8; 64] = sig.into(); let pk_bytes: [u8; 32] = PublicKey::from(&sk).into(); // Deserialize and verify the signature. let sig: Signature = sig_bytes.into(); assert!( PublicKey::try_from(pk_bytes) .and_then(|pk| pk.verify(msg, &sig)) .is_ok() ); ``` ## docs ```shell,no_run cargo doc --features "nightly" --open ``` [redjubjub]: https://zips.z.cash/protocol/protocol.pdf#concretereddsa [zebra]: https://github.com/ZcashFoundation/zebra [refinement]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Refinement_type [sealed]: https://rust-lang.github.io/api-guidelines/future-proofing.html#sealed-traits-protect-against-downstream-implementations-c-sealed