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//! Ciphersuite-generic test functions.
use std::{collections::BTreeMap, convert::TryFrom};
use crate::{
frost::{self, Identifier},
Error, Field, Group, Signature, SigningKey, VerifyingKey,
use rand_core::{CryptoRng, RngCore};
use crate::Ciphersuite;
/// Test if creating a zero SigningKey fails
pub fn check_zero_key_fails<C: Ciphersuite>() {
let zero = <<<C as Ciphersuite>::Group as Group>::Field>::zero();
let encoded_zero = <<<C as Ciphersuite>::Group as Group>::Field>::serialize(&zero);
let r = SigningKey::<C>::deserialize(encoded_zero);
assert_eq!(r, Err(Error::MalformedSigningKey));
/// Test share generation with a Ciphersuite
pub fn check_share_generation<C: Ciphersuite, R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(mut rng: R) {
let secret = crate::SigningKey::<C>::new(&mut rng);
let max_signers = 5;
let min_signers = 3;
let coefficients =
frost::keys::generate_coefficients::<C, _>(min_signers as usize - 1, &mut rng);
let secret_shares = frost::keys::generate_secret_shares(
let key_packages: Vec<frost::keys::KeyPackage<C>> = secret_shares
.map(|s| s.try_into().unwrap())
// Test error cases
let mut key_packages = key_packages;
key_packages[0] = key_packages[1].clone();
/// Test share generation with a Ciphersuite
pub fn check_share_generation_fails_with_invalid_signers<C: Ciphersuite, R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
min_signers: u16,
max_signers: u16,
error: Error<C>,
mut rng: R,
) {
let secret = crate::SigningKey::<C>::new(&mut rng);
// Use arbitrary number of coefficients so tests don't fail for overflow reasons
let coefficients = frost::keys::generate_coefficients::<C, _>(3, &mut rng);
let secret_shares = frost::keys::generate_secret_shares(
assert!(secret_shares == Err(error))
/// Test FROST signing with trusted dealer with a Ciphersuite.
pub fn check_sign_with_dealer<C: Ciphersuite, R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
mut rng: R,
) -> (Vec<u8>, Signature<C>, VerifyingKey<C>) {
// Key generation
let max_signers = 5;
let min_signers = 3;
let (shares, pubkeys) = frost::keys::generate_with_dealer(
&mut rng,
// Verifies the secret shares from the dealer
let mut key_packages: BTreeMap<frost::Identifier<C>, frost::keys::KeyPackage<C>> =
for (k, v) in shares {
let key_package = frost::keys::KeyPackage::try_from(v).unwrap();
key_packages.insert(k, key_package);
// Check if it fails with not enough signers. Usually this would return an
// error before even running the signing procedure, because `KeyPackage`
// contains the correct `min_signers` value and the signing procedure checks
// if the number of shares is at least `min_signers`. To bypass the check
// and test if the protocol itself fails with not enough signers, we modify
// the `KeyPackages`s, decrementing their saved `min_signers` value before
// running the signing procedure.
let r = check_sign(
min_signers - 1,
.map(|(id, k)| {
// Decrement `min_signers` as explained above and use
// the updated `KeyPackage`.
let mut k = k.clone();
k.min_signers -= 1;
(*id, k)
&mut rng,
assert_eq!(r, Err(Error::InvalidSignature));
check_sign(min_signers, key_packages, rng, pubkeys).unwrap()
/// Test FROST signing with trusted dealer fails with invalid numbers of signers.
pub fn check_sign_with_dealer_fails_with_invalid_signers<C: Ciphersuite, R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
min_signers: u16,
max_signers: u16,
error: Error<C>,
mut rng: R,
) {
let out = frost::keys::generate_with_dealer(
&mut rng,
assert!(out == Err(error))
/// Test DKG part1 fails with invalid numbers of signers.
pub fn check_dkg_part1_fails_with_invalid_signers<C: Ciphersuite, R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
min_signers: u16,
max_signers: u16,
error: Error<C>,
mut rng: R,
) {
let out = frost::keys::dkg::part1(
&mut rng,
assert!(out == Err(error))
/// Test FROST signing with the given shares.
pub fn check_sign<C: Ciphersuite + PartialEq, R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
min_signers: u16,
key_packages: BTreeMap<frost::Identifier<C>, frost::keys::KeyPackage<C>>,
mut rng: R,
pubkey_package: frost::keys::PublicKeyPackage<C>,
) -> Result<(Vec<u8>, Signature<C>, VerifyingKey<C>), Error<C>> {
let mut nonces_map: BTreeMap<frost::Identifier<C>, frost::round1::SigningNonces<C>> =
let mut commitments_map: BTreeMap<frost::Identifier<C>, frost::round1::SigningCommitments<C>> =
// Round 1: generating nonces and signing commitments for each participant
for participant_identifier in key_packages.keys().take(min_signers as usize).cloned() {
// Generate one (1) nonce and one SigningCommitments instance for each
// participant, up to _min_signers_.
let (nonces, commitments) = frost::round1::commit(
&mut rng,
nonces_map.insert(participant_identifier, nonces);
commitments_map.insert(participant_identifier, commitments);
// This is what the signature aggregator / coordinator needs to do:
// - decide what message to sign
// - take one (unused) commitment per signing participant
let mut signature_shares = BTreeMap::new();
let message = "message to sign".as_bytes();
let signing_package = frost::SigningPackage::new(commitments_map, message);
// Round 2: each participant generates their signature share
for participant_identifier in nonces_map.keys() {
let key_package = key_packages.get(participant_identifier).unwrap();
let nonces_to_use = nonces_map.get(participant_identifier).unwrap();
// Each participant generates their signature share.
let signature_share = frost::round2::sign(&signing_package, nonces_to_use, key_package)?;
signature_shares.insert(*participant_identifier, signature_share);
// Aggregation: collects the signing shares from all participants,
// generates the final signature.
// Aggregate (also verifies the signature shares)
let group_signature = frost::aggregate(&signing_package, &signature_shares, &pubkey_package)?;
// Check that the threshold signature can be verified by the group public
// key (the verification key).
.verify(message, &group_signature)?;
// Check that the threshold signature can be verified by the group public
// key (the verification key) from KeyPackage.verifying_key
for (participant_identifier, _) in nonces_map.clone() {
let key_package = key_packages.get(&participant_identifier).unwrap();
.verify(message, &group_signature)?;
fn check_sign_errors<C: Ciphersuite + PartialEq>(
signing_package: frost::SigningPackage<C>,
signing_nonces: frost::round1::SigningNonces<C>,
key_package: frost::keys::KeyPackage<C>,
) {
// Check if passing not enough commitments causes an error
let mut commitments = signing_package.signing_commitments().clone();
// Remove one commitment that's not from the key_package owner
let id = *commitments
.find(|&&id| id != key_package.identifier)
let signing_package = frost::SigningPackage::new(commitments, signing_package.message());
let r = frost::round2::sign(&signing_package, &signing_nonces, &key_package);
assert_eq!(r, Err(Error::IncorrectNumberOfCommitments));
fn check_aggregate_errors<C: Ciphersuite + PartialEq>(
signing_package: frost::SigningPackage<C>,
signature_shares: BTreeMap<frost::Identifier<C>, frost::round2::SignatureShare<C>>,
pubkey_package: frost::keys::PublicKeyPackage<C>,
) {
fn check_aggregate_corrupted_share<C: Ciphersuite + PartialEq>(
signing_package: frost::SigningPackage<C>,
mut signature_shares: BTreeMap<frost::Identifier<C>, frost::round2::SignatureShare<C>>,
pubkey_package: frost::keys::PublicKeyPackage<C>,
) {
let one = <<C as Ciphersuite>::Group as Group>::Field::one();
// Corrupt a share
let id = *signature_shares.keys().next().unwrap();
signature_shares.get_mut(&id).unwrap().share = signature_shares[&id].share + one;
let e = frost::aggregate(&signing_package, &signature_shares, &pubkey_package).unwrap_err();
assert_eq!(e.culprit(), Some(id));
assert_eq!(e, Error::InvalidSignatureShare { culprit: id });
/// Test NCC-E008263-4VP audit finding (PublicKeyPackage).
/// Note that the SigningPackage part of the finding is not currently reachable
/// since it's caught by `compute_lagrange_coefficient()`, and the Binding Factor
/// part can't either since it's caught before by the PublicKeyPackage part.
fn check_aggregate_invalid_share_identifier_for_verifying_shares<C: Ciphersuite + PartialEq>(
signing_package: frost::SigningPackage<C>,
mut signature_shares: BTreeMap<frost::Identifier<C>, frost::round2::SignatureShare<C>>,
pubkey_package: frost::keys::PublicKeyPackage<C>,
) {
let invalid_identifier = Identifier::derive("invalid identifier".as_bytes()).unwrap();
// Insert a new share (copied from other existing share) with an invalid identifier
// Should error, but not panic
frost::aggregate(&signing_package, &signature_shares, &pubkey_package)
.expect_err("should not work");
/// Test FROST signing with trusted dealer with a Ciphersuite.
pub fn check_sign_with_dkg<C: Ciphersuite + PartialEq, R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
mut rng: R,
) -> (Vec<u8>, Signature<C>, VerifyingKey<C>)
C::Group: std::cmp::PartialEq,
// Key generation, Round 1
let max_signers = 5;
let min_signers = 3;
// Keep track of each participant's round 1 secret package.
// In practice each participant will keep its copy; no one
// will have all the participant's packages.
let mut round1_secret_packages: BTreeMap<
> = BTreeMap::new();
// Keep track of all round 1 packages sent to the given participant.
// This is used to simulate the broadcast; in practice the packages
// will be sent through some communication channel.
let mut received_round1_packages: BTreeMap<
BTreeMap<frost::Identifier<C>, frost::keys::dkg::round1::Package<C>>,
> = BTreeMap::new();
// For each participant, perform the first part of the DKG protocol.
// In practice, each participant will perform this on their own environments.
for participant_index in 1..=max_signers {
let participant_identifier = participant_index.try_into().expect("should be nonzero");
let (round1_secret_package, round1_package) =
frost::keys::dkg::part1(participant_identifier, max_signers, min_signers, &mut rng)
// Store the participant's secret package for later use.
// In practice each participant will store it in their own environment.
round1_secret_packages.insert(participant_identifier, round1_secret_package);
// "Send" the round 1 package to all other participants. In this
// test this is simulated using a BTreeMap; in practice this will be
// sent through some communication channel.
for receiver_participant_index in 1..=max_signers {
if receiver_participant_index == participant_index {
let receiver_participant_identifier = receiver_participant_index
.expect("should be nonzero");
.insert(participant_identifier, round1_package.clone());
// Key generation, Round 2
// Keep track of each participant's round 2 secret package.
// In practice each participant will keep its copy; no one
// will have all the participant's packages.
let mut round2_secret_packages = BTreeMap::new();
// Keep track of all round 2 packages sent to the given participant.
// This is used to simulate the broadcast; in practice the packages
// will be sent through some communication channel.
let mut received_round2_packages = BTreeMap::new();
// For each participant, perform the second part of the DKG protocol.
// In practice, each participant will perform this on their own environments.
for participant_index in 1..=max_signers {
let participant_identifier = participant_index.try_into().expect("should be nonzero");
let round1_secret_package = round1_secret_packages
let round1_packages = &received_round1_packages[&participant_identifier];
check_part2_error(round1_secret_package.clone(), round1_packages.clone());
let (round2_secret_package, round2_packages) =
frost::keys::dkg::part2(round1_secret_package, round1_packages).expect("should work");
// Store the participant's secret package for later use.
// In practice each participant will store it in their own environment.
round2_secret_packages.insert(participant_identifier, round2_secret_package);
// "Send" the round 2 package to all other participants. In this
// test this is simulated using a BTreeMap; in practice this will be
// sent through some communication channel.
// Note that, in contrast to the previous part, here each other participant
// gets its own specific package.
for (receiver_identifier, round2_package) in round2_packages {
.insert(participant_identifier, round2_package);
// Key generation, final computation
// Keep track of each participant's long-lived key package.
// In practice each participant will keep its copy; no one
// will have all the participant's packages.
let mut key_packages = BTreeMap::new();
// Map of the verifying key of each participant.
// Used by the signing test that follows.
let mut verifying_keys = BTreeMap::new();
// The group public key, used by the signing test that follows.
let mut verifying_key = None;
// For each participant, store the set of verifying keys they have computed.
// This is used to check if the set is correct (the same) for all participants.
// In practice, if there is a Coordinator, only they need to store the set.
// If there is not, then all candidates must store their own sets.
// The verifying keys are used to verify the signature shares produced
// for each signature before being aggregated.
let mut pubkey_packages_by_participant = BTreeMap::new();
// For each participant, perform the third part of the DKG protocol.
// In practice, each participant will perform this on their own environments.
for participant_index in 1..=max_signers {
let participant_identifier = participant_index.try_into().expect("should be nonzero");
let (key_package, pubkey_package_for_participant) = frost::keys::dkg::part3(
verifying_keys.insert(participant_identifier, key_package.verifying_share);
// Test if all verifying_key are equal
if let Some(previous_verifying_key) = verifying_key {
assert_eq!(previous_verifying_key, key_package.verifying_key)
verifying_key = Some(key_package.verifying_key);
key_packages.insert(participant_identifier, key_package);
.insert(participant_identifier, pubkey_package_for_participant);
// Test if the set of verifying keys is correct for all participants.
for verifying_keys_for_participant in pubkey_packages_by_participant.values() {
assert!(verifying_keys_for_participant.verifying_shares == verifying_keys);
let pubkeys = frost::keys::PublicKeyPackage::new(verifying_keys, verifying_key.unwrap());
// Proceed with the signing test.
check_sign(min_signers, key_packages, rng, pubkeys).unwrap()
/// Check that calling dkg::part3() with distinct sets of participants fail.
fn check_part3_different_participants<C: Ciphersuite>(
max_signers: u16,
round2_secret_packages: BTreeMap<Identifier<C>, frost::keys::dkg::round2::SecretPackage<C>>,
received_round1_packages: BTreeMap<
BTreeMap<Identifier<C>, frost::keys::dkg::round1::Package<C>>,
received_round2_packages: BTreeMap<
BTreeMap<Identifier<C>, frost::keys::dkg::round2::Package<C>>,
) {
// For each participant, perform the third part of the DKG protocol.
// In practice, each participant will perform this on their own environments.
for participant_index in 1..=max_signers {
let participant_identifier = participant_index.try_into().expect("should be nonzero");
// Remove the first package from the map, and reinsert it with an unrelated
// Do the same for Round 2 packages
let mut received_round2_packages =
let package = received_round2_packages
received_round2_packages.insert(42u16.try_into().unwrap(), package);
let r = frost::keys::dkg::part3(
.expect_err("Should have failed due to different identifier sets");
assert_eq!(r, Error::IncorrectPackage)
/// Test FROST signing with trusted dealer with a Ciphersuite, using specified
/// Identifiers.
pub fn check_sign_with_dealer_and_identifiers<C: Ciphersuite, R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
mut rng: R,
) -> (Vec<u8>, Signature<C>, VerifyingKey<C>) {
// Check error cases first
// Check repeated identifiers
let identifiers: Vec<frost::Identifier<C>> = [1u16, 42, 100, 257, 42]
.map(|i| i.try_into().unwrap())
let max_signers = 5;
let min_signers = 3;
let err = frost::keys::generate_with_dealer(
&mut rng,
assert_eq!(err, Error::DuplicatedIdentifier);
// Check incorrect number of identifiers
let identifiers: Vec<frost::Identifier<C>> = [1u16, 42, 100, 257]
.map(|i| i.try_into().unwrap())
let max_signers = 5;
let min_signers = 3;
let err = frost::keys::generate_with_dealer(
&mut rng,
assert_eq!(err, Error::IncorrectNumberOfIdentifiers);
// Check correct case
let identifiers: Vec<frost::Identifier<C>> = [1u16, 42, 100, 257, 65535]
.map(|i| i.try_into().unwrap())
let max_signers = 5;
let min_signers = 3;
let (shares, pubkeys) = frost::keys::generate_with_dealer(
&mut rng,
// Check if the specified identifiers were used
for id in identifiers {
// Do regular testing to make sure it works
let mut key_packages: BTreeMap<frost::Identifier<C>, frost::keys::KeyPackage<C>> =
for (k, v) in shares {
let key_package = frost::keys::KeyPackage::try_from(v).unwrap();
key_packages.insert(k, key_package);
check_sign(min_signers, key_packages, rng, pubkeys).unwrap()
fn check_part2_error<C: Ciphersuite>(
round1_secret_package: frost::keys::dkg::round1::SecretPackage<C>,
mut round1_packages: BTreeMap<frost::Identifier<C>, frost::keys::dkg::round1::Package<C>>,
) {
let one = <<C as Ciphersuite>::Group as Group>::Field::one();
// Corrupt a PoK
let id = *round1_packages.keys().next().unwrap();
round1_packages.get_mut(&id).unwrap().proof_of_knowledge.z =
round1_packages[&id].proof_of_knowledge.z + one;
let e = frost::keys::dkg::part2(round1_secret_package, &round1_packages).unwrap_err();
assert_eq!(e.culprit(), Some(id));
assert_eq!(e, Error::InvalidProofOfKnowledge { culprit: id });
/// Test Error culprit method.
pub fn check_error_culprit<C: Ciphersuite>() {
let identifier: frost::Identifier<C> = 42u16.try_into().unwrap();
let e = Error::InvalidSignatureShare {
culprit: identifier,
assert_eq!(e.culprit(), Some(identifier));
let e = Error::InvalidProofOfKnowledge {
culprit: identifier,
assert_eq!(e.culprit(), Some(identifier));
let e: Error<C> = Error::InvalidSignature;
assert_eq!(e.culprit(), None);
/// Test identifier derivation with a Ciphersuite
pub fn check_identifier_derivation<C: Ciphersuite>() {
let id1a = Identifier::<C>::derive("username1".as_bytes()).unwrap();
let id1b = Identifier::<C>::derive("username1".as_bytes()).unwrap();
let id2 = Identifier::<C>::derive("username2".as_bytes()).unwrap();
assert!(id1a == id1b);
assert!(id1a != id2);
/// Checks the signer's identifier is included in the package
pub fn check_sign_with_missing_identifier<C: Ciphersuite, R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(mut rng: R) {
// Key generation
let max_signers = 5;
let min_signers = 3;
let (shares, _pubkeys) = frost::keys::generate_with_dealer(
&mut rng,
// Verifies the secret shares from the dealer
let mut key_packages: BTreeMap<frost::Identifier<C>, frost::keys::KeyPackage<C>> =
for (k, v) in shares {
let key_package = frost::keys::KeyPackage::try_from(v).unwrap();
key_packages.insert(k, key_package);
let mut nonces_map: BTreeMap<frost::Identifier<C>, frost::round1::SigningNonces<C>> =
let mut commitments_map: BTreeMap<frost::Identifier<C>, frost::round1::SigningCommitments<C>> =
// Round 1: generating nonces and signing commitments for each participant
let id_1 = Identifier::<C>::try_from(1).unwrap();
let id_2 = Identifier::<C>::try_from(2).unwrap();
let id_3 = Identifier::<C>::try_from(3).unwrap();
let id_4 = Identifier::<C>::try_from(4).unwrap();
let key_packages_inc = vec![id_1, id_2, id_3];
for participant_identifier in key_packages_inc {
// The nonces and commitments for each participant are generated.
let (nonces, commitments) = frost::round1::commit(
&mut rng,
nonces_map.insert(participant_identifier, nonces);
// Participant with id_1 is excluded from the commitments_map so it is missing from the signing package.
// To prevent sign() from returning an error due to incorrect number of commitments,
// add the commitment under another unrelated participant.
if participant_identifier == id_1 {
commitments_map.insert(id_4, commitments);
} else {
commitments_map.insert(participant_identifier, commitments);
// This is what the signature aggregator / coordinator needs to do:
// - decide what message to sign
// - take one (unused) commitment per signing participant
let message = "message to sign".as_bytes();
let signing_package = frost::SigningPackage::new(commitments_map, message);
// Round 2: Participant with id_1 signs
let key_package_1 = key_packages.get(&id_1).unwrap();
let nonces_to_use = &nonces_map.get(&id_1).unwrap();
// Each participant generates their signature share.
let signature_share = frost::round2::sign(&signing_package, nonces_to_use, key_package_1);
assert_eq!(signature_share, Err(Error::MissingCommitment))
/// Checks the signer's commitment is valid
pub fn check_sign_with_incorrect_commitments<C: Ciphersuite, R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(mut rng: R) {
// Key generation
let max_signers = 5;
let min_signers = 3;
let (shares, _pubkeys) = frost::keys::generate_with_dealer(
&mut rng,
// Verifies the secret shares from the dealer
let mut key_packages: BTreeMap<frost::Identifier<C>, frost::keys::KeyPackage<C>> =
for (k, v) in shares {
let key_package = frost::keys::KeyPackage::try_from(v).unwrap();
key_packages.insert(k, key_package);
let mut commitments_map: BTreeMap<frost::Identifier<C>, frost::round1::SigningCommitments<C>> =
// Round 1: generating nonces and signing commitments for each participant
let id_1 = Identifier::<C>::try_from(1).unwrap();
let id_2 = Identifier::<C>::try_from(2).unwrap();
let id_3 = Identifier::<C>::try_from(3).unwrap();
// let key_packages_inc = vec![id_1, id_2, id_3];
let (_nonces_1, commitments_1) =
frost::round1::commit(key_packages[&id_1].signing_share(), &mut rng);
let (_nonces_2, commitments_2) =
frost::round1::commit(key_packages[&id_2].signing_share(), &mut rng);
let (nonces_3, _commitments_3) =
frost::round1::commit(key_packages[&id_3].signing_share(), &mut rng);
commitments_map.insert(id_1, commitments_1);
commitments_map.insert(id_2, commitments_2);
// Invalid commitment for id_3
commitments_map.insert(id_3, commitments_1);
// This is what the signature aggregator / coordinator needs to do:
// - decide what message to sign
// - take one (unused) commitment per signing participant
let message = "message to sign".as_bytes();
let signing_package = frost::SigningPackage::new(commitments_map, message);
// Round 2: Participant with id_3 signs
let key_package_3 = key_packages.get(&id_3).unwrap();
// Each participant generates their signature share.
let signature_share = frost::round2::sign(&signing_package, &nonces_3, key_package_3);
assert!(signature_share == Err(Error::IncorrectCommitment))