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//! An implementation of FROST (Flexible Round-Optimized Schnorr Threshold)
//! signatures.
//! For key generation, refer to the [`keys`] module.
//! For round-specific types and functions, refer to the [`round1`] and
//! [`round2`] modules.
//! This module contains types and functions not directly related to key
//! generation and the FROST rounds.
use std::{
collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet, HashMap},
fmt::{self, Debug},
use derive_getters::Getters;
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "test-impl"))]
use hex::FromHex;
mod identifier;
pub mod keys;
pub mod round1;
pub mod round2;
use crate::{
scalar_mul::VartimeMultiscalarMul, Ciphersuite, Element, Error, Field, Group, Scalar,
Signature, VerifyingKey,
pub use self::identifier::Identifier;
/// The binding factor, also known as _rho_ (ρ)
/// Ensures each signature share is strongly bound to a signing set, specific set
/// of commitments, and a specific message.
/// <>
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct BindingFactor<C: Ciphersuite>(Scalar<C>);
impl<C> BindingFactor<C>
C: Ciphersuite,
/// Deserializes [`BindingFactor`] from bytes.
pub fn deserialize(
bytes: <<C::Group as Group>::Field as Field>::Serialization,
) -> Result<Self, Error<C>> {
<<C::Group as Group>::Field>::deserialize(&bytes)
.map(|scalar| Self(scalar))
.map_err(|e| e.into())
/// Serializes [`BindingFactor`] to bytes.
pub fn serialize(&self) -> <<C::Group as Group>::Field as Field>::Serialization {
<<C::Group as Group>::Field>::serialize(&self.0)
impl<C> Debug for BindingFactor<C>
C: Ciphersuite,
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
/// A list of binding factors and their associated identifiers.
pub struct BindingFactorList<C: Ciphersuite>(BTreeMap<Identifier<C>, BindingFactor<C>>);
impl<C> BindingFactorList<C>
C: Ciphersuite,
/// Create a new [`BindingFactorList`] from a map of identifiers to binding factors.
#[cfg(feature = "internals")]
pub fn new(binding_factors: BTreeMap<Identifier<C>, BindingFactor<C>>) -> Self {
/// Return iterator through all factors.
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&Identifier<C>, &BindingFactor<C>)> {
/// Get the [`BindingFactor`] for the given identifier, or None if not found.
pub fn get(&self, key: &Identifier<C>) -> Option<&BindingFactor<C>> {
/// [`compute_binding_factors`] in the spec
/// [`compute_binding_factors`]:
#[cfg_attr(feature = "internals", visibility::make(pub))]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "internals")))]
pub(crate) fn compute_binding_factor_list<C>(
signing_package: &SigningPackage<C>,
group_public: &VerifyingKey<C>,
additional_prefix: &[u8],
) -> BindingFactorList<C>
C: Ciphersuite,
let preimages = signing_package.binding_factor_preimages(group_public, additional_prefix);
.map(|(identifier, preimage)| {
let binding_factor = C::H1(preimage);
(*identifier, BindingFactor(binding_factor))
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "test-impl"))]
impl<C> FromHex for BindingFactor<C>
C: Ciphersuite,
type Error = &'static str;
fn from_hex<T: AsRef<[u8]>>(hex: T) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
let v: Vec<u8> = FromHex::from_hex(hex).map_err(|_| "invalid hex")?;
match v.try_into() {
Ok(bytes) => Self::deserialize(bytes).map_err(|_| "malformed scalar encoding"),
Err(_) => Err("malformed scalar encoding"),
/// Generates a lagrange coefficient.
/// The Lagrange polynomial for a set of points (x_j, y_j) for 0 <= j <= k
/// is ∑_{i=0}^k y_i._i(x), where _i(x) is the Lagrange basis polynomial:
/// _i(x) = ∏_{0≤j≤k; j≠i} (x - x_j) / (x_i - x_j).
/// This computes _j(x) for the set of points `xs` and for the j corresponding
/// to the given xj.
/// If `x` is None, it uses 0 for it (since Identifiers can't be 0)
#[cfg_attr(feature = "internals", visibility::make(pub))]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "internals")))]
fn compute_lagrange_coefficient<C: Ciphersuite>(
x_set: &BTreeSet<Identifier<C>>,
x: Option<Identifier<C>>,
x_i: Identifier<C>,
) -> Result<Scalar<C>, Error<C>> {
if x_set.is_empty() {
return Err(Error::IncorrectNumberOfIdentifiers);
let mut num = <<C::Group as Group>::Field>::one();
let mut den = <<C::Group as Group>::Field>::one();
let mut x_i_found = false;
for x_j in x_set.iter() {
if x_i == *x_j {
x_i_found = true;
if let Some(x) = x {
num *= x - *x_j;
den *= x_i - *x_j;
} else {
// Both signs inverted just to avoid requiring Neg (-*xj)
num *= *x_j;
den *= *x_j - x_i;
if !x_i_found {
return Err(Error::UnknownIdentifier);
num * <<C::Group as Group>::Field>::invert(&den)
.map_err(|_| Error::DuplicatedIdentifier)?,
/// Generates the lagrange coefficient for the i'th participant (for `signer_id`).
/// Implements [`derive_interpolating_value()`] from the spec.
/// [`derive_interpolating_value()`]:
#[cfg_attr(feature = "internals", visibility::make(pub))]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "internals")))]
fn derive_interpolating_value<C: Ciphersuite>(
signer_id: &Identifier<C>,
signing_package: &SigningPackage<C>,
) -> Result<Scalar<C>, Error<C>> {
/// Generated by the coordinator of the signing operation and distributed to
/// each signing party
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Getters)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(deny_unknown_fields))]
pub struct SigningPackage<C: Ciphersuite> {
/// The set of commitments participants published in the first round of the
/// protocol.
signing_commitments: BTreeMap<Identifier<C>, round1::SigningCommitments<C>>,
/// Message which each participant will sign.
/// Each signer should perform protocol-specific verification on the
/// message.
feature = "serde",
serialize_with = "serdect::slice::serialize_hex_lower_or_bin",
deserialize_with = "serdect::slice::deserialize_hex_or_bin_vec"
message: Vec<u8>,
/// Ciphersuite ID for serialization
feature = "serde",
serde(serialize_with = "crate::ciphersuite_serialize::<_, C>")
feature = "serde",
serde(deserialize_with = "crate::ciphersuite_deserialize::<_, C>")
ciphersuite: (),
impl<C> SigningPackage<C>
C: Ciphersuite,
/// Create a new `SigningPackage`
/// The `signing_commitments` are sorted by participant `identifier`.
pub fn new(
signing_commitments: BTreeMap<Identifier<C>, round1::SigningCommitments<C>>,
message: &[u8],
) -> SigningPackage<C> {
SigningPackage {
message: message.to_vec(),
ciphersuite: (),
/// Get a signing commitment by its participant identifier, or None if not found.
pub fn signing_commitment(
identifier: &Identifier<C>,
) -> Option<round1::SigningCommitments<C>> {
/// Compute the preimages to H1 to compute the per-signer binding factors
// We separate this out into its own method so it can be tested
#[cfg_attr(feature = "internals", visibility::make(pub))]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "internals")))]
pub fn binding_factor_preimages(
group_public: &VerifyingKey<C>,
additional_prefix: &[u8],
) -> Vec<(Identifier<C>, Vec<u8>)> {
let mut binding_factor_input_prefix = vec![];
// The length of a serialized verifying key of the same cipersuite does
// not change between runs of the protocol, so we don't need to hash to
// get a fixed length.
// The message is hashed with H4 to force the variable-length message
// into a fixed-length byte string, same for hashing the variable-sized
// (between runs of the protocol) set of group commitments, but with H5.
.map(|identifier| {
let mut binding_factor_input = vec![];
(*identifier, binding_factor_input)
/// The product of all signers' individual commitments, published as part of the
/// final signature.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct GroupCommitment<C: Ciphersuite>(pub(super) Element<C>);
impl<C> GroupCommitment<C>
C: Ciphersuite,
/// Return the underlying element.
#[cfg(feature = "internals")]
pub fn to_element(self) -> <C::Group as Group>::Element {
/// Generates the group commitment which is published as part of the joint
/// Schnorr signature.
/// Implements [`compute_group_commitment`] from the spec.
/// [`compute_group_commitment`]:
#[cfg_attr(feature = "internals", visibility::make(pub))]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "internals")))]
fn compute_group_commitment<C>(
signing_package: &SigningPackage<C>,
binding_factor_list: &BindingFactorList<C>,
) -> Result<GroupCommitment<C>, Error<C>>
C: Ciphersuite,
let identity = <C::Group as Group>::identity();
let mut group_commitment = <C::Group as Group>::identity();
// Number of signing participants we are iterating over.
let n = signing_package.signing_commitments().len();
let mut binding_scalars = Vec::with_capacity(n);
let mut binding_elements = Vec::with_capacity(n);
for (commitment_identifier, commitment) in signing_package.signing_commitments() {
// The following check prevents a party from accidentally revealing their share.
// Note that the '&&' operator would be sufficient.
if identity == commitment.binding.0 || identity == commitment.hiding.0 {
return Err(Error::IdentityCommitment);
let binding_factor = binding_factor_list
// Collect the binding commitments and their binding factors for one big
// multiscalar multiplication at the end.
group_commitment = group_commitment + commitment.hiding.0;
let accumulated_binding_commitment: Element<C> =
VartimeMultiscalarMul::<C>::vartime_multiscalar_mul(binding_scalars, binding_elements);
group_commitment = group_commitment + accumulated_binding_commitment;
// Aggregation
/// Aggregates the signature shares to produce a final signature that
/// can be verified with the group public key.
/// `signature_shares` maps the identifier of each participant to the
/// [`round2::SignatureShare`] they sent. These identifiers must come from whatever mapping
/// the coordinator has between communication channels and participants, i.e.
/// they must have assurance that the [`round2::SignatureShare`] came from
/// the participant with that identifier.
/// This operation is performed by a coordinator that can communicate with all
/// the signing participants before publishing the final signature. The
/// coordinator can be one of the participants or a semi-trusted third party
/// (who is trusted to not perform denial of service attacks, but does not learn
/// any secret information). Note that because the coordinator is trusted to
/// report misbehaving parties in order to avoid publishing an invalid
/// signature, if the coordinator themselves is a signer and misbehaves, they
/// can avoid that step. However, at worst, this results in a denial of
/// service attack due to publishing an invalid signature.
pub fn aggregate<C>(
signing_package: &SigningPackage<C>,
signature_shares: &HashMap<Identifier<C>, round2::SignatureShare<C>>,
pubkeys: &keys::PublicKeyPackage<C>,
) -> Result<Signature<C>, Error<C>>
C: Ciphersuite,
// Check if signing_package.signing_commitments and signature_shares have
// the same set of identifiers, and if they are all in pubkeys.signer_pubkeys.
if signing_package.signing_commitments().len() != signature_shares.len() {
return Err(Error::UnknownIdentifier);
if !signing_package
.all(|id| signature_shares.contains_key(id) && pubkeys.signer_pubkeys().contains_key(id))
return Err(Error::UnknownIdentifier);
// Encodes the signing commitment list produced in round one as part of generating [`BindingFactor`], the
// binding factor.
let binding_factor_list: BindingFactorList<C> =
compute_binding_factor_list(signing_package, &pubkeys.group_public, &[]);
// Compute the group commitment from signing commitments produced in round one.
let group_commitment = compute_group_commitment(signing_package, &binding_factor_list)?;
// The aggregation of the signature shares by summing them up, resulting in
// a plain Schnorr signature.
// Implements [`aggregate`] from the spec.
// [`aggregate`]:
let mut z = <<C::Group as Group>::Field>::zero();
for signature_share in signature_shares.values() {
z = z + signature_share.share;
let signature = Signature {
R: group_commitment.0,
// Verify the aggregate signature
let verification_result = pubkeys
.verify(signing_package.message(), &signature);
// Only if the verification of the aggregate signature failed; verify each share to find the cheater.
// This approach is more efficient since we don't need to verify all shares
// if the aggregate signature is valid (which should be the common case).
if let Err(err) = verification_result {
// Compute the per-message challenge.
let challenge = crate::challenge::<C>(
// Verify the signature shares.
for (signature_share_identifier, signature_share) in signature_shares {
// Look up the public key for this signer, where `signer_pubkey` = _G.ScalarBaseMult(s[i])_,
// and where s[i] is a secret share of the constant term of _f_, the secret polynomial.
let signer_pubkey = pubkeys
// Compute Lagrange coefficient.
let lambda_i = derive_interpolating_value(signature_share_identifier, signing_package)?;
let binding_factor = binding_factor_list
// Compute the commitment share.
let R_share = signing_package
// Compute relation values to verify this signature share.
// We should never reach here; but we return the verification error to be safe.
return Err(err);