
680 lines
26 KiB

use super::*;
use pairing::Engine;
use cl::{BlindKeyPair, Signature};
use ped92::{Commitment, CSMultiParams, CommitmentProof};
use util::{hash_pubkey_to_fr, hash_to_fr, RevokedMessage, hash_to_slice};
use rand::Rng;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use nizk::{NIZKPublicParams, NIZKSecretParams, NIZKProof};
use wallet::Wallet;
use std::error::Error;
use std::fmt;
pub struct BoltError {
details: String
pub type ResultBoltType<E> = Result<E, BoltError>;
impl BoltError {
fn new(msg: &str) -> BoltError {
BoltError { details: msg.to_string() }
impl fmt::Display for BoltError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.details)
impl Error for BoltError {
fn description(&self) -> &str {
#[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct PubKeyMap {
pub wpk: secp256k1::PublicKey,
pub revoke_token: Option<secp256k1::Signature>,
#[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(bound(serialize = "<E as ff::ScalarEngine>::Fr: serde::Serialize, \
<E as pairing::Engine>::G1: serde::Serialize, \
<E as pairing::Engine>::G2: serde::Serialize"
#[serde(bound(deserialize = "<E as ff::ScalarEngine>::Fr: serde::Deserialize<'de>, \
<E as pairing::Engine>::G1: serde::Deserialize<'de>, \
<E as pairing::Engine>::G2: serde::Deserialize<'de>"
pub struct ChannelParams<E: Engine> {
pub pub_params: NIZKPublicParams<E>,
l: usize,
// messages for commitment
extra_verify: bool, // extra verification for certain points in the establish/pay protocol
#[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(bound(serialize = "<E as ff::ScalarEngine>::Fr: serde::Serialize, \
<E as pairing::Engine>::G1: serde::Serialize, \
<E as pairing::Engine>::G2: serde::Serialize"
#[serde(bound(deserialize = "<E as ff::ScalarEngine>::Fr: serde::Deserialize<'de>, \
<E as pairing::Engine>::G1: serde::Deserialize<'de>, \
<E as pairing::Engine>::G2: serde::Deserialize<'de>"
pub struct ChannelState<E: Engine> {
R: i32,
tx_fee: i64,
pub cp: Option<ChannelParams<E>>,
pub name: String,
pub pay_init: bool,
pub channel_established: bool,
pub third_party: bool,
#[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(bound(serialize = "<E as ff::ScalarEngine>::Fr: serde::Serialize, \
<E as pairing::Engine>::G1: serde::Serialize, \
<E as pairing::Engine>::G2: serde::Serialize"
#[serde(bound(deserialize = "<E as ff::ScalarEngine>::Fr: serde::Deserialize<'de>, \
<E as pairing::Engine>::G1: serde::Deserialize<'de>, \
<E as pairing::Engine>::G2: serde::Deserialize<'de>"
pub struct ChannelToken<E: Engine> {
pub pk_c: Option<secp256k1::PublicKey>,
// pk_c
pub pk_m: secp256k1::PublicKey,
// pk_m
pub cl_pk_m: cl::PublicKey<E>,
// PK_m (used for verifying blind signatures)
pub mpk: cl::PublicParams<E>,
// mpk for PK_m
pub comParams: CSMultiParams<E>,
impl<E: Engine> ChannelToken<E> {
pub fn set_customer_pk(&mut self, pk_c: &secp256k1::PublicKey) {
self.pk_c = Some(pk_c.clone());
pub fn is_init(&self) -> bool {
return !self.pk_c.is_none();
pub fn compute_channel_id(&self) -> E::Fr
where <E as pairing::Engine>::G1: serde::Serialize,
<E as pairing::Engine>::G2: serde::Serialize,
<E as ff::ScalarEngine>::Fr: serde::Serialize
if self.pk_c.is_none() {
panic!("pk_c is not initialized yet");
let input = serde_json::to_vec(&self).unwrap();
return hash_to_fr::<E>(input);
// add a method to compute hash on chain: SHA256 + RIPEMD160?
/// Channel state for generating/loading channel parameters and generating keypairs
impl<E: Engine> ChannelState<E> {
pub fn new(name: String, third_party_support: bool) -> ChannelState<E> {
ChannelState {
R: 0,
tx_fee: 0,
cp: None,
name: name.to_string(),
pay_init: false,
channel_established: false,
third_party: third_party_support,
/// keygen - takes as input public parameters and generates a digital signature keypair
pub fn keygen<R: Rng>(&mut self, csprng: &mut R, _id: String) -> cl::BlindKeyPair<E> {
let cp = self.cp.as_ref();
let keypair = BlindKeyPair::<E>::generate(csprng, &cp.unwrap().pub_params.mpk, cp.unwrap().l);
// print the keypair as well
return keypair;
pub fn load_params(&mut self, _cp: &ChannelParams<E>) {
// load external params
pub fn set_channel_fee(&mut self, fee: i64) {
self.tx_fee = fee;
pub fn get_channel_fee(&self) -> i64 {
return self.tx_fee as i64;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct WalletKeyPair {
pub wpk: secp256k1::PublicKey,
pub wsk: secp256k1::SecretKey,
/// Customer state
#[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(bound(serialize = "<E as ff::ScalarEngine>::Fr: serde::Serialize, \
<E as pairing::Engine>::G1: serde::Serialize, \
<E as pairing::Engine>::G2: serde::Serialize"
#[serde(bound(deserialize = "<E as ff::ScalarEngine>::Fr: serde::Deserialize<'de>, \
<E as pairing::Engine>::G1: serde::Deserialize<'de>, \
<E as pairing::Engine>::G2: serde::Deserialize<'de>"
pub struct CustomerState<E: Engine> {
pub name: String,
pub pk_c: secp256k1::PublicKey,
sk_c: secp256k1::SecretKey,
pub cust_balance: i64,
pub merch_balance: i64,
pub wpk: secp256k1::PublicKey,
// keypair bound to the wallet
wsk: secp256k1::SecretKey,
old_kp: Option<WalletKeyPair>,
// old wallet key pair
t: E::Fr,
// randomness used to form the commitment
wallet: Wallet<E>,
// vector of field elements that represent wallet
pub w_com: Commitment<E>,
// commitment to the current state of the wallet
index: i32,
close_tokens: HashMap<i32, Signature<E>>,
pay_tokens: HashMap<i32, Signature<E>>,
impl<E: Engine> CustomerState<E> {
pub fn new<R: Rng>(csprng: &mut R, channel_token: &mut ChannelToken<E>, cust_bal: i64, merch_bal: i64, name: String) -> Self
where <E as pairing::Engine>::G1: serde::Serialize,
<E as pairing::Engine>::G2: serde::Serialize,
<E as ff::ScalarEngine>::Fr: serde::Serialize
let mut kp = secp256k1::Secp256k1::new();
// generate the keypair for the channel
let (sk_c, pk_c) = kp.generate_keypair(csprng);
// generate the keypair for the initial wallet
let (wsk, wpk) = kp.generate_keypair(csprng);
// hash the wallet pub key
let wpk_h = hash_pubkey_to_fr::<E>(&wpk);
// compute the channel ID
let channelId = channel_token.compute_channel_id();
// randomness for commitment
let t = E::Fr::rand(csprng);
// initialize wallet vector
let wallet = Wallet { channelId: channelId, wpk: wpk_h, bc: cust_bal, bm: merch_bal, close: None };
let w_com = channel_token.comParams.commit(&wallet.as_fr_vec(), &t);
let ct_db = HashMap::new();
let pt_db = HashMap::new();
return CustomerState {
name: name,
pk_c: pk_c,
sk_c: sk_c,
cust_balance: cust_bal,
merch_balance: merch_bal,
wpk: wpk,
wsk: wsk,
old_kp: None,
t: t,
w_com: w_com,
wallet: wallet,
index: 0,
close_tokens: ct_db,
pay_tokens: pt_db,
pub fn get_wallet(&self) -> Wallet<E> {
return self.wallet.clone();
pub fn get_public_key(&self) -> E::Fr {
// hash the channel pub key
let pk_h = hash_pubkey_to_fr::<E>(&self.pk_c);
return pk_h;
pub fn get_close_token(&self) -> cl::Signature<E> {
let index = self.index;
let close_token = self.close_tokens.get(&index).unwrap();
// rerandomize first
return close_token.clone();
// generate nizk proof of knowledge of commitment opening
pub fn generate_proof<R: Rng>(&self, csprng: &mut R, channel_token: &ChannelToken<E>) -> CommitmentProof<E> {
// generate proof and do a partial reveal of channelId and bc/bm (init balances)
return CommitmentProof::<E>::new(csprng, &channel_token.comParams, &self.w_com.c, &self.wallet.as_fr_vec(), &self.t, &vec![1, 3, 4]);
pub fn verify_close_token(&mut self, channel: &ChannelState<E>, close_token: &Signature<E>) -> bool {
// add a prefix to the wallet for close-message
let close_wallet = self.wallet.with_close(String::from("close"));
let cp = channel.cp.as_ref().unwrap();
let mpk = cp.pub_params.mpk.clone();
//println!("verify_close_token - Wallet: {}", &self.wallet);
let is_close_valid =, &close_wallet, &self.t, &close_token);
if is_close_valid {
//println!("verify_close_token - Blinded close token is valid!!");
let unblind_close_token =, &close_token);
let pk =;
let is_valid = pk.verify(&mpk, &close_wallet, &unblind_close_token);
if is_valid {
// record the unblinded close token
self.close_tokens.insert(self.index, unblind_close_token);
return is_valid;
//println!("Customer - Verification failed for close token!");
return is_close_valid;
pub fn verify_pay_token(&mut self, channel: &ChannelState<E>, pay_token: &Signature<E>) -> bool {
// unblind and verify signature
let cp = channel.cp.as_ref().unwrap();
let mpk = cp.pub_params.mpk.clone();
// we don't want to include "close" prefix here (even if it is set)
let wallet = self.wallet.without_close();
//println!("verify_pay_token - Wallet: {}", &self.wallet);
let is_pay_valid =, &wallet, &self.t, &pay_token);
if is_pay_valid {
//println!("verify_pay_token - Blinded pay token is valid!!");
let unblind_pay_token =, &pay_token);
let pk =;
let is_valid = pk.verify(&mpk, &wallet, &unblind_pay_token);
if is_valid {
self.pay_tokens.insert(self.index, unblind_pay_token);
return is_valid;
//println!("Customer - Verification failed for pay token!");
return is_pay_valid;
pub fn has_tokens(&self) -> bool {
let index = self.index;
let is_ct = self.close_tokens.get(&index).is_some();
let is_pt = self.pay_tokens.get(&index).is_some();
return is_ct && is_pt;
// for channel pay
pub fn generate_payment<R: Rng>(&self, csprng: &mut R, channel: &ChannelState<E>, amount: i64) -> (NIZKProof<E>, Commitment<E>, secp256k1::PublicKey, CustomerState<E>) {
// 1 - chooose new wpk/wsk pair
let mut kp = secp256k1::Secp256k1::new();
let (new_wsk, new_wpk) = kp.generate_keypair(csprng);
let wpk_h = hash_pubkey_to_fr::<E>(&new_wpk);
// 2 - form new wallet and commitment
let new_cust_bal = self.cust_balance - amount;
let new_merch_bal = self.merch_balance + amount;
let new_t = E::Fr::rand(csprng);
let cp = channel.cp.as_ref().unwrap();
let old_wallet = Wallet { channelId: self.wallet.channelId.clone(), wpk: self.wallet.wpk.clone(), bc: self.cust_balance, bm: self.merch_balance, close: None };
let new_wallet = Wallet { channelId: self.wallet.channelId.clone(), wpk: wpk_h, bc: new_cust_bal, bm: new_merch_bal, close: Some(self.wallet.close.unwrap()) };
let new_wcom = cp.pub_params.comParams.commit(&new_wallet.as_fr_vec(), &new_t);
// 3 - generate new blinded and randomized pay token
let i = self.index;
let prev_pay_token = self.pay_tokens.get(&i).unwrap();
//println!("Found prev pay token: {}", prev_pay_token);
let pay_proof = cp.pub_params.prove(csprng, old_wallet, new_wallet.clone(),
new_wcom.clone(), new_t, &prev_pay_token);
// update internal state after proof has been verified by remote
let new_cw = CustomerState {
pk_c: self.pk_c.clone(),
sk_c: self.sk_c.clone(),
cust_balance: new_cust_bal,
merch_balance: new_merch_bal,
wpk: new_wpk,
wsk: new_wsk,
old_kp: Some(WalletKeyPair { wpk: self.wpk.clone(), wsk: self.wsk.clone() }),
t: new_t,
w_com: new_wcom.clone(),
wallet: new_wallet.clone(),
index: self.index, // increment index here
close_tokens: self.close_tokens.clone(),
pay_tokens: self.pay_tokens.clone(),
return (pay_proof, new_wcom, self.wpk, new_cw);
// update the internal state of the customer wallet
pub fn update(&mut self, new_wallet: CustomerState<E>) -> bool {
// update everything except for the wpk/wsk pair
assert!( ==;
self.cust_balance = new_wallet.cust_balance;
self.merch_balance = new_wallet.merch_balance;
self.t = new_wallet.t;
self.old_kp = new_wallet.old_kp;
self.wpk = new_wallet.wpk;
self.wsk = new_wallet.wsk;
self.w_com = new_wallet.w_com;
self.wallet = new_wallet.wallet;
self.index = new_wallet.index;
self.close_tokens = new_wallet.close_tokens;
self.pay_tokens = new_wallet.pay_tokens;
return true;
pub fn generate_revoke_token(&mut self, channel: &ChannelState<E>, close_token: &Signature<E>) -> ResultBoltType<(RevokedMessage, secp256k1::Signature)> {
if self.verify_close_token(channel, close_token) {
let old_wallet = self.old_kp.unwrap();
// proceed with generating the close token
let secp = secp256k1::Secp256k1::new();
let rm = RevokedMessage::new(String::from("revoked"), old_wallet.wpk);
let revoke_msg = secp256k1::Message::from_slice(&rm.hash_to_slice()).unwrap();
// msg = "revoked"|| old wsk (for old wallet)
let revoke_token = secp.sign(&revoke_msg, &old_wallet.wsk);
return Ok((rm, revoke_token));
Err(BoltError::new("generate_revoke_token - could not verify the close token."))
impl<E: Engine> fmt::Display for CustomerState<E> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let mut content = format!("id = {}\n", &;
content = format!("{}pk = {}\n", content, &self.pk_c);
content = format!("{}sk = {}\n", content, &self.sk_c);
content = format!("{}cust-bal = {}\n", content, &self.cust_balance);
content = format!("{}merch-bal = {}\n", content, &self.merch_balance);
content = format!("{}wpk = {}\nwsk = {}\n", content, &self.wpk, &self.wsk);
if (!self.old_kp.is_none()) {
let old_kp = self.old_kp.unwrap();
content = format!("{}revoked: wpk = {}\nrevoked: wsk = {}\n", content, &old_kp.wpk, &old_kp.wsk);
content = format!("{}t = {}\n", content, &self.t);
content = format!("{}wallet = {}\n", content, &self.wallet);
content = format!("{}w_com = {}\n", content, &self.w_com);
let close_token = self.close_tokens.get(&self.index);
let pay_token = self.pay_tokens.get(&self.index);
if (!close_token.is_none()) {
content = format!("{}close_token = {}\n", content, &self.close_tokens.get(&self.index).unwrap());
if (!pay_token.is_none()) {
content = format!("{}pay_token = {}\n", content, &self.pay_tokens.get(&self.index).unwrap());
write!(f, "CustomerState : (\n{}\n)", &content)
#[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct ChannelcloseM {
pub address: String,
pub revoke: Option<secp256k1::Signature>,
pub signature: secp256k1::Signature,
/// Merchant State
#[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(bound(serialize = "<E as ff::ScalarEngine>::Fr: serde::Serialize, \
<E as pairing::Engine>::G1: serde::Serialize, \
<E as pairing::Engine>::G2: serde::Serialize"
#[serde(bound(deserialize = "<E as ff::ScalarEngine>::Fr: serde::Deserialize<'de>, \
<E as pairing::Engine>::G1: serde::Deserialize<'de>, \
<E as pairing::Engine>::G2: serde::Deserialize<'de>"
pub struct MerchantState<E: Engine> {
id: String,
keypair: cl::BlindKeyPair<E>,
nizkParams: NIZKSecretParams<E>,
pk: secp256k1::PublicKey,
// pk_m
sk: secp256k1::SecretKey,
// sk_m
comParams: CSMultiParams<E>,
pub keys: HashMap<String, PubKeyMap>,
pub pay_tokens: HashMap<String, cl::Signature<E>>,
impl<E: Engine> MerchantState<E> {
pub fn new<R: Rng>(csprng: &mut R, channel: &mut ChannelState<E>, id: String) -> (Self, ChannelState<E>) {
let l = 5;
// generate keys here
let mut tx_kp = secp256k1::Secp256k1::new();
let (wsk, wpk) = tx_kp.generate_keypair(csprng);
let mut ch = channel.clone();
let nizkParams = NIZKSecretParams::<E>::setup(csprng, l);
ch.cp = Some(ChannelParams::<E> { pub_params: nizkParams.pubParams.clone(), l, extra_verify: true });
(MerchantState {
id: id.clone(),
keypair: nizkParams.keypair.clone(),
nizkParams: nizkParams.clone(),
pk: wpk,
sk: wsk,
comParams: nizkParams.pubParams.comParams.clone(),
keys: HashMap::new(), // store wpks/revoke_tokens
pay_tokens: HashMap::new(),
}, ch)
pub fn init(&mut self, channel: &mut ChannelState<E>) -> ChannelToken<E> {
let cp = channel.cp.as_ref().unwrap(); // if not set, then panic!
let mpk = cp.pub_params.mpk.clone();
let cl_pk = self.keypair.get_public_key(&mpk);
return ChannelToken {
pk_c: None,
cl_pk_m: cl_pk.clone(), // extract the regular public key
mpk: mpk,
comParams: self.comParams.clone(),
pub fn issue_close_token<R: Rng>(&self, csprng: &mut R, cp: &ChannelParams<E>, com: &Commitment<E>, extend_close: bool) -> Signature<E> {
//println!("issue_close_token => generating token");
let x = hash_to_fr::<E>(String::from("close").into_bytes());
let close_com = match extend_close {
true => self.comParams.extend_commit(com, &x),
false => com.clone()
//println!("com for close-token: {}", &close_com);
return self.keypair.sign_blind(csprng, &cp.pub_params.mpk, close_com);
pub fn issue_pay_token<R: Rng>(&self, csprng: &mut R, cp: &ChannelParams<E>, com: &Commitment<E>, remove_close: bool) -> Signature<E> {
//println!("issue_pay_token => generating token");
let x = hash_to_fr::<E>(String::from("close").into_bytes());
let pay_com = match remove_close {
true => self.comParams.remove_commit(com, &x),
false => com.clone()
//println!("com for pay-token: {}", &pay_com);
return self.keypair.sign_blind(csprng, &cp.pub_params.mpk, pay_com);
pub fn verify_proof<R: Rng>(&self, csprng: &mut R, channel: &ChannelState<E>, com: &Commitment<E>, com_proof: &CommitmentProof<E>, channelId: &E::Fr, cust_balance: i64, merch_balance: i64) -> ResultBoltType<(Signature<E>, Signature<E>)> {
let is_valid = nizk::verify_opening(&self.comParams, &com.c, &com_proof, &channelId, cust_balance, merch_balance);
let cp = channel.cp.as_ref().unwrap();
if is_valid {
let close_token = self.issue_close_token(csprng, cp, com, true);
let pay_token = self.issue_pay_token(csprng, cp, com, false);
return Ok((close_token, pay_token));
Err(BoltError::new("verify_proof - Failed to verify PoK of commitment opening"))
fn store_wpk_with_token(&mut self, wpk: &secp256k1::PublicKey, pay_token: Signature<E>) {
// compute fingerprint on wpk
let wpk_str = util::compute_pub_key_fingerprint(&wpk);
self.pay_tokens.insert(wpk_str, pay_token);
fn get_pay_token(&self, wpk: &secp256k1::PublicKey) -> Signature<E> {
let wpk_str = util::compute_pub_key_fingerprint(&wpk);
return self.pay_tokens.get(&wpk_str).unwrap().clone();
pub fn verify_payment<R: Rng>(&mut self, csprng: &mut R, channel: &ChannelState<E>, proof: &NIZKProof<E>, com: &Commitment<E>, wpk: &secp256k1::PublicKey, amount: i64) -> ResultBoltType<Signature<E>> {
let cp = channel.cp.as_ref().unwrap();
let pay_proof = proof.clone();
let prev_wpk = hash_pubkey_to_fr::<E>(&wpk);
let epsilon = util::convert_int_to_fr::<E>(amount);
if self.nizkParams.verify(pay_proof, epsilon, com, prev_wpk) {
// 1 - proceed with generating close and pay token
let close_token = self.issue_close_token(csprng, cp, com, false);
let pay_token = self.issue_pay_token(csprng, cp, com, true);
// let's store the pay token with the wpk for now
self.store_wpk_with_token(wpk, pay_token);
return Ok(close_token);
Err(BoltError::new("verify_payment - Failed to validate NIZK PoK for payment."))
pub fn verify_revoke_token(&self, revoke_token: &secp256k1::Signature, revoke_msg: &RevokedMessage, wpk: &secp256k1::PublicKey) -> ResultBoltType<Signature<E>> {
let secp = secp256k1::Secp256k1::new();
let msg = secp256k1::Message::from_slice(&revoke_msg.hash_to_slice()).unwrap();
// verify that the revocation token is valid
if secp.verify(&msg, revoke_token, wpk).is_ok() {
return Ok(self.get_pay_token(wpk));
Err(BoltError::new("verify_revoke_token - Failed to verify the revoke token for wpk!"))
pub fn sign_revoke_message(&self, address: String, revoke_token: &Option<secp256k1::Signature>) -> ChannelcloseM {
let secp = secp256k1::Secp256k1::signing_only();
let mut msg = Vec::new();
if !revoke_token.is_none() {
let r = revoke_token.unwrap().serialize_der().to_vec();
let msg2 = secp256k1::Message::from_slice(&hash_to_slice(&msg)).unwrap();
let merch_sig = secp.sign(&msg2, &;
return ChannelcloseM { address: address.clone(), revoke: revoke_token.clone(), signature: merch_sig };
mod tests {
use super::*;
use pairing::bls12_381::Bls12;
fn channel_util_works() {
let mut channel = ChannelState::<Bls12>::new(String::from("Channel A <-> B"), false);
let rng = &mut rand::thread_rng();
let b0_cust = 100;
let b0_merch = 20;
// each party executes the init algorithm on the agreed initial challenge balance
// in order to derive the channel tokens
// initialize on the merchant side with balance: b0_merch
let (mut merch_state, mut channel) = MerchantState::<Bls12>::new(rng, &mut channel, String::from("Merchant B"));
// initialize the merchant wallet with the balance
let mut channel_token = merch_state.init(&mut channel);
// retrieve commitment setup params (using merchant long lived pk params)
// initialize on the customer side with balance: b0_cust
let mut cust_state = CustomerState::<Bls12>::new(rng, &mut channel_token, b0_cust, b0_merch, String::from("Alice"));
// lets establish the channel
let cust_com_proof = cust_state.generate_proof(rng, &mut channel_token);
// first return the close token, then wait for escrow-tx confirmation
// then send the pay-token after confirmation
let channelId = channel_token.compute_channel_id();
assert_eq!(channelId, cust_state.get_wallet().channelId);
let (close_token, pay_token) = merch_state.verify_proof(rng, &channel, &cust_state.w_com, &cust_com_proof, &channelId, b0_cust, b0_merch).unwrap();
// unblind tokens and verify signatures
assert!(cust_state.verify_close_token(&channel, &close_token));
assert!(cust_state.verify_pay_token(&channel, &pay_token));
// pay protocol tests
let amount = 10;
let (pay_proof, new_com, old_wpk, new_cw) = cust_state.generate_payment(rng, &channel, amount);
// new pay_token is not sent until revoke_token is obtained from the customer
let new_close_token = merch_state.verify_payment(rng, &channel, &pay_proof, &new_com, &old_wpk, amount).unwrap();
//println!("1 - Updated close Token : {}", new_close_token);
// unblind tokens and verify signatures
// assuming the pay_proof checks out, can go ahead and update internal state of cust_state
//println!("2 - updated customer wallet!");
assert!(cust_state.verify_close_token(&channel, &new_close_token));
//println!("3 - verified the close token!");
// invalidate the previous state only if close token checks out
let (revoke_msg, revoke_sig) = cust_state.generate_revoke_token(&channel, &new_close_token).unwrap();
//println!("4 - Generated revoke token successfully.");
//println!("5 - Revoke token => {}", revoke_token);
let new_pay_token = merch_state.verify_revoke_token(&revoke_sig, &revoke_msg, &old_wpk).unwrap();
assert!(cust_state.verify_pay_token(&channel, &new_pay_token));
//println!("Validated revoke token!");
#[should_panic(expected = "pk_c is not initialized yet")]
fn compute_channel_id_panics() {
let mut channel = ChannelState::<Bls12>::new(String::from("Channel A <-> B"), false);
let rng = &mut rand::thread_rng();
// initialize on the merchant side with balance: b0_merch
let (mut merch_state, mut channel) = MerchantState::<Bls12>::new(rng, &mut channel, String::from("Merchant B"));
// initialize the merchant wallet with the balance
let channel_token = merch_state.init(&mut channel);
let _channelId = channel_token.compute_channel_id();