Example usage of cobra and viper for configuration

Remove extra configs
Move server startup to rootcmd
Fixed broken insecure flags and example config name
This commit is contained in:
Ben Wilson 2020-01-02 09:28:30 -05:00 committed by Larry Ruane
parent 3ffef5c18e
commit dffb18cf0f
8 changed files with 362 additions and 336 deletions

cmd/root.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
package cmd
import (
var cfgFile string
var log *logrus.Entry
var logger = logrus.New()
// rootCmd represents the base command when called without any subcommands
var rootCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "lightwalletd",
Short: "Lightwalletd is a backend service to the Zcash blockchain",
Long: `Lightwalletd is a backend service that provides a
bandwidth-efficient interface to the Zcash blockchain`,
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
opts := &common.Options{
BindAddr: viper.GetString("bind-addr"),
TLSCertPath: viper.GetString("tls-cert"),
TLSKeyPath: viper.GetString("tls-key"),
LogLevel: viper.GetUint64("log-level"),
LogFile: viper.GetString("log-file"),
ZcashConfPath: viper.GetString("zcash-conf-path"),
NoTLSVeryInsecure: viper.GetBool("no-tls-very-insecure"),
CacheSize: viper.GetInt("cache-size"),
fmt.Printf("Options: %#v", opts)
filesThatShouldExist := []string{
for _, filename := range filesThatShouldExist {
if !fileExists(opts.LogFile) {
os.OpenFile(opts.LogFile, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_EXCL, 0666)
if opts.NoTLSVeryInsecure && (filename == opts.TLSCertPath || filename == opts.TLSKeyPath) {
if !fileExists(filename) {
os.Stderr.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("\n ** File does not exist: %s\n\n", filename))
// Start server and block, or exit
if err := startServer(opts); err != nil {
"error": err,
}).Fatal("couldn't create server")
func fileExists(filename string) bool {
info, err := os.Stat(filename)
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return false
return !info.IsDir()
func startServer(opts *common.Options) error {
if opts.LogFile != "" {
// instead write parsable logs for logstash/splunk/etc
output, err := os.OpenFile(opts.LogFile, os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644)
if err != nil {
"error": err,
"path": opts.LogFile,
}).Fatal("couldn't open log file")
defer output.Close()
// gRPC initialization
var server *grpc.Server
if opts.NoTLSVeryInsecure {
server = grpc.NewServer(logging.LoggingInterceptor())
} else {
transportCreds, err := credentials.NewServerTLSFromFile(opts.TLSCertPath, opts.TLSKeyPath)
if err != nil {
"cert_file": opts.TLSCertPath,
"key_path": opts.TLSKeyPath,
"error": err,
}).Fatal("couldn't load TLS credentials")
server = grpc.NewServer(grpc.Creds(transportCreds), logging.LoggingInterceptor())
// Enable reflection for debugging
if opts.LogLevel >= uint64(logrus.WarnLevel) {
// Initialize Zcash RPC client. Right now (Jan 2018) this is only for
// sending transactions, but in the future it could back a different type
// of block streamer.
rpcClient, err := frontend.NewZRPCFromConf(opts.ZcashConfPath)
if err != nil {
"error": err,
}).Fatal("setting up RPC connection to zcashd")
// Get the sapling activation height from the RPC
// (this first RPC also verifies that we can communicate with zcashd)
saplingHeight, blockHeight, chainName, branchID := common.GetSaplingInfo(rpcClient, log)
log.Info("Got sapling height ", saplingHeight, " chain ", chainName, " branchID ", branchID)
// Initialize the cache
cache := common.NewBlockCache(opts.CacheSize)
// Start the block cache importer at cacheSize blocks before current height
cacheStart := blockHeight - opts.CacheSize
if cacheStart < saplingHeight {
cacheStart = saplingHeight
go common.BlockIngestor(rpcClient, cache, log, cacheStart)
// Compact transaction service initialization
service, err := frontend.NewLwdStreamer(rpcClient, cache, log)
if err != nil {
"error": err,
}).Fatal("couldn't create backend")
// Register service
walletrpc.RegisterCompactTxStreamerServer(server, service)
// Start listening
listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", opts.BindAddr)
if err != nil {
"bind_addr": opts.BindAddr,
"error": err,
}).Fatal("couldn't create listener")
// Signal handler for graceful stops
signals := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(signals, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)
go func() {
s := <-signals
"signal": s.String(),
}).Info("caught signal, stopping gRPC server")
log.Infof("Starting gRPC server on %s", opts.BindAddr)
err = server.Serve(listener)
if err != nil {
"error": err,
}).Fatal("gRPC server exited")
return nil
// Execute adds all child commands to the root command and sets flags appropriately.
// This is called by main.main(). It only needs to happen once to the rootCmd.
func Execute() {
if err := rootCmd.Execute(); err != nil {
func init() {
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&cfgFile, "config", "", "config file (default is current directory, lightwalletd.yaml)")
rootCmd.Flags().String("bind-addr", "", "the address to listen on")
rootCmd.Flags().String("tls-cert", "./cert.pem", "the path to a TLS certificate")
rootCmd.Flags().String("tls-key", "./cert.key", "the path to a TLS key file")
rootCmd.Flags().Int("log-level", int(logrus.InfoLevel), "log level (logrus 1-7)")
rootCmd.Flags().String("log-file", "./server.log", "log file to write to")
rootCmd.Flags().String("zcash-conf-path", "./zcash.conf", "conf file to pull RPC creds from")
rootCmd.Flags().Bool("no-tls-very-insecure", false, "run without the required TLS certificate, only for debugging, DO NOT use in production")
rootCmd.Flags().Int("cache-size", 80000, "number of blocks to hold in the cache")
viper.BindPFlag("bind-addr", rootCmd.Flags().Lookup("bind-addr"))
viper.SetDefault("bind-addr", "")
viper.BindPFlag("tls-cert", rootCmd.Flags().Lookup("tls-cert"))
viper.SetDefault("tls-cert", "./cert.pem")
viper.BindPFlag("tls-key", rootCmd.Flags().Lookup("tls-key"))
viper.SetDefault("tls-key", "./cert.key")
viper.BindPFlag("log-level", rootCmd.Flags().Lookup("log-level"))
viper.SetDefault("log-level", int(logrus.InfoLevel))
viper.BindPFlag("log-file", rootCmd.Flags().Lookup("log-file"))
viper.SetDefault("log-file", "./server.log")
viper.BindPFlag("zcash-conf-path", rootCmd.Flags().Lookup("zcash-conf-path"))
viper.SetDefault("zcash-conf-path", "./zcash.conf")
viper.BindPFlag("no-tls-very-insecure", rootCmd.Flags().Lookup("no-tls-very-insecure"))
viper.SetDefault("no-tls-very-insecure", false)
viper.BindPFlag("cache-size", rootCmd.Flags().Lookup("cache-size"))
viper.SetDefault("cache-size", 80000)
//DisableColors: true,
FullTimestamp: true,
DisableLevelTruncation: true,
onexit := func() {
fmt.Printf("Lightwalletd died with a Fatal error. Check logfile for details.\n")
log = logger.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
"app": "lightwalletd",
// initConfig reads in config file and ENV variables if set.
func initConfig() {
if cfgFile != "" {
// Use config file from the flag.
} else {
// Look in the current directory for a configuration file
// Viper auto appends extention to this config name
// For example, lightwalletd.yml
// Replace `-` in config options with `_` for ENV keys
replacer := strings.NewReplacer("-", "_")
viper.AutomaticEnv() // read in environment variables that match
// If a config file is found, read it in.
var err error
if err = viper.ReadInConfig(); err == nil {
fmt.Println("Using config file:", viper.ConfigFileUsed())

View File

@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 The Zcash developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or https://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php .
package main
import (
var logger = logrus.New()
func init() {
//DisableColors: true,
FullTimestamp: true,
DisableLevelTruncation: true,
onexit := func() {
fmt.Println("Lightwalletd died with a Fatal error. Check logfile for details.")
common.Log = logger.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
"app": "frontend-grpc",
// TODO stream logging
func LoggingInterceptor() grpc.ServerOption {
return grpc.UnaryInterceptor(logInterceptor)
func logInterceptor(ctx context.Context, req interface{}, info *grpc.UnaryServerInfo, handler grpc.UnaryHandler) (interface{}, error) {
reqLog := loggerFromContext(ctx)
start := time.Now()
resp, err := handler(ctx, req)
entry := reqLog.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
"method": info.FullMethod,
"duration": time.Since(start),
"error": err,
if err != nil {
entry.Error("call failed")
} else {
entry.Info("method called")
return resp, err
func loggerFromContext(ctx context.Context) *logrus.Entry {
// TODO: anonymize the addresses. cryptopan?
if peerInfo, ok := peer.FromContext(ctx); ok {
return common.Log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{"peer_addr": peerInfo.Addr})
return common.Log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{"peer_addr": "unknown"})
type Options struct {
bindAddr string `json:"bind_address,omitempty"`
tlsCertPath string `json:"tls_cert_path,omitempty"`
tlsKeyPath string `json:"tls_cert_key,omitempty"`
logLevel uint64 `json:"log_level,omitempty"`
logPath string `json:"log_file,omitempty"`
zcashConfPath string `json:"zcash_conf,omitempty"`
veryInsecure bool `json:"very_insecure,omitempty"`
cacheSize int `json:"cache_size,omitempty"`
wantVersion bool
func fileExists(filename string) bool {
info, err := os.Stat(filename)
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return false
return !info.IsDir()
func main() {
opts := &Options{}
flag.StringVar(&opts.bindAddr, "bind-addr", "", "the address to listen on")
flag.StringVar(&opts.tlsCertPath, "tls-cert", "", "the path to a TLS certificate")
flag.StringVar(&opts.tlsKeyPath, "tls-key", "", "the path to a TLS key file")
flag.Uint64Var(&opts.logLevel, "log-level", uint64(logrus.InfoLevel), "log level (logrus 1-7)")
flag.StringVar(&opts.logPath, "log-file", "./server.log", "log file to write to")
flag.StringVar(&opts.zcashConfPath, "conf-file", "./zcash.conf", "conf file to pull RPC creds from")
flag.BoolVar(&opts.veryInsecure, "no-tls-very-insecure", false, "run without the required TLS certificate, only for debugging, DO NOT use in production")
flag.BoolVar(&opts.wantVersion, "version", false, "version (major.minor.patch)")
flag.IntVar(&opts.cacheSize, "cache-size", 80000, "number of blocks to hold in the cache")
// TODO prod metrics
// TODO support config from file and env vars
if opts.wantVersion {
fmt.Println("lightwalletd version v0.3.0")
// production (unlike unit tests) use the real sleep function
common.Sleep = time.Sleep
if opts.logPath != "" {
// instead write parsable logs for logstash/splunk/etc
output, err := os.OpenFile(opts.logPath, os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644)
if err != nil {
os.Stderr.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Cannot open log file %s: %v\n",
opts.logPath, err))
defer output.Close()
filesThatShouldExist := []string{
if opts.tlsCertPath != "" {
filesThatShouldExist = append(filesThatShouldExist, opts.tlsCertPath)
if opts.tlsKeyPath != "" {
filesThatShouldExist = append(filesThatShouldExist, opts.tlsKeyPath)
for _, filename := range filesThatShouldExist {
if !fileExists(filename) {
"filename": filename,
}).Error("cannot open required file")
os.Stderr.WriteString("Cannot open required file: " + filename + "\n")
// gRPC initialization
var server *grpc.Server
var err error
if opts.veryInsecure {
server = grpc.NewServer(LoggingInterceptor())
} else {
var transportCreds credentials.TransportCredentials
if (opts.tlsCertPath == "") && (opts.tlsKeyPath == "") {
common.Log.Warning("Certificate and key not provided, generating self signed values")
tlsCert := common.GenerateCerts()
transportCreds = credentials.NewServerTLSFromCert(tlsCert)
} else {
transportCreds, err = credentials.NewServerTLSFromFile(opts.tlsCertPath, opts.tlsKeyPath)
if err != nil {
"cert_file": opts.tlsCertPath,
"key_path": opts.tlsKeyPath,
"error": err,
}).Fatal("couldn't load TLS credentials")
server = grpc.NewServer(grpc.Creds(transportCreds), LoggingInterceptor())
// Enable reflection for debugging
if opts.logLevel >= uint64(logrus.WarnLevel) {
// Initialize Zcash RPC client. Right now (Jan 2018) this is only for
// sending transactions, but in the future it could back a different type
// of block streamer.
rpcClient, err := frontend.NewZRPCFromConf(opts.zcashConfPath)
if err != nil {
"error": err,
}).Fatal("setting up RPC connection to zcashd")
// indirect function for test mocking (so unit tests can talk to stub functions)
common.RawRequest = rpcClient.RawRequest
// Get the sapling activation height from the RPC
// (this first RPC also verifies that we can communicate with zcashd)
saplingHeight, blockHeight, chainName, branchID := common.GetSaplingInfo()
common.Log.Info("Got sapling height ", saplingHeight, " chain ", chainName, " branchID ", branchID)
// Initialize the cache
cache := common.NewBlockCache(opts.cacheSize)
// Start the block cache importer at cacheSize blocks before current height
cacheStart := blockHeight - opts.cacheSize
if cacheStart < saplingHeight {
cacheStart = saplingHeight
// The last argument, repetition count, is only nonzero for testing
go common.BlockIngestor(cache, cacheStart, 0)
// Compact transaction service initialization
service, err := frontend.NewLwdStreamer(cache)
if err != nil {
"error": err,
}).Fatal("couldn't create backend")
// Register service
walletrpc.RegisterCompactTxStreamerServer(server, service)
// Start listening
listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", opts.bindAddr)
if err != nil {
"bind_addr": opts.bindAddr,
"error": err,
}).Fatal("couldn't create listener")
// Signal handler for graceful stops
signals := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(signals, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)
go func() {
s := <-signals
"signal": s.String(),
}).Info("caught signal, stopping gRPC server")
os.Stderr.WriteString("Caught signal: " + s.String() + "\n")
common.Log.Infof("Starting gRPC server on %s", opts.bindAddr)
err = server.Serve(listener)
if err != nil {
"error": err,
}).Fatal("gRPC server exited")

View File

@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 The Zcash developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or https://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php .
package main
import (
var step int
func testhandler(ctx context.Context, req interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
switch step {
case 1:
return nil, errors.New("test error")
case 2:
return nil, nil
return nil, nil
func TestLogInterceptor(t *testing.T) {
output, err := os.OpenFile("test-log", os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC|os.O_WRONLY, 0644)
if err != nil {
os.Stderr.WriteString(fmt.Sprint("Cannot open test-log:", err))
logger := logrus.New()
common.Log = logger.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
"app": "test",
var req interface{}
resp, err := logInterceptor(peer.NewContext(context.Background(), &peer.Peer{}),
&req, &grpc.UnaryServerInfo{}, testhandler)
if err == nil {
t.Fatal("unexpected success")
if resp != nil {
t.Fatal("unexpected response", resp)
resp, err = logInterceptor(context.Background(), &req, &grpc.UnaryServerInfo{}, testhandler)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("unexpected error", err)
if resp != nil {
t.Fatal("unexpected response", resp)
step = 0
func TestFileExists(t *testing.T) {
if fileExists("nonexistent-file") {
t.Fatal("fileExists unexpected success")
// If the path exists but is a directory, should return false
if fileExists(".") {
t.Fatal("fileExists unexpected success")
// The following file should exist, it's what's being tested
if !fileExists("main.go") {
t.Fatal("fileExists failed")

cmd/version.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
package cmd
import (
// versionCmd represents the version command
var versionCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "version",
Short: "Dispaly lightwalletd version",
Long: `Dispaly lightwalletd version.`,
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
fmt.Println("lightwalletd version v0.2.0")

View File

@ -16,6 +16,17 @@ import (
"github.com/zcash/lightwalletd/walletrpc" "github.com/zcash/lightwalletd/walletrpc"
) )
type Options struct {
BindAddr string `json:"bind_address,omitempty"`
TLSCertPath string `json:"tls_cert_path,omitempty"`
TLSKeyPath string `json:"tls_cert_key,omitempty"`
LogLevel uint64 `json:"log_level,omitempty"`
LogFile string `json:"log_file,omitempty"`
ZcashConfPath string `json:"zcash_conf,omitempty"`
NoTLSVeryInsecure bool `json:"no_tls_very_insecure,omitempty"`
CacheSize int `json:"cache_size,omitempty"`
// RawRequest points to the function to send a an RPC request to zcashd; // RawRequest points to the function to send a an RPC request to zcashd;
// in production, it points to btcsuite/btcd/rpcclient/rawrequest.go:RawRequest(); // in production, it points to btcsuite/btcd/rpcclient/rawrequest.go:RawRequest();
// in unit tests it points to a function to mock RPCs to zcashd. // in unit tests it points to a function to mock RPCs to zcashd.

common/logging/logging.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
package logging
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
func LoggingInterceptor() grpc.ServerOption {
return grpc.UnaryInterceptor(logInterceptor)
func loggerFromContext(ctx context.Context) *logrus.Entry {
// TODO: anonymize the addresses. cryptopan?
if peerInfo, ok := peer.FromContext(ctx); ok {
return log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{"peer_addr": peerInfo.Addr})
return log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{"peer_addr": "unknown"})
func logInterceptor(
ctx context.Context,
req interface{},
info *grpc.UnaryServerInfo,
handler grpc.UnaryHandler,
) (interface{}, error) {
reqLog := loggerFromContext(ctx)
start := time.Now()
resp, err := handler(ctx, req)
entry := reqLog.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
"method": info.FullMethod,
"duration": time.Since(start),
"error": err,
if err != nil {
entry.Error("call failed")
} else {
entry.Info("method called")
return resp, err

lightwalletd-example.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
cache-size: 10
log-file: /dev/stdout
log-level: 10
tls-cert: /secrets/lightwallted/cert.pem
tls-key: /secrets/lightwallted/cert.key
zcash-conf-path: /srv/zcashd/zcash.conf

main.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
package main
import "github.com/zcash-hackworks/lightwalletd/cmd"
func main() {