
97 lines
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# /************************************************************************
# File: Dockerfile
# Author: mdr0id
# Date: 9/3/2019
# Description: Used for devs that have not built zcash or lightwalletd on
# on existing system
# To build image: make docker_img
# To run container: make docker_image_run
# This will place you into the container where you can run zcashd, zcash-cli,
# lightwalletd ingester, and lightwalletd server etc..
# First you need to get zcashd sync to current height on testnet, from outside container:
# make docker_img_run_zcashd
# Sometimes you need to manually start zcashd for the first time, from insdie the container:
# zcashd -printtoconsole
# Once the block height is atleast 280,000 you can go ahead and start lightwalletd components
# make docker_img_run_lightwalletd_ingest
# make docker_img_run_lightwalletd_insecure_server
# If you get kicked out of docker or it locks up...
# To restart, check to see what container you want to restart via docker ps -a
# Then, docker restart <container id>
# The reattach to it, docker attach <container id>
# Known bugs/missing features/todos:
# 1. Create docker-compose with according .env scaffolding
# 2. Setup container volume for blocks dir; remove sync time
# 3. Determine librustzcash bug that breaks zcashd alpine builds at runtime
# 4. Once versioning is stable add config flags for images
# 5. Add mainnet config once lightwalletd stack supports it
# ************************************************************************/
# Create layer in case you want to modify local lightwalletd code
FROM golang:1.11 AS lightwalletd_base
ENV ZCASH_CONF=/root/.zcash/zcash.conf
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install make git gcc
# Comment out line below to use local lightwalletd repo changes
# To add local changes to container uncomment this line
#ADD . /home
RUN cd ./lightwalletd && make
RUN /usr/bin/install -c /home/lightwalletd/ingest /home/lightwalletd/server /usr/bin/
# Setup layer for zcashd and zcash-cli binary
FROM golang:1.11 AS zcash_builder
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install \
build-essential pkg-config libc6-dev m4 g++-multilib \
autoconf libtool ncurses-dev unzip git python python-zmq \
zlib1g-dev wget curl bsdmainutils automake python-pip -y
WORKDIR /build
RUN git clone ${ZCASH_URL}
RUN ./zcash/zcutil/ -j$(nproc)
RUN bash ./zcash/zcutil/
RUN /usr/bin/install -c /build/zcash/src/zcashd /build/zcash/src/zcash-cli /usr/bin/
# Create layer for lightwalletd and zcash binaries to reduce image size
FROM golang:1.11 AS zcash_runner
ENV ZCASH_CONF=/root/.zcash/zcash.conf
RUN mkdir -p /root/.zcash/ && \
mkdir -p /root/.zcash-params/ && \
mkdir /logs/ && \
mkdir /db/
# Use lightwallet server and ingest binaries from prior layer
COPY --from=lightwalletd_base /usr/bin/ingest /usr/bin/server /usr/bin/
COPY --from=zcash_builder /usr/bin/zcashd /usr/bin/zcash-cli /usr/bin/
COPY --from=zcash_builder /root/.zcash-params/ /root/.zcash-params/
# Configure zcash.conf
RUN echo "testnet=1" >> ${ZCASH_CONF} && \
echo "" >> ${ZCASH_CONF} && \
echo "rpcbind=" >> ${ZCASH_CONF} && \
echo "rpcport=18232" >> ${ZCASH_CONF} && \
echo "rpcuser=lwd" >> ${ZCASH_CONF} && \
echo "rpcpassword=`head /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 13 ; echo ''`" >> ${ZCASH_CONF}