
127 lines
4.8 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 The Zcash developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or .
// This tool reads a set of files, each containing a list of transactions
// (one per line, can be empty), and writes to stdout a list of blocks,
// one per input file, in hex format (same as zcash-cli getblock 12345 0),
// each on a separate line. Each fake block contains a fake coinbase
// transaction and all of the transactions in the corresponding file.
// The default start height is 1000, so the program expects to find
// files blocks/1000.txt, blocks/1001.txt, ...
// Typical way to run this program to create 6 blocks, all empty except
// for the fifth, which contains one transaction:
// $ mkdir blocks
// $ touch blocks/{1000,1001,1002,1003,1004,1005}.txt
// $ echo "0400008085202f8901950521a79e89ed418a4b506f42e9829739b1ca516d4c590bddb4465b4b347bb2000000006a4730440220142920f2a9240c5c64406668c9a16d223bd01db33a773beada7f9c9b930cf02b0220171cbee9232f9c5684eb918db70918e701b86813732871e1bec6fbfb38194f53012102975c020dd223263d2a9bfff2fa6004df4c07db9f01c531967546ef941e2fcfbffeffffff026daf9b00000000001976a91461af073e7679f06677c83aa48f205e4b98feb8d188ac61760356100000001976a91406f6b9a7e1525ee12fd77af9b94a54179785011b88ac4c880b007f880b000000000000000000000000" > blocks/1004.txt
// $ go run testtools/genblocks/main.go >testdata/default-darkside-blocks
// Alternative way to create the empty files:
// $ seq 1000 1005 | while read i; do touch blocks/$i.txt; done
package main
import (
type options struct {
startHeight int
blocksDir string
func main() {
opts := &options{}
flag.IntVar(&opts.startHeight, "start-height", 1000, "generated blocks start at this height")
flag.StringVar(&opts.blocksDir, "blocks-dir", "./blocks", "directory containing <N>.txt for each block height <N>, with one hex-encoded transaction per line")
prevhash := make([]byte, 32)
curHeight := opts.startHeight
// Keep opening <curHeight>.txt and incrementing until the file doesn't exist.
for {
testBlocks, err := os.Open(path.Join(opts.blocksDir, strconv.Itoa(curHeight)+".txt"))
if err != nil {
scan := bufio.NewScanner(testBlocks)
fakeCoinbase := "0400008085202f890100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" +
"00000000000000ffffffff2a03d12c0c00043855975e464b8896790758f824ceac97836" +
"22c17ed38f1669b8a45ce1da857dbbe7950e2ffffffff02a0ebce1d000000001976a914" +
"7ed15946ec14ae0cd8fa8991eb6084452eb3f77c88ac405973070000000017a914e445cf" +
// This coinbase transaction was pulled from block 797905, whose
// little-endian encoding is 0xD12C0C00. Replace it with the block
// number we want.
fakeCoinbase = strings.Replace(fakeCoinbase, "d12c0c00",
fmt.Sprintf("%02x", curHeight&0xFF)+
fmt.Sprintf("%02x", (curHeight>>8)&0xFF)+
fmt.Sprintf("%02x", (curHeight>>16)&0xFF)+
fmt.Sprintf("%02x", (curHeight>>24)&0xFF), 1)
var numTransactions uint = 1 // coinbase
allTransactionsHex := ""
for scan.Scan() { // each line (hex-encoded transaction)
allTransactionsHex += scan.Text()
if err = scan.Err(); err != nil {
panic("line too long!")
if numTransactions > 65535 {
panic(fmt.Sprint("too many transactions ", numTransactions,
" maximum 65535"))
hashOfTxnsAndHeight := sha256.Sum256([]byte(allTransactionsHex + "#" + string(rune(curHeight))))
// These fields do not need to be valid for the lightwalletd/wallet stack to work.
// The lightwalletd/wallet stack rely on the miners to validate these.
// Make the block header depend on height + all transactions (in an incorrect way)
blockHeader := &parser.BlockHeader{
RawBlockHeader: &parser.RawBlockHeader{
Version: 4,
HashPrevBlock: prevhash,
HashMerkleRoot: hashOfTxnsAndHeight[:],
HashFinalSaplingRoot: make([]byte, 32),
Time: 1,
NBitsBytes: make([]byte, 4),
Nonce: make([]byte, 32),
Solution: make([]byte, 1344),
headerBytes, err := blockHeader.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprint("Cannot marshal block header: ", err))
// After the header, there's a compactsize representation of the number of transactions.
if numTransactions < 253 {
fmt.Printf("%02x", numTransactions)
} else {
fmt.Printf("%02x%02x%02x", 253, numTransactions%256, numTransactions/256)
fmt.Printf("%s%s\n", fakeCoinbase, allTransactionsHex)
prevhash = blockHeader.GetEncodableHash()