
258 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 The Zcash developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or .
// Package frontend implements the gRPC handlers called by the wallets.
package frontend
import (
var (
ErrUnspecified = errors.New("request for unspecified identifier")
type LwdStreamer struct {
cache *common.BlockCache
func NewLwdStreamer(cache *common.BlockCache) (walletrpc.CompactTxStreamerServer, error) {
return &LwdStreamer{cache}, nil
// GetLatestBlock returns the height of the best chain, according to zcashd.
func (s *LwdStreamer) GetLatestBlock(ctx context.Context, placeholder *walletrpc.ChainSpec) (*walletrpc.BlockID, error) {
latestBlock := s.cache.GetLatestHeight()
if latestBlock == -1 {
return nil, errors.New("Cache is empty. Server is probably not yet ready")
// TODO: also return block hashes here
return &walletrpc.BlockID{Height: uint64(latestBlock)}, nil
// GetAddressTxids is a streaming RPC that returns transaction IDs that have
// the given transparent address (taddr) as either an input or output.
func (s *LwdStreamer) GetAddressTxids(addressBlockFilter *walletrpc.TransparentAddressBlockFilter, resp walletrpc.CompactTxStreamer_GetAddressTxidsServer) error {
// Test to make sure Address is a single t address
match, err := regexp.Match("\\At[a-zA-Z0-9]{34}\\z", []byte(addressBlockFilter.Address))
if err != nil || !match {
common.Log.Error("Invalid address:", addressBlockFilter.Address)
return errors.New("Invalid address")
params := make([]json.RawMessage, 1)
st := "{\"addresses\": [\"" + addressBlockFilter.Address + "\"]," +
"\"start\": " + strconv.FormatUint(addressBlockFilter.Range.Start.Height, 10) +
", \"end\": " + strconv.FormatUint(addressBlockFilter.Range.End.Height, 10) + "}"
params[0] = json.RawMessage(st)
result, rpcErr := common.RawRequest("getaddresstxids", params)
// For some reason, the error responses are not JSON
if rpcErr != nil {
common.Log.Errorf("GetAddressTxids error: %s", rpcErr.Error())
return err
var txids []string
err = json.Unmarshal(result, &txids)
if err != nil {
common.Log.Errorf("GetAddressTxids error: %s", err.Error())
return err
timeout, cancel := context.WithTimeout(resp.Context(), 30*time.Second)
defer cancel()
for _, txidstr := range txids {
txid, _ := hex.DecodeString(txidstr)
// Txid is read as a string, which is in big-endian order. But when converting
// to bytes, it should be little-endian
for left, right := 0, len(txid)-1; left < right; left, right = left+1, right-1 {
txid[left], txid[right] = txid[right], txid[left]
tx, err := s.GetTransaction(timeout, &walletrpc.TxFilter{Hash: txid})
if err != nil {
common.Log.Errorf("GetTransaction error: %s", err.Error())
return err
if err = resp.Send(tx); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// GetBlock returns the compact block at the requested height. Requesting a
// block by hash is not yet supported.
func (s *LwdStreamer) GetBlock(ctx context.Context, id *walletrpc.BlockID) (*walletrpc.CompactBlock, error) {
if id.Height == 0 && id.Hash == nil {
return nil, ErrUnspecified
// Precedence: a hash is more specific than a height. If we have it, use it first.
if id.Hash != nil {
// TODO: Get block by hash
return nil, errors.New("GetBlock by Hash is not yet implemented")
cBlock, err := common.GetBlock(s.cache, int(id.Height))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return cBlock, err
// GetBlockRange is a streaming RPC that returns blocks, in compact form,
// (as also returned by GetBlock) from the block height 'start' to height
// 'end' inclusively.
func (s *LwdStreamer) GetBlockRange(span *walletrpc.BlockRange, resp walletrpc.CompactTxStreamer_GetBlockRangeServer) error {
blockChan := make(chan walletrpc.CompactBlock)
errChan := make(chan error)
go common.GetBlockRange(s.cache, blockChan, errChan, int(span.Start.Height), int(span.End.Height))
for {
select {
case err := <-errChan:
// this will also catch context.DeadlineExceeded from the timeout
return err
case cBlock := <-blockChan:
err := resp.Send(&cBlock)
if err != nil {
return err
// GetTransaction returns the raw transaction bytes that are returned
// by the zcashd 'getrawtransaction' RPC.
func (s *LwdStreamer) GetTransaction(ctx context.Context, txf *walletrpc.TxFilter) (*walletrpc.RawTransaction, error) {
if txf.Hash != nil {
txid := txf.Hash
for left, right := 0, len(txid)-1; left < right; left, right = left+1, right-1 {
txid[left], txid[right] = txid[right], txid[left]
leHashString := hex.EncodeToString(txid)
params := []json.RawMessage{
json.RawMessage("\"" + leHashString + "\""),
result, rpcErr := common.RawRequest("getrawtransaction", params)
// For some reason, the error responses are not JSON
if rpcErr != nil {
common.Log.Errorf("GetTransaction error: %s", rpcErr.Error())
return nil, errors.New((strings.Split(rpcErr.Error(), ":"))[0])
var txinfo interface{}
err := json.Unmarshal(result, &txinfo)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
txBytes := txinfo.(map[string]interface{})["hex"].(string)
txHeight := txinfo.(map[string]interface{})["height"].(float64)
return &walletrpc.RawTransaction{Data: []byte(txBytes), Height: uint64(txHeight)}, nil
if txf.Block != nil && txf.Block.Hash != nil {
common.Log.Error("Can't GetTransaction with a blockhash+num. Please call GetTransaction with txid")
return nil, errors.New("Can't GetTransaction with a blockhash+num. Please call GetTransaction with txid")
common.Log.Error("Please call GetTransaction with txid")
return nil, errors.New("Please call GetTransaction with txid")
// GetLightdInfo gets the LightWalletD (this server) info, and includes information
// it gets from its backend zcashd.
func (s *LwdStreamer) GetLightdInfo(ctx context.Context, in *walletrpc.Empty) (*walletrpc.LightdInfo, error) {
saplingHeight, blockHeight, chainName, consensusBranchId := common.GetSaplingInfo()
return &walletrpc.LightdInfo{
Version: "0.2.1",
Vendor: "ECC LightWalletD",
TaddrSupport: true,
ChainName: chainName,
SaplingActivationHeight: uint64(saplingHeight),
ConsensusBranchId: consensusBranchId,
BlockHeight: uint64(blockHeight),
}, nil
// SendTransaction forwards raw transaction bytes to a zcashd instance over JSON-RPC
func (s *LwdStreamer) SendTransaction(ctx context.Context, rawtx *walletrpc.RawTransaction) (*walletrpc.SendResponse, error) {
// sendrawtransaction "hexstring" ( allowhighfees )
// Submits raw transaction (serialized, hex-encoded) to local node and network.
// Also see createrawtransaction and signrawtransaction calls.
// Arguments:
// 1. "hexstring" (string, required) The hex string of the raw transaction)
// 2. allowhighfees (boolean, optional, default=false) Allow high fees
// Result:
// "hex" (string) The transaction hash in hex
// Construct raw JSON-RPC params
params := make([]json.RawMessage, 1)
txHexString := hex.EncodeToString(rawtx.Data)
params[0] = json.RawMessage("\"" + txHexString + "\"")
result, rpcErr := common.RawRequest("sendrawtransaction", params)
var err error
var errCode int64
var errMsg string
// For some reason, the error responses are not JSON
if rpcErr != nil {
errParts := strings.SplitN(rpcErr.Error(), ":", 2)
errMsg = strings.TrimSpace(errParts[1])
errCode, err = strconv.ParseInt(errParts[0], 10, 32)
if err != nil {
// This should never happen. We can't panic here, but it's that class of error.
// This is why we need integration testing to work better than regtest currently does. TODO.
return nil, errors.New("SendTransaction couldn't parse error code")
} else {
errMsg = string(result)
// TODO these are called Error but they aren't at the moment.
// A success will return code 0 and message txhash.
return &walletrpc.SendResponse{
ErrorCode: int32(errCode),
ErrorMessage: errMsg,
}, nil
// This rpc is used only for testing.
var concurrent int64
func (s *LwdStreamer) Ping(ctx context.Context, in *walletrpc.Duration) (*walletrpc.PingResponse, error) {
var response walletrpc.PingResponse
response.Entry = atomic.AddInt64(&concurrent, 1)
time.Sleep(time.Duration(in.IntervalUs) * time.Microsecond)
response.Exit = atomic.AddInt64(&concurrent, -1)
return &response, nil