
203 lines
5.6 KiB

package common
import (
func GetSaplingInfo(rpcClient *rpcclient.Client, log *logrus.Entry) (int, int, string, string) {
// This request must succeed or we can't go on; give zcashd time to start up
var f interface{}
retryCount := 0
for {
result, rpcErr := rpcClient.RawRequest("getblockchaininfo", make([]json.RawMessage, 0))
if rpcErr == nil {
if retryCount > 0 {
log.Warn("getblockchaininfo RPC successful")
err := json.Unmarshal(result, &f)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error parsing JSON getblockchaininfo response: %v", err)
if retryCount > 10 {
"timeouts": retryCount,
}).Fatal("unable to issue getblockchaininfo RPC call to zcashd node")
"error": rpcErr.Error(),
"retry": retryCount,
}).Warn("error with getblockchaininfo rpc, retrying...")
time.Sleep(time.Duration(10+retryCount*5) * time.Second) // backoff
chainName := f.(map[string]interface{})["chain"].(string)
upgradeJSON := f.(map[string]interface{})["upgrades"]
saplingJSON := upgradeJSON.(map[string]interface{})["76b809bb"] // Sapling ID
saplingHeight := saplingJSON.(map[string]interface{})["activationheight"].(float64)
blockHeight := f.(map[string]interface{})["headers"].(float64)
consensus := f.(map[string]interface{})["consensus"]
branchID := consensus.(map[string]interface{})["nextblock"].(string)
return int(saplingHeight), int(blockHeight), chainName, branchID
func getBlockFromRPC(rpcClient *rpcclient.Client, height int) (*walletrpc.CompactBlock, error) {
params := make([]json.RawMessage, 2)
params[0] = json.RawMessage("\"" + strconv.Itoa(height) + "\"")
params[1] = json.RawMessage("0")
result, rpcErr := rpcClient.RawRequest("getblock", params)
// For some reason, the error responses are not JSON
if rpcErr != nil {
errParts := strings.SplitN(rpcErr.Error(), ":", 2)
errCode, err := strconv.ParseInt(errParts[0], 10, 32)
// Check to see if we are requesting a height the zcashd doesn't have yet
if err == nil && errCode == -8 {
return nil, nil
return nil, errors.Wrap(rpcErr, "error requesting block")
var blockDataHex string
err := json.Unmarshal(result, &blockDataHex)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "error reading JSON response")
blockData, err := hex.DecodeString(blockDataHex)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "error decoding getblock output")
block := parser.NewBlock()
rest, err := block.ParseFromSlice(blockData)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "error parsing block")
if len(rest) != 0 {
return nil, errors.New("received overlong message")
return block.ToCompact(), nil
func BlockIngestor(rpcClient *rpcclient.Client, cache *BlockCache, log *logrus.Entry, startHeight int) {
reorgCount := 0
height := startHeight
// Start listening for new blocks
retryCount := 0
for {
block, err := getBlockFromRPC(rpcClient, height)
if block == nil || err != nil {
if err != nil {
"height": height,
"error": err,
}).Warn("error with getblock rpc")
if retryCount > 10 {
"timeouts": retryCount,
}).Fatal("unable to issue RPC call to zcashd node")
// We're up to date in our polling; wait for a new block
time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
retryCount = 0
log.Info("Ingestor adding block to cache: ", height)
err, reorg := cache.Add(height, block)
if err != nil {
// It's unclear how this will recover, but we certainly
// don't want to loop full-speed
log.Error("Error adding block to cache: ", err)
time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
// Check for reorgs once we have inital block hash from startup
if reorg {
// This must back up at least 1, but it's arbitrary, any value
// will work; this is probably a good balance.
height -= 2
if reorgCount > 10 {
log.Fatal("Reorg exceeded max of 100 blocks! Help!")
"height": height,
"hash": displayHash(block.Hash),
"phash": displayHash(block.PrevHash),
"reorg": reorgCount,
reorgCount = 0
func GetBlock(rpcClient *rpcclient.Client, cache *BlockCache, height int) (*walletrpc.CompactBlock, error) {
// First, check the cache to see if we have the block
block := cache.Get(height)
if block != nil {
return block, nil
// Not in the cache, ask zcashd
block, err := getBlockFromRPC(rpcClient, height)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if block == nil {
// Block height is too large
return nil, errors.New("block requested is newer than latest block")
return block, nil
func GetBlockRange(rpcClient *rpcclient.Client, cache *BlockCache,
blockOut chan<- walletrpc.CompactBlock, errOut chan<- error, start, end int) {
// Go over [start, end] inclusive
for i := start; i <= end; i++ {
block, err := GetBlock(rpcClient, cache, i)
if err != nil {
errOut <- err
blockOut <- *block
errOut <- nil
func displayHash(hash []byte) string {
rhash := make([]byte, len(hash))
copy(rhash, hash)
// Reverse byte order
for i := 0; i < len(rhash)/2; i++ {
j := len(rhash) - 1 - i
rhash[i], rhash[j] = rhash[j], rhash[i]
return hex.EncodeToString(rhash)