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// Copyright (c) 2013-2017 The btcsuite developers
// Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package btcutil
import (
// UnsupportedWitnessVerError describes an error where a segwit address being
// decoded has an unsupported witness version.
type UnsupportedWitnessVerError byte
func (e UnsupportedWitnessVerError) Error() string {
return "unsupported witness version: " + string(e)
// UnsupportedWitnessProgLenError describes an error where a segwit address
// being decoded has an unsupported witness program length.
type UnsupportedWitnessProgLenError int
func (e UnsupportedWitnessProgLenError) Error() string {
return "unsupported witness program length: " + string(e)
var (
// ErrChecksumMismatch describes an error where decoding failed due
// to a bad checksum.
ErrChecksumMismatch = errors.New("checksum mismatch")
// ErrUnknownAddressType describes an error where an address can not
// decoded as a specific address type due to the string encoding
// begining with an identifier byte unknown to any standard or
// registered (via chaincfg.Register) network.
ErrUnknownAddressType = errors.New("unknown address type")
// ErrAddressCollision describes an error where an address can not
// be uniquely determined as either a pay-to-pubkey-hash or
// pay-to-script-hash address since the leading identifier is used for
// describing both address kinds, but for different networks. Rather
// than assuming or defaulting to one or the other, this error is
// returned and the caller must decide how to decode the address.
ErrAddressCollision = errors.New("address collision")
// encodeAddress returns a human-readable payment address given a ripemd160 hash
// and netID which encodes the bitcoin network and address type. It is used
// in both pay-to-pubkey-hash (P2PKH) and pay-to-script-hash (P2SH) address
// encoding.
func encodeAddress(hash160 []byte, netID byte) string {
// Format is 1 byte for a network and address class (i.e. P2PKH vs
// P2SH), 20 bytes for a RIPEMD160 hash, and 4 bytes of checksum.
return base58.CheckEncode(hash160[:ripemd160.Size], netID)
// encodeSegWitAddress creates a bech32 encoded address string representation
// from witness version and witness program.
func encodeSegWitAddress(hrp string, witnessVersion byte, witnessProgram []byte) (string, error) {
// Group the address bytes into 5 bit groups, as this is what is used to
// encode each character in the address string.
converted, err := bech32.ConvertBits(witnessProgram, 8, 5, true)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// Concatenate the witness version and program, and encode the resulting
// bytes using bech32 encoding.
combined := make([]byte, len(converted)+1)
combined[0] = witnessVersion
copy(combined[1:], converted)
bech, err := bech32.Encode(hrp, combined)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// Check validity by decoding the created address.
version, program, err := decodeSegWitAddress(bech)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid segwit address: %v", err)
if version != witnessVersion || !bytes.Equal(program, witnessProgram) {
return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid segwit address")
return bech, nil
// Address is an interface type for any type of destination a transaction
// output may spend to. This includes pay-to-pubkey (P2PK), pay-to-pubkey-hash
// (P2PKH), and pay-to-script-hash (P2SH). Address is designed to be generic
// enough that other kinds of addresses may be added in the future without
// changing the decoding and encoding API.
type Address interface {
// String returns the string encoding of the transaction output
// destination.
// Please note that String differs subtly from EncodeAddress: String
// will return the value as a string without any conversion, while
// EncodeAddress may convert destination types (for example,
// converting pubkeys to P2PKH addresses) before encoding as a
// payment address string.
String() string
// EncodeAddress returns the string encoding of the payment address
// associated with the Address value. See the comment on String
// for how this method differs from String.
EncodeAddress() string
// ScriptAddress returns the raw bytes of the address to be used
// when inserting the address into a txout's script.
ScriptAddress() []byte
// IsForNet returns whether or not the address is associated with the
// passed bitcoin network.
IsForNet(*chaincfg.Params) bool
// DecodeAddress decodes the string encoding of an address and returns
// the Address if addr is a valid encoding for a known address type.
// The bitcoin network the address is associated with is extracted if possible.
// When the address does not encode the network, such as in the case of a raw
// public key, the address will be associated with the passed defaultNet.
func DecodeAddress(addr string, defaultNet *chaincfg.Params) (Address, error) {
// Bech32 encoded segwit addresses start with a human-readable part
// (hrp) followed by '1'. For Bitcoin mainnet the hrp is "bc", and for
// testnet it is "tb". If the address string has a prefix that matches
// one of the prefixes for the known networks, we try to decode it as
// a segwit address.
oneIndex := strings.LastIndexByte(addr, '1')
if oneIndex > 1 {
prefix := addr[:oneIndex+1]
if chaincfg.IsBech32SegwitPrefix(prefix) {
witnessVer, witnessProg, err := decodeSegWitAddress(addr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// We currently only support P2WPKH and P2WSH, which is
// witness version 0.
if witnessVer != 0 {
return nil, UnsupportedWitnessVerError(witnessVer)
// The HRP is everything before the found '1'.
hrp := prefix[:len(prefix)-1]
switch len(witnessProg) {
case 20:
return newAddressWitnessPubKeyHash(hrp, witnessProg)
case 32:
return newAddressWitnessScriptHash(hrp, witnessProg)
return nil, UnsupportedWitnessProgLenError(len(witnessProg))
// Serialized public keys are either 65 bytes (130 hex chars) if
// uncompressed/hybrid or 33 bytes (66 hex chars) if compressed.
if len(addr) == 130 || len(addr) == 66 {
serializedPubKey, err := hex.DecodeString(addr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return NewAddressPubKey(serializedPubKey, defaultNet)
// Switch on decoded length to determine the type.
decoded, netID, err := base58.CheckDecode(addr)
if err != nil {
if err == base58.ErrChecksum {
return nil, ErrChecksumMismatch
return nil, errors.New("decoded address is of unknown format")
switch len(decoded) {
case ripemd160.Size: // P2PKH or P2SH
isP2PKH := chaincfg.IsPubKeyHashAddrID(netID)
isP2SH := chaincfg.IsScriptHashAddrID(netID)
switch hash160 := decoded; {
case isP2PKH && isP2SH:
return nil, ErrAddressCollision
case isP2PKH:
return newAddressPubKeyHash(hash160, netID)
case isP2SH:
return newAddressScriptHashFromHash(hash160, netID)
return nil, ErrUnknownAddressType
return nil, errors.New("decoded address is of unknown size")
// decodeSegWitAddress parses a bech32 encoded segwit address string and
// returns the witness version and witness program byte representation.
func decodeSegWitAddress(address string) (byte, []byte, error) {
// Decode the bech32 encoded address.
_, data, err := bech32.Decode(address)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, err
// The first byte of the decoded address is the witness version, it must
// exist.
if len(data) < 1 {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("no witness version")
// ...and be <= 16.
version := data[0]
if version > 16 {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid witness version: %v", version)
// The remaining characters of the address returned are grouped into
// words of 5 bits. In order to restore the original witness program
// bytes, we'll need to regroup into 8 bit words.
regrouped, err := bech32.ConvertBits(data[1:], 5, 8, false)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, err
// The regrouped data must be between 2 and 40 bytes.
if len(regrouped) < 2 || len(regrouped) > 40 {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid data length")
// For witness version 0, address MUST be exactly 20 or 32 bytes.
if version == 0 && len(regrouped) != 20 && len(regrouped) != 32 {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid data length for witness "+
"version 0: %v", len(regrouped))
return version, regrouped, nil
// AddressPubKeyHash is an Address for a pay-to-pubkey-hash (P2PKH)
// transaction.
type AddressPubKeyHash struct {
hash [ripemd160.Size]byte
netID byte
// NewAddressPubKeyHash returns a new AddressPubKeyHash. pkHash mustbe 20
// bytes.
func NewAddressPubKeyHash(pkHash []byte, net *chaincfg.Params) (*AddressPubKeyHash, error) {
return newAddressPubKeyHash(pkHash, net.PubKeyHashAddrID)
// newAddressPubKeyHash is the internal API to create a pubkey hash address
// with a known leading identifier byte for a network, rather than looking
// it up through its parameters. This is useful when creating a new address
// structure from a string encoding where the identifer byte is already
// known.
func newAddressPubKeyHash(pkHash []byte, netID byte) (*AddressPubKeyHash, error) {
// Check for a valid pubkey hash length.
if len(pkHash) != ripemd160.Size {
return nil, errors.New("pkHash must be 20 bytes")
addr := &AddressPubKeyHash{netID: netID}
copy(addr.hash[:], pkHash)
return addr, nil
// EncodeAddress returns the string encoding of a pay-to-pubkey-hash
// address. Part of the Address interface.
func (a *AddressPubKeyHash) EncodeAddress() string {
return encodeAddress(a.hash[:], a.netID)
// ScriptAddress returns the bytes to be included in a txout script to pay
// to a pubkey hash. Part of the Address interface.
func (a *AddressPubKeyHash) ScriptAddress() []byte {
return a.hash[:]
// IsForNet returns whether or not the pay-to-pubkey-hash address is associated
// with the passed bitcoin network.
func (a *AddressPubKeyHash) IsForNet(net *chaincfg.Params) bool {
return a.netID == net.PubKeyHashAddrID
// String returns a human-readable string for the pay-to-pubkey-hash address.
// This is equivalent to calling EncodeAddress, but is provided so the type can
// be used as a fmt.Stringer.
func (a *AddressPubKeyHash) String() string {
return a.EncodeAddress()
// Hash160 returns the underlying array of the pubkey hash. This can be useful
// when an array is more appropiate than a slice (for example, when used as map
// keys).
func (a *AddressPubKeyHash) Hash160() *[ripemd160.Size]byte {
return &a.hash
// AddressScriptHash is an Address for a pay-to-script-hash (P2SH)
// transaction.
type AddressScriptHash struct {
hash [ripemd160.Size]byte
netID byte
// NewAddressScriptHash returns a new AddressScriptHash.
func NewAddressScriptHash(serializedScript []byte, net *chaincfg.Params) (*AddressScriptHash, error) {
scriptHash := Hash160(serializedScript)
return newAddressScriptHashFromHash(scriptHash, net.ScriptHashAddrID)
// NewAddressScriptHashFromHash returns a new AddressScriptHash. scriptHash
// must be 20 bytes.
func NewAddressScriptHashFromHash(scriptHash []byte, net *chaincfg.Params) (*AddressScriptHash, error) {
return newAddressScriptHashFromHash(scriptHash, net.ScriptHashAddrID)
// newAddressScriptHashFromHash is the internal API to create a script hash
// address with a known leading identifier byte for a network, rather than
// looking it up through its parameters. This is useful when creating a new
// address structure from a string encoding where the identifer byte is already
// known.
func newAddressScriptHashFromHash(scriptHash []byte, netID byte) (*AddressScriptHash, error) {
// Check for a valid script hash length.
if len(scriptHash) != ripemd160.Size {
return nil, errors.New("scriptHash must be 20 bytes")
addr := &AddressScriptHash{netID: netID}
copy(addr.hash[:], scriptHash)
return addr, nil
// EncodeAddress returns the string encoding of a pay-to-script-hash
// address. Part of the Address interface.
func (a *AddressScriptHash) EncodeAddress() string {
return encodeAddress(a.hash[:], a.netID)
// ScriptAddress returns the bytes to be included in a txout script to pay
// to a script hash. Part of the Address interface.
func (a *AddressScriptHash) ScriptAddress() []byte {
return a.hash[:]
// IsForNet returns whether or not the pay-to-script-hash address is associated
// with the passed bitcoin network.
func (a *AddressScriptHash) IsForNet(net *chaincfg.Params) bool {
return a.netID == net.ScriptHashAddrID
// String returns a human-readable string for the pay-to-script-hash address.
// This is equivalent to calling EncodeAddress, but is provided so the type can
// be used as a fmt.Stringer.
func (a *AddressScriptHash) String() string {
return a.EncodeAddress()
// Hash160 returns the underlying array of the script hash. This can be useful
// when an array is more appropiate than a slice (for example, when used as map
// keys).
func (a *AddressScriptHash) Hash160() *[ripemd160.Size]byte {
return &a.hash
// PubKeyFormat describes what format to use for a pay-to-pubkey address.
type PubKeyFormat int
const (
// PKFUncompressed indicates the pay-to-pubkey address format is an
// uncompressed public key.
PKFUncompressed PubKeyFormat = iota
// PKFCompressed indicates the pay-to-pubkey address format is a
// compressed public key.
// PKFHybrid indicates the pay-to-pubkey address format is a hybrid
// public key.
// AddressPubKey is an Address for a pay-to-pubkey transaction.
type AddressPubKey struct {
pubKeyFormat PubKeyFormat
pubKey *btcec.PublicKey
pubKeyHashID byte
// NewAddressPubKey returns a new AddressPubKey which represents a pay-to-pubkey
// address. The serializedPubKey parameter must be a valid pubkey and can be
// uncompressed, compressed, or hybrid.
func NewAddressPubKey(serializedPubKey []byte, net *chaincfg.Params) (*AddressPubKey, error) {
pubKey, err := btcec.ParsePubKey(serializedPubKey, btcec.S256())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Set the format of the pubkey. This probably should be returned
// from btcec, but do it here to avoid API churn. We already know the
// pubkey is valid since it parsed above, so it's safe to simply examine
// the leading byte to get the format.
pkFormat := PKFUncompressed
switch serializedPubKey[0] {
case 0x02, 0x03:
pkFormat = PKFCompressed
case 0x06, 0x07:
pkFormat = PKFHybrid
return &AddressPubKey{
pubKeyFormat: pkFormat,
pubKey: pubKey,
pubKeyHashID: net.PubKeyHashAddrID,
}, nil
// serialize returns the serialization of the public key according to the
// format associated with the address.
func (a *AddressPubKey) serialize() []byte {
switch a.pubKeyFormat {
case PKFUncompressed:
return a.pubKey.SerializeUncompressed()
case PKFCompressed:
return a.pubKey.SerializeCompressed()
case PKFHybrid:
return a.pubKey.SerializeHybrid()
// EncodeAddress returns the string encoding of the public key as a
// pay-to-pubkey-hash. Note that the public key format (uncompressed,
// compressed, etc) will change the resulting address. This is expected since
// pay-to-pubkey-hash is a hash of the serialized public key which obviously
// differs with the format. At the time of this writing, most Bitcoin addresses
// are pay-to-pubkey-hash constructed from the uncompressed public key.
// Part of the Address interface.
func (a *AddressPubKey) EncodeAddress() string {
return encodeAddress(Hash160(a.serialize()), a.pubKeyHashID)
// ScriptAddress returns the bytes to be included in a txout script to pay
// to a public key. Setting the public key format will affect the output of
// this function accordingly. Part of the Address interface.
func (a *AddressPubKey) ScriptAddress() []byte {
return a.serialize()
// IsForNet returns whether or not the pay-to-pubkey address is associated
// with the passed bitcoin network.
func (a *AddressPubKey) IsForNet(net *chaincfg.Params) bool {
return a.pubKeyHashID == net.PubKeyHashAddrID
// String returns the hex-encoded human-readable string for the pay-to-pubkey
// address. This is not the same as calling EncodeAddress.
func (a *AddressPubKey) String() string {
return hex.EncodeToString(a.serialize())
// Format returns the format (uncompressed, compressed, etc) of the
// pay-to-pubkey address.
func (a *AddressPubKey) Format() PubKeyFormat {
return a.pubKeyFormat
// SetFormat sets the format (uncompressed, compressed, etc) of the
// pay-to-pubkey address.
func (a *AddressPubKey) SetFormat(pkFormat PubKeyFormat) {
a.pubKeyFormat = pkFormat
// AddressPubKeyHash returns the pay-to-pubkey address converted to a
// pay-to-pubkey-hash address. Note that the public key format (uncompressed,
// compressed, etc) will change the resulting address. This is expected since
// pay-to-pubkey-hash is a hash of the serialized public key which obviously
// differs with the format. At the time of this writing, most Bitcoin addresses
// are pay-to-pubkey-hash constructed from the uncompressed public key.
func (a *AddressPubKey) AddressPubKeyHash() *AddressPubKeyHash {
addr := &AddressPubKeyHash{netID: a.pubKeyHashID}
copy(addr.hash[:], Hash160(a.serialize()))
return addr
// PubKey returns the underlying public key for the address.
func (a *AddressPubKey) PubKey() *btcec.PublicKey {
return a.pubKey
// AddressWitnessPubKeyHash is an Address for a pay-to-witness-pubkey-hash
// (P2WPKH) output. See BIP 173 for further details regarding native segregated
// witness address encoding:
type AddressWitnessPubKeyHash struct {
hrp string
witnessVersion byte
witnessProgram [20]byte
// NewAddressWitnessPubKeyHash returns a new AddressWitnessPubKeyHash.
func NewAddressWitnessPubKeyHash(witnessProg []byte, net *chaincfg.Params) (*AddressWitnessPubKeyHash, error) {
return newAddressWitnessPubKeyHash(net.Bech32HRPSegwit, witnessProg)
// newAddressWitnessPubKeyHash is an internal helper function to create an
// AddressWitnessPubKeyHash with a known human-readable part, rather than
// looking it up through its parameters.
func newAddressWitnessPubKeyHash(hrp string, witnessProg []byte) (*AddressWitnessPubKeyHash, error) {
// Check for valid program length for witness version 0, which is 20
// for P2WPKH.
if len(witnessProg) != 20 {
return nil, errors.New("witness program must be 20 " +
"bytes for p2wpkh")
addr := &AddressWitnessPubKeyHash{
hrp: strings.ToLower(hrp),
witnessVersion: 0x00,
copy(addr.witnessProgram[:], witnessProg)
return addr, nil
// EncodeAddress returns the bech32 string encoding of an
// AddressWitnessPubKeyHash.
// Part of the Address interface.
func (a *AddressWitnessPubKeyHash) EncodeAddress() string {
str, err := encodeSegWitAddress(a.hrp, a.witnessVersion,
if err != nil {
return ""
return str
// ScriptAddress returns the witness program for this address.
// Part of the Address interface.
func (a *AddressWitnessPubKeyHash) ScriptAddress() []byte {
return a.witnessProgram[:]
// IsForNet returns whether or not the AddressWitnessPubKeyHash is associated
// with the passed bitcoin network.
// Part of the Address interface.
func (a *AddressWitnessPubKeyHash) IsForNet(net *chaincfg.Params) bool {
return a.hrp == net.Bech32HRPSegwit
// String returns a human-readable string for the AddressWitnessPubKeyHash.
// This is equivalent to calling EncodeAddress, but is provided so the type
// can be used as a fmt.Stringer.
// Part of the Address interface.
func (a *AddressWitnessPubKeyHash) String() string {
return a.EncodeAddress()
// Hrp returns the human-readable part of the bech32 encoded
// AddressWitnessPubKeyHash.
func (a *AddressWitnessPubKeyHash) Hrp() string {
return a.hrp
// WitnessVersion returns the witness version of the AddressWitnessPubKeyHash.
func (a *AddressWitnessPubKeyHash) WitnessVersion() byte {
return a.witnessVersion
// WitnessProgram returns the witness program of the AddressWitnessPubKeyHash.
func (a *AddressWitnessPubKeyHash) WitnessProgram() []byte {
return a.witnessProgram[:]
// Hash160 returns the witness program of the AddressWitnessPubKeyHash as a
// byte array.
func (a *AddressWitnessPubKeyHash) Hash160() *[20]byte {
return &a.witnessProgram
// AddressWitnessScriptHash is an Address for a pay-to-witness-script-hash
// (P2WSH) output. See BIP 173 for further details regarding native segregated
// witness address encoding:
type AddressWitnessScriptHash struct {
hrp string
witnessVersion byte
witnessProgram [32]byte
// NewAddressWitnessScriptHash returns a new AddressWitnessPubKeyHash.
func NewAddressWitnessScriptHash(witnessProg []byte, net *chaincfg.Params) (*AddressWitnessScriptHash, error) {
return newAddressWitnessScriptHash(net.Bech32HRPSegwit, witnessProg)
// newAddressWitnessScriptHash is an internal helper function to create an
// AddressWitnessScriptHash with a known human-readable part, rather than
// looking it up through its parameters.
func newAddressWitnessScriptHash(hrp string, witnessProg []byte) (*AddressWitnessScriptHash, error) {
// Check for valid program length for witness version 0, which is 32
// for P2WSH.
if len(witnessProg) != 32 {
return nil, errors.New("witness program must be 32 " +
"bytes for p2wsh")
addr := &AddressWitnessScriptHash{
hrp: strings.ToLower(hrp),
witnessVersion: 0x00,
copy(addr.witnessProgram[:], witnessProg)
return addr, nil
// EncodeAddress returns the bech32 string encoding of an
// AddressWitnessScriptHash.
// Part of the Address interface.
func (a *AddressWitnessScriptHash) EncodeAddress() string {
str, err := encodeSegWitAddress(a.hrp, a.witnessVersion,
if err != nil {
return ""
return str
// ScriptAddress returns the witness program for this address.
// Part of the Address interface.
func (a *AddressWitnessScriptHash) ScriptAddress() []byte {
return a.witnessProgram[:]
// IsForNet returns whether or not the AddressWitnessScriptHash is associated
// with the passed bitcoin network.
// Part of the Address interface.
func (a *AddressWitnessScriptHash) IsForNet(net *chaincfg.Params) bool {
return a.hrp == net.Bech32HRPSegwit
// String returns a human-readable string for the AddressWitnessScriptHash.
// This is equivalent to calling EncodeAddress, but is provided so the type
// can be used as a fmt.Stringer.
// Part of the Address interface.
func (a *AddressWitnessScriptHash) String() string {
return a.EncodeAddress()
// Hrp returns the human-readable part of the bech32 encoded
// AddressWitnessScriptHash.
func (a *AddressWitnessScriptHash) Hrp() string {
return a.hrp
// WitnessVersion returns the witness version of the AddressWitnessScriptHash.
func (a *AddressWitnessScriptHash) WitnessVersion() byte {
return a.witnessVersion
// WitnessProgram returns the witness program of the AddressWitnessScriptHash.
func (a *AddressWitnessScriptHash) WitnessProgram() []byte {
return a.witnessProgram[:]