
85 lines
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Protocol Buffer

// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 The Zcash developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or .
syntax = "proto3";
package cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc;
option go_package = ".;walletrpc";
option swift_prefix = "";
import "service.proto";
message DarksideMetaState {
int32 saplingActivation = 1;
string branchID = 2;
string chainName = 3;
message DarksideBlock {
string block = 1;
message DarksideBlocksURL {
string url = 2;
// A single transaction that should appear to be mined at the given height.
message DarksideTx {
int32 height = 1;
string transaction = 2;
// This service implements the following rpc methods:
// SetMetaState
// SetBlocks
// SetBlocksURL
// SetTx
// GetIncomingTransactions
service DarksideStreamer {
// Set (some of) the values that should be returned by GetLightdInfo()
rpc SetMetaState(DarksideMetaState) returns (Empty) {}
// SetBlocks() replaces the specified range of blocks (gaps not allowed);
// for example, you can set blocks 1000-1006, do some tests, then set blocks
// 1003-1004. This preserves blocks 1000-1002, replaces blocks 1003-1004,
// and removes blocks 1005-1006. This can be used to simulate a chain reorg.
// Blocks are hex-encoded.
rpc SetBlocks(stream DarksideBlock) returns (Empty) {}
// This is the same as SetBlocks(), except the blocks are fetched
// from the given URL. Blocks are one per line, hex-encoded (not JSON).
// SetBlocksURL("file:testdata/darkside/init-blocks") is done at startup.
rpc SetBlocksURL(DarksideBlocksURL) returns (Empty) {}
// SetTx() allows the test coordinator to submit a list of transactions and
// for each indicate in which block it should appear.
// For example,
// tx1, block=1001
// tx2, block=1002
// tx3, block=1002
// Then use Setblocks(1000-1005): block 1001 will include tx1 (plus
// any transactions were part of that block to begin with); tx2 and tx3
// will appear in block 1002. Blocks 1003-1005 will be returned as submitted.
// If you first set a range of blocks, then submit transactions within that
// range, it's too late for them to be included in those blocks. If blocks
// are resubmitted, then those transactions are included in those blocks.
// Calling GetTransaction() on tx1-3 will return those transactions, and
// GetTransaction() will also return any transactions that were part of
// the submitted blocks.
// Each call to SetTx() completely replaces the stored transaction set.
rpc SetTx(stream DarksideTx) returns (Empty) {}
// Calls to SendTransaction() are accepted and stored; this method returns
// all transactions that were previously submitted. This enables the
// following kind of test, for example:
// 1. wallet submits a transaction
// 2. Test coordinator retrives the transaction using this interface
// 3. Test coordinator submits the transaction using SetTx()
// 4. Darksidewalletd simulates the transaction appearing in a mined block
rpc GetIncomingTransactions(Empty) returns (stream RawTransaction) {}