
588 lines
18 KiB

package common
import (
type darksideState struct {
resetted bool
startHeight int // activeBlocks[0] corresponds to this height
branchID string
chainName string
cache *BlockCache
mutex sync.RWMutex
// This is the highest (latest) block height currently being presented
// by the mock zcashd.
latestHeight int
// These blocks (up to and including tip) are presented by mock zcashd.
// activeBlocks[0] is the block at height startHeight.
activeBlocks [][]byte // full blocks, binary, as from zcashd getblock rpc
// Staged blocks are waiting to be applied (by ApplyStaged()) to activeBlocks.
// They are in order of arrival (not necessarily sorted by height), and are
// applied in arrival order.
stagedBlocks [][]byte // full blocks, binary
// These are full transactions as received from the wallet by SendTransaction().
// They are conceptually in the mempool. They are not yet available to be fetched
// by GetTransaction(). They can be fetched by darkside GetIncomingTransaction().
incomingTransactions [][]byte
// These transactions come from StageTransactions(); they will be merged into
// activeBlocks by ApplyStaged() (and this list then cleared).
stagedTransactions []stagedTx
var state darksideState
type stagedTx struct {
height int
bytes []byte
// DarksideEnabled is true if --darkside-very-insecure was given on
// the command line.
var DarksideEnabled bool
// DarksideInit should be called once at startup in darksidewalletd mode.
func DarksideInit(c *BlockCache, timeout int) {
Log.Info("Darkside mode running")
DarksideEnabled = true
state.cache = c
RawRequest = darksideRawRequest
go func() {
time.Sleep(time.Duration(timeout) * time.Minute)
Log.Fatal("Shutting down darksidewalletd to prevent accidental deployment in production.")
// DarksideReset allows the wallet test code to specify values
// that are returned by GetLightdInfo().
func DarksideReset(sa int, bi, cn string) error {
Log.Info("Reset(saplingActivation=", sa, ")")
state = darksideState{
resetted: true,
startHeight: sa,
latestHeight: -1,
branchID: bi,
chainName: cn,
cache: state.cache,
activeBlocks: make([][]byte, 0),
stagedBlocks: make([][]byte, 0),
incomingTransactions: make([][]byte, 0),
stagedTransactions: make([]stagedTx, 0),
return nil
// DarksideAddBlock adds a single block to the active blocks list.
func addBlockActive(blockBytes []byte) error {
block := parser.NewBlock()
rest, err := block.ParseFromSlice(blockBytes)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(rest) != 0 {
return errors.New("block serialization is too long")
blockHeight := block.GetHeight()
// first block, add to existing blocks slice if possible
if blockHeight > state.startHeight+len(state.activeBlocks) {
return errors.New(fmt.Sprint("adding block at height ", blockHeight,
" would create a gap in the blockchain"))
if blockHeight < state.startHeight {
return errors.New(fmt.Sprint("adding block at height ", blockHeight,
" is lower than Sapling activation height ", state.startHeight))
// Drop the block that will be overwritten, and its children, then add block.
state.activeBlocks = state.activeBlocks[:blockHeight-state.startHeight]
state.activeBlocks = append(state.activeBlocks, blockBytes)
return nil
// Set missing prev hashes of the blocks in the active chain
func setPrevhash() {
var prevhash []byte
for _, blockBytes := range state.activeBlocks {
// Set this block's prevhash.
block := parser.NewBlock()
rest, err := block.ParseFromSlice(blockBytes)
if err != nil {
if len(rest) != 0 {
Log.Fatal(errors.New("block is too long"))
if prevhash != nil {
copy(blockBytes[4:4+32], prevhash)
prevhash = block.GetEncodableHash()
Log.Info("active block height ", block.GetHeight(), " hash ",
" txcount ", block.GetTxCount())
// DarksideApplyStaged moves the staging area to the active block list.
// If this returns an error, the state could be weird; perhaps it may
// be better to simply crash.
func DarksideApplyStaged(height int) error {
defer state.mutex.Unlock()
if !state.resetted {
return errors.New("please call Reset first")
Log.Info("ApplyStaged(height=", height, ")")
if height < state.startHeight {
return errors.New(fmt.Sprint("height ", height,
" is less than sapling activation height ", state.startHeight))
// Move the staged blocks into active list
stagedBlocks := state.stagedBlocks
state.stagedBlocks = nil
for _, blockBytes := range stagedBlocks {
if err := addBlockActive(blockBytes); err != nil {
return err
if len(state.activeBlocks) == 0 {
return errors.New("No active blocks after applying staged blocks")
// Add staged transactions into blocks. Note we're not trying to
// recover to the initial state; maybe it's better to just crash
// on errors.
stagedTransactions := state.stagedTransactions
state.stagedTransactions = nil
for _, tx := range stagedTransactions {
if tx.height < state.startHeight {
return errors.New("transaction height too low")
if tx.height >= state.startHeight+len(state.activeBlocks) {
return errors.New("transaction height too high")
block := state.activeBlocks[tx.height-state.startHeight]
// The next one or 3 bytes encode the number of transactions to follow,
// little endian.
nTxFirstByte := block[1487]
switch {
case nTxFirstByte < 252:
case nTxFirstByte == 252:
// incrementing to 253, requires "253" followed by 2-byte length,
// extend the block by two bytes, shift existing transaction bytes
block = append(block, 0, 0)
copy(block[1490:], block[1488:len(block)-2])
block[1487] = 253
block[1488] = 253
block[1489] = 0
case nTxFirstByte == 253:
if block[1488] == 0 {
// wrapped around
// no need to worry about more than 64k transactions
Log.Fatal("unexpected compact transaction count ", nTxFirstByte,
", can't support more than 64k transactions in a block")
block[68]++ // hack HashFinalSaplingRoot to mod the block hash
block = append(block, tx.bytes...)
state.activeBlocks[tx.height-state.startHeight] = block
state.latestHeight = height
Log.Info("active blocks from ", state.startHeight,
" to ", state.startHeight+len(state.activeBlocks)-1,
", latest presented height ", state.latestHeight)
// The block ingestor can only run if there are blocks
if len(state.activeBlocks) > 0 {
} else {
return nil
// DarksideGetIncomingTransactions returns all transactions we're
// received via SendTransaction().
func DarksideGetIncomingTransactions() [][]byte {
return state.incomingTransactions
// Add the serialized block to the staging list, but do some sanity checks first.
func darksideStageBlock(caller string, b []byte) error {
block := parser.NewBlock()
rest, err := block.ParseFromSlice(b)
if err != nil {
Log.Error("stage block error: ", err)
return err
if len(rest) != 0 {
return errors.New("block serialization is too long")
Log.Info(caller, "(height=", block.GetHeight(), ")")
if block.GetHeight() < state.startHeight {
return errors.New(fmt.Sprint("block height ", block.GetHeight(),
" is less than sapling activation height ", state.startHeight))
state.stagedBlocks = append(state.stagedBlocks, b)
return nil
// DarksideStageBlocks opens and reads blocks from the given URL and
// adds them to the staging area.
func DarksideStageBlocks(url string) error {
if !state.resetted {
return errors.New("please call Reset first")
Log.Info("StageBlocks(url=", url, ")")
resp, err := http.Get(url)
if err != nil {
return err
defer resp.Body.Close()
// some blocks are too large, especially when encoded in hex, for the
// default buffer size, so set up a larger one; 8mb should be enough.
scan := bufio.NewScanner(resp.Body)
var scanbuf []byte
scan.Buffer(scanbuf, 8*1000*1000)
for scan.Scan() { // each line (block)
blockHex := scan.Text()
if blockHex == "404: Not Found" {
// special case error (http resource not found, bad pathname)
return errors.New(blockHex)
blockBytes, err := hex.DecodeString(blockHex)
if err != nil {
return err
if err = darksideStageBlock("DarksideStageBlocks", blockBytes); err != nil {
return err
return scan.Err()
// DarksideStageBlockStream adds the block to the staging area
func DarksideStageBlockStream(blockHex string) error {
if !state.resetted {
return errors.New("please call Reset first")
blockBytes, err := hex.DecodeString(blockHex)
if err != nil {
return err
if err = darksideStageBlock("DarksideStageBlockStream", blockBytes); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// DarksideStageBlocksCreate creates empty blocks and adds them to the staging area.
func DarksideStageBlocksCreate(height int32, nonce int32, count int32) error {
if !state.resetted {
return errors.New("please call Reset first")
Log.Info("StageBlocksCreate(height=", height, ", nonce=", nonce, ", count=", count, ")")
for i := 0; i < int(count); i++ {
fakeCoinbase := "0400008085202f890100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" +
"00000000000000ffffffff2a03d12c0c00043855975e464b8896790758f824ceac97836" +
"22c17ed38f1669b8a45ce1da857dbbe7950e2ffffffff02a0ebce1d000000001976a914" +
"7ed15946ec14ae0cd8fa8991eb6084452eb3f77c88ac405973070000000017a914e445cf" +
// This coinbase transaction was pulled from block 797905, whose
// little-endian encoding is 0xD12C0C00. Replace it with the block
// number we want.
fakeCoinbase = strings.Replace(fakeCoinbase, "d12c0c00",
fmt.Sprintf("%02x", height&0xFF)+
fmt.Sprintf("%02x", (height>>8)&0xFF)+
fmt.Sprintf("%02x", (height>>16)&0xFF)+
fmt.Sprintf("%02x", (height>>24)&0xFF), 1)
fakeCoinbaseBytes, err := hex.DecodeString(fakeCoinbase)
if err != nil {
hashOfTxnsAndHeight := sha256.Sum256([]byte(string(nonce) + "#" + string(height)))
blockHeader := &parser.BlockHeader{
RawBlockHeader: &parser.RawBlockHeader{
Version: 4, // start: 0
HashPrevBlock: make([]byte, 32), // start: 4
HashMerkleRoot: hashOfTxnsAndHeight[:], // start: 36
HashFinalSaplingRoot: make([]byte, 32), // start: 68
Time: 1, // start: 100
NBitsBytes: make([]byte, 4), // start: 104
Nonce: make([]byte, 32), // start: 108
Solution: make([]byte, 1344), // starts: 140, 143
}, // length: 1487
headerBytes, err := blockHeader.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
blockBytes := make([]byte, 0)
blockBytes = append(blockBytes, headerBytes...)
blockBytes = append(blockBytes, byte(1))
blockBytes = append(blockBytes, fakeCoinbaseBytes...)
if err = darksideStageBlock("DarksideStageBlockCreate", blockBytes); err != nil {
// This should never fail since we created the block ourselves.
return err
return nil
// DarksideClearIncomingTransactions empties the incoming transaction list.
func DarksideClearIncomingTransactions() {
state.incomingTransactions = make([][]byte, 0)
func darksideRawRequest(method string, params []json.RawMessage) (json.RawMessage, error) {
switch method {
case "getblockchaininfo":
blockchaininfo := &ZcashdRpcReplyGetblockchaininfo{
Chain: state.chainName,
Upgrades: map[string]Upgradeinfo{
"76b809bb": {ActivationHeight: state.startHeight},
Blocks: state.latestHeight,
Consensus: ConsensusInfo{state.branchID, state.branchID},
return json.Marshal(blockchaininfo)
case "getinfo":
info := &ZcashdRpcReplyGetinfo{}
return json.Marshal(info)
case "getblock":
var heightStr string
err := json.Unmarshal(params[0], &heightStr)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("failed to parse getblock request")
height, err := strconv.Atoi(heightStr)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("error parsing height as integer")
defer state.mutex.RUnlock()
const notFoundErr = "-8:"
if len(state.activeBlocks) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New(notFoundErr)
if height > state.latestHeight {
return nil, errors.New(notFoundErr)
if height < state.startHeight {
return nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprint("getblock: requesting height ", height,
" is less than sapling activation height"))
index := height - state.startHeight
if index >= len(state.activeBlocks) {
return nil, errors.New(notFoundErr)
return json.Marshal(hex.EncodeToString(state.activeBlocks[index]))
case "getaddresstxids":
// Not required for minimal reorg testing.
return nil, errors.New("not implemented yet")
case "getrawtransaction":
return darksideGetRawTransaction(params)
case "sendrawtransaction":
var rawtx string
err := json.Unmarshal(params[0], &rawtx)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("failed to parse sendrawtransaction JSON")
txBytes, err := hex.DecodeString(rawtx)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("failed to parse sendrawtransaction value as a hex string")
// Parse the transaction to get its hash (txid).
tx := parser.NewTransaction()
rest, err := tx.ParseFromSlice(txBytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(rest) != 0 {
return nil, errors.New("transaction serialization is too long")
state.incomingTransactions = append(state.incomingTransactions, txBytes)
return []byte(hex.EncodeToString(tx.GetDisplayHash())), nil
case "getrawmempool":
reply := make([]string, 0)
addTxToReply := func(txBytes []byte) {
ctx := parser.NewTransaction()
reply = append(reply, hex.EncodeToString(ctx.GetDisplayHash()))
for _, blockBytes := range state.stagedBlocks {
block := parser.NewBlock()
for _, tx := range block.Transactions() {
for _, tx := range state.stagedTransactions {
return json.Marshal(reply)
return nil, errors.New("there was an attempt to call an unsupported RPC")
func darksideGetRawTransaction(params []json.RawMessage) (json.RawMessage, error) {
if !state.resetted {
return nil, errors.New("please call Reset first")
var rawtx string
err := json.Unmarshal(params[0], &rawtx)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("failed to parse getrawtransaction JSON")
txid, err := hex.DecodeString(rawtx)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("-9: " + err.Error())
marshalReply := func(tx *parser.Transaction, height int) []byte {
switch string(params[1]) {
case "0":
txJSON, _ := json.Marshal(hex.EncodeToString(tx.Bytes()))
return txJSON
case "1":
reply := struct {
Hex string
Height int
}{hex.EncodeToString(tx.Bytes()), height}
txVerboseJSON, _ := json.Marshal(reply)
return txVerboseJSON
Log.Fatal("darkside only recognizes verbose 0 or 1")
return nil
// Linear search for the tx, somewhat inefficient but this is test code
// and there aren't many blocks. If this becomes a performance problem,
// we can maintain a map of transactions indexed by txid.
findTxInBlocks := func(blocks [][]byte) json.RawMessage {
for _, b := range blocks {
block := parser.NewBlock()
_, _ = block.ParseFromSlice(b)
for _, tx := range block.Transactions() {
if bytes.Equal(tx.GetDisplayHash(), txid) {
return marshalReply(tx, block.GetHeight())
return nil
// Search for the transaction (by txid) in the 3 places it could be.
reply := findTxInBlocks(state.activeBlocks)
if reply != nil {
return reply, nil
reply = findTxInBlocks(state.stagedBlocks)
if reply != nil {
return reply, nil
for _, stx := range state.stagedTransactions {
tx := parser.NewTransaction()
_, _ = tx.ParseFromSlice(stx.bytes)
if bytes.Equal(tx.GetDisplayHash(), txid) {
return marshalReply(tx, 0), nil
return nil, errors.New("-5: No information available about transaction")
// DarksideStageTransaction adds the given transaction to the staging area.
func DarksideStageTransaction(height int, txBytes []byte) error {
if !state.resetted {
return errors.New("please call Reset first")
Log.Info("DarksideStageTransaction(height=", height, ")")
tx := parser.NewTransaction()
rest, err := tx.ParseFromSlice(txBytes)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(rest) != 0 {
return errors.New("transaction serialization is too long")
state.stagedTransactions = append(state.stagedTransactions,
height: height,
bytes: txBytes,
return nil
// DarksideStageTransactionsURL reads a list of transactions (hex-encoded, one
// per line) from the given URL, and associates them with the given height.
func DarksideStageTransactionsURL(height int, url string) error {
if !state.resetted {
return errors.New("please call Reset first")
Log.Info("StageTransactionsURL(height=", height, ", url=", url, ")")
resp, err := http.Get(url)
if err != nil {
return err
defer resp.Body.Close()
// some blocks are too large, especially when encoded in hex, for the
// default buffer size, so set up a larger one; 8mb should be enough.
scan := bufio.NewScanner(resp.Body)
var scanbuf []byte
scan.Buffer(scanbuf, 8*1000*1000)
for scan.Scan() { // each line (transaction)
transactionHex := scan.Text()
if transactionHex == "404: Not Found" {
// special case error (http resource not found, bad pathname)
return errors.New(transactionHex)
transactionBytes, err := hex.DecodeString(transactionHex)
if err != nil {
return err
if err = DarksideStageTransaction(height, transactionBytes); err != nil {
return err
return scan.Err()