use std::thread; use std::time::Duration; use metrics::{histogram, increment, register_counter, register_histogram}; use metrics_exporter_prometheus::PrometheusBuilder; use quanta::Clock; fn main() { tracing_subscriber::fmt::init(); let builder = PrometheusBuilder::new(); builder .install() .expect("failed to install Prometheus recorder"); // We register these metrics, which gives us a chance to specify a description for them. The // Prometheus exporter records this description and adds it as HELP text when the endpoint is // scraped. // // Registering metrics ahead of using them is not required, but is the only way to specify the // description of a metric. register_counter!( "tcp_server_loops", "The iterations of the TCP server event loop so far." ); register_histogram!( "tcp_server_loop_delta_ns", "The time taken for iterations of the TCP server event loop." ); let mut clock = Clock::new(); let mut last = None; // Loop over and over, pretending to do some work. loop { increment!("tcp_server_loops", "system" => "foo"); if let Some(t) = last { let delta: Duration = - t; histogram!("tcp_server_loop_delta_ns", delta, "system" => "foo"); } last = Some(; thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(750)); } }