//! Records metrics in the Prometheus exposition format. #![deny(missing_docs)] #![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_cfg), deny(broken_intra_doc_links))] use std::future::Future; #[cfg(feature = "tokio-exporter")] use hyper::{ service::{make_service_fn, service_fn}, {Body, Error as HyperError, Response, Server}, }; use metrics::{Key, Recorder, SetRecorderError, Unit}; use metrics_util::{ parse_quantiles, CompositeKey, Handle, Histogram, MetricKind, Quantile, Registry, }; use parking_lot::RwLock; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::io; use std::iter::FromIterator; use std::net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, SocketAddr}; use std::sync::Arc; #[cfg(feature = "tokio-exporter")] use std::thread; use std::time::SystemTime; use thiserror::Error as ThisError; #[cfg(feature = "tokio-exporter")] use tokio::{pin, runtime, select}; type PrometheusRegistry = Registry; type HdrHistogram = hdrhistogram::Histogram; /// Errors that could occur while installing a Prometheus recorder/exporter. #[derive(ThisError, Debug)] pub enum Error { /// Creating the networking event loop did not succeed. #[error("failed to spawn Tokio runtime for endpoint: {0}")] Io(#[from] io::Error), /// Binding/listening to the given address did not succeed. #[cfg(feature = "tokio-exporter")] #[error("failed to bind to given listen address: {0}")] Hyper(#[from] HyperError), /// Installing the recorder did not succeed. #[error("failed to install exporter as global recorder: {0}")] Recorder(#[from] SetRecorderError), } #[derive(Clone)] enum Distribution { /// A Prometheus histogram. /// /// Exposes "bucketed" values to Prometheus, counting the number of samples /// below a given threshold i.e. 100 requests faster than 20ms, 1000 requests /// faster than 50ms, etc. Histogram(Histogram), /// A Prometheus summary. /// /// Computes and exposes value quantiles directly to Prometheus i.e. 50% of /// requests were faster than 200ms, and 99% of requests were faster than /// 1000ms, etc. Summary(HdrHistogram, u64), } struct Snapshot { pub counters: HashMap, u64>>, pub gauges: HashMap, f64>>, pub distributions: HashMap, Distribution>>, } struct Inner { registry: PrometheusRegistry, distributions: RwLock, Distribution>>>, quantiles: Vec, buckets: Vec, buckets_by_name: Option>>, descriptions: RwLock>, } impl Inner { pub fn registry(&self) -> &PrometheusRegistry { &self.registry } fn get_recent_metrics(&self) -> Snapshot { let metrics = self.registry.get_handles(); let mut counters = HashMap::new(); let mut gauges = HashMap::new(); let mut sorted_overrides = self .buckets_by_name .as_ref() .map(|h| Vec::from_iter(h.iter())) .unwrap_or_else(|| vec![]); sorted_overrides.sort_by(|(a, _), (b, _)| b.len().cmp(&a.len())); for (key, handle) in metrics.into_iter() { let (kind, key) = key.into_parts(); let (name, labels) = key_to_parts(key); match kind { MetricKind::Counter => { let entry = counters .entry(name) .or_insert_with(|| HashMap::new()) .entry(labels) .or_insert(0); *entry = handle.read_counter(); } MetricKind::Gauge => { let entry = gauges .entry(name) .or_insert_with(|| HashMap::new()) .entry(labels) .or_insert(0.0); *entry = handle.read_gauge(); } MetricKind::Histogram => { let buckets = sorted_overrides .iter() .find(|(k, _)| name.ends_with(*k)) .map(|(_, buckets)| *buckets) .unwrap_or(&self.buckets); let mut wg = self.distributions.write(); let entry = wg .entry(name.clone()) .or_insert_with(|| HashMap::new()) .entry(labels) .or_insert_with(|| match buckets.is_empty() { false => { let histogram = Histogram::new(buckets) .expect("failed to create histogram with buckets defined"); Distribution::Histogram(histogram) } true => { let summary = HdrHistogram::new(3).expect("failed to create histogram"); Distribution::Summary(summary, 0) } }); match entry { Distribution::Histogram(histogram) => handle .read_histogram_with_clear(|samples| histogram.record_many(samples)), Distribution::Summary(summary, sum) => { handle.read_histogram_with_clear(|samples| { for sample in samples { let _ = summary.record(*sample); *sum += *sample; } }) } } } } } let distributions = self.distributions.read().clone(); Snapshot { counters, gauges, distributions, } } pub fn render(&self) -> String { let mut sorted_overrides = self .buckets_by_name .as_ref() .map(|h| Vec::from_iter(h.iter())) .unwrap_or_else(|| vec![]); sorted_overrides.sort_by(|(a, _), (b, _)| b.len().cmp(&a.len())); let Snapshot { mut counters, mut gauges, mut distributions, } = self.get_recent_metrics(); let ts = SystemTime::now() .duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH) .map(|d| d.as_secs()) .unwrap_or(0); let mut output = format!( "# metrics snapshot (ts={}) (prometheus exposition format)\n", ts ); let descriptions = self.descriptions.read(); for (name, mut by_labels) in counters.drain() { if let Some(desc) = descriptions.get(name.as_str()) { output.push_str("# HELP "); output.push_str(name.as_str()); output.push_str(" "); output.push_str(desc); output.push_str("\n"); } output.push_str("# TYPE "); output.push_str(name.as_str()); output.push_str(" counter\n"); for (labels, value) in by_labels.drain() { let full_name = render_labeled_name(&name, &labels); output.push_str(full_name.as_str()); output.push_str(" "); output.push_str(value.to_string().as_str()); output.push_str("\n"); } } for (name, mut by_labels) in gauges.drain() { if let Some(desc) = descriptions.get(name.as_str()) { output.push_str("# HELP "); output.push_str(name.as_str()); output.push_str(" "); output.push_str(desc); output.push_str("\n"); } output.push_str("# TYPE "); output.push_str(name.as_str()); output.push_str(" gauge\n"); for (labels, value) in by_labels.drain() { let full_name = render_labeled_name(&name, &labels); output.push_str(full_name.as_str()); output.push_str(" "); output.push_str(value.to_string().as_str()); output.push_str("\n"); } } let mut sorted_overrides = self .buckets_by_name .as_ref() .map(|h| Vec::from_iter(h.iter())) .unwrap_or_else(|| vec![]); sorted_overrides.sort_by(|(a, _), (b, _)| b.len().cmp(&a.len())); for (name, mut by_labels) in distributions.drain() { if let Some(desc) = descriptions.get(name.as_str()) { output.push_str("# HELP "); output.push_str(name.as_str()); output.push_str(" "); output.push_str(desc); output.push_str("\n"); } let has_buckets = sorted_overrides .iter() .any(|(k, _)| !self.buckets.is_empty() || name.ends_with(*k)); output.push_str("# TYPE "); output.push_str(name.as_str()); output.push_str(" "); output.push_str(if has_buckets { "histogram" } else { "summary" }); output.push_str("\n"); for (labels, distribution) in by_labels.drain() { let (sum, count) = match distribution { Distribution::Summary(summary, sum) => { for quantile in &self.quantiles { let value = summary.value_at_quantile(quantile.value()); let mut labels = labels.clone(); labels.push(format!("quantile=\"{}\"", quantile.value())); let full_name = render_labeled_name(&name, &labels); output.push_str(full_name.as_str()); output.push_str(" "); output.push_str(value.to_string().as_str()); output.push_str("\n"); } (sum, summary.len()) } Distribution::Histogram(histogram) => { for (le, count) in histogram.buckets() { let mut labels = labels.clone(); labels.push(format!("le=\"{}\"", le)); let bucket_name = format!("{}_bucket", name); let full_name = render_labeled_name(&bucket_name, &labels); output.push_str(full_name.as_str()); output.push_str(" "); output.push_str(count.to_string().as_str()); output.push_str("\n"); } let mut labels = labels.clone(); labels.push("le=\"+Inf\"".to_owned()); let bucket_name = format!("{}_bucket", name); let full_name = render_labeled_name(&bucket_name, &labels); output.push_str(full_name.as_str()); output.push_str(" "); output.push_str(histogram.count().to_string().as_str()); output.push_str("\n"); (histogram.sum(), histogram.count()) } }; let sum_name = format!("{}_sum", name); let full_sum_name = render_labeled_name(&sum_name, &labels); output.push_str(full_sum_name.as_str()); output.push_str(" "); output.push_str(sum.to_string().as_str()); output.push_str("\n"); let count_name = format!("{}_count", name); let full_count_name = render_labeled_name(&count_name, &labels); output.push_str(full_count_name.as_str()); output.push_str(" "); output.push_str(count.to_string().as_str()); output.push_str("\n"); } } output } } /// A Prometheus recorder. /// /// This recorder should be composed with other recorders or installed globally via /// [`metrics::set_boxed_recorder`]. /// /// pub struct PrometheusRecorder { inner: Arc, } impl PrometheusRecorder { /// Gets a [`PrometheusHandle`] to this recorder. pub fn handle(&self) -> PrometheusHandle { PrometheusHandle { inner: self.inner.clone(), } } fn add_description_if_missing(&self, key: &Key, description: Option<&'static str>) { if let Some(description) = description { let mut descriptions = self.inner.descriptions.write(); if !descriptions.contains_key(key.name().to_string().as_str()) { descriptions.insert(key.name().to_string(), description); } } } } /// Handle to [`PrometheusRecorder`]. /// /// Useful for exposing a scrape endpoint on an existing HTTP/HTTPS server. pub struct PrometheusHandle { inner: Arc, } impl PrometheusHandle { /// Returns the metrics in Prometheus accepted String format. pub fn render(&self) -> String { self.inner.render() } } /// Builder for creating and installing a Prometheus recorder/exporter. pub struct PrometheusBuilder { listen_address: SocketAddr, quantiles: Vec, buckets: Vec, buckets_by_name: Option>>, } impl PrometheusBuilder { /// Creates a new [`PrometheusBuilder`]. pub fn new() -> Self { let quantiles = parse_quantiles(&[0.0, 0.5, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99, 0.999, 1.0]); Self { listen_address: SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(127, 0, 0, 1)), 9000), quantiles, buckets: vec![], buckets_by_name: None, } } /// Sets the listen address for the Prometheus scrape endpoint. /// /// The HTTP listener that is spawned will respond to GET requests on any request path. /// /// Defaults to ``. pub fn listen_address(mut self, addr: impl Into) -> Self { self.listen_address = addr.into(); self } /// Sets the quantiles to use when rendering histograms. /// /// Quantiles represent a scale of 0 to 1, where percentiles represent a scale of 1 to 100, so /// a quantile of 0.99 is the 99th percentile, and a quantile of 0.99 is the 99.9th percentile. /// /// By default, the quantiles will be set to: 0.0, 0.5, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99, 0.999, and 1.0. This means /// that all histograms will be exposed as Prometheus summaries. /// /// If buckets are set (via [`set_buckets`][Self::set_buckets] or /// [`set_buckets_for_metric`][Self::set_buckets_for_metric]) then all histograms will be exposed /// as summaries instead. pub fn set_quantiles(mut self, quantiles: &[f64]) -> Self { self.quantiles = parse_quantiles(quantiles); self } /// Sets the buckets to use when rendering histograms. /// /// Buckets values represent the higher bound of each buckets. If buckets are set, then all /// histograms will be rendered as true Prometheus histograms, instead of summaries. pub fn set_buckets(mut self, values: &[u64]) -> Self { self.buckets = values.to_vec(); self } /// Sets the buckets for a specific metric, overidding the default. /// /// The match is suffix-based, and the longest match found will be used. /// /// Buckets values represent the higher bound of each buckets. If buckets are set, then any /// histograms that match will be rendered as true Prometheus histograms, instead of summaries. /// /// This option changes the observer's output of histogram-type metric into summaries. /// It only affects matching metrics if set_buckets was not used. pub fn set_buckets_for_metric(mut self, name: &str, values: &[u64]) -> Self { let buckets = self.buckets_by_name.get_or_insert_with(|| HashMap::new()); buckets.insert(name.to_owned(), values.to_vec()); self } /// Builds the recorder and exporter and installs them globally. /// /// An error will be returned if there's an issue with creating the HTTP server or with /// installing the recorder as the global recorder. #[cfg(feature = "tokio-exporter")] pub fn install(self) -> Result<(), Error> { let runtime = runtime::Builder::new_current_thread() .enable_all() .build()?; let (recorder, exporter) = { let _guard = runtime.enter(); self.build_with_exporter() }?; metrics::set_boxed_recorder(Box::new(recorder))?; thread::Builder::new() .name("metrics-exporter-prometheus-http".to_string()) .spawn(move || { runtime.block_on(async move { pin!(exporter); loop { select! { _ = &mut exporter => {} } } }); })?; Ok(()) } /// Builds the recorder and returns it. /// This function is only enabled when default features are not set. pub fn build(self) -> Result { let inner = Arc::new(Inner { registry: Registry::new(), distributions: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()), quantiles: self.quantiles.clone(), buckets: self.buckets.clone(), buckets_by_name: self.buckets_by_name, descriptions: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()), }); let recorder = PrometheusRecorder { inner }; Ok(recorder) } /// Builds the recorder and exporter and returns them both. /// /// In most cases, users should prefer to use [`PrometheusBuilder::install`] to create and /// install the recorder and exporter automatically for them. If a caller is combining /// recorders, or needs to schedule the exporter to run in a particular way, this method /// provides the flexibility to do so. #[cfg(feature = "tokio-exporter")] pub fn build_with_exporter( self, ) -> Result< ( PrometheusRecorder, impl Future> + Send + Sync + 'static, ), Error, > { let inner = Arc::new(Inner { registry: Registry::new(), distributions: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()), quantiles: self.quantiles.clone(), buckets: self.buckets.clone(), buckets_by_name: self.buckets_by_name.clone(), descriptions: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()), }); let recorder = PrometheusRecorder { inner: inner.clone(), }; let address = self.listen_address; let server = Server::try_bind(&address)?; let exporter = async move { let make_svc = make_service_fn(move |_| { let inner = inner.clone(); async move { Ok::<_, HyperError>(service_fn(move |_| { let inner = inner.clone(); async move { let output = inner.render(); Ok::<_, HyperError>(Response::new(Body::from(output))) } })) } }); server.serve(make_svc).await }; Ok((recorder, exporter)) } } impl Recorder for PrometheusRecorder { fn register_counter(&self, key: Key, _unit: Option, description: Option<&'static str>) { self.add_description_if_missing(&key, description); self.inner.registry().op( CompositeKey::new(MetricKind::Counter, key), |_| {}, || Handle::counter(), ); } fn register_gauge(&self, key: Key, _unit: Option, description: Option<&'static str>) { self.add_description_if_missing(&key, description); self.inner.registry().op( CompositeKey::new(MetricKind::Gauge, key), |_| {}, || Handle::gauge(), ); } fn register_histogram(&self, key: Key, _unit: Option, description: Option<&'static str>) { self.add_description_if_missing(&key, description); self.inner.registry().op( CompositeKey::new(MetricKind::Histogram, key), |_| {}, || Handle::histogram(), ); } fn increment_counter(&self, key: Key, value: u64) { self.inner.registry().op( CompositeKey::new(MetricKind::Counter, key), |h| h.increment_counter(value), || Handle::counter(), ); } fn update_gauge(&self, key: Key, value: f64) { self.inner.registry().op( CompositeKey::new(MetricKind::Gauge, key), |h| h.update_gauge(value), || Handle::gauge(), ); } fn record_histogram(&self, key: Key, value: u64) { self.inner.registry().op( CompositeKey::new(MetricKind::Histogram, key), |h| h.record_histogram(value), || Handle::histogram(), ); } } fn key_to_parts(key: Key) -> (String, Vec) { let name = key.name(); let labels = key.labels(); let sanitize = |c| c == '.' || c == '=' || c == '{' || c == '}' || c == '+' || c == '-'; let name = name .parts() .map(|s| s.replace(sanitize, "_")) .collect::>() .join("_"); let labels = labels .into_iter() .map(|label| { let k = label.key(); let v = label.value(); format!( "{}=\"{}\"", k, v.replace("\\", "\\\\") .replace("\"", "\\\"") .replace("\n", "\\n") ) }) .collect(); (name, labels) } fn render_labeled_name(name: &str, labels: &[String]) -> String { let mut output = name.to_string(); if !labels.is_empty() { let joined = labels.join(","); output.push_str("{"); output.push_str(&joined); output.push_str("}"); } output }