
361 lines
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Raw Normal View History

use std::{io, net, error, time};
2016-10-12 10:39:50 -07:00
use std::sync::Arc;
2016-10-18 03:14:54 -07:00
use parking_lot::RwLock;
use futures::{Future, finished, failed, BoxFuture};
2016-10-12 10:39:50 -07:00
use futures::stream::Stream;
use futures_cpupool::CpuPool;
use tokio_core::io::IoFuture;
2016-10-27 05:57:14 -07:00
use tokio_core::net::{TcpListener, TcpStream};
use tokio_core::reactor::{Handle, Remote, Timeout};
use abstract_ns::Resolver;
use ns_dns_tokio::DnsResolver;
2016-10-24 05:55:08 -07:00
use message::{Payload, MessageResult};
2016-10-21 01:55:37 -07:00
use protocol::Direction;
2016-10-27 05:57:14 -07:00
use net::{connect, Connections, Channel, Config as NetConfig, accept_connection};
use util::{NodeTable, Node};
use session::{SessionFactory, SeednodeSessionFactory, NormalSessionFactory};
use {Config, PeerId};
use protocol::{LocalSyncNodeRef, InboundSyncConnectionRef, OutboundSyncConnectionRef};
2016-10-27 05:57:14 -07:00
use io::DeadlineStatus;
2016-10-19 18:14:42 -07:00
pub type BoxedEmptyFuture = BoxFuture<(), ()>;
/// Network context.
pub struct Context {
/// Connections.
connections: Connections,
/// Node Table.
node_table: RwLock<NodeTable>,
/// Thread pool handle.
pool: CpuPool,
/// Remote event loop handle.
remote: Remote,
/// Local synchronization node.
local_sync_node: LocalSyncNodeRef,
impl Context {
/// Creates new context with reference to local sync node, thread pool and event loop.
pub fn new(local_sync_node: LocalSyncNodeRef, pool_handle: CpuPool, remote: Remote) -> Self {
Context {
connections: Default::default(),
node_table: Default::default(),
pool: pool_handle,
remote: remote,
local_sync_node: local_sync_node,
/// Spawns a future using thread pool and schedules execution of it with event loop handle.
pub fn spawn<F>(&self, f: F) where F: Future + Send + 'static, F::Item: Send + 'static, F::Error: Send + 'static {
let pool_work = self.pool.spawn(f);
self.remote.spawn(move |_handle| {
pool_work.then(|_| finished(()))
/// Schedules execution of function in future.
/// Use wisely, it keeps used objects in memory until after it is resolved.
pub fn execute_after<F>(&self, duration: time::Duration, f: F) where F: FnOnce() + 'static + Send {
let pool = self.pool.clone();
self.remote.spawn(move |handle| {
let timeout = Timeout::new(duration, handle)
.expect("Expected to schedule timeout")
.then(move |_| {
/// Returns addresses of recently active nodes. Sorted and limited to 1000.
pub fn node_table_entries(&self) -> Vec<Node> {
/// Updates node table.
pub fn update_node_table(&self, nodes: Vec<Node>) {
trace!("Updating node table with {} entries", nodes.len());
/// Connect to socket using given context and handle.
fn connect_future<T>(context: Arc<Context>, socket: net::SocketAddr, handle: &Handle, config: &NetConfig) -> BoxedEmptyFuture where T: SessionFactory {
trace!("Trying to connect to: {}", socket);
let connection = connect(&socket, handle, config);
connection.then(move |result| {
match result {
2016-10-27 05:57:14 -07:00
Ok(DeadlineStatus::Meet(Ok(connection))) => {
// successfull hanshake
trace!("Connected to {}", connection.address);
let channel =<T>(context.clone(), connection);
// initialize session and then start reading messages
channel.session().initialize(channel.clone(), Direction::Outbound);
Context::on_message(context, channel)
2016-10-27 05:57:14 -07:00
Ok(DeadlineStatus::Meet(Err(err))) => {
// protocol error
2016-10-19 18:14:42 -07:00
trace!("Handshake with {} failed", socket);
// TODO: close socket
2016-10-27 05:57:14 -07:00
Ok(DeadlineStatus::Timeout) => {
// connection time out
trace!("Handshake with {} timedout", socket);
// TODO: close socket
Err(err) => {
// network error
2016-10-19 18:14:42 -07:00
trace!("Unable to connect to {}", socket);
2016-10-19 18:14:42 -07:00
.then(|_| finished(()))
/// Connect to socket using given context.
pub fn connect<T>(context: Arc<Context>, socket: net::SocketAddr, config: NetConfig) where T: SessionFactory {
context.remote.clone().spawn(move |handle| {
context.pool.clone().spawn(Context::connect_future::<T>(context, socket, handle, &config))
2016-10-27 05:57:14 -07:00
pub fn accept_connection_future(context: Arc<Context>, stream: TcpStream, socket: net::SocketAddr, handle: &Handle, config: NetConfig) -> BoxedEmptyFuture {
accept_connection(stream, handle, &config, socket).then(move |result| {
match result {
2016-10-27 05:57:14 -07:00
Ok(DeadlineStatus::Meet(Ok(connection))) => {
// successfull hanshake
trace!("Accepted connection from {}", connection.address);
let channel =<NormalSessionFactory>(context.clone(), connection);
// initialize session and then start reading messages
channel.session().initialize(channel.clone(), Direction::Inbound);
Context::on_message(context.clone(), channel)
2016-10-27 05:57:14 -07:00
Ok(DeadlineStatus::Meet(Err(err))) => {
// protocol error
2016-10-19 18:14:42 -07:00
// TODO: close socket
2016-10-27 05:57:14 -07:00
Ok(DeadlineStatus::Timeout) => {
// connection time out
trace!("Handshake with {} timedout", socket);
// TODO: close socket
Err(err) => {
// network error
2016-10-19 18:14:42 -07:00
.then(|_| finished(()))
2016-10-27 05:57:14 -07:00
pub fn accept_connection(context: Arc<Context>, stream: TcpStream, socket: net::SocketAddr, config: NetConfig) {
context.remote.clone().spawn(move |handle| {
context.pool.clone().spawn(Context::accept_connection_future(context, stream, socket, handle, config))
/// Starts tcp server and listens for incomming connections.
pub fn listen(context: Arc<Context>, handle: &Handle, config: NetConfig) -> Result<BoxedEmptyFuture, io::Error> {
trace!("Starting tcp server");
let server = try!(TcpListener::bind(&config.local_address, handle));
let server = server.incoming()
.and_then(move |(stream, socket)| {
Context::accept_connection(context.clone(), stream, socket, config.clone());
.for_each(|_| Ok(()))
.then(|_| finished(()))
/// Called on incomming mesage.
2016-10-24 05:55:08 -07:00
pub fn on_message(context: Arc<Context>, channel: Arc<Channel>) -> IoFuture<MessageResult<()>> {
channel.read_message().then(move |result| {
match result {
Ok(Ok((command, payload))) => {
// successful read
trace!("Received {} message from {}", command, channel.peer_info().address);
// handle message and read the next one
match channel.session().on_message(channel.clone(), command, payload) {
Ok(_) => {
2016-10-24 05:55:08 -07:00
let on_message = Context::on_message(context.clone(), channel);
Err(err) => {
// protocol error
context.close_channel_with_error(channel.peer_info().id, &err);
Ok(Err(err)) => {
// protocol error
context.close_channel_with_error(channel.peer_info().id, &err);
Err(err) => {
// network error
context.close_channel_with_error(channel.peer_info().id, &err);
/// Send message to a channel with given peer id.
pub fn send_to_peer<T>(context: Arc<Context>, peer: PeerId, payload: &T) -> IoFuture<()> where T: Payload {
match {
Some(channel) => Context::send(context, channel, payload),
None => {
// peer no longer exists.
// TODO: should we return error here?
/// Send message using given channel.
2016-10-21 01:55:37 -07:00
pub fn send<T>(_context: Arc<Context>, channel: Arc<Channel>, payload: &T) -> IoFuture<()> where T: Payload {
trace!("Sending {} message to {}", T::command(), channel.peer_info().address);
channel.write_message(payload).then(move |result| {
match result {
Ok(_) => {
// successful send
trace!("Sent {} message to {}", T::command(), channel.peer_info().address);
Err(err) => {
// network error
2016-10-21 01:55:37 -07:00
// closing connection is handled in on_message`
2016-10-19 18:14:42 -07:00
/// Close channel with given peer info.
pub fn close_channel(&self, id: PeerId) {
if let Some(channel) = self.connections.remove(id) {
trace!("Disconnecting from {}", channel.peer_info().address);
/// Close channel with given peer info.
pub fn close_channel_with_error(&self, id: PeerId, error: &error::Error) {
if let Some(channel) = self.connections.remove(id) {
let address = channel.peer_info().address;
trace!("Disconnecting from {} caused by {}", address, error.description());
2016-10-19 18:14:42 -07:00
2016-10-19 18:14:42 -07:00
pub fn create_sync_session(&self, start_height: i32, outbound_connection: OutboundSyncConnectionRef) -> InboundSyncConnectionRef {
self.local_sync_node.create_sync_session(start_height, outbound_connection)
2016-10-12 05:30:50 -07:00
pub struct P2P {
2016-10-12 10:39:50 -07:00
/// Global event loop handle.
event_loop_handle: Handle,
/// Worker thread pool.
pool: CpuPool,
/// P2P config.
config: Config,
/// Network context.
context: Arc<Context>,
2016-10-12 05:30:50 -07:00
impl Drop for P2P {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// there are retain cycles
// context->connections->channel->session->protocol->context
// context->connections->channel->on_message closure->context
// first let's get rid of session retain cycle
for channel in &self.context.connections.remove_all() {
// done, now let's finish on_message
2016-10-12 05:30:50 -07:00
impl P2P {
pub fn new(config: Config, local_sync_node: LocalSyncNodeRef, handle: Handle) -> Self {
2016-10-17 16:44:52 -07:00
let pool = CpuPool::new(config.threads);
2016-10-12 10:39:50 -07:00
2016-10-12 05:30:50 -07:00
P2P {
2016-10-12 10:39:50 -07:00
event_loop_handle: handle.clone(),
pool: pool.clone(),
config: config,
context: Arc::new(Context::new(local_sync_node, pool, handle.remote().clone())),
2016-10-12 05:30:50 -07:00
2016-10-12 10:39:50 -07:00
pub fn run(&self) -> Result<(), Box<error::Error>> {
for peer in self.config.peers.iter() {
let resolver = try!(DnsResolver::system_config(&self.event_loop_handle));
for seed in self.config.seeds.iter() {
self.connect_to_seednode(&resolver, seed);
2016-10-12 10:39:50 -07:00
2016-10-13 06:24:37 -07:00
2016-10-12 10:39:50 -07:00
pub fn connect<T>(&self, ip: net::IpAddr) where T: SessionFactory {
2016-10-12 10:39:50 -07:00
let socket = net::SocketAddr::new(ip, self.config.connection.magic.port());
Context::connect::<T>(self.context.clone(), socket, self.config.connection.clone());
2016-10-12 10:39:50 -07:00
pub fn connect_to_seednode(&self, resolver: &Resolver, seednode: &str) {
let owned_seednode = seednode.to_owned();
let context = self.context.clone();
let connection_config = self.config.connection.clone();
let dns_lookup = resolver.resolve(seednode).then(move |result| {
match result {
Ok(address) => match address.pick_one() {
Some(socket) => {
trace!("Dns lookup of seednode {} finished. Connecting to {}", owned_seednode, socket);
Context::connect::<SeednodeSessionFactory>(context, socket, connection_config);
None => {
trace!("Dns lookup of seednode {} resolved with no results", owned_seednode);
Err(_err) => {
trace!("Dns lookup of seednode {} failed", owned_seednode);
let pool_work = self.pool.spawn(dns_lookup);
fn listen(&self) -> Result<(), Box<error::Error>> {
2016-10-19 18:14:42 -07:00
let server = try!(Context::listen(self.context.clone(), &self.event_loop_handle, self.config.connection.clone()));
2016-10-27 05:57:14 -07:00
2016-10-13 00:17:29 -07:00
2016-10-12 10:39:50 -07:00
2016-10-12 05:30:50 -07:00