
599 lines
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Raw Normal View History

use std::thread;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::cmp::{min, max};
2016-10-26 07:33:28 -07:00
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
use std::sync::mpsc::{channel, Sender, Receiver};
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use db;
2016-10-25 06:05:10 -07:00
use chain::{Block, RepresentH256};
use primitives::hash::H256;
use hash_queue::HashPosition;
use synchronization_peers::Peers;
#[cfg(test)] use synchronization_peers::{Information as PeersInformation};
use synchronization_chain::{ChainRef, BlockState};
use synchronization_chain::{Information as ChainInformation};
use verification::{ChainVerifier, Error as VerificationError, Verify};
use time;
///! Blocks synchronization process:
///! TODO: Current assumptions:
///! 1) unknown blocks in `inventory` messages are returned as a consequent range, sorted from oldest to newest
///! 2) no forks support
///! When new peer is connected:
2016-10-26 02:24:04 -07:00
///! 1) send `inventory` message with full block locator hashes
///! When `inventory` message is received from peer:
///! 1) if synchronization queue is empty:
///! 1.1) append all unknown blocks hashes to the `queued_hashes`
///! 1.2) mark peer as 'useful' for current synchronization stage (TODO)
///! 1.3) stop
///! 2) if intersection(`queued_hashes`, unknown blocks) is not empty && there are new unknown blocks:
///! 2.1) append new unknown blocks to the queued_hashes
///! 2.2) mark peer as 'useful' for current synchronization stage (TODO)
///! 2.3) stop
///! 3) if intersection(`queued_hashes`, unknown blocks) is not empty && there are no new unknown blocks:
///! 3.1) looks like peer is behind us in the blockchain (or these are blocks for the future)
///! 3.2) mark peer as 'suspicious' for current synchronization stage (TODO)
///! 3.3) stop
///! After receiving `block` message:
///! 1) if any basic verification is failed (TODO):
///! 1.1) penalize peer
///! 1.2) stop
2016-10-26 02:24:04 -07:00
///! 1) if not(remove block) [i.e. block was not requested]:
///! 1.1) ignore it (TODO: try to append to the chain)
///! 1.2) stop
///! 2) if this block is first block in the `requested_hashes`:
///! 2.1) append to the verification queue (+ append to `verifying_hashes`) (TODO)
///! 2.2) for all children (from `orphaned_blocks`): append to the verification queue (TODO)
///! 2.3) stop
///! 3) remember in `orphaned_blocks`
///! After receiving `inventory` message OR receiving `block` message:
///! 1) if there are blocks hashes in `queued_hashes`:
///! 1.1) select idle peers
///! 1.2) for each idle peer: query blocks from `queued_hashes`
///! 1.3) move requested blocks hashes from `queued_hashes` to `requested_hashes`
///! 1.4) mark idle peers as active
///! 2) if `queued_hashes` queue is not yet saturated:
///! 2.1) for each idle peer: send shortened `getblocks` message
///! 2.2) 'forget' idle peers (mark them as not useful for synchronization) (TODO)
///! TODO: spawn management thread [watch for not-stalling sync]
///! TODO: check + optimize algorithm for Saturated state
/// Approximate maximal number of blocks hashes in scheduled queue.
const MAX_SCHEDULED_HASHES: u64 = 4 * 1024;
/// Approximate maximal number of blocks hashes in requested queue.
const MAX_REQUESTED_BLOCKS: u64 = 512;
/// Approximate maximal number of blocks in verifying queue.
const MAX_VERIFYING_BLOCKS: u64 = 512;
/// Minimum number of blocks to request from peer
const MIN_BLOCKS_IN_REQUEST: u64 = 32;
/// Maximum number of blocks to request from peer
const MAX_BLOCKS_IN_REQUEST: u64 = 512;
/// Thread-safe reference to the `Synchronization`
pub type SynchronizationRef<T> = Arc<Mutex<Synchronization<T>>>;
/// Synchronization task for the peer.
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum Task {
/// Request given blocks.
RequestBlocks(usize, Vec<H256>),
/// Request full inventory using block_locator_hashes.
/// Request inventory using best block locator only.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum State {
Synchronizing(f64, u64),
/// Information on current synchronization state.
pub struct Information {
/// Current synchronization state.
pub state: State,
2016-10-26 07:33:28 -07:00
/// Information on synchronization peers.
pub peers: PeersInformation,
/// Current synchronization chain inormation.
pub chain: ChainInformation,
/// Number of currently orphaned blocks.
pub orphaned: usize,
/// Synchronization task executor
pub trait TaskExecutor {
fn execute(&mut self, task: Task);
/// Verification thread tasks
enum VerificationTask {
/// Verify single block
/// Stop verification thread
/// Synchronization config
pub struct Config {
/// Skip blocks verification
pub skip_block_verification: bool,
/// New blocks synchronization process.
pub struct Synchronization<T: TaskExecutor + Send + 'static> {
/// Synchronization state.
state: State,
/// Synchronization peers.
peers: Peers,
/// Task executor.
executor: Arc<Mutex<T>>,
/// Chain reference.
chain: ChainRef,
/// Blocks from requested_hashes, but received out-of-order.
orphaned_blocks: HashMap<H256, Block>,
/// Verification work transmission channel.
verification_work_sender: Option<Sender<VerificationTask>>,
/// Verification thread.
verification_worker_thread: Option<thread::JoinHandle<()>>,
impl State {
pub fn is_synchronizing(&self) -> bool {
match self {
&State::Synchronizing(_, _) => true,
_ => false,
impl<T> Drop for Synchronization<T> where T: TaskExecutor + Send + 'static {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if let Some(join_handle) = self.verification_worker_thread.take() {
.expect("Some(join_handle) => Some(verification_work_sender)")
join_handle.join().expect("Clean shutdown.");
impl<T> Synchronization<T> where T: TaskExecutor + Send + 'static {
/// Create new synchronization window
pub fn new(config: Config, executor: Arc<Mutex<T>>, chain: ChainRef) -> SynchronizationRef<T> {
let sync = SynchronizationRef::new(Mutex::new(
Synchronization {
state: State::Saturated,
peers: Peers::new(),
executor: executor,
chain: chain.clone(),
orphaned_blocks: HashMap::new(),
verification_work_sender: None,
verification_worker_thread: None,
if !config.skip_block_verification {
let (verification_work_sender, verification_work_receiver) = channel();
let csync = sync.clone();
let mut lsync = sync.lock();
let storage =;
lsync.verification_work_sender = Some(verification_work_sender);
lsync.verification_worker_thread = Some(thread::Builder::new()
.name("Sync verification thread".to_string())
.spawn(move || {
Synchronization::verification_worker_proc(csync, storage, verification_work_receiver)
.expect("Error creating verification thread"));
/// Get information on current synchronization state.
pub fn information(&self) -> Information {
Information {
state: self.state,
2016-10-26 07:33:28 -07:00
peers: self.peers.information(),
orphaned: self.orphaned_blocks.len(),
/// Try to queue synchronization of unknown blocks when new inventory is received.
2016-10-31 04:26:39 -07:00
pub fn on_new_blocks_inventory(&mut self, peer_index: usize, peer_hashes: Vec<H256>) {
self.process_new_blocks_inventory(peer_index, peer_hashes);
/// Process new block.
pub fn on_peer_block(&mut self, peer_index: usize, block: Block) {
let block_hash = block.hash();
// update peers to select next tasks
self.peers.on_block_received(peer_index, &block_hash);
self.process_peer_block(block_hash, block);
/// Reset synchronization process
pub fn reset(&mut self) {
// TODO: reset verification queue
let mut chain = self.chain.write();
self.state = State::Synchronizing(time::precise_time_s(), chain.best_block().height);
2016-10-31 04:26:39 -07:00
warn!(target: "sync", "Synchronization process restarting from block {:?}", chain.best_block());
2016-10-31 04:26:39 -07:00
/// Process new blocks inventory
fn process_new_blocks_inventory(&mut self, peer_index: usize, mut peer_hashes: Vec<H256>) {
// | requested | QUEUED |
// --- [1]
// --- [2] +
// --- [3] +
// --- [4]
// -+- [5] +
// -+- [6] +
// -+- [7] +
// ---+---------+--- [8] +
// ---+--------+--- [9] +
// ---+---------+--------+--- [10]
let mut chain = self.chain.write();
// new block is scheduled => move to synchronizing state
if !self.state.is_synchronizing() {
self.state = State::Synchronizing(time::precise_time_s(), chain.best_block().height);
// when synchronization is idling
// => request full inventory
if !chain.has_blocks_of_state(BlockState::Scheduled)
&& !chain.has_blocks_of_state(BlockState::Requested) {
// cases: [2], [5], [6], [8]
// if last block from peer_hashes is in window { requested_hashes + queued_hashes }
// => no new blocks for synchronization, but we will use this peer in synchronization
let peer_hashes_len = peer_hashes.len();
if chain.block_has_state(&peer_hashes[peer_hashes_len - 1], BlockState::Scheduled)
|| chain.block_has_state(&peer_hashes[peer_hashes_len - 1], BlockState::Requested) {
// cases: [1], [3], [4], [7], [9], [10]
// try to find new blocks for synchronization from inventory
let mut last_known_peer_hash_index = peer_hashes_len - 1;
loop {
if last_known_peer_hash_index == 0 {
// either these are blocks from the future or blocks from the past
// => TODO: ignore this peer during synchronization
if chain.block_has_state(&peer_hashes[last_known_peer_hash_index], BlockState::Scheduled) {
// we have found first block which is scheduled
// => blocks in range [(last_known_peer_hash_index + 1)..peer_hashes_len] are unknown
let unknown_peer_hashes = peer_hashes.split_off(last_known_peer_hash_index + 1);
last_known_peer_hash_index -= 1;
/// Process new peer block
fn process_peer_block(&mut self, block_hash: H256, block: Block) {
// this block is not requested for synchronization
let mut chain = self.chain.write();
let block_position = chain.remove_block_with_state(&block_hash, BlockState::Requested);
if block_position == HashPosition::Missing {
// requested block is received => move to saturated state if there are no more blocks
if !chain.has_blocks_of_state(BlockState::Scheduled)
&& !chain.has_blocks_of_state(BlockState::Requested)
&& !chain.has_blocks_of_state(BlockState::Verifying) {
self.state = State::Saturated;
// check if this block is next block in the blockchain
if block_position == HashPosition::Front {
// check if this parent of this block is current best_block
let expecting_previous_header_hash = chain.best_block_of_state(BlockState::Verifying)
.unwrap_or_else(|| {
.expect("storage with genesis block is required")
if block.block_header.previous_header_hash != expecting_previous_header_hash {
// TODO: penalize peer
warn!(target: "sync", "Out-of-order block {:?} was dropped. Expecting block with parent hash {:?}", block_hash, expecting_previous_header_hash);
// this is next block in the blockchain => queue for verification
// also unwrap all dependent orphan blocks
let mut current_block = block;
let mut current_block_hash = block_hash;
loop {
match self.verification_work_sender {
Some(ref verification_work_sender) => {
.expect("Verification thread have the same lifetime as `Synchronization`");
None => {
.expect("Error inserting to db.");
// proceed to the next orphaned block
if let Entry::Occupied(orphaned_block_entry) = self.orphaned_blocks.entry(current_block_hash) {
let (orphaned_parent_hash, orphaned_block) = orphaned_block_entry.remove_entry();
current_block_hash = orphaned_parent_hash;
current_block = orphaned_block;
else {
// this block is not the next one => mark it as orphaned
self.orphaned_blocks.insert(block_hash, block);
/// Schedule new synchronization tasks, if any.
fn execute_synchronization_tasks(&mut self) {
let mut tasks: Vec<Task> = Vec::new();
2016-10-31 04:46:11 -07:00
let idle_peers = self.peers.idle_peers();
let idle_peers_len = idle_peers.len() as u64;
2016-10-31 04:26:39 -07:00
// prepare synchronization tasks
2016-10-31 04:46:11 -07:00
if idle_peers_len != 0 {
// display information if processed many blocks || enough time has passed since sync start
let mut chain = self.chain.write();
if let State::Synchronizing(timestamp, num_of_blocks) = self.state {
let new_timestamp = time::precise_time_s();
let timestamp_diff = new_timestamp - timestamp;
let new_num_of_blocks = chain.best_block().height;
let blocks_diff = if new_num_of_blocks > num_of_blocks { new_num_of_blocks - num_of_blocks} else { 0 };
if timestamp_diff >= 60.0 || blocks_diff > 1000 {
self.state = State::Synchronizing(new_timestamp, new_num_of_blocks);
info!(target: "sync", "Processed {} blocks in {} seconds. Chain information: {:?}"
, blocks_diff, timestamp_diff
, chain.information());
// TODO: instead of issuing duplicated inventory requests, wait until enough new blocks are verified, then issue
// check if we can query some blocks hashes
let scheduled_hashes_len = chain.length_of_state(BlockState::Scheduled);
if scheduled_hashes_len < MAX_SCHEDULED_HASHES {
if self.state.is_synchronizing() {
2016-10-31 04:46:11 -07:00
else {
2016-10-31 04:46:11 -07:00
// check if we can move some blocks from scheduled to requested queue
let requested_hashes_len = chain.length_of_state(BlockState::Requested);
let verifying_hashes_len = chain.length_of_state(BlockState::Verifying);
if requested_hashes_len + verifying_hashes_len < MAX_REQUESTED_BLOCKS + MAX_VERIFYING_BLOCKS && scheduled_hashes_len != 0 {
2016-10-31 04:46:11 -07:00
let chunk_size = min(MAX_BLOCKS_IN_REQUEST, max(scheduled_hashes_len / idle_peers_len, MIN_BLOCKS_IN_REQUEST));
for idle_peer in idle_peers {
let peer_chunk_size = min(chain.length_of_state(BlockState::Scheduled), chunk_size);
if peer_chunk_size == 0 {
2016-10-31 04:46:11 -07:00
let requested_hashes = chain.request_blocks_hashes(peer_chunk_size);
self.peers.on_blocks_requested(idle_peer, &requested_hashes);
tasks.push(Task::RequestBlocks(idle_peer, requested_hashes));
// execute synchronization tasks
for task in tasks {
/// Thread procedure for handling verification tasks
fn verification_worker_proc(sync: SynchronizationRef<T>, storage: Arc<db::Store>, work_receiver: Receiver<VerificationTask>) {
let verifier = ChainVerifier::new(storage);
while let Ok(task) = work_receiver.recv() {
match task {
VerificationTask::VerifyBlock(block) => {
match verifier.verify(&block) {
Ok(_chain) => {
Err(err) => {
sync.lock().on_block_verification_error(&err, &block.hash())
_ => break,
/// Process successful block verification
fn on_block_verification_success(&mut self, block: Block) {
2016-10-31 04:26:39 -07:00
let hash = block.hash();
let mut chain = self.chain.write();
2016-10-31 04:26:39 -07:00
// remove from verifying queue
assert_eq!(chain.remove_block_with_state(&hash, BlockState::Verifying), HashPosition::Front);
2016-10-31 04:26:39 -07:00
// insert to storage
.expect("Error inserting to db.");
// continue with synchronization
/// Process failed block verification
fn on_block_verification_error(&mut self, err: &VerificationError, hash: &H256) {
warn!(target: "sync", "Block {:?} verification failed with error {:?}", hash, err);
// reset synchronization process
2016-10-31 04:26:39 -07:00
// start new tasks
mod tests {
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::mem::replace;
use parking_lot::{Mutex, RwLock};
2016-10-25 06:05:46 -07:00
use chain::{Block, RepresentH256};
use super::{Synchronization, SynchronizationRef, Config, Task, TaskExecutor};
2016-10-26 07:46:47 -07:00
use synchronization_chain::{Chain, ChainRef};
use db;
struct DummyTaskExecutor {
pub tasks: Vec<Task>,
impl DummyTaskExecutor {
pub fn take_tasks(&mut self) -> Vec<Task> {
replace(&mut self.tasks, Vec::new())
impl TaskExecutor for DummyTaskExecutor {
fn execute(&mut self, task: Task) {
fn create_sync() -> (Arc<Mutex<DummyTaskExecutor>>, SynchronizationRef<DummyTaskExecutor>) {
let storage = Arc::new(db::TestStorage::with_genesis_block());
let chain = ChainRef::new(RwLock::new(Chain::new(storage.clone())));
let executor = Arc::new(Mutex::new(DummyTaskExecutor::default()));
(executor.clone(), Synchronization::new(Config {
skip_block_verification: true,
}, executor, chain))
fn synchronization_saturated_on_start() {
let (_, sync) = create_sync();
let sync = sync.lock();
let info = sync.information();
assert_eq!(info.orphaned, 0);
fn synchronization_in_order_block_path() {
let (executor, sync) = create_sync();
let mut sync = sync.lock();
let block1: Block = "010000006fe28c0ab6f1b372c1a6a246ae63f74f931e8365e15a089c68d6190000000000982051fd1e4ba744bbbe680e1fee14677ba1a3c3540bf7b1cdb606e857233e0e61bc6649ffff001d01e362990101000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff0704ffff001d0104ffffffff0100f2052a0100000043410496b538e853519c726a2c91e61ec11600ae1390813a627c66fb8be7947be63c52da7589379515d4e0a604f8141781e62294721166bf621e73a82cbf2342c858eeac00000000".into();
let block2: Block = "010000004860eb18bf1b1620e37e9490fc8a427514416fd75159ab86688e9a8300000000d5fdcc541e25de1c7a5addedf24858b8bb665c9f36ef744ee42c316022c90f9bb0bc6649ffff001d08d2bd610101000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff0704ffff001d010bffffffff0100f2052a010000004341047211a824f55b505228e4c3d5194c1fcfaa15a456abdf37f9b9d97a4040afc073dee6c89064984f03385237d92167c13e236446b417ab79a0fcae412ae3316b77ac00000000".into();
2016-10-31 04:46:11 -07:00
sync.on_new_blocks_inventory(5, vec![block1.hash()]);
let tasks = executor.lock().take_tasks();
assert_eq!(tasks.len(), 2);
assert_eq!(tasks[0], Task::RequestBestInventory(5));
assert_eq!(tasks[1], Task::RequestBlocks(5, vec![block1.hash()]));
assert_eq!(sync.information().orphaned, 0);
2016-10-26 07:33:28 -07:00
assert_eq!(sync.information().chain.scheduled, 0);
assert_eq!(sync.information().chain.requested, 1);
assert_eq!(sync.information().chain.stored, 1);
assert_eq!(sync.information().peers.idle, 0);
assert_eq!(sync.information(), 1);
// push unknown block => nothing should change
2016-10-26 07:33:28 -07:00
sync.on_peer_block(5, block2);
assert_eq!(sync.information().orphaned, 0);
2016-10-26 07:33:28 -07:00
assert_eq!(sync.information().chain.scheduled, 0);
assert_eq!(sync.information().chain.requested, 1);
assert_eq!(sync.information().chain.stored, 1);
assert_eq!(sync.information().peers.idle, 0);
assert_eq!(sync.information(), 1);
// push requested block => should be moved to the test storage
2016-10-26 07:33:28 -07:00
sync.on_peer_block(5, block1);
assert_eq!(sync.information().orphaned, 0);
2016-10-26 07:33:28 -07:00
assert_eq!(sync.information().chain.scheduled, 0);
assert_eq!(sync.information().chain.requested, 0);
assert_eq!(sync.information().chain.stored, 2);
2016-10-31 04:46:11 -07:00
// we have just requested new `inventory` from the peer => peer is forgotten
assert_eq!(sync.information().peers.idle, 0);
2016-10-26 07:33:28 -07:00
assert_eq!(sync.information(), 0);
fn synchronization_out_of_order_block_path() {
let (_, sync) = create_sync();
let mut sync = sync.lock();
let block2: Block = "010000004860eb18bf1b1620e37e9490fc8a427514416fd75159ab86688e9a8300000000d5fdcc541e25de1c7a5addedf24858b8bb665c9f36ef744ee42c316022c90f9bb0bc6649ffff001d08d2bd610101000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff0704ffff001d010bffffffff0100f2052a010000004341047211a824f55b505228e4c3d5194c1fcfaa15a456abdf37f9b9d97a4040afc073dee6c89064984f03385237d92167c13e236446b417ab79a0fcae412ae3316b77ac00000000".into();
2016-10-31 04:46:11 -07:00
sync.on_new_blocks_inventory(5, vec![block2.hash()]);
2016-10-26 07:33:28 -07:00
sync.on_peer_block(5, block2);
// out-of-order block was presented by the peer
assert_eq!(sync.information().orphaned, 0);
2016-10-26 07:33:28 -07:00
assert_eq!(sync.information().chain.scheduled, 0);
assert_eq!(sync.information().chain.requested, 0);
assert_eq!(sync.information().chain.stored, 1);
2016-10-31 04:46:11 -07:00
// we have just requested new `inventory` from the peer => peer is forgotten
assert_eq!(sync.information().peers.idle, 0);
2016-10-26 07:33:28 -07:00
assert_eq!(sync.information(), 0);
// TODO: check that peer is penalized