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2016-12-08 07:45:37 -08:00
use primitives::hash::H256;
use chain::{OutPoint, TransactionOutput};
use db::{SharedStore, IndexedTransaction, PreviousTransactionOutputProvider};
use network::Magic;
use memory_pool::{MemoryPool, OrderingStrategy, Entry};
use verification::{
work_required, block_reward_satoshi, transaction_sigops,
const BLOCK_VERSION: u32 = 0x20000000;
const BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE: u32 = 4 + 32 + 32 + 4 + 4 + 4;
2016-12-08 07:45:37 -08:00
/// Block template as described in BIP0022
/// Minimal version
/// [BIP0022](
pub struct BlockTemplate {
/// Version
pub version: u32,
/// The hash of previous block
pub previous_header_hash: H256,
/// The current time as seen by the server
pub time: u32,
/// The compressed difficulty
pub nbits: u32,
/// Block height
pub height: u32,
/// Block transactions (excluding coinbase)
pub transactions: Vec<IndexedTransaction>,
/// Total funds available for the coinbase (in Satoshis)
pub coinbase_value: u64,
/// Number of bytes allowed in the block
pub size_limit: u32,
/// Number of sigops allowed in the block
pub sigop_limit: u32,
2016-12-08 07:45:37 -08:00
/// Block size and number of signatures opcodes is limited
/// This structure should be used for storing this values.
struct SizePolicy {
/// Current size
current_size: u32,
/// Max size
max_size: u32,
/// When current_size + size_buffer > max_size
/// we need to start finishing the block
size_buffer: u32,
/// Number of transactions checked since finishing started
finish_counter: u32,
/// Number of transactions to check when finishing the block
finish_limit: u32,
/// When appending transaction, opcode count and block size policies
/// must agree on appending the transaction to the block
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Copy, Clone)]
enum NextStep {
/// Append the transaction, check the next one
/// Append the transaction, do not check the next one
/// Ignore transaction, check the next one
/// Ignore transaction, do not check the next one
impl NextStep {
fn and(self, other: NextStep) -> Self {
match (self, other) {
(_, NextStep::FinishAndIgnore) |
(NextStep::FinishAndIgnore, _) |
(NextStep::FinishAndAppend, NextStep::Ignore) |
(NextStep::Ignore, NextStep::FinishAndAppend) => NextStep::FinishAndIgnore,
(NextStep::Ignore, _) |
(_, NextStep::Ignore) => NextStep::Ignore,
(_, NextStep::FinishAndAppend) |
(NextStep::FinishAndAppend, _) => NextStep::FinishAndAppend,
(NextStep::Append, NextStep::Append) => NextStep::Append,
impl SizePolicy {
fn new(current_size: u32, max_size: u32, size_buffer: u32, finish_limit: u32) -> Self {
SizePolicy {
current_size: current_size,
max_size: max_size,
size_buffer: size_buffer,
finish_counter: 0,
finish_limit: finish_limit,
fn decide(&mut self, size: u32) -> NextStep {
let finishing = self.current_size + self.size_buffer > self.max_size;
let fits = self.current_size + size <= self.max_size;
let finish = self.finish_counter + 1 >= self.finish_limit;
if finishing {
self.finish_counter += 1;
if fits {
self.current_size += size;
match (fits, finish) {
(true, true) => NextStep::FinishAndAppend,
(true, false) => NextStep::Append,
(false, true) => NextStep::FinishAndIgnore,
(false, false) => NextStep::Ignore,
/// Block assembler
pub struct BlockAssembler {
2016-12-09 02:41:11 -08:00
pub max_block_size: u32,
pub max_block_sigops: u32,
impl Default for BlockAssembler {
fn default() -> Self {
BlockAssembler {
max_block_size: MAX_BLOCK_SIZE as u32,
max_block_sigops: MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS as u32,
2016-12-08 07:45:37 -08:00
/// Iterator iterating over mempool transactions and yielding only those which fit the block
struct FittingTransactionsIterator<'a, T> {
/// Shared store is used to query previous transaction outputs from database
store: &'a SharedStore,
/// Memory pool transactions iterator
iter: T,
/// Size policy decides if transactions size fits the block
block_size: SizePolicy,
/// Sigops policy decides if transactions sigops fits the block
sigops: SizePolicy,
/// Previous entries are needed to get previous transaction outputs
previous_entries: Vec<&'a Entry>,
/// True if block is already full
finished: bool,
impl<'a, T> FittingTransactionsIterator<'a, T> where T: Iterator<Item = &'a Entry> {
fn new(store: &'a SharedStore, iter: T, max_block_size: u32, max_block_sigops: u32) -> Self {
FittingTransactionsIterator {
store: store,
iter: iter,
// reserve some space for header and transations len field
block_size: SizePolicy::new(BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE + 4, max_block_size, 1_000, 50),
sigops: SizePolicy::new(0, max_block_sigops, 8, 50),
previous_entries: Vec::new(),
finished: false,
impl<'a, T> PreviousTransactionOutputProvider for FittingTransactionsIterator<'a, T> {
fn previous_transaction_output(&self, prevout: &OutPoint) -> Option<TransactionOutput> {
.or_else(|| self.previous_entries.iter().find(|e| e.hash == prevout.hash).map(|e| &e.transaction))
.and_then(|tx| tx.outputs.iter().nth(prevout.index as usize))
impl<'a, T> Iterator for FittingTransactionsIterator<'a, T> where T: Iterator<Item = &'a Entry> {
type Item = &'a Entry;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
while !self.finished {
let entry = match {
Some(entry) => entry,
None => {
self.finished = true;
return None;
let bip16_active = true;
let transaction_size = entry.size as u32;
// we may have ignored previous transaction, cause it wasn't fitting the block
// if we did that, than transaction_sigops returns None, and we also need
// to ommit current transaction
let sigops_count = match transaction_sigops(&entry.transaction, self, bip16_active) {
Some(count) => count as u32,
None => {
let size_step = self.block_size.decide(transaction_size);
let sigops_step = self.sigops.decide(sigops_count);
match size_step.and(sigops_step) {
NextStep::Append => {
return Some(entry);
NextStep::FinishAndAppend => {
self.finished = true;
return Some(entry);
NextStep::Ignore => (),
NextStep::FinishAndIgnore => {
self.finished = true;
2016-12-08 07:45:37 -08:00
impl BlockAssembler {
pub fn create_new_block(&self, store: &SharedStore, mempool: &MemoryPool, time: u32, network: Magic) -> BlockTemplate {
2016-12-08 07:45:37 -08:00
// get best block
// take it's hash && height
let best_block = store.best_block().expect("Cannot assemble new block without genesis block");
let previous_header_hash = best_block.hash;
let height = best_block.number + 1;
let nbits = work_required(previous_header_hash.clone(), time, height, store.as_block_header_provider(), network);
let version = BLOCK_VERSION;
2016-12-08 07:45:37 -08:00
let mut coinbase_value = block_reward_satoshi(height);
2016-12-08 07:45:37 -08:00
let mut transactions = Vec::new();
let mempool_iter = mempool.iter(OrderingStrategy::ByTransactionScore);
let tx_iter = FittingTransactionsIterator::new(store, mempool_iter, self.max_block_size, self.max_block_sigops);
for entry in tx_iter {
// miner_fee is i64, but we can safely cast it to u64
// memory pool should restrict miner fee to be positive
coinbase_value += entry.miner_fee as u64;
let tx = IndexedTransaction::new(entry.hash.clone(), entry.transaction.clone());
2016-12-08 07:45:37 -08:00
BlockTemplate {
version: version,
previous_header_hash: previous_header_hash,
time: time,
nbits: nbits.into(),
2016-12-08 07:45:37 -08:00
height: height,
transactions: transactions,
coinbase_value: coinbase_value,
size_limit: self.max_block_size,
sigop_limit: self.max_block_sigops,
2016-12-08 07:45:37 -08:00
mod tests {
use super::{SizePolicy, NextStep};
fn test_size_policy() {
let mut size_policy = SizePolicy::new(0, 1000, 200, 3);
assert_eq!(size_policy.decide(100), NextStep::Append);
assert_eq!(size_policy.decide(500), NextStep::Append);
assert_eq!(size_policy.decide(600), NextStep::Ignore);
assert_eq!(size_policy.decide(200), NextStep::Append);
assert_eq!(size_policy.decide(300), NextStep::Ignore);
assert_eq!(size_policy.decide(300), NextStep::Ignore);
// this transaction will make counter + buffer > max size
assert_eq!(size_policy.decide(1), NextStep::Append);
// so now only 3 more transactions may accepted / ignored
assert_eq!(size_policy.decide(1), NextStep::Append);
assert_eq!(size_policy.decide(1000), NextStep::Ignore);
assert_eq!(size_policy.decide(1), NextStep::FinishAndAppend);
// we should not call decide again after it returned finish...
// but we can, let's check if result is ok
assert_eq!(size_policy.decide(1000), NextStep::FinishAndIgnore);
fn test_next_step_and() {
assert_eq!(NextStep::Append.and(NextStep::Append), NextStep::Append);
assert_eq!(NextStep::Ignore.and(NextStep::Append), NextStep::Ignore);
assert_eq!(NextStep::FinishAndIgnore.and(NextStep::Append), NextStep::FinishAndIgnore);
assert_eq!(NextStep::Ignore.and(NextStep::FinishAndIgnore), NextStep::FinishAndIgnore);
assert_eq!(NextStep::FinishAndAppend.and(NextStep::FinishAndIgnore), NextStep::FinishAndIgnore);
assert_eq!(NextStep::FinishAndAppend.and(NextStep::Ignore), NextStep::FinishAndIgnore);
assert_eq!(NextStep::FinishAndAppend.and(NextStep::Append), NextStep::FinishAndAppend);